THIS MKDFOUD DAILY TRIHUNK, MEDFORP. OKKOON. FRIDAY. AUOUNT (i. Y.KY.l j Classified Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports FRUIT PRICES ifi MARKETS EAST Tokay Break Record In Prices Paid 210 Carloads of Fruit Ship ped Yesterday . .Culiloriiiii Kruil I lint iJiiiior-i yes terday hliippui -J10 carloads of fruit tint of the Mute. This is the next to the largest shipment of the seasor, Hint of last Saturday being llrHl wuil ,. i,ol ,,f carloads. So fur lhi vcnr !IH moro car have been ship' nm1 K:i-I lliini diir'uic the corrc--Kindinc period "f lii-l ''" Tin' hulk of tin- shipment-. nr peach'"-, iliev wen- shipped I'""' ''-t'Tny i. HhiiiIm. Thi' ret I ill i-an i" of tin- -liipmcnt- '''' "I1 folows: I.-mi-. HI carload-; plum lll'l'i J!1IM'' apples ill II car. Tiiltv hoIiI ycMciday ill Miiiiii :I.II5 ii hox. Thin is iihoirl . I hp bc-t price "ii record. Prices wen- it" follow in the fipnl Kn-lcni markets: Boston -ISnrllclls iivmiisiM-il Crnwfords. !; Fosters. il'-; pnii' $2.3: Tin u 7'!c-. ICcl-i-v. 1.H. sugar $1.25. ; F.lhcr $1 W. (ieriliails. $1. 55; fK" Chii'iiuo-- Crawford-. N-'"-: Iuh. M.V; Bnrllctls. $1-50 tl !.,'. (Jt-niiiin- firn-. .l.ti." Thompson seedless, $1.30. New York- Eggs, $1.35; Itiull.-ll iinr.. .M...itiis. $1.30; Tuscans, 1 '.. Kiminrx. H.'ii' ; Crawford. H.V 1'hiln.lclnliin - l'liiiletts. $1 j.15 'raw-fords 75c; egg. $ : ' I'lll.lmr,. Imlllett. $l.7f- LOiV average .1 HO: Co nmbui. egg pluniH, $ 1.30; Grand Duke, l..i- Fosters. Ox ; ( niwlorti- ' ''". , .,, .... Mimiwipolif ' Ihirth-tl.. in- Elhortiis. $1.1 ! I-'1' Vim-lords. &( I. O.V. Tmh-II. "' . ..litmus. M : IllllMTIIll- $1.55(i 1.70; Rose of IVru I. .10; Tokays, $3.30( 3.i5. $1.3"ii MEDFOlfD. Or.. Aim. ' l""11 . II ..II.. Texas Wonder, of St. Loui mv daughter of n severe kidiio and bladder trouble fl"'' l",l"r . :i...i i.. urn' ri'lief. Iiml 1 " iiiim i" h ' " , ..l,..,.iiiillv rpi-oiiiiiii!iul it. Mr. U .ri ... Vl-. H...II..II Si Solll llV Y HHOII, !' " lraHkiiiK' PniK Store. i....ti,l.'.,l f'liimti-r. of tilt' Allien .fin Federation of Labor, if bi-iu Inirced by labcr pftpnra of mnintuin I 11 iirivato craft. Admiral Schley, hero of tho naval hi' tin at Santiago, haH been taken to 1 In' homiital with a Bcvcro stUok of lirimehitiH. The new t tool hriilp1 ueross the Rlunr at Omnia Pass. haH been eompleted anil opened for traf He. The Salem elnetlrio lino is soon t ex ten dod to Albany. 4 ' ' MEDFORD MARKETS. 4. Fruit and Vegetables. (Prices paid by Med ford mcrehantM Aoiles. l(iT2'2c lb; npncois, .u...,.hnu linn hnv. hliiekherrie. 8" ernte. Potatonn. l'Yic lb.: onions, $2.2 t:: !?rcen onions. 35c doz. bnnelies carrots, lGiVAc; beets, KJi)',! Hlrinc beaiiH, 3e; oabbnse. In; Rroen pcpjiers. 8 l-3u; cnenmbers, 15c Aor.. tomaloeH, 1e; sqnnsn, jne noz. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Hunch butler, 25ii; fancy ornnmnry n't,n. Prices naid hv Mcdfonf merchnnls Frimh ranch crl-s, 27ls. Mixed ponllry. spnn(? chuik nu iry .lucks. 10c: turkeys, 15c Feed and Millstuffs. fPriens imid nroilncnrs.) TTnv Titnritbv. S10: alfalfa. M j L'riiHK. !is 1 n ton. Wheat- Old. .fl.20 bushel ; new, $1 hnuhnl: ontn sS'tfl Ion: barley, old fM; new, $21). (Sellinit prices.) Piolled bnrlnv. $2.10 owl, $M ton bran. $l.nrtJM.05; middliiiRS, $1.8, frc1.!0: Hhorts, $l.8l)(i'M.Rr). P.iM'f, aifco; pork, 0c; mutton, V lamb, 4 Vic, vcnl (droHHod), 60. BIG DEMAND FOR AMERICAN APPLES Writing from Mamliiirc the U. S. oiikiiI Ki'iiernl. ltohmt P. Skuinc-, says that there ih a lare uemann in flcrianny for American apples, and one that can be increased by intelli- nt effort on the part of America:) packers and shippers, to which may added a very considerable demand in Denmark, Norway and Sweden now satislli'd by the whalesale im- Mirters nl llainbnrir. Mr. Skinner' tails of the trade follow: Practically the whole of the hnsi ss is centered in I Inmlini!,', two !o- 11 1 drum rcccivinc iilnoil two-third-- f the total iniiMirliilioii: . The-" iiiii-i'h hciiiI 1 11 1 -1 r nun icpri'Hcniii - lives In America, who umI I lie inter ior apple puckers, inpcel llie miii nips in the hIhiiii' wiirehoii-es nl 1 In purls of hhipineiit, mid then piw llieir orders. Apph'" from the Kut rn and Middle Wesli-rn slates only arc sold on flmi ordcrn. ' Nearly all the frail received from the Wcnlcr 1 laics, and also large ipinnlilies from llie Kaslern stales, arrive on ciuisi(rii iiienl. The local iniMirlers keep theii Aincncnii correspondenls reunlarlv inl'ormed as to the fiennan market and as to the iiiantilie's to he -liippeil Sold at Auction. I'ni urrivul at Ilimiliur a ship- meiil is iinnieiliiitely nllereil tor ie at anetion. all sales takinp place in I he same warehouse. Itefore llie sale beuins an impartial sampler so led a certain number of unopened biirrelh and ooens one-half or this number at the top and the oilier half nt the bottom. The possible biivvr 11111-I hilid upon the lot, a ptin Ihi'M' barrels as rcprosenliiiii tin1 mi lit v of Ihe entire shipment, and he imiiot d and that other barrels he . .... t . . ..t 1... opened. I lie sampler is chummi u Ihe I'ruil dealers and is a dealer him self, and at regular intervals he (rive: nay to another appointee. Diffev em-i's in siili-K are settled by 11 swopi broker. In L'eneral Anu'riean apples arnv in eiiod condition, ullhoush shinnei:t have been sold of which n (piarter nl lb nlents of the barrels was spoil oil. One obstacle to the ilevvlopmcnl I llie business is the Sun Jose seal: in-pcction requirement ol Uennnnv Apples containiii); the senle are re fused entrv and nre tbereiipon (ti ,.'....,l In other mnrkels where the-. nmniand lower prices. Soiui1 (Continued on nace 8.) 0 PORTLAND MARKETS. WOOL 1D0O. Willamette valley 22i'2'lc; eastern Oregon, 2023c. TALLOW Prime, per lb., 34 SI I K HPS KIN'S Shearing, 10(ffil 5c each; short wool, 2510c; medium wool, ,riOe(i?$l each; long wool, (rt$1.25 each. HIDES Drv hides, 14lCc. lb green, 810o lb; bulls, green salt, 6c per lb; kips, Pc; cnlvcR, green, 16c per lb. MOHAlli--l(0H, 2:i24c. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. IIUTTKR Extra creamery, 30Va( 3lc; fancy, 20c; store, 20c. PUTTER FAT Dclivory f. 0. Portland - Sweet cream. 20c; sour. 27c. KflOS Citndlod. local best. 2ic uncnndled, 20 'jc; Eastern, 25c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 14c fnnev hens. 14'.(a15e: roosters, old 12c; springs, 18CT20c; geese, 8((i)i)' turkeys, alivo, 10l8o; drossod 'ia''f'')-'1'; duckH, 13c; pigeons squabs, $2 dozen; drossod poultry KjiH'so higher. Grain, Flour and Hay. ISA It LEY Producer's pric;. 1000 Feed, $30; rolled, $34(W35. WHEAT Buying price, 1000 crop Track, Portland Club. 07(W08o hluestcm. $1.02: rod Russian. OUCtf 00c. MILLSTUFFS, soiling pneo - Bran, $211.50; midlings, $33; shorts $30: chop. $2361)31; alfalfa meal $20 por ton. FLOUR, selling price Eastor Oregon patent, $6.25; straight, $5.30 TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS THEY ARE IMPORTANT 10 YOU. When office or home routine in upset. When you change your furnished room. When you seek to secure 't bargum. When you want to sell yoar furniture When you want to buy horse or auto When you want a town lot or orchard. When you decide to sell that house. When your scrvunt (jives notice. When you nre hunting employment. When you want lo borrow money. When you want a boarding house. One Cent a Word. Six insertions for the price of four. Cn.H; export, ."f 1.70 : baker", $6(3) .J"i: valley, $5.5(1; graham, sack, 'i.'lli-. whole wheal. $5.80; rye. 5 u. li-. $0.50; hales, $3. OATS Producers' price Track, No. 1 white, $40(V.H ; grav. $40. HAY Producers' price New tim thy, Willamette valley fancy, $1.; ordinary, $14; eastern Oregon, $18.50; mixed. $11.50(al2; grain, $13.50(o,14; cheat, $14(715; alfalfa. $14. CORN' Whole. .3G: cracked. S37 ton. Fruit and Vegetables. FRESH FRUITS Cantaloupes. tains. $9(o 0.10; good Mockers, $i.5). 2(i 2.50 ; loganberries, $I.25(o 1.50; raspberries, $1.25; currants. $2; Royal Anne cherries, 5(Gc; Lam berts, 12',-jc; peaches, 80o(rT$l. anges, M. E. D. Sweets, $2.75. POTATOES New, 75c$l.25. VEGETABLES New turnis, Ore gon, .f 1..) sack; occis, J'I.idio.'j; car rots. $1.25 sack; cabbage, local. $(c': 1.25; tomutocs, local, 5075c; hot house, $1.00; California, 75c crate; beans. 2c per lb.; cauliflower, 75c(-! $1.25 dor.; peas, 6c lb.; horseradish 10c; green onions, 0c do?..; peppers, hell. 12'.c lb.; head lettuce, 20c do-. hothouse, $1 per box; radishes, 10' d)7.. bunches: celery. $1 do?..; cgu plant, 15e;:rhubarb, 2c lb.: corn, 30 dor. 1 ONION'S .lobbing California re. $1.1.VH.25 sack; white. $1.25; Wulb Walla, $1.1541.2r; garlic, 12'ije II. tains. $0(a0.25; good stockers, $7.50 APPLES $1(3)2. HONEY New, 15c per lb. BEANS Small while. $7.25; lar;e white. $6.35; pink. $4: bayou. $5.75 Limns. $5.25; reds, $0.50. HOOS Best east of the moirn tains, $0.50; good stockers, $7.50. CATTLE Best steers, weighin; 1200 pounds, $4.50; medium steers $4.25; best cows, $3.25(7i)3.50 ; me dium cows. $3; bulls, $2.20(ff2.75. SHEEP Sheared, best wether.-i $4(?4.25; ordinary, $3.75(ii)4; sprint.' spring lambs, $5(n5.50; strnigh owes, $3.75(3)4; mixed lots $4. (7T3.00 ; mixed lots. $3.50. CALVES Best, $5; ordinary $ l(p 4.50. WANTED. WANTED Christian young wom.i to do light housowork part of the day in return for a pleasant home Address "C", care of this office for pnrticnlnrs. WANlr.D At once, teamster, mar ried man proferrcd; good wage good house, to live in. Apply Tri bune office or Champliu Dredging Co., Oold Hill, Or. WANTED A ei': ; must be good cook; wages j. Apply to D. U Wood, Hole' ilush. VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood mi :: tierwood. Address P. O. Box -MP ' WANTED I am prepared to take camping parties to the mountains. Anyone wishing information, ad dress "M"' care of this oflieo. 1 1- FOR RENT. f FOR RENT Bonrdinc house, in bus inoss confer of Medford. nicelv lo - cntod with bountiful grounds, nt roasonublo reulal. Inquire nt j Rogue River Electric Company, 209 W. Main St. roll l(rMi Nice iurmsncd rooms iilh bath. 004 West Tenth st, near West school. RANCH FOR RENT With tool, easy terms. Appiv to C. E. Wool- vertnn. Central Point. 124 FOR SALE. FOR SALE Span of gray marc weipht 1150 each. 10 and 12 ycais old. only $150 for the span. Can be seen at the hitch rack near the bridge Saturday from 10 a. m. on. 119 FRED PUHL. FOR RALE 1200 acres improved laud, suitable for fruit, for sah cheap. See II. M. Coss, sole agen', 604 V. Tenth St., Medford. tf. WILL EXCHANGE 1x5 camera and oufit for 25-35 or 30-30 Winches ter rifle. Box 785. 122 FOR SALE Good rooming house with lone: lease. Address P. 0. Box 802. FOR SALE Comer lot, east front Choice locution. A bargain. Own- r P. O. Box 553 122 FOR SALE Corner lot, east front, Choice location. A hnrgain. Own er. P. O. Box 563. 12: FOR SALE A good upholstered g cart, household furniture and firs class incubator, sewing machine and canaries, also Max Geisler Roller. Reasonable. 513 Central Ave. H9 FOR SALE 400 head goats, 200 reg istered and eligible to register, bnl ance high grade; 40 head stock hogd, 20 head eattle, some good yearlm steers; two full blood fox hounds, one registered Duroc boar; horse and land seeded to alfalfa. I buy and soil. C. C. Gilchrist, Sams Val ley, Oregon. FOR SALE Town or county right for tho hidden window soreen, some thing good for a man with a little money to make big monoy with; can sell you rights for $5 Oand up. Call at office and see demonstration. Room 22. Jackson County Bans bldg. E. C. Aylor. FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE For Phoenix town prop- erty, both improved and unim proved, and three good orchards, see Matt Calhoun, Phoenix, Jack son county, Oregon. FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine ood, cordwood, 4-foot lengths, will be sawed into 16-inch lengths when de sired; fir woou split nnd in blocks 1(1 inches in dength. F. Osonbnigge. Studehnkcr Bros. Co.'s warehouse. 131 FOR SALE 7 room house, 3 closets, tow lots, good soil. A bargain iT taken within 10 days. Address Box 737. 127 FOR SALE--Choice business proper ty nt a hnrgain, on long time; easy terms. Address P. O. Box 418. 1 FOR SALE 80 ncros of best farm i"B land in Rogue River valley; nil free soil and under irrigation ditch, with deud righ-. to water; two miles t...... ,..:i,..,.-i ,i;.. ...,artar m;ioi from Ki:huolhou.?e, on rural delivery routh; iand now in alfalfa arid rmu; will make nu ideal orchard; price! and terms reasonable. For infor mation call at Tribune office. LOST. liOST Fish rod. on Kagle Point road. Return to Chas. Young. LOST A v et and chain; locket is set with amond. Initial on back. "L. B." . indci return to Tribune, and receive rewa-d. LOST A locket and chain ; locket is set with diamonds. Initials on back, "I... R." Kinder return to Tribune and receive reward. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance, Office 112 W. Main St., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. has the best equipped job office in Southern Oregon ; Portia id prices. 37 South Central ave. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION C. O Boggs. Acting Secretary, 128 W Main Street. Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st Continuous performance every eve, ning of motion pictures and illus (rated ballads. Entire change of pro gram Monday, Wednesday and Fri duy. Admission 10 cents. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou street ; latest motion pictures and il lustrated songs. Entire change of program, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Pawn Brokers MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE For good bargains in watches and jew elry, pistols, musical instruments. Cor. Main and Central avenue. Signs. SIGNS Display advertising, Mor gan & Stoeckmann, Miles bldg. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors iS. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yountr and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. ' Tin Shops. J. A. SMITE Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 113 North G street. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Soventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of nil kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves nnd Ranges. New ami Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Physicians and Surgeons. ItTwTsTEARNS, m7d. Opposite Jackson County bnnk. Night calls promptly answered. Office nnd res ident phone Main 2301. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Physician nnd surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main si. Phone Main 577, Medford. DR. R. J. CONROY Suocessor to Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build ing. RiisiNrss niRFr.TnRV f-f S. It. SEEIiY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ilay. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. 0. CARLOW, OR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i 0 Physicians. Mission Block, Phon 291, Medford. . .. F. 0. THAYER, M. D. Physician and Burgeon, Palm block. Phone .669. Medford, Ore. Dentists. DR. : FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Of.V-e hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Buildiug, Main street, iieciford, Ore gon. , DR. WALTER R. STOKES Dentist. Successor to J. M. Keeni. Attorneys. F; J. NEWMAN, JOHN CARKDi. Newman & Carkiu, Court Lawyers. Corporation and criminal prao tice in state and federal courts. Of fices over Jackson County bank. COLV1G & REAMS W. M. Colvia. C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. Second Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law o.9 D street, ground floor. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street and ruiiroati. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONN En, spec'alist, when others fail. Office in Eagle Pharmacy. Mam 233. East Main near D)Anjou. Rentals. C. B. JONES Handles rentals ex clasively. Over Bijon Theatre. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker lew der and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperieitce and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. Corner G and Seventh sts. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is uot irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. EDEN VALLEY NURSEHY N. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow tree that sell, sell trees that grow and fruit tnie to label. Phone 3221. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 583. Medford. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. A. T. O-Brieu. . O. D. Nagle. . THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers nnd contrac tors; also lime, cement and piaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National bank bldg. Phonee Main 545. Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 30; J. H. Butler 143. Fruit Stores. FUESII FIFUIT-We have the larg est exclusive fruit store in Medford. We have a reputation for handling only the best. Wo know how to buy nnd scM cheap. IT. II. Lorimor, R. R V. R. R. Depot Photograph Studios. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose witl Mackcy nnd die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance 01 Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE GENERAT, Drnying nnd Trunsfor, will cnll anywhere in city. Phone Main 561. Stand at S. P. Dopot. r t- IO : -T. V-