Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 06, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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tnnnni ii nnrnnni iit
MII,lfll AN frlfMllifll
X' (Continued from Page 1.)
iliivs before the lioliliiiL uf siii'h i
of oourt
W H. Coleman and William Janes The complaint reviews in full the
spout Friday over on the Applcgate. history of the ease against Hanley.
Deputy Sheriff K. B. How was il '" regard to the constitutionality oi
Medford on business on Friday. i 'he special term of court, it says:
Try Cirnhee's Method for removing ''There is not vested in the Aovern
corns, bunions, oto. 25c at ITaskins' l,r of the State of Oregon any power
Drug Store. 1211 ' '"all n special session of the nbov;
Mrrs. Chits. Prim and son Charles r any cause, mat
(Continued from page 1.)
crn civilization. There is not a cor
poration in the country that does not
employ the ablest men they can ob
tain to produce the right imprcsinn
in the public mind oh the article which I
it has to m'm There is no ditYorcii
in the ailvr" of the soods on the whom I he,l insurance
shelf of the ii ei 'hunt than in advei- i An adjustment of Kill cents on lh.'
ti.iiiL' tin1 mi .aire- of a communi- dollar for the amount iiwm-o.t I
Mr. K. A. Holmes, City,
wear Mr:-It" ,k reconimeudntion
trom a enstoiuer would lie of nnv
vniue in your olllce, allow me to ex
press my appreciation of the manner
in which my recent loss by tire was
adjusted, bv vnnr..ll' .....I n
Isentalives of (be vnri.iiK
and Miss Britt, left for Portland and 'acre t not esiea tn sam juuge oi l v. The inlei.c-- M-ttler bring v.u -""'U covering tho nbove ainounl
Seattle Wednesday. 1,16 o11" District of tho Stato '."! wealth in the manner thai i',,. , within four days lifter Dm dual ad
Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin, of Pneh, regon. any power to call n spe'i:l1 ; intending customer brings wealth !.. ; itment was attached nud made n
were at the county seat Tuesday. I ihe merchant. Advertising is es- . part ol each policy I hold.
All grade of Summer hats mil ' 7.. -entinl to both, ninl in a growing city uy estimation the foiviroin
. .1 . .... Miss Anne .TerYrov c vtcitimv tmr'i-t .i . i - i '. .-. i i. ..
nien s ousters greauy reuueeu at in-! - - ukc mis uie cuy as u wnoic sinmi'ii 'l'"" ei ior tno companies vol
Wardrobe. 119 .""- ". more certainly enter the advertising ' "l "'ir niethoils of pro
li-l 1 .' t' vi ir t, . . I. 'll.l . 1 1... ' .... ...I. ! .1. .
vv ny pay more, wnen you can act -Aiisses uessie aim May taruart, : ncin inan me niercnuni. .....m-, mou are tno vitul points t
tno same meal lor less at the ri'V. ot l'ortland, are visiting their mother, i Many Alter Settlers.
Cafe. Cool, clean and all white help. Mrs. Stevens. "Medford is not alone in the world
Mr. and .Mrs. timer Colemnn, or .jss Minnie Hoekenvos. who is in the matter of trying to secure tit.1
(Continued on Pngo 5.)
Phoenix, were the guests of Mrs. W. teaching at Sawtelle, Calif., is visit-j settler. There are many towns in
R. Coleman, at Jacksonville, Wednes jllg rol,itives in Medford, as is is Miss ; this country from the Atlantic to the
dny. 1 liose Iloekenyos, of Portland. J I'acic, where activity is manifest in
Make life's walk easy by usine , , .' p . , ,-eciirinu' them. All these towns m-
n . , r , , ,. ..,.. w AV'lllllTl ail-UlUltl '
uruoe s .tieinou ior removing corns
25c nt llaskins' Dnig Store. 123
Ladies' high-top Summer oittin;;
shoes: also men's and boys' Summer
teachei-s was held yesterdav when the I v,mp competitors. Many of them
Misses Karhnrt and Hoekenvos were ! 1,:lve ''hools and c.dleges and
guests at luncheon of Mrs. Ilockcn-
weight elk sole shoes, below price, at w
H, W 1 i. no '-i"f.
the Wardrobe. 119
A. Van der Ilellen. of Weleln, spent
Friday in Medford. He reports the
city gravity pipe completed for
mile and a half east of Wellen nnd
work being steadily pushed,
S. B. DeRoboam, of Jacksonville,
has invented a fish wheel which bids
fair to till! a long felt want in the
Rogue River valley. Mr. De Roboani
has tho wheel on exhibition at Jack
Mrs. Frances M. Snyder was i.
Jacksonville on business Thursday.
A grns fire along the railroad trae
north of the city was responsible for
the calling out of the re department
Friday afternoon. No damage was
Our coffee, tea and spices are un
excelled. Southern Oregon Tea and
Coffee Co. Phone 3303.
Judge S. S. Pentz, of Butte Falls,
is on a business trip in Medford.
H. B. Patterson, lsp.'c-enting the
Quaker Nurseries at Salem, Oregon,
is located at Medford, and is the
special selling ugeut for the above
firm, and make a specialty of budded
of packing and shippinge anC
stock on whole roots. Our method
of packing and shipping pssure.1? the
planter the very best results. .Mr.
Patterson, with his 30 years as a
grower aud salesman, insures yen
the best sen-ices. Our trees are
gfown without irrigation, and point
ers will find that they will get better
results than with irrigated store.
Mr. Patterson hits a full carload of
peaeh trees that will arrive here souw
time in December, and planter can
save almost lialf on peach trees. IT?
will guarantee all of these trees true
to label, also will have from 5000 to
(iOOO roses that will come in the same
car, that will be sold real cheap.
Beter come in and have a talk and
save money on peach trees and rose-;.
Office in Hotel Nash office
Hear Romanoff, the great Austria'!
violinist nt the Nash Grill during din
ner hour tonight.
Music by the orchestra nnd violin
solos from 0 to 7:30 o'clock nt tho
Nash Grill tonight.
Everybody is eating nt the Xns1!
Grill these summer evenings to hear
.' mate aud fruit laud and uumeioii
other talking points. If your com
petitor is active you must be active.
If yon expect to hold your trade Med
ford must always expend every do!
Inr she can to rake and scrape to ad-
vertise her advantages. The moment
the town would let up, that moment
the town begins to fall and its growth
becomes small. The secret of Med
ford's road to wealth lies in publicity
be considered by the insured.
llianking you lor the personul in
teres! in lnv !.ulr, I remain,
Uespoctfullv vours,
One hundred and sixty acres of
"d near Athona sold for $18,0000.
tlint i i,i tiili-ortiuiiir. Km mli'mi
.1.- .1 .1 1. . iv., i I iimi . .. . v .
i iiu ueiigiiuui musical program ren- ,
dcred by the orchestra and tho great , ' '
violinist Romanoff.
J. H. Bnum has returned from n
business trip north.
Elias Rood is surveying a railroad
line in the Illinois Valley.
C. H. Thompson and family are re
cent arrivals in Medford.
Describing Towns. ' i
j Mr. Buchanan has been prepariu;; ,
i a series of letters upon the Pacific j
: Coast for his daily, describing the j
I country as he views it. The letters j
! are not in the line of advertising and i
' are purely given from his own view
! point as he sees tho country. lie
The Baker Inuterurban Railway 1 l,ns PP "'ting inn
ompany has been incorporated f,,',. tenal upon the development and
the purpose of com;truet::ig elcctre : . " . . . he . -
railway line in and near Raker Cit9 ' " r " t u i !
Oregon ' 111111 '-irii,1,IIf' JXT r"-"17" r
mi 1 r -v t i ( oust He Hurt ciirn i i: o i
The Mazamas, Oregon's mauntam- . " . " n , .. . , .
i i - i 1 , ; view oi llh rchii ti i im 11 iu m-j
ehmbir.g club, is now sealing Mount t ' , . R.
Baker, Washington. I JIJ'" vu
, j I Olllltl y Will UC IUUI.UIU l pvr I J wj
ATTENTION A. F. & A. ML ,cn 1Mt
There wiU be work this evening ii ,.. - hntt.r.
the M. M. degree. A full attendance fl prompty f,lle.d. Phone tht
is required.
1 l "rnmer7.
Savoy Theatre
Tonight and Saturday
The Diamond Maker
The Plot That Failed
The Curse
You can't Beat To
That is Unsurpassed In America
This is a sporting proposition for
....... ,.f i.t. . . ... i.i neiuin ii is not a lurm.
I iieiiiilled Trout Fishing June
to November.
Deer Hunting on the premises.
August 1 to November 1.
I hick Shooting superior to any it
tho state, over thousands of
acres of wild eelery nnd rice,
September 1 l Fehrunry 1.
Arouse and Pheasant Shooting o i
the place October l." to Novem
ber 1;.
Host starting piece in the county
for a Hear hunt.
The Crater Lake Automobile road
will run through the place for a
mile and a quarter.
Navigablo water to the proiier
ty. unsurpassed drinking water,
and power to develop the prop
erty. More bottom land and line gar
den land than any pla"c on the
Thousands of Pine nnd Kir trcis
and thousands of Quaking As
pens. More varieties of wild flowers
and natural grasses and vetches
than any place in the county.
If you dovclop this property ns ;t
can be developed, there is no
resort in the county that cn:i
compare with it.
No amount of talking will de
scribe it let ns show you.
We have been offered more than
twice what it cost, but have a
price at which yon may take u
' below which we will keep it.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
porters nre inclined to believe II
Ihe government might withdraw this
reiiiiremeut without endungering do
nieslic fruit trees, since npples re
.iccted at lliiniburg have been shippei
lo Senndinnx in, lleumiirk nnd Em:
laud without having a snrea.l
ot i no disease.
Should Bo Well Packed.
Apples should be packed in stan
dard barrels or, if of special nnnlitv.
I hey should he wrapped in paper and
packed in cases of one bushel. Curt
should he taken not to hip short
weight barrels, which now come from
some districts, ns they may be chissi
ed for duly at .1 marks per 100 kilo,
(II. K per 2110 pound-) instead of
.1.2 murks (7(lc). Unrrels are almost
invnnubly intended to coutuiii Hirer
bushels, hut evaporation and settling.
I ling shipment lo Kurone, some
times causes n space to form in tin
top of the barrel, which is then tilled
with paper in order to obtiiiu a tiithl
package. The Aormnn tariff law ap
plies the rate o" ." murks In double
packed apples, which is always ap
plied to paper-wrapped apples in
in boxes, liy interprelulion this cln-.-I
siliiention has been applied to the
I short barrels described, the paper
packing being retarded ns a second
I wrapping. Prothtn have been tiled
J against this decision, but without nf.
led. llo.xed apples not indiviiliiallv
wrapped should he puclicd in canes
without linings, as they then secant
the low rule of 11.2 imuiI.h (7(ic) pm
Kill kilos. Il is nlwiiyyt. prolllnbllie
lo Ii 1 1 o ill high grade apples in unli
vidual wrappings and liucil
i'rii lli.iiiiji tlii duly be .'i ii tit i k
American apples anivc mi i
November and March and Au It alian
apples arrive between March oinl
July. The principal Australian
pies are the Cleopatra, the .l"liu:illi;i,i
ami the Miiurosc Kuvorile. The Air.
trnliau upples arc wrapped iudivulii -
ally in tissue paper and are packed
in one biichcl cases. They bring K In
2(1 murks ( if I. Ml lo if I.Tllj per ease
(H late a liniuber of shipments
from CulilWnia, tlregon and Wash
inglon have reached llainhurg via,
laighind which were cITccted with
the San .lose scale. Thev wore chiel
ly Newtown Pippins, .lohnathiiiiH and
Winesnps, the later a very popular
fruit from Oregon and Washington.
Prices range between H and 11 markn
(ll.'.ltl lo .2. Ill) per one-bushel cu
for California Pippins and 11 to l.'i
marks ($2.01 lo 41:1.57) per oh"
bushel ease for apples from Oregon
and Washiuuton.
WANTKH 2 or more olllce room'.
Hi. Km, rwo 12, ISA V, Main
-ti.!. in:
Standard Portland Cement, "Crown" Brand (hair
fibre) Hard Wall Plasters And All Kinds of
Building Felt Always in Stock.
n mm
I ' .,