THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFOLU), Pit EG ON, FRIDAY, AIK1UST (i. MM). CONTRACT LET FOR ROAD FROM KLAMMATH KLAMATH FALS, Or., Aug. (5 Official notification litis boon receive hv (he engineers in chnriro of the Southern Paeitlo construction work in this city that the contract for building 40 miles of the extension from Klamath to Natron Voetaoin from Klnnmth Fnlls hns been nward ej to Eriekson & Peterson. It hns also been announced that the Utah construction Company, of Salt Lake City, lias boon awarded a contract for bniUlinfr 25 miles of road from Xatron. Local construction engineers state! that the contractors on this end will j complete their old schedule within one week and that their forces will be immediately employed in building the grade on the new contract. Tho 40 miles will complete the road to a point on tho Indian reservation. There can be no occasion for a ter minal in northern Klamath, which makes it safe to presume that within a few years trains between Sacra mento and Portland will he going via Klamath. COTTAGE GROVE PREPARES TD PAVE MAIN STREET COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. An? G. -The City Council has decided to pave Main street, from the Southern P.i cille railroad to the bridge spannicr the Coast Fork River, a distance of six blocks. Concrete walks will also be laid along the street. With an in exhaustible supply, owned by the city, of the best grade stone for all kinds of street and road work, and with it own crusher and steam roler. Cottage Grove may soon rank with the firs' -class cities on the Pacific Coast for good streets and roads. For months Cottage Grove has experienced a sub stantial building boom. Old v.oodeu buildings have been torn away ami substantial modern brick building-! have taken their places in several instances. More substantial street work has been done in the last year than ever before, and still continues. The citizens of Cottage Grove say they are preparng a sightly place for the new county seat of Nesmith in 1910. Just say you saw it in The Tribune and see your merchant smile. HI . " TEN REASONS WHY You Should Bo a Roador of The Pacific Monthly Int. It in tho luniliii iiiiiucine of Wimlorn Ainerioa, publinli oil on the 1'iicitic cuiist oil i I xl by uuhUtii idimi mill ilH entiro I'oiilontH mo WoHtorn. Willi pen, IiiiikIi and cniiuiia, it titlU tho slmy of the wonderful progrcHM of die West. L'ml. No oilier xeetion uf tliu vnliro world in uxpcriouniiig Hueli a rapid iiidiistriul and commercial growth hk that Mcetioii uf the I'nitud States west of the rookie h. II is a duty you own to your self to keep iiil'oiiuud The 1'aoifi c Monlhlv cou,;lutcly covui'H the field. 3rd. There are opportunities for the extonnion of practically every line of business in this territory, and Tho Pacillo Monthly tolls of these opportunities. Ith. It' you are looking for a cliiiucu to invent or locate I'liinni'Mve, fanning, orcharding or professional work, if you am ivorn, tired or in ill health, seeking rest or reiiHiinablu, Tho Pacific Monthly will give you a thousand valuable hints. fth. Hero also you can gel cIomc to nature. Tho groat snow capped mountains, in all Iheir rugged grandeur, tho boundless plains and the virgin forests, "God's Country," iintaruiHlitid by tho hand of man. lo you not wish to spend a few hours oaeli month with list (Ith. The best of we.itern literature to be found in tho Pacific Monthly. Live topics of Til K PAY, stories of pro"-osn and of opportunities, the Komauce of the moiiutaiiiH and the plains, al ways intensely biiuinii. 7th. One never tires of beautiful pictures and the Pacific Monthly is famous for its illustrations, always a veriiablo picture book of Western scenery, from Mexico to Alaska and from Denver to the eoast. No expunso is spared in securing the most s( .iking photos for reproduction in colors and halftones. Slh.Tlie I'li-ific Monthly should be in every home. From cover to cover it is clean wholesome reading of an educational nature It is particularly interesting and valuable both to teacher and students. Olh. Look upon your map, n.ile tho gropl area west of the Rockies, think of the wonderful reconrces m this section of tho country thousands of ncrcs of agriculture I.ind.billions of feet of standing timber, mineral riches beyond comprehension, extend ing to tho shores of the migh' y Pacific, tint highway to tho Orient Do you not want to know more abo-it this marvelous country. 10th. A spirit of optimisPt prcv ili th-'iughont the west thnt lends life and vigor to all. That i . why lie Pacifio Monthly is different. It cornea to yon each n "nth 'rnuthing thin spirit of the west. It will put the red blood into your veins try it. Samplo cop'tes at the Tribune office whero subscriptions enn bo left. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE THE PACIFIC MONTHLY W P.OTII FOIl .. . V" THREE M MONTHS 1 .50. 1.50 I'J.OO RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your next suit, if yo; want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PBOGRfcSblVi: TAQOB SPRINGFIELD ENJOYING OPEN STEEL BRIDGE BOOM FROM RAILROAD ACROSS THE ROGUE For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying fo your home for yourself and family. , , Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. We will furnish money to build Churches, .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or email.. VJe also cllow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFCRD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg SPRINGFIELD, Or., Aug. 6. As a result of the announcement of actual construction. Springfield nnd the neighboring country are flooded with investors, and real estate is moving rapidly. Some good tracts have been piillcd oH the market, however, to await developments. About 75 acres has been sold since the first of the week in town lots and ad jacent land. On account of the activity and the building this summer, the City Coun cil is considering extending Wie boun daries of the city live blocks nort'i and three or four east. The people of Sppringfield are con fident that a big division point will be constructed here, for the Natron road, for the Wcndling branch, and for the road running to Brownsvile, und from there to Woodburn. Its lo cation is the hub of the railroads of this region. The new steel bridge across Rogi"; River nt Grants Pass lias been com pleted and opened for trafflo. Tho new structure is one of the finest in Southern Oregon. The contrnctiiif ; company were at ta loss in niulilnc; it, owing to the carving uwav ol piers by freshets during the winter. Tho bridge was to have boon complct ed January 1, according to the origi nal contract, but tho court granted an extension of time to the builders. The old bridge will be torn down .in.' placed acros the Rogue at some other point, possiblyy on the Merlon -Oa lice rond, to rcplnce the ferry. S0CKEYE SALMON RUN IN SOUND ENORMOUS TO GROW WILLOW FORESTS IN OREGON WHY COOK These hot days? When you can get anything you desire in the iiuc of HREAD, I'iES or CAKK, i:i addition to everything usually found !.-. .i DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELI CAT EES? ZV BAXF.PV, ' Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. Not content with already having opened up several new fields for Ore gon lumbermen, the national forct service has now started an investiga tion of the adaptability of Oregon to willow glowing. N. F. Macduff, a supervisor, will start out Saturday on a trip to Hillsboro where there is ol ready one willow orchard. Willow raising for the manufacture of baskets and other willow ware has a large standing in the east and mid dle west, but ns 3'ct none in Oregon. It is highly profitable in that acreage-; not used as too poor in soil (iialitr, can be utilized for the growing of the willow, it growing in almost any locality.' ROBERT J. BURDETTE IS SERIOUSLY ILL The Tribune is Up-To-Dat 0 LOS ANGELES. Aug. fi.-l. Robert 3. liurdolte, Ihe noted limno v--t and pastor of Temple Pnpti:d : church here, is reported seriously ill , nt his cottage at CIifton-b,y-lho-Set. He has never recovered from a serious injury to the spine which ho sustained in a fall last March. He said yesterday that his resig nation was in Ilia LaaJa oi i'ue rhorch tMet-ies. :i HELLINOIIAM, Wash., Aug. 0. Salmon trapping, threatened will) suppression by the state and nation al government, because it had been asserted that tho sockeye supply was being depleted to an extent that threatened the extinction of the fish through the operation of the traps, is declared safe by trnpmen today, as tho present run shows the supply has not been largely decreased. The waters of Juau de Fncn, Ros ario straits, Rcllingham channel and gulf of Georgia are alive with fish and the traps are full. Four hundred and sixty-fonr thousand salmon were landed at An aeortcs, Rellingham and Blaine dur ing the 21 hours ending nt noon to day. Trnpmen anticipate landing 7"0. (100 fish tonight nnd tomorrow. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Pollers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound fr it. Everything about Folgcr's Golden Gate Coffee is perfett, aod we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCL.JES, CHIN AWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Prconid Raliroao Orders. "Somelhing which is of considor knnwn is the system of prepaid or ible interest to tho public generally and which is "er'inps not gcnernlly ilers now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company nd nil points in the United States. P,y means of this system tickets may bo purchased at Mndford from any plnce in tho United States nnd mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and nmnll amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be foiwavded ftt tlM MM W l Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.- I Foundry and Machinist J All Wr..' of Entines, Sprayintj Outfits, Pumps, Boilers anil M2- chincry Agents In Southern Oregon for I FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. I ttrs. Ivtm 3fampton Isaacs Dmtuctor of "piano. Tlst 5ttetl)o&