0' THE MBDffORD DAILY TRIBUNE, ME3iPOBP, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 11)0!). . m EUROPE WITS MANY APPLES WALLA WALLA. A us. -.!. Putins of this city is in receipt of a let if from Liverpool, Knghuui, writ' en by Simons, Shuttlcworth i.v Co., under date of July 8. which e views the fruit crop in Knrope. Ac cording to the contents of the letter, the fruit crop is short and not only in this country but also in Kurope. "The letter roads: 'in England apples are very short, although tho quality is reported to be belter than usual. In Ireland they havo a large crop of low grade ap ple. Plums in England are light. There are a good many damsons in some sections, but on the whole the crop is away below the average. The plum is reckoned a serious competi tor of the apple in our mnrkets. "On the continent apples are look ing well, and from medium to goud crops are promised in the most im portant sections. On the other hand, plan hnev failed altogether in som-.-di.-' riots and on the whole will be a short crop. This is a very satisfac tory feature from the point of view of the American apple feature. "Later on our Xew York offico will give you their estimates as t the apple crops in the States aami Canada, together with the latest news as to the European outlook. ' W hope to be favored with the op portunity of doing some business with you this season. THE CALL OF THE WILD. On September 7, S and!), the Pa oitic Indians will hold their first an 1111 tl conclave at Medford. Oregon; tin-re will be more than a hundred lir-ives with their Greeners. Parkers, remingtons. Smiths. Ithicas, Win -clie.-ters. Bakers. Savages. Stevens. Marlins, and other makes of weapons of warfare, and great will be the slaughter of clay birds. It will be a tournament open to the world and it is duly fegistered by Ike Interstate Association. rinses will be divided at the ratio of 40. 'SO, 20 and 10 per cent. There will be .."i00 or more added to the parses and sriven in sterlins trophies. FIRST DAY. Nine events of 20 targets each; $'20 added to each event. SECOXT) DAY. Nine events of 20 targets each; $20 added to eaeh event. THIRD DAY. Five events of 20 targets each; $20 added to each event. In the afternoon there Mill bbe shot :m event of "ifl targets per man. for fhe general average honors, in three classes. There will be offered three handsome trophies of equal value to he competed for separately by those who have shot the regular program through and averaged respectively OPEN SEASON FOR DEER Deer are very plentiful this year. The season only lasts a few weeks. Your chance for a full quota is doubly assured if your outfit contains one of our new No. 4 REMINGTON AUTO-REPATING RIFLES FAST SHOOTING, HARD HITTING, LARGE ENOUGH FOR ANY GAME. CHAMBERED FOR THE 35, 33-30 AND 32 REMINGTON AUTOLOAD ING SMOKELESS SHELLS. Most 02 per cent and over. There will also be shot on this day a special Indian event en costume, for a suitable prize. The iici.ple of Medford are noted j for their cntcrtahiitig qualities. !fj you have been there you know lhi to be a fact. If you haven't then , come to this tournament and ee the metropolis of Southern OiegoiuU1' metropolis of the Rogue River Valley and have one of the grandest time-, of your life. The Pacific Indians invite you, the City of Medford holds out her hands in welcome to you, you will never meet a better lot of fellows. Tho list', are set, the way is open. The pipe of peace is lighted and readv Come. EVERYTHING READY SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 7. Ev erything is in readiness for the 17th session of the National Irrigaliur. Congress in Spokane. August 9 to 14. when experts will discuss proli-1 lems reclaiming arid and swnupj lands, forestry, deep waterways.! good roads, home-building and the! conservation o fthe country's mit-j ural resources. George E. lar.-tnw , of Texas, will preside, and anions! the 4000 delegates will be represen tives from every state and territory in the Union and the provinces of Canada, 30 delegates from Eump-, the southern republics and the ori ent, also several cabinet officers, of ficials of the United States forest ry and reelaamtion services, rail road presidents, bankers, engineer-;, fanners, orchardists and trucck gardners. Various stages of the development of the Pacific northwest will he shown by elaborate floats and other I devices in two parades of progress, j and a march in review of the indur,- j trial and irrigation army. lO.OnO men and 3.1 bauds of music, on Riv- erside avenue on August 10. 11. audi 12. when the electrical illuminations and decorations will he the most pre tentious ever attempted in this part of the west. There will also he de monstratiions of 14 methods of sup plying moisture to the land by arti ficial means and exhibits of prnd ncts. NEWSLETS. Mayor Simon, of Portland, has is sued an edict .'.hat the red light dis trict of that city must close. The street-car strike in Chicago promises to be the greatest one in listory. Woodhurn, Oregon, is to pave lt principal business street with biik llihic pavement. complete stock of all ORDINANCE NO. 220 An ordinance providing for execution of a contract with Warren Construction Company the inning of a portior of W Main street, in tho Cilv of Medford, Oregon, providing terms of said con tract. The Cv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. That the proposition 1 the Warren Construction Couniiniy. a Washington corporation for ihe paving ot that portion of West Mam street in the Citv of Medford. Ie tween the East line of Laurel street and the citv limits of said city, with bitulithie paving be and tho same is hereby accepted and the mayor and recorder ure hereby authorized and instructed to enter into mid sign r. contract in tho form and manner hereinafter set forth for such pav ing and such action by said mayor and recorder is hereby expressly authorized, ratified and confirmed. This agreement made and entered into this day of ,lulv. 190!) bv ma! between the Wane.: Construeti in Company, a Washing ton corporation, hereinafter callei', the Contractor and the Citv of Med-t'o.-d. a municipal corporation, here inafter '.a'led the Citv. Witii'vcih, that in uonsideratim of the covenants hereinafter sei forth the contractor hereby under takes and covenants to furnish a! necessary material and labor and d all the work of excavating, filliiu and paving, installir.g inlets an other necessary material and labo- for purine West Main street in said i cilv I n in the cast line of Laurel avenue to the westerly city limits ol said city to a width of thirty-si (.'!() feet ami to furnish said matov-j iul and do said work and complet 'i said paving in a first-class, sub i stantial and workmanlike manner j for the price hereinafter set forth and in accordance with the plan-: end . l ecit'ieniinns therefor adopt I ! bv the citv 'iimei! for said WO.'.i ' and ,ipoi tiii.- lei in- and conditio is in said plan- and specifications set forth, wr.icl; s.i plans and specifi cations are on file in tho recorder office of ec.ul citv and are herein expressly referred to and made part of this agreement. And in consideration therefor tl said city agrees to pay said eontrac tor therefor at the following rates: Excavation, per cubic yard .$0.7 Bitulithie surface, per square van! $2.00. Bituminous foundation, per cubit yard. $4.50. i Standard monument $2.00. cases, each ii Inlets as per planned, each. Six-inch terra-cotta pipe, per lin- eal foot. $0.50. Six-inch east iron pipe per lineal foot. $1.50. Eight-inch terra-cotta sewer pipe. each. . Catch basins, each $15.00. Three-inch drain tile, if any, per lineal foot. $0.15. It is further covenanted and agreed, however, that the total pri" for performing nil of said work i-i accordance with said plans and spa cifications shall not exceed ni amount equalling the total amount of an assessment of $5.91 per fnrit makes of fire arms on all properly fronting upon pavement, exclusive of street intersections, plus the sum of - Dollars, The foregoing mn ; shall not. however, be held to iuclich any work done bv order of sail) citv or its duly niilhori.ed officials in excess of or in addition to the wo-.l. eonlo-milaled and provided for bv said plans and specifications. The contractor agrees further t furnish a bond for tho faithful per formiinco of this contract to be ap proved by the city council of the Citv of Medford, Oregon, for the sum of $-,.-).000 having us surely thereon some rural v company auth orized to do business in the stale ot Oregon, guaranteeing in proper form the faithful performance of this con tract ami further indemnif ving the Cilv of Medford against all cluiim, or liens for labor, work or malcri il or acts of all siib-contractois. ma terial men. laborers and machinists furnishing labor or material under this contract. if it is found , any time duriii: the progress of I he work or at anv time thereafter that the plans un-i specifications difler in any point or in any way conflict, il is iiiiilci-loi.i and agreed that in such case tlu specifications shall in each and ev ery instance prevail. The foregoing ordinance wa. passed on August .1. 1)() l,v M. ,.j(V council of lip. City of Medford !, Ihe following vote: Merrick, absent. Welch aye. Woi l . man aye. Emerick ave. Eifert avc. Detainer nve. Approved August (J. 1(1(1!). W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest : K. W. TKLI'KH. Recorder. RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the citv council .f the Citv of Medford: That notice is hereby given that ii is. in the opinion of the citv counc'i 'oeessnrv and the citv council hciv- lv requires that a cement sidewalk live feet in width he construct--'! along west side of Genesee -livl from East Main street, northerly 247' feet. Resolved further that the several owners of adjacent and contiguous lots are hereby required to construct said sidewalk in said manner within thirtv days after service of (his ri c.lntinn upon them, in the mnunci provided bv ordinance No. .'1(1 of said citv, passed and approved Scptcmbor 2nd. 1002. Resolved that copies of this reso lution be served upon the respective owners of said property in the man ner provided bv said ordinance with in five days from this dale, or as soon thereafter ns is practicable liv the citv recorder or under his direc tion. The foregoing resolution was! passed bv the citv council of the Citv of Medford on the 5th day ..I August. 1900 bv the following vole. Merrick absent. Welch live. Wori man avc. Emerick nve. Eifert aye. Demmer ave. Approved August G. 1!)00. W. H. CANON. Mavor. Attest: If. W. TELEER. Recorder and ammunition to be foot saiil "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders (ioiden Cite Coffee." It is so kooiI we cannot obtain a better coffee: not if we piiil $1 a pound for it. ' Everything about Folder's Golden Gate Coffee is prrtett, 4iuJ e sell it with the positive guarantee that il will i lc.u.c you. Allen & Reagan GROCfcwTES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Medford iron Works Jf'itgJ E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All W: chincry '' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and M; Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. yClvs. Urcitfc Ufamptoit 3saacs "3rttuctor of "piano, tlst 3ttetbo5 SiuMfia? ?4t,tfw. Mcr'h Omvt Strr.i found in Southern Oregon RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, if yo.i want something out of tho ordinary. We do the best woik and char:;o the lowest priced. W. W. EIFERT TUB PHOOHtBHIVB TAILOR TWENTY-TWO-INCH BARREL ONLY, STRAIGHT GRIP, PLAIN WALNUT STOCK, SHOTGUN BUTT, RU2BER BUTT PLATE, BLUED FINISH. FIVE-SHOT, TAKE-DOWN WEIGHT 7 3-4 FOUNDS. Tl. I liar e 0 21 r