I'll K MIW DAILY TRIBUNE. HEDPOBD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1900. 4 t '. v 1 i Mr. Investor Hnvo you seen the modern home seven rooms in the J space iinrt cost ol four rooms; Icnlrss refrigerator, built-in buffets ami dressers; cabinet kitchen. i i J. A. MclNTOSII, Anliitwt. Third Floor Med ford National Hank Bnildinc. I 1FYQU INTEND TO BUILD A COMFORTABLE HOME Cool for Summer and warm for winter then build a .nood jo id comfortable EASTERN HOUSE-two stories and garret; this can bo built for the same price as a bungalow come and see WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General ; oJ experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans and fLecL.ica.,l2.ns Freo of Charfle Orders Expected at Residence. 244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St., J. W. DRESSER S OFFICE. Why Not Be Comfortable and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. L""-.Y Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only c to Ic per hour. I2lnch size $15.00; 16-inch slze,'$20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling, $36.00 ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MED FORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. Yon ran hid definnco to llio tioat by having nn nlcclrin fau put in po sition. It dnosn't cost very much, oillinr. If yon haven't one, wo can fix yon up i mi short t'nno, at tlio leant. opniiKO. Wu're general oleo IrieiaiiH, anil do nil classes of work in mir lino in llio most thorough nuimior. .Tubbing skillfully and promptly executed nl lowest i hnrgos. Portable lnmpH in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. CD H c?- P P CZ2 O c-t- i i P CD m r o H O) H CD WD i P ft! r-t- i M' LJ C M O P ' . m rvn M : . " L p pr p rtS S ! 13-o O CD O lZ M co . . CD & P p s 5 q 1 CO CD O rr CD B or P 1 CD CD o S p cd pr P W P P CD C u J I CD (TO r2 CD 1 h-1' J 5 JS 5 P i CD .CD 5 OHg-S g L J . Qj fH rr w - fcg so . . i i C. CD J w O QjOu 5 CD u h: hi O n w o P-P O p O Co i Lj. c-f O Wh.if is the Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. KobitiHoii of l)niiniiin, Onliirio. ,;,s l,,.,.,, !r,,,H (or j,..irs willi in'li.'-tion. j;,,,! ri.coimneiniH riiaiiilTl,u'rt Klomni-h and I.iv;-Tablci- i,, -'ilii, ,i.Kt. nicdi-iiie I vvtr used." If tiouldi'd v.illi indi(,'f;.Hl jmi -r e.Mmlipniioii (jive tlifir, a trial. They ;.. r t l ji to , ve hciiefici.-il. They '"( eat-.y to tak and pleasant in -f'l '!. i'ri.'c I;.', f,,,,lH. Kamplert fne i ! I.cjii It. I!,iikii,s' rhannaev. RESOLUTION lie il r -olved by the i-ity i.-oiiiieil of Ihe ( ilv of Mcdford: That iiolice is licrehv L'iven thai i! is. in (hi! opinion of the city eoaneil liecc--.'iry !u,, tins eity;, council lierj hv ri-iuires that u iihu.k hidewaW five iijcl in width he constructed aloiit' hr.tli sides of Oukdale averiua from rWih street to South city limits. lifK.lvi.d further tliat the severul owner-; of adjacent and contiguous lots arc berebv reiiuired to construcl s.iil fidcualk in said manner withil lhii t days after sen ice of this re solution noon them, in the mannei provided hv ordinance No. '.i'J of said city, mussed and aiiroved Soiitemher 2nd. a 902. Resolved that copies of this reso lution be served upon the respective owners of said property in the man ner provided by said ordinance with in five days from this date, or os soon thereafter as is practicable by ilie cilv recorder of under his direc tion. Tke furctroinit resolution was passed by the city council of U City of Medl'ord on the 6th day of Auirust, 11)00 by the following vote: Merrick absent. Welch aye. Wort man aye. Kmcrick aye, Eifcrt uye, Demmer live. Apuroved AuKiist C. 1909. W. 11. CANON. Mayor. Attest: K. W. TKLFER. Itccorder RESOLUTION He it resolved bv the city council ol the Cilv of Mcdford : That notice is hereby uiven that it is. in thf opinion of the city council necessary and the city council here by requires that a planl; sidewalK five feet in width be constructs I aioiiL' east id (ier.esee street fi-nr. Kast Main street to cilv iimils us they eiisted before last alteration. Heaved further that the several owners of ."diacent and contisruous lots are hereby reiiuired to construct said sidewalk in said manner within thirty days after service of this re solution upon them, in thu manner provided by ordinance No. of sail city, passed and approved September -'lid. J lltl'J. Unsolved that, copies of this reso lution be served upon the respective' owners of said property in the man ner provided bv said ordinance with in five days from this dale, or as soon thereafter as is practicable bv the cilv recorder or under his direc tion. 'I'he foreiroiwr resolution wa passed hv the city council of the City of Mcdford on the 5th day of Aiiirust. 1909 bv the following vote; M crrick absent, Welch avet Wort rnan aye. Emcrick aye, Kifcrt ay-';, Ileuimer aye. Approved Aiiirust fi. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: li. W. TKLKEK. Recorder ORDINANCE NO. 216 An ordinance providing for the construction of a lateral sewer alony Oranee btrcet. between Eighth and Tenth streets in the City of Medford. Orccon. and for the assessment cf the cost thereof on adjacent prop erty, and providing a meeting of the council to consider protests au'.'iins,'. said construction and assessment and the servinir of the owners of ad jacent property with notice thereof. The City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Seection 1. Jt is the intention of the council to cause a six-inch lat eral sewer to be constructed a'.on Oranee street between Eighth and Tenth streets and to assess the cost thereof upon the property adjacent to said portion of said street in pro portion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider any protests against said construction and the assessing of said property for the cost thereof at a meeting of the conncil to be held August 19. 1909, at 8 o'clock p.m.. in the council chamber in said city and all property owners of adjacent property are hereby called upon t- appear before iaid council at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why such construc tion should not be made and the cost thereof so assessed. Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there of muni the property owners afore said, bv posting three copies of th;s ordinance in three public places in said citv and publishing this ordin ance once in a daily newspaper pub lished and of general circulation i:i said citv at least ten days before the date of said meeting. The foregoing ordinance was passed on August 5th. 1909. bv thu Citv Council of the City of Medfoiu bv the following vote: Merrick absent, Welch uve. Wort man ave. Kmerick aye, Eifcrt aye, llernmer ave. Approved August (i. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: It. V. T KI.KKIi, Recorder ORDINANCE NO. 215 An ordinance providing fur llio construction of a lateral sewer aiong alley through Clock 25. City of Med ford. from Second to Third street, in the Citv of Medford, Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost tnore of on adjacent property, and pro viding a meeting of the council to consider protests against said con struction and assessment and the serving of the owners of adjacent property with notice thereof. The City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to cause a six-inch lat eral sewer to be constructed along alley through Block '25 from Second to Third street in the City of Med ford and to assess the cost thereof upon the property adjacent to said portion of said street in proportion to its frontage thereon. Section 2. The council will heir and consider any protests againsi said construction and the assessing of said property for the cost there.if at a meeting of the council to be held August 19, 1909, at S o'clock p.p... in the council chamber in said city and all property owners of adjacent property are hereby called upon to appear before said council at said time and place and show cause, if anv they have, why such construc tion should not be made and the co.-.t thereof so assessed. Section 3. The Citv Recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there of noon the property owners afore said, by posting three copies of th's ordinance in three public places m said citv and publishing this ordin ance once in a daily newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in said citv at least ten days bet'o.e the date of said meeting. The foregoing ordinance was passed on August 5th. 1909. bv the Citv Council of the Citv of Medford bv the following vote: Merrick absent. Welch aye. Woi : man ave: Emerick aye. Kifcrt avj, Demmer ave. Approved August f. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest : li. W. TELFER. Recorder B D X D U s The ABC of Gasoline Engines Alamos gasoline engines belong at the head of the list in engines as much as A be longs at the hend of the alphabet. Because wherever they have been demonstrated they have taken the first prizes ab solutely on their merits. Can you afford to use any but the best grade of gasoline engir.es for irrigation or other purposes? I The by tin slmle Our Vacific lev la-l vy..1T...,vw.':,.'-rrfA Alamo engine has beon selected by the State University at Eugene, and als.i Oregon Afrietiltural College at Corvullis, as the best engine adapted to demon -the latest and most approved principles of gas engine practice to the student-. -h.p. Alamo Victor vertical electric lighting outfit was selected by the Souther.! ": Company to light the demonstration train which toured the Willamette val- der t'uo direction of llio Agricultural College, and these people were so nel! pleased uiih the Alamo engine that it was again selected by them to light the demonstration train which recently toured Southern Oregon. The Westinghouse Kleeivie Company and the Northern Electric Company, which as you know are the two largest nuinnl'aetuiers of electrical goods in America, have both adopted the Alamo gasoline engine, and now recommend them and illustrate them in their bulle tins. A complete stock of engines, together with n full fine of extra parts, is always available at Portland. If you will inform us concerning the exact use for which you wish the engine, wo will be pleased to furnish vow gratis what information we can concerning the necessary horse power. Wo have had a great deal of experience in milking installations of all sizes, and no doubt can be of some assistance to you. Rogue River Power and Machinery Co. 31 BARTLETT STREET WE DO COMMERCIAL WOOD SAWING G H K M R Q o N