TJ1E MEUFOttb DAILY TltlJiUKE, MKDJOKU, OHM ION, Fit 1 DAY, AUGUST 6, 1909. 2i What'll you have? I'x'iir Orcck Wafer Tut kind yon once used "Well Water Tin; kind yon still use Kain Water Yon euteli it in a lnl V:iUt ironi Fish Lake opciMliUh or Colestine Mineral Water The only water to lie liad in Medfonl that is absolutely pure is the kind you oii'ht to drink. Sold Only by Tobacconists RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT PA LMEH 1NVESTM ENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCH A R D (.1300 acres lying on both sides of Rogue Itiver.) Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. . Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Medford, Oregon. CltATl'.lt I.AKK "Tlio Grentcst Natural Wnndar of the World." Medford, Oregon. Bijou Theatre ITUEJSUIWKMWlTiflUittfli BIB PIE EATING CONTEST TO-NIGHT. DOMT FAIL TO SEE IT BEGINNING WEDNESDAY EVENING. Ingles and Darling In "The Girl and The Reporter Don't Miss Setting this Sketch, as It Is a Scream from Start to Finish. MASTER AND SERVANT- A Thrilling drama f the tiino of Bonis XIV. THE RUBE AND THE BUNCO MAN -This st ho soon It. ho Appro- riatod. THE CHAPERON - Wo guiminfoe a good hourly laugh with this pie tnro, so hot I or not miss it. FRIDAY NIGHT AMATEU3 NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT Admission Only 10c- 15c BEGINNING SATURDAY EVENING The Portland Rose Carnival The Red Men. ' DISCOVERY OF OIL EXCITES KENNETT KKNNKTT, Aug. li. There i groat excitement here today over the discovery til' emtio jtt rolcuin half u mile below l'";tmctt, hotweeu the river nnil the railroad. The ensile oil was found exiiflin;; I'mni a oreviee in the ; nick, where the Koil wag washed uway hint wilder. The discovery was in.'iile by Harry I Davis, a pi-'o-jieetor; William Soy ; linto, an cli i lrii ian and Tony Crone!;. They located half a section of land ins tpiarts'. claims. These three have I taken in Richard Golinsky, Jiitk'r; I Italpli ISrov.ii, liernard Golinsky. Jr , i Robert f. Pikes and V. I).' Tillotsor:. end they have located a quarter sen tion imilor the name of the Mora V. petroleum and placer mining claims. They will do sonic surface pros- 1 peeling immediately, and if this i" ' i-iilisfactory drilling will commence 1 in a short time. i Judge Brown him a quart hottle '( il from the seam and it is heii wed with great interest. COTAGE GROVE DECIDES TO PAVE STRETS COTTAGE (iliOVK, Or., Aug. fi.- At the council meeting last night it was decided to pave Main street from the Southern Pacific depot. i the hritlge crossing the Coast Fork river, a distance of about six block, and concrete walks will he laid on this street. As soon as onssihle bids will be si "red and the work rushhed o completion. More substantial street work has ecu done this year than ever before u the history of Cottage Grove. With in iiioxhii.tMiblc supply of first-class -tone for nil kinds of street an-1 building pnriHises. it will soon rank seeond to none of the cities on the Pacific coast for fine streets. More modern, commodious brick block's have been erected and are under otistroetion during the last IS tionths than any city of its size on 'he Coast. Attention, Pioneers. J ho 3.1d annual reunion of the Pioneer SOClCtV of Southern rirnm will be held at Ashland, Or., on Thursday, th 20th day of August, liiO'.l. We hope to have the pleasure 01 greeting you on tuat occasion, to gather with your family and friends It is desirable that the unions of tha Rnniatv ho iwmnt ,ntnA . .j w pipviuuicii. Professor B. V. Mulkey has agreed to deliver the address to the pioneers and their friends nt that time. Como ami oring your badges with you. Re spoelfnlly yours, SILAS J. DAY, Secretary. Table d'hoto dinner nt the Nash grill Sunday evening. Special nut HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main CHINESE WOULD BAR JAPANESE LAND OWNERS TOKYO. Aug. . The greatest st umbling block in the way of a a amicable settlement between China and Japan of the differences over the Antiiig-Mukdon railway is the order issued by the Chinese author! lies thai no land should be sold to Japanei-e along the line, under seven; penally. This and several other questions concerning Japanescs policy in China will iicilofcrmincd in a short time, it is exix-cted, as the whole mutter was placed in the hands if the emperor yesterday by Foreig l Minister Komura. One of the principal jxiints at is sue since the opening of the Chien Too boundary dispute between Chirm, Japan mid Russia has been the ques tion of railroad extension and estab lishment of independent municipali ties along the rights of way of tin various lilies on the Lino Tung peninsula. section 17, township 38, 1 W, Margaret Boswiok to Fred L. Heath, land in township 30, 1 F., bond for deed 3flt0 .reoo HOTEL ARRIVALS At the ..ash W. O. Steel, (S. W. Parker, John B. Coo, Portland; J. I). Chambers, Fort Wayne, Intl.; W. K. Cook. Portland; T. Foonhlf, Van couver; W. H. tannic, S. F.; (1. I.. Bennett and wife, Admin, Mich.; S. li. Bigelow, Portland; I. T. Cind, St. Joseph. Mo.; W. A. Taylor, S. TV, A. C. Horge, Grants Pass; B. L. Mai ing, I). W. King and wife, Portland; IN. C. Leonard, S. F. Table d'hote dinner at the Nash' grill Sunday evening. Special mu sic. " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FEDERATION OF MINERS MOVES FOR BETTER LAWS DENVER, Aug. C The Western federation of miners today concluded ts annual convention with the seloo- t'tm of Drover us the next place i-i Hooting. Resolutions were adopted instruct ing the officers and the executive board to secure the enactment of a 'aw in all states making six hours n day's work in the mines where the temperature is above 00 degrees, an.i declaring that an eight-hour day -hall embrace the time from entering iho mine until the worker is again de livered at its portal. This last re solution pertains to the controversy in the California mines. The following officers wore olec-t-"d : President, Charles If. Mover. Denver: vice-president, C. E. M:i honey. Butte; secretary-treasurer, F.niesl Mills, Denver. Sarah M. Andrews to Finest W. Joqua, part of lot 7, block 2, Sunnyside addition Medford KnistiiH K. Hall to Frank W. , iMoore. Kit) acres in town ship 38. 2K Mary I. Hall to Frank W. Moore, Ifi Oaeres in section 1-1, townshhip 38, 2E II. W. Iluntzinger to W. X. Morrison, lots !) end 10. block H. Taltnt C. II. Vaupel to Xels Thomp son, property in Ashland.. Ruth M. Miles 'to T. V. Miles. 1G1.54 acres in section 30, township 37, 2 E J. K. Toft to J. P. Tucker, lautl in Phipps' Reserve, Medford I loirs of Henry Brown to Martha W. Brown, land in township 3(, 1 B Mary E. Roberts to Sarah A. Griffith, land in townshhip 37, 1 w Hugh Sanders to P. S. Bailey land in section 21, township 3(1, 3 W Daniel Anderton to J. S. i Stagg, land in D L C 43, township 38, 1 W James P. Tucker to John A. . Sommill S i2 of S W y4, 10 10 10 300 .'1000 10 10 300 120 6000 Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. in charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and elnssienl irses. Write for catalogue. HARRIMAN SAID TO BE BACKING SUTTON FAMILY ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Aug. 0. That their appeal to the Tal't administra tion for a reopening of the Sutton ease was granted so quickly, after n fight over a year while Roosevelt was in the White House had been un availing, showed that the Suttor.s had inlluonee in high places. Now comes the apparently reliable statement that E. H. Harriinan is bucking their fight not only morally. but tinnncially as well. Sutton, father of the dead marine officer, i-. the division superintendent of one of Hnrrimau's western roads, and the two are close personal as well :is business friends. This is said to account for Harri man's interest in the case and his material aid. HARRIMAN'S HEALTH SAID TO BE MUCH IMPROVED Bargains B.&G.CashStore This store is "chuck" full of them just now things you really oug'iV to see. AMERICAN BEAUTY VASE ASSORTMENT, five patterns to select from, each 23c HAVILAND CHINA La France Pattern, each piece gold decorated with green floral sprays : jg- Handled Teas, set of 6 $3 7, Flower Pots, No. 6. each Vyy.e Flower Pots, No. 12, each 3 For Today and Saturday We will sel lat cost, to close oat, the remaining pieces of the While and Gold Austria China Pattern Tea Cups, Platters, Sugar nn.r Creamers. The Store that Serves You Best By Telephone 2351. I it B)Gash6StoreC 223 West Main Street NKW YORK, Aug. (i. - Private cable advices received hero today st;tlo that K. 11. Harrimau's health givally improved and his condition iJ boiler than for several yours. It was learned that, barring a chantre in his presold plans, Harriinan will feaoh hen' from his trip abroad about Sep tember 10. Marriags Licenses John V. Banish nnd Ella M. Solm SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. lcf.