City Hall $1,000 REWARD! ONE T. IOt SANI) DOLLARS UPWARD WILL BE PAID BY THE UNDERSIGNED TO ANY PERSON WHO CAN SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OR TOWN' IN THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OF THE ROGUE RIVER VLLEY. HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT, WITHIN A 1 . MILE RADIUS, A I'O-MH.K RADIUS, A 30-MILE RADIUS OR A 40-MILE RADIUS, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MXDFOBIi. OREGON. HAS WITHIN A ( 'ORIf KSI'ONDING RADIUS. MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Medford Daily Tribune 1 1 FT . FOURTH YEAR. FEELING INTENSE OVER INJUNCTION Medford Citizens Generally Aroused Regarding Injunction issued Fri day Restraining City in Laying of Water Main to Intake. , Tin issuing nl' mi iiijiiiii'liiiu block i niT ill.' laying of tin- gravity water n.VHtiiii across (Ik- limilcy promises nn 1 .it t It Hullo Creek bus aroused I he most intense public feeling in 1 1 1 - oily, mill nn all Hide are heard olTels nl' subscriptions In a fund, if neeileil, In tight llie case In tile eml. Tlio fool lilt,' in llie city is dial Mauley him hud fi fair inn) impartial hearing lie for. ii jury nml wiim awarded a jiin! iiiiiiiiinl nf dunnce-. , ami that the -:i-e should therefiire have been sot I '!. The loss In the eily throin;l the delay will iiiiiiiiinl In n '.'real ilea! ami die prevailing sentiment is that Haidcv is trying a hnlil-ui game on (lie eitv, and dial thousands -lioiud PARTY BAGK FROM VISIT TO THE LAKE C. H. Snyder Has Much Praise tor j Crater Lake-Also Visited ; in Klamath Falls. After driving 23li miles in u little "onc-lungcr" Cadillac, C. H. Snyder, Col F. L. TouVelle and R. R. Liithor returned Friday evening from a trip to Crater Lnko and Klamath Falls. The trip was made in les than foil" days, the party leaving this city r.l 1 1 o'clock last Tuesday night. The aehine whs packed high with thai" nmping oiitllt, hut throughout the entire disliince no accident oconrod. All of the travelers were entrance. by the lieauties of the lake and much impressed by what they found i'l Klnninth County. They tarried along the way, seeing nil the sights among which was llie natural bridge. I he Uogue River falls ami the Mill Creek lulls. They wenl down to the water in ('rater Lake ami llshcd. "The I rip is a splendid one to make," said Mr. Snyder, "mid mtisl say that with even all I have heard of the beauty of the lake Ihal llie half has not yet heen told." THE NASH GRILL Tnlizle IVHnlc Dinncf Sunday, 'Anf. S. Celery . Olives Salted Nuts Cnnsomino mix Alphabet fWnnnlc Snlninn. Mnitrc D'Hotcl, Chip Potatncs. Head Letuco and Toinnocs. French Drcsslim. F-if d Spring Chicken, a la Maryland. new ween Peeas. Nash Special Punch. Nafiisrn Wafers. Young Vnnl. with Dressing., Curd on Co!) MarhP.rt Potalonr, Clinenhfn Infl Cream. Afiorfori Fanrv Cakes. Rnfitiefort Chcccra lie x-nt for defense lint not one eent for tnliate. Another mailer that is adding In public indignation is the f'aet thai, Cireiiil .Iixle llaiiiiii iiiuniseil City Allorney NelT that lie would not grant an injunction withniil first 1 ) -lifying Mr. NelT, ami yet .Indue Han ua violated that promise, and the llr-il thai Mr. Neff knew of the in junction was when Attorney llonini's imtilieil him over the telephone. It is probable thai a suliseription I st will he eircitnteil and money sub- erilieil with which to fight 111'' ease in the end. Medford has her scrnp I i ii sr lilooil up, and now wants no i mice without honor. BOURNE CEOSE FRIENO TO TAFT Senator from Ore,von Said Jo Be The closest Frjend Pres. rinnf T,if u,c uvxr, I Hit I UJi WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. Who is the closest man to President Tuft 7 Senator .Jonathan Bonnie of Ofegnn ! So cried the President's chauffeur; so answers the President's cuddy; si reply the Secret Service, guards, the Military Aids, and the newspaper men assigned to llie White House. No one vent urine, to deny the state ment, it niny lie accepted ns Gospel. Hut why is Bourne elosee? Ah. Hint's the ipiestion just now agitating the breasts of n great many worthy per sons. Why is Bourne? Is it lieeausv because he look off his eont. and his waistcoat, mid his outer shirt, and his undershirt during the campaign and worked like the mischief to land Tall in the Presidential chair Well, hardly. Bourne kicked like nn Ore iron steer against the very name of Taft. He staked his reputation, spent his mniie yaud moved all his friends to tears in the frantic effort to throw T. Ronseiell bnek into the While House against T. Roosevelt's will. "Bui what is Bourne after?" they ask. "WlinC-i his game?" "He's afler nolhing: he bus no same." is the truthful answer. He is the one homeless Senator, the one nxolcss Senator. Straugo ns il may seem, Bourne lias never yet taken u;i a single matter of business with President Taft at a golf game, on the road, or al. any other moment, of re creation. He talks about ovorylhiiig else bill business. Probably this is one reason why the President likes lo have him around. When be is wilh Bourne be enn forget thai, be is President of Hie United Slal es, wilh several thousand jobs nl bis disposal, and can net and feel just like any oilier healthy American citizen who is diverliiie; hiins.'ll' by rubbing up MEWi K i Ui.'L'i'iOX, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1909. E TO PIPE Pipe Has Now Been Laid on Gravity Water System Line 4000 Feet Beyond the Bradshaw Drop. WILL REACH HANLEY LINE IN ABOUT SIX WEEKS. Pump Will Probably be Installed at That Point to Keep Pipe Full of Water to Protect It. Steps are being token by the city otlicials to protect the pipe linn dur ing such time ns the city is held up by Hunlcy from entering upon his premises on Little Butte Creek. The line bus now been laid for u distance of -1000 feet heyond the Bradshaw drop, or to Fiddler's Gulch. The work is progressing along the hill side above Brownsboro at the rate of about a mile n week. It is though that the Htinley line will be reached in about six weeks. The present plans of the city oil! cials for the protection of the pipe line consist of instnlling n pump just this side of the Hunlcy ranch nnd keeping the pipe line full of wntcr. In nil probability the contractors enn he induced to stop shipment on the two miles of pipe so Hint it need not lay in the Run without protec tion. L. A. Carter ennie down from tse mines owned by ho nnd his sons on Snrdino Creek, Sunday. He snys them is considerable activity nmotig the miners of that district and that the prospects were never bettor. The Gray Eagle people nre open ing up some good ore nnd now have n 10-stmnp mill on the way, which will shortly be installed. The initio is looking well and the company has quite a bunch of good ore in sight and a lot on the dump beside. At Driinimoiul Gulch .1. D. Adams, who recently acquired the property ; from W. L. McClure, has completed the rond lo the mine, built cabins nnd is now at work opening up tho mine. Mr. Adams is an experienced miner, , knows a good thing when he sees it, and is more than snlistied with the I Blackhawk mine. ! llnyes & Unwed irv dninn ym-d work on the Lucky Karl, and the probabilities for the resumption of j active work on Ibis famous mine are ; o'nod. The Lucky Part has produced I many thousand dollars in the pas! ,11ml is by no menu exhausted vol, in fact llie surface has barely been scratched. Cavler & Sons have sns pended development work on their mine in order o( commence work on llie Klines Creek lime kiln, where lliey expect In make some subslanlial iaiprcnemenls during the next fev NEW SYSTEM GUT OVER TONIGHT Medford Citizens Will Awaken Sun. . day Morning to Find Much Better Phone Service in Operation. NO NEED AFTER TONIGHT TO TWIST THE OLD CRANK System to Be Up-to-Date ,and Wiil be Further Improved by Install- ing New Phones. No-more twisting of cranks i ring Bp central afler tonight. ', goodbye to the old system nnd nolo to' llie Jicw, for tonight the local phone ny-feul, will be cut over to tho new ivitcM)'i.:ird, nnd then by simply tak ing down the receiver central will get the wartiing and you will get the old "Number?" For the past six months the P.i cifle States Telephone Company hnvc beer, at work installing the ncr switchboard and making many other improvements in this city. After cutting over the swiitehhoard new phones will be installed throghou the eily and wiring put in. MUSIC AND ICE CREAM FOR ALL Edwin P. Hughes & Co., the widi awake linn of realty brokers of Ash land, are making preparations ot en tertniu n largo number of people on the occasion of the opening of their new addition to the city of Ashland known ns the Alfn Addition, which occurs Mondny nnd Tuesday, August 0th and 10th. There will be miisi.; nnd refreshments for everyone on the grounds nnd nn invitation is ox tended to all to come and see for themselves the finest residence dis trict to be found in Ashland. SUNDAY DINNER At the Louvre Cafe. August Stli. Cream of Chicken, with rRicetaoi Cream of Chicken, with Rice. N Fried Silver Smelt, with TartarN Sauce. Lettuce Salad Shoestring Potatoes Veal Cutlets, with Country Gravy. String Beans. Stuffed Spring Chicken Mashed New Potatoes Sugar Corn. Ice Cream. Homc-Made Cakes. Demi Tase. PERSONALS. T. V.. Miles, of llie Jackson County Abstract Company, and Miss Miles, left Friday evening for the Sealt'e I Fair. ! Manager- Pancvoft, of thee Pus? t Moll, leaves today for a vocation of , a l'e' days. ('. W. Tnrpii! was a Medford vis , ilor on Saturday. ,' John Erlin. of San Francisco, is a i . sitor in Medford. T. E. Merrick has returned from n Iviii lo Crater Lake. I'. 1. Elwood nnd family are ev pecled to return from a campim; trip ALFONZO FACING CIVIL WAR i 500 Revolutionists Outskirts of Madrid. Quiet of Past Few Days Only Calm Before the Storm. MADKID. Aug. 7. Alfonzo :s again facing a civil war in spite nf the quiet of the past few days. To day mobs nre parading the streets r.f Madrid in spite of summary methods employed by the authorities in quel ling the riots. In a pitched battle on the outskii-: of the city earl'- today over 300 rev olutionist were shot down bv the soldiers. The mob. for the most part, were armed only with clubs. No soldiers were killed. From all parts of the kingdom re Hrts are drifting in of disquietude mid the authorities are very mnnh alarmed. The friends of the young son of MERLIN CAPITALIST PLEASED WITH VALLEY! Visiting Medford Looking Over Val leyReports Big Peach Crop in Merlin. Chns. E. Short, of Merlon, who has the reputation over in Josephine County of being something of n booster, is spending n couple of weeks in this city, "trying to imbibe some fo the Medford Spirit," as he expresses it. For the past three years Mr. Short has been the owner of the Merlin townsite. but has re cently given an option on his prop erty to n syndicate who nre planning extensive impprovoments, and he is looking for some place to light While expressing grent confidence in the future of Merlin, he recognizes Medford as tho metropolis of South ern Oregon and the coming capital of Siskiyou, nnd says that even though the prices of land in this vi cinity nre very much higher than in his district, he believes there is still room for profitable investment. 'There is a tone to these paved streets and extensive municipal im provement that makes one feel n though it would be nice to life here," said he, "and ns T dislike the idea f leaving this delightful Rogue Bivc" climate, I am apt to become one of your permanent citizens." He reports an enormous pencil crop in the vicinity of Merlin, tb.'j Mist shipments of which will begin ' ' a few days, and that the yield of apples and grapes is nbove the ov erage. HOTEL ARRIVALS At the Nash Phillip Bnehnci-, Miss l'uehner. Miss X. P.uehuer. Mis L. I'luhner, II. P. Bucbner, Port land; A. C. Leonard. S. F. ; B. E. Muling and wife, Portland; E. Hull Mimisi. Minneapolis; 'Mrs. A. F. Brown. Pasadena, Cal.; F. S. Todd. S. F. ; K. Buchanan, Pes Moines, Ta.; IL TL Slovens. So. Omaha; D. T. Carnes, X. Y. : U. S. Chi- No. 120. IS AGAIN Shot Down on Don Carlos, the former pretender to the throne of Spain are donig all in their power to keep the revolt stirred up, trusting that they will be able to place the young man npon the throne. Since the riots of n few days ago. executions of mob lenders have been been of an almost daily occurrence. The most summary measures have been adopted by the authoritiese. A strict censorship has been placed upon all of the channels of news throughout the kingdom, includ ing that which has been sent out. At no time during the quiet of the past gew days have the authorities re laxed their vigilance. BOXING MATCH ON FOR NEXT WEEK Noted Athlete Will Tryout With West and Ralston of this City Some Time Next Week. Dan Sullivan, of Montana, a noted athlete, wrestler and boxer, is visit ing in Medford, nnd will box W. n. West nnd Earl Ralston, local cham pions, three rounds each, some night next week. Tt is a long time since Medford seen a first-class boxing match, nnd lovers of the sport nre anxiously looking forward to the event. Sllivnn represented America wih more or less success in the wrestling events nt Athens four years ago, at the Olympic games. He has not been in the ring for more than a year, is 23 years of age and weight 1"8 lbs. His only real battle of importance, was in boating McConnell. instructor of the Multnomah Club. At the Portland fair he was sec ond in the 100-yard dash, won the pole vault and hammer throw. Lnt winter, after a contest lasting 3 hours and 42 minutes, he defeated Julius Johnson, the Seattle wrestler. Hanley and wife. W. P. Hanlcy Jr.. Portland: Mrs. G. E. Pusey. Oregon City; L. II. Simon, H. Tt. Squires, E. P. Summers, S. F. ; A. Morrison. A. J. Morrison. Cincinnatti. O. ; H. A. Anderson. Chicago: J. H. Bantu. G. A. Benedict. Portland: J. II. Ware. Seattle. At the M c C. It. Thompson nnd family. Portland;. J. J. Couso and wife.' Hollywood, Cal.; J. W. Oi-eennll. Portland: J. E. Woodrulf and wife, Buffalo. X. Y.: J. F. Fit gerald nnd wife. Olowa. Kin.: A. E Sclby, Grand Forks, X. D.;CBire.l Selbv. A. G. Budge. Grand Forks, Mrs.' Bell. Bedding. Cal.; W. W. Tr vivng. Los Angeles; G. L. MeNclly, S. F. ; Ben W. Whitney, Pollock. S. P.; John Bloom, IToldbridgo, Xeb. ; P. Jf. Lee. Bisboo, Ariz.; S. S. Pont.'.,