THE MEPFO' UAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, PRECOX, FRI DA V, AUGUST 0, 1000. How It Hppnd. B D The ABC of Gasoline Engines Alamos gasoline engines belong at the head of the list in engines as much us A be longs at the head of the alphabet. Because wherever they have been demonstrated they have taken the first prizes ab solutely on their merits. Can you ufford to nc any but t lie best grade of gasoline engines for irrigation or oilier purposes? G H I .1. I 1 . Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the and cost of lour rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets! Mr space and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. MclNTOSU, Architect Third Floor Med ford National Hank 1 4.t Building. He So you mi! iml working for the Hlri'''t railway roui:iiiy liny more? ( i 1 1 ii ITc - No. I knocked down otic fare, nml I In-jr spoiled inc.- Ilnrper'n Weekly. IfVOU INTEND TO BUILD A COMFORTABLE HOME Cool for Summer and warm for winter then build a .good solid comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories and garret; this can be built for the same price as a bungalow come and see WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 years' experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans and Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected at Residence. 244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St., J. W. DRESSER'S OFFICE. I Woman, th Ever Ready. II " X w u Why Not Be Comfortable and do away with that hot. .stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or home. Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only '2c to Ic per hour. I2inch size $15 00: 16-Inch size, $20.00 : 4 Bid. Ceiling, $36.00 ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. The Wife (wllli rent presence of inlncli Keep liolil of lilui, Horace, wlille I iry to tinil a pollicmnii. In the Social Slosh. "Why tlld you discharge your last servant Well, my dear, you see, her com plexion didn't harmonize Willi my new ti'ii town, so I had to vi tier go." St. I.onU Post-IMspateh. The Alamo engine has been selected by the State University at Eugene, and aU, by the Oregon Africultural College at Corvallis, as the best engine adapted to demon strate the latest and most approved principles of gas engine practice to the students, Our3-b.p. Alamo Victor vertical electric lighting outfit was selected by the Southern Pacific Company to light the demonstration train which toured the Willamette val ley last fall under tho direction of the Agricultural College, and these people were so well pleased with the Alamo engine that it was again selected by them to light the demonstration train which reecntly toured Southern Oregon. The Westinghouse Kleciric Company and the Northern Electric Company, which as you know are the two largest manufacturers of electrical goods in America, have both adopted the Alamo gasoline engine, and now recommend them and illustrate them in their bulle tins. A complete stock of engines, together with a i'ull fine of extra parts, is always availahle at Portland. If you will inform us concerning the exact use for which you wish the engine, we will be pleased to furnish voir gratis what information we can concerning the necessary horse power. We have bad a ercat deal of experience 'm making installations of all sizes, and no doubt can be of some assistance to you. Rogue River Power and Machinery Co. 31 BARTLETT STREET WE DO COMMERCIAL WOOD SAWING. K M R Q O N Advertised Letter List In 1950. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SULiVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid dofinnou to tho hoat bv having an oloctvio fun put in po sition. It doosn't cost vory much, either. If you bavon'l one, wo can fix you up i mi short time, nt tho least oxnonso. Wo're general elec tricians, and do nil classes of work in our lino in tho most thorough manner. Johhinor skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portnblo lamps in all vnnotios. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. t- . y 1 The following letters remain un called for at the postoffice at Med ford, Oregon, Aug. 3, 190!). Please say advertised in calling for any of the same: Abbott Julia. Abbott W. S., Ander son A. E. Mrs., Baker William G. T.. Brown Mrs. F. O. Bryant, Benjamin, Bonser J. A.. Boyer Robert R-, Bo:i nard Men, I'.uebe Kuth, Beverly Fred, Buson ('. H.. Bryam R. R., Carpenter Hon. ('. E.. Collins C. C, Crump Fin-.- i num. Derr r.d., r ue waiter o., ror- sythe James, llulsc P. S., Hamlin E., King Dr., Lewis W., Lee Booth, Mc Crady Miss. Miller Mrs. C. D.. Mil- hell Mis Pearl, Kelson Julius . Rodeiiherger Mrs., Stowe C. O.. Sun.- ner Halpli. waller waiter, nnceiei W. M., Webb A. O.. Wolcrman E. Walker A. E. stores in Massachsctts and New Hamshife, started with his party from Lowell, Mass., his home on May 19. He directed his conrse in n southwesterly direction toward Los Angeles, and after resting two weeks in Southern Cailfomia. made the run north along the Coast, making stops at San Francisco and Portland. He and his party are guests of the Hotel Washington during their stay, which I will be for four or five davs. after which they will make the return trip across the continent by way of the Yellowstone National Park. 'X; -s 'What are you doing there. KredV" "I have an appointment with ti friend to meet him at this corner, and now I don't know whether It's In the street or up here." Itrownlng's Magazine. Joyi of Being Rich. "Oh, mnimun! Don't you wish you was rich an" could afford to hire a servant to Ureal; your dishes?" New Cases. Claru S. llirdseye and Edwin N I'Vllon. vs. Malcolm MncDonnld mid W. M. llialt. Suit for iniunction. t'olvig -v. Heamcs attorneys for plniutil'l'. Melissa E. Knighton vs. Ernest M Ooddard et ul. Suit to correct dee.,! and quiet title. Colvig & lteumes. atlornoys for plaintiff. A ANTI-NOISE CRUSADE ON NEAR GRANTS PASS Probate Guardian Thomas David and Mary Jones. Guardian's bond filed. THURSDAY'S BASEBALL National Chicago 2-4, Boston 1 0; Pittsburg 1, Brooklynf; St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 1: Cincinnati 5, New York 1. American New York 5-0. St. Lou is 0-4; Chicago 0-1. Philadelphia 3 0; Washington '4-2, Cleveland 9-0; Boston-Detroit, rain. Northwest Seattle 2, Portland 1 ; (13 innings); Spokane 7. Vancouver 9; Aberdeen 4. Tacoma 3. Coast Portland 3, San Francisco 2; Los Angeles 7, Sacramento 0; Ve: non 0, Oakland 7. Table d'hote dinner grill S inday evening, sie. at the Nash Special mu- GKANTS PASS, Aug. 6 Muen complaint is being made by the peo plo living near tho railroad, and some that don't live so near, ot the great amount of whistling that the engin eers do. With the extra trains that are now running there arc times at night when tho din of tho whistle is most aggravatinz. Old engineers say that this whistling is not neces sary, the only object being for some engineer or fireman to let his wife or girl know that he is going out on the run or just coming in. The whistle have no significance, in regard o train signals but arc codes used by the different enginemen to let their (lear ones know where they ara. Somo commonce whistling at Gran ite and keep it up until they resieii Hie round house. There is some talk of presenting an ordinance to the city council to prohibit this unnecessary whistling, the same as is done m other cities, and the first cnginemu'i that gels gay with his whistle will have to wbisllo to the police judpe Savoy Theatre A Bunch of Joy THE PEASANT PRINCE MIXED IN HIS DINNER DATES HUNTING HIS UMBRELLA Tonight and Thursday ONE DIME CAR ARRIVES AT FAIR AFTER LONG. HARD TRIU SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. Ii 1. H. Morse, driving n 45-horso-power Pope-Hartford car, containing him self, his wiTe and Omer Deschenenu :, his meeliiinieiiin. lias completed n 7800-niilo overland trip by nrrivin;,', nt the A.-Y.-P. Exposition. Morso, who owns a string of shoeoj A Bargain The famous 120-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of tho prettiest oak anad laurel grovo iu the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loadod with fruit at the present time. This is tho best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See ' :,.jHil-ilim WHITE & TROBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford