Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 06, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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fRpnning Water in War House and Barntj
Every Day m tm Year
,x-. rtf i-sof Sowt ci-.y wt.r . on. pun ieii"l iniywiifn1,
r i r t . i.-i i. o w 'r ! ..wnM uiiut-r :rwi irvim . iu u
h i.iai.,j. Nj v, af-.f i'lll-t t:ittu; -J iLut L almost cvi-.-Untin:.
K-ry Kownnon Siv'Hm i isf.-U-.1 at our rw!t, t ot jvum. T nv-rnl ii:""Kf
v-.i.-t i v.'ru:-,. in- up -m It- i.-eriin. K-iuiio pnen-n i'i-' latikn-i! .yi"m manu.nrfir. u
I y . .4 'i, ; :oro rfi!om:i c .m I nan u .um an ta- k ar.d tuaclumay. Conn
K ...J. to .i -.1 ;""tl i f l o ..iru.oa. YJ rcu4:JritthJ i..-.
Tho bottom! most efficient water supply you lf yu nstftl ,n
No Mere tbvaied or A-ilc Tcr.Ls
With it.o Kov;utr s-tom, trnk is
!M-stPl n th.cohiir, irbu;ioIiti Uio jrrvutnl.
Thin t.tnk 1 pui'li of st'I plt al will l.wt
ultii'tftt iudelUiilflr. ltio iUwitiii-o tittle
rtU on solid frinuni, and It prosvted from
nil extreme In witMir; Hlllnt tik, (rmn,
meiftow or colbpMt. In tho Kitwiiiifi1 . -t'm
pnmpin' wat- rcreatrd tho iir pre
For puiuiiUtt; Uit water nuy kind (t
ptmor ntajr b nMtl wi'u Ibe Kownnw iy
twiu windmill, ir.uutliDrni:iOM,electnrit7,
ntpiint, but air, or aa cUicr klod ol auitable
System of Water Suppl'
Engineering Service FREE
. .lo rut i.'urv
1. ..- (ltd I'd loll Hots. .iiiy
laiffCV, b iUii.un. a UiomuiiI !; lto:ia.
urn f -tUTlM' w 'h Kv:tio WlUi-i'
Mipil-itat:U. Wrtait'P.'iMMi. -.inil n.nv
and Diut come mi " tl' Kownn'
i inmirut iwi n. 1410 ..' .,....
nlMaf HtlAfjtHU'it U hUid It. lui .-tfc.
Aixrimwra will nl.m Tnir tVMHI'tt'lO
water ayatom frott of etiarco. .
a., r.-onfop Tntry Rrw.inpe Srtm is BTitirautwu w
tfclnL w claim fir it. 1 it (ail toturn it t t?l
oi:r eiMOM and nur muoey will b i-luu1"1. -
e una aii 100
Kewance Water Supply Co.,
V til
1 r-k
Ask for Our 64-Page Cctalog
1 't s r h"r ynu yn run hvp K
wrineWiitrSninIy Sy 4iimin "tir
r"-. l'ir caMl.t is beautifully iilu
r.itfti. and nhws tlip many adv.muc of
lh Kkwiiiiii Syatm vrr tl; old
t-tfvaicd l inks. C.t t itr rtltl.t frm nnr
df.Mrr and .15k him urincli jiicuydttm
juU should in.:!l.
Also Agents for
The Man
A Novelization
of the Play of
the Same Name
Copyrijfhi, 1909. by Amtrk&n
Prra Atiucialion
Taraon. m'sieu, the gcntlonwn, na urti-r Cue rJtrr:::.; "locate. ICtiuT'ciiiu
wish to speak to you." j n lnok.of lontlilni; tiptiu tiio Hlrnlitlil
Uurnrc whirled In nil nngry flash. ( bm-k of tho Kimi'Ulnn of her pontT nml
What Kentlciiuiii?" he dcniandcd. ground Iiit llttlv boot bwl Into tho
aud rike ri'canliHl 111 in calmly. j ini- HiikkIiik. She chuu'cd up and
"I thoiisbt from your looks." he pro-; suh 1 1: t tlu i-oinniou Clvrnmii vh
ccetlcd quietly, "you iiiIkIu be mi , li.nulin; at I'lk w ith gruvo yni)lhy
American." , i i!il even undei'standliiK. nud liiHlantly
Horace )lnted himself sonaioly be- k!,i. haled him for It. Then she mtw
fore hh) InterroKittor. ! him lalie bis eiii from the ilmpiiilmn
"Are you speaklns to mcV" he de-1 M:irlauo nml I urn iiway. When be had
manded bnuKhtlly.
"I shouldn't bo surprised." said Pike
genially. "Ain't you au Aiucrlcau?"
"l happen to have beeu born in the ,.
States." replied Horace aggressively, I '
and Tike smiled iutolenlly. rnK hi mii i.mion.
"Well, that wis luck," be comment- V NSTA NT! Y I'lke luriied l!b :i
ed. and as Iloraco turned again to go' M .'It in- lv 1st ..f bis luuk body ami
be said: "llold ou a minute! I'm look-: 3 h-ilf lifnil bis hand as If In- e
p'Hf she said In n low vtdce:
"I it :n Miss Oraner Simpson."
Gasoline Pumping Outfits
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
t. s
;." in
lie s;inl:e tlicrt'
siiM Hi
Style That Stays "Put
One of the strongest features of WALK-OVER
shoe making is the thorough "seasoning" or "dry
ing" that the shoes receive before the "lasts" or
forms are pulled out. .Takes time and money,
but its worth it.. Doesn't the fine shape of that
old pair of .
Shoes your friend is wearing prove it?. We ar:
sole agents for this line.
Price $4.00 and $5.00
Edmeades Bros.
lug for some Americans here, and I peeled blew
expect you know 'em boy and girl 't ' "d atnlu. iimllie
named Simpson!" , 1 111 nliti nml linen-
Horace flushed deeply to the roots of 1 ' ' ::"'! Ills exi'fe
hi hulr. . r "il'i'-ied 'i"!"
"Is there any possibility yuu mean
Granger-Simpson?" he asked, with !
elaborate sarcasm, but this was lost
ou Daniel.
"No. sir: Just plain Simpson. Gran-;
ger"s their middle name. That's for ,
old Jed Granger, grandfather ou their
mother's side. I want to see 'em both, !
but It's the girl I'm really looking for."
"Will you be good enough to state :
any possible reason why Miss Granger-:
Simpson should see you?" and Tike1
stnrted In genuine astonishment.
"Ilenson!" lie reiterated. "Why. yes. '
I'm her guardian!"
The effect of this simple statement ,
was terrifying. Ethel reeled dizzily
and was supported by Mine, dc Chum-1
pigny. The earl rose to his feet, aud i
Horace staggered back. 1
"What!" he crlitl.
"Yes. sir." went on Tike "Daniel :
Voorhces I'lke, attorney at law, Koko
mo. Ind." I
Horace fell back from him iu horrl-
Bed amazement. I
"1 shall ask her. be began weakly , word, and .il.ii'.ieii;!..
and shamefacedly, "if she will consent i Uiat Horace h.i'l ai ai
Then bis arm
KI.u d liMirg a!
led fashion.
I i:i elii:i'": il to
ress ai.d I 1 1.'
was n worli!
low. tlHlnllishiV
tur pa from iln
was :l liille ln.y till lie
iil:s iil t Mill ipore'it I
' 'i'l! Il to lUl.vltmly III IICV llf.
I it .r I'n iiv!'! l'"'il hi'vo a g'l
ii He'd b" r.'k'My I'mud If lie
.-ll IH'W "
, ff,.)i. Ill;l I" n s" -I
r.ise and tin n Meen mm aam l!:s:l.prnl'll !n S..r telle.
! i !i i; H v. 1.1 I..- ::h .
:n "ill :er-ni;:il all'l- I'.i s ' si,,
: . .t1 'i: Tills mail -lu'llld
. , ;.. i ' nelly ; i r ! rln. Ii : i:p i
: ar. h.-tl lni .uiliM' I i-nlly
:' if .ll Hill lie I' il 1
. I'll
Summer Rates East
During the Season of 1009
Y . f: via the
Southern Pacific Go.
To OMAHA and Return $69.00
To KANSAS CITY and Return $89.90
To ST. LOUIS and Return $77.10
To CHICAGO and Return $84.40
ami to other principal cities in tliu I'nst, Miildln Wost and South,
Corrcspoii(Hii(ly low fares.
On Sale August II, 12.
To DENVER and Return $64.90
r: On Sale August II.
Going transit limit 10 days from duto of sulo, final return
October 31st.
Those tickots present Home very attractive features in tho way of
tdopover privileges, nml choice of ronton; tlioruby onobling pnsHeu
Rors to make side trips to many interOHting points en mute.
Kouting on the return trip through CaTifoniia may he had ut a
slight advaneo over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, slooping car lesorvulions und tickets will be fur
nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or
WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
;i ;f
- li.l l-l
Il lVe I
R C. Hansen.
Tom Moffat.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
State Depositary
Established 1888.
Capital nml Junius tl25,000
Kesnurrtis (700,000
The Jack.son County Hunk respect
fully solicits your account, subject
to your check, with tho strongest
guarantee of sufoty and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
systematic bunking service, which
nssures Hie greatest caro in every
financial transaction, with this olrfig
ing institution.
W. I. VAWTER, President.
0. It. LINDLEY, Cashier.
to au Interview."
i'lke looked at him In amazement iu
his turn.
"Interview!'; he said. "Why, I want
to talk to her!"
Hawcastle, with some of his finer
feelings aroused, picked up his Bister-iu-luw
with his eyes, much us a clever
'stess picks up her feminine guests at
t.'.mcr. and arose, turning to KtheL
"This shall make no difference to us,
my child," he suld and, turning sharp
ly, took Lady Creech by the arm aud
left the terrace. Pike looked at Hor
ace pityingly.
"Don't you understand?" be said.
"I'm her guardian!"
T.- ii 1 . I ......... . II .. t .. .... . I
I'ur a ijitcuuk iusiuul tjiuiuce aiutcu
at him and then dropped his chin and j
walked uway.
"I shall never bold up my head
again." he said. j suuuen uorror oi me revemuuu
that Horace bad drawn forth bore
down upon Ethel's mind wlib a crush
ing weight.
To her nrtlflclallzed understanding
the disgrace was more than she could
ever hope to bear, nud Horaces ex
pressed thought that he should never
be able to bold up bis bead again was
but a vlvlficatlon of ber own.
Surely It would have been bad
enough, she told herself, If this fearful
thing bad come upon them privately,
but to have It appear In the full light
of da and In the very bearing of the
family of the man she was about to
marry was too cruel.
And with nn Inward groan she leaned
for a moment against the terrace wall
where the countess bad left her. When
the first astonishment bad passed and
she hud time to realize what hud oc
curred, event? that had seemed but
fleeting impressions rose up before her
in all their vivid uukcdiiess. Mine, de
Champlgny had looked at her with
astute contempt, she was kuio, and she
dimly remembered seeing the look of
horrified amazement upon the patrician
features of the Karl of Hawcastle.
Then, with nn awakened resentment,
the fighting blood of the sturdy plebe
ian Simpson slock, the sloek that had
upheld Its end In the battle against
oppression iu several wars, eiime back
to ber with a rush, nnd she decided to
sec this awful man and give lit in to
understand that he must go awny nt
once and never Insult her ngnln by
his uncouth nml vulgar presence. Such
business us bad to be Irniisaeicd could
be done through an Intermediary.
With ii braclu;: of her spirit she
stepped forward n -ilniey nml en int
uit close belli' il ri'.e ns lie xlooil with
'oi : !:" .v t;i'
lI 'U I J'lsl
." I:e aii:iuere.l. act! s'te w.i' .
nil b:i!lyi::.l!il.v.
"Will Jell please s!l ilownV" -In
::l 1'ike ni'i'le an awkw-tnl l'"
"Ves. I'.l.l lie ivplleil 11
ill) I he l:ll'.:l.". :le. e!.l I'll ill
t'li'!; toe
il so pr... 1;
.- II.
.ill.iet pi Is .
i-d ".
ell ll.
I.V. Site sIlll.'lliel'iMl at Ihe Until tie t 'I
used and glanced nervously at I lie I i:
hi- was holding in Ills h i nils.
"An? are you really my guardian '
die asketl al lasi. with a trace of lic it-
k , it W
" We could hum been rparcd Wif Wil
ed unbelief In her tones. Tike smiled
at ber.
"Well," he suld, "I've got the papers
In my grip. I expect tbut"
"Oh, I know It!" she Interrupted ex
plosively. "It's only that we didn't
fancy we didn't expect"
She paused, ami he went on:
"I expect, you thought I'd be consid
erably older."
"Not only that."
"And I guess you thought I'd neg
lected you a good deal." There was it
touch of remorse in bis lone, und ho
looked Idly at tho hat he held. "And
It did look like It never coming lo see
you but I couldn't hardly manage the
time to get away. You see, lining tins
leu of your share of Hit! estate I don't
hardly have n fair show ill my law
practice, lint when f' gol your letter
eleven days ago 1 says to myself:
'Here, Dunlel Voorhees i'lke, you old
shellback, vu'e Just got lo lake lime.
John Simpson (rusted you Willi his
properly, and he's done more he's
i i-t i m i cm I you lo look out for her, and
now flic's conic ton kind of Jumping olf
place in her life she's llilnkltig of Bel
ling married so you just pack your
gripsack and hike out over there nnd
stund by her.' "
The Best Meal
In Medford is to be had
At The Star Restaurant
All white help. Home cooking. Room
and board $5.00 a week. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
MRS. W. E. G00D.E Prop. 322 E7th St.
Largest Commercial Nursery in tltc Pacific Noi'.i
west. Not in the combine. Competes with all fii.M
elass nurseries.
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
0 R E C, O X
We would like to U Ik with you about fire Insurance.
We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN
SURANCE Companies.
GLOBE and others
Successor to OANON & HOLMES
Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781.
J. K. E NY ART, President .1. A. I'KUIIY. Vice-I'
JOHN S OifTII. Cashier. W. i. JACKSON, Ass't CiihIhk'.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
We solicit your patronage.
Advertise in tit e Tribune