ureuon Historical aocteiy City Hall - A.wWtrfJ $1,000 REWARD! ONK THOUSAND DOLLAKS IIFWAKD WILL p,E PAID fiV THK UNDEHSIONKD TO AXY PERSON WHO CAN SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OK TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OK THE ROGUE RIVER VLLKY. HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT, WITHIN A I0-MILK RADIUS, A 20-MJLK RADIUS, A 30-MILK RADIUS OR A -lO-MILK RADIUS, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MEDKOHD, OREGON, HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING KADIUS. MEDFORD COMMERCIAI, CLUB. rrn IVIEBFORB AILY FOURTH YEAK. MIODFORI), OKKOOX, FRIDAY, AUJIJST J, V.HU No. 119. KIBUNE JUDGE HAH A ISSUES ORDER KEEPING CITY OFF PREMISES CASE WILL HOW DURIHB SEPTEMBER TERM OF COURTTIBE IS LOST Judge Hanna's order based upon alleged improper service upon Banley of order convening special term of court. Reames files long complaint regarding recent term of court. Circuit Judge H. K. Hunmt this -norning issued a temporary injunction restraining the City of Medford f r- m entering upon the Hnnley premise on Little Unite Crk. Tha order w an mndo iion th complaint and pe lion of M. V. Hnnley, tlnnnli his ;it torney, A. K. Hnames, who nllo.tl llml the recent tenn of court held by Judge John S. Coke of the Second .Iitdiciul District, in which damag'S to tho nniomit of $G00 were awarded 1o Mr. Hnnley, was nncoiislitiilionii I mid that the order of Judge Coke railing the special term was not properly served iikiu Mr. Hnnley. Judge llriunn reouired Mr. Hnnley to file i liond of $10,01)0 nnd then issued Ihe i tijtiiietion. Thai Mr. Kennies would apply I r an injunction wns indicated in The Tribune s days ago. Throtighoii I (he special term of court lie did not iippear as council for Mr. Hnnley, i u order that he might allege that at no time during the proceedings did the ilefendant acknowledge the le gality of the special term of enur' . The issuing of the injunction this morning means that Ihe case must now wait until tin- September term of court for trinl and us it has been a custom in Ihe circuit court not to hear discs in equity until after Ihe jury has been discharged, it is prob able that the mutter will not he reached until October. Then after a henr ing in the circuit court the matter v i 1 1 be earned to the supreme court, .i .t.!..l- ....... Il 1. 1 .!.... Iitil It ni limner iviuni ii v n n u h n i . .1 .. .. .1. ...'.11 ....I ,..(. ..Ii ii in 1 umni iiirouciii m i . - i i I lie nonce mill inn iiijuin.w" ... . , t I - been ssued came with cnnsnicrnDie surprise to City Attorney Ncff, as Circuit Judge lliinna had promised him. in the presence of County Clerk W. It. Coleman, that he would nt grant mien nn injunction, without first no tifying him. The City Atnrney has not as vet determined whot his fu ture coarse of action will be. Realties Cries "Fraud." In the complaint (lied by Mr. Heami'H he attacks the methods em ployed to get n special term of court ordered in this district by the order of the (lovernor, naming the matters set forth in the petition as "fraudu lent representations" which "deceiv ed" the (lovernor and caused him In order the culling of Ihe tenn of court. The i-oinplninl nvs in this rcgnrd. "That the representations iniide !i said cerliflcate were false and mil rue in this: thai Ihe judge of Ihe iiBov entitlod court (.Tueksoi.v Coiinlyl hud not declined to call said speein'l lenn because of any press P Im-incss ' ' and further, Hull Hie -aid cily al the lime the cerlill-i-ale was made, hail Ihe same water supply which il has had lu: cars past. Thai, in addition therein, it is BE TRIED lniiL-c viirt' miii.ti flu if thu lump if 1 I iikimi unlit i Viiiii lini iniusi.it .- i bringing through its pipe lines the same water which it seeks to take ncroKH plaintiff's meadows that said certificate was further un true in alleging that any typhoid ov other epidemic pus prevalent." Legality Ignored In Ihe en;! plaint the question of Ihe coiistil ML.iiuilily of the special tenn of court is raised, but Judge IIiiiiiiii did not go into that portion of lb iiiipluinl at this lime. He based Ihe lempornry injunction upon the mutter of alleged in the complaint n thn serving of the order of ,Tuil;: Coke in convening the special Icim of court. Tn lliis regard the com plain! says: "That no copy of said prctcitdcil order (thai of .Indue Coke in enlline Ihe special term of court) was ever -en I'd upon Ihe defendant in said sail ; that no return of any pretended service of said pretended order was ever tiled in said action excepting the protended return which purports l certify that a ccrlillcd copy wes let! it the residence of the ilcfcndnnl nine days prior to the dale of Ihe special term whereas Ihe slat nit' provides for the serving of the same upon Ihe ilcfcndnnl al least in (Continued on page 8.) enjo UNDERTAKES 10 OUTWALK TRAIN Demented Passenger Wearies of the Speed of S. P. Train Through the Siskiyous. ASHLAND. Or.. Aug. C Olio Born, a young man who became in' dieted with a mild attack of demutiu while on a trip to the Pacific Coast, his actions finally loading to his de tention here by the police authorities last week, left for his home at S:. Punl, Minn., yesterday, with Chief of Police A. L. Irwin, of Ashland, as his traveling companion, Horn's relatives having telegraphed transportation and money, not only for the return of tho young mull, but to cover te expenses of tho escort ulso. Horn, after visiting a brother in Idaho, came on into Oregon, and at HoHcburg attracted notice by his queer actions. He purchased a tick et for Shasta Springs, and whilf traveling across the Siskivous left the train at one of Ihe small stations, saying it was going too slow for him and that he could make better tir.ie afoot. He started to walk down through the valley and awakened peo ple at farm houses enroute in the middle of the night by knocking at doors and seeking admittance. Pi one or two instances women alom in houses were frightened by the in truder, who also labored under a hallucination that sonic one was seek ing to take his life. In many re spects the young man seemed ration al and he had money in plenty. M'MURRAY SAYS MANY ARE COMING POHTLANI), Or.. Aug. (. Afti an absence of nearly two months in Chicago and Washington. Willimo MeMurray, general passenger agent of the O. li & X. and Southern Paci fic lines in Oregon, returned to Port last night. Mr. MeMurray was i i alendanee upon ;i business nieeing of Ihe general passenger agents of the 1 1 ;i i i in i.i 1 1 lines. "ll is the belief of the passenger tiat'tie men thai during the .'II day the rates will be in force the colonist travel will exceed every previous col onist rate period of lil) days. We e.vpeet lo carry more passengers holding colonist tickels this fall than ever before. The advertising given Ihe west by Ihe Seattle exposition and the prominence given Oregon by cotuinunily literature will reap their reward in an inf'-v of Immeseekers Ihe like of which ' is neevr been see-i in the Xnrlhwiv (." Little hoys' Khaki summer sni'. below cost al llie Wardrobe ll!l IitU IOWA EDITOR PLEASED WITH IE VALLEY Managing Editor of Daily Capital of Des Moines, la., Visiting in Medford Charmed With What He Found, l WILL DRAW PEN PICTURES FOR HIS EASTERN READERS Says Commercial Club Has Right Spirit-Is Delighted With the Climate. W. T. Buchanan, managing editor of the Daily Capital of Des Moines, Iowa, accompanied by his wife and his son Robert rdopped in Medford last night, with a view of getting a glimpse of the valley so that he could tell his friends in Iowa of the con ditions existing in the Rogue River eoutnry. Mr. Buchanan is at the head of one of the greatest dailies in the middle vhj and has held n respon sible; cmiiieetion with the Associated Press for many vears. He is iu a position to give the Hogne River country the widest kind of publicity and his opinion was sought by the roKirtrr with u view of finding out just what he thought of this portion of the Const. In talking with him he remarked : "No man could make up his opin ion ot tne resources oi tins vaney in a single day. I have traveled dur ing the last eight weeks liv or six thousand miles, largely in the moun tain section of our common country, and my present iniprcsisons are tin. t this is one of the choicest spots of the Pacific Coast. The valley her itself reminds one a pmd deal of the surrounding country of Pasadena and liiverside. Of course, in these two places it is the orange grove which gives the beautiful vista of the eye. Here it is your pear and apple trees, hut to the uninitiated in fruit culture, there is that same general iiupiv-isnii. the same contour of scenic beauty, and to the easterner il creates n very delightful impres sion, Climate an Asset. 1 have just come out of the Klam ath Kails Country, where 1 spent a week leking o er the prospects oi that country, and I was impres 1 with this fact on arriving here. Ih"l there was just as much chance for the Klamath County man to come over in Medford to live during Hi' winter as it is for the Iowa man t.i j.,i tn Pasadena. Your climate here is uinl"diti'illy a great asset, and v''l nlwavs continue to be so. 'Oae of Ihe best iinpresisiuis that f have received here is Ihe tnlolibled eutei U'ise oT your eili 'en-. i'" Commoi'cinl Club has got the rigl.t spirii. The construction of your ev hibil building is a splendid idea There i-- nothing like advertisin Tt is Ike grontest force today iu mod. i Continued on P:'ge ROGL Of CONCERT TONIGHT. The program for the weekly con cert nt the park tonight, is as fo! laws : March The Imperial Life Guurd. Overture The Knehantress. I n t e rrn c-z zo Ka i ry Queen. Waltz Serenatii. Novelette Scnora (Spanish). Selection The Time, the Place, the Girl. March Kl Capitan. SELLS LAND AT LARGE PROFIT Central Point Man Disposes of Half of His Place for More Than the Whole Cost Him. C. E. Percival, of Urbana, III., on Thursday purchased 20 acres of or chard land from A. J. Dunlap, who resides near Central Point, the con sideration being $9,650. Mr. Dunlap's experience m the val lev has been that of many others. Last year be purchased 100 acres of the old Lcever estate, two miles from Central Point, paying $16,000 for the tract. Last May he sold 30 acres of the tract to Forest Miller, of Des Moines, la., for $8,000. With the sale Thursday he disposed of eiaetly half of his holdings for $17,650 or $1,050 more than he paid for the traet last year. It is but another ex ample of the increase in values throughout thevalley. Three years ago J. A. Larrnbee, who sold to Mr. Dunlap. purchased the place for $6, 000. AT SEATTLE FAIR The First National Conservation Congress of the Pnited States, which will be held in the Auditorium of tie Alaska-Yukon-Pncifie Exposition, at Seattle, Wash., August 26, 27 and 2S, under tho auspices of the Washing ton Conservation Association, prom ises to be an educational meeting o'.' more than ordinary importance. It will bring together several thousand representative men and women in terested in the material developmei I of th country, and the proper utiliza tion of all the natural resources pro iliieing individual wealth and national prosperity. I The Congress w ill inarg the open I ing of a eoinpaign for international conservation of all that assists i i making the world a desirable pine for present and future generations t.i build hollies nnd establish commercial enterprises. President William IT. Tafl. TT.-n. li. A. 1'ullinger, Secretary of the In terior; tii'-iord Pinchot, chairman of the .loint Committee on Conservati.-c P.etwecu Slates and Nation; 1. P. Newell. Chief of the Keelaniah'oi. Service: Senator Keed Sinool. l lali: Senator Paris Gibson, of Mon I ;t nil . and several members of the ruled Stales Senate and House . f li'epresenlatitcs. Hon. W. T. Freer, (lovernor of Hawaii and Prof. Ralph HANLt 1 LONG STRIDE Contract Let for Paving Half a Mile of West Main Street with Bith- . ulithic Pavement to Warren . . Construction Company. ORDER SEWER EXTENSIONS AND SIDEWALKS LAID Two and a Quarter Miles of Paved Streets for Medford by End of Year. Another long step towards metro politan Medford was taen Thursday evening by the City Council, when the contract for paving West Main Street with bitulithic from the school house west to the city limits, a little over half a mile in distance, was let to the Warren construction Company, making a total for Medford exceed ing two and a quarter miles of paved streets. In addition a couple of" miles of additional sewer, was or dered, as well as numerous cement "' and plank sidewalks. Weest Main will be paved 3tJ feet in width, between curbs. The cost ot' paving and curbing will be $6.30 jie;-' lineal foot of frontage, exclusive ot street intersections. Cement sidewalks were ordered constructed along both sides of Oak dale Avenue from Fourth Street to the south city limits, and the engi neers' estimates for paving Oakda'W alowed and warrants ordered drawi'. Plank walks were ordered along the east and west sides of Genesee St re: from East Main to city limits. A sewer was ordered const ruete i along the alley between DeAnjou Stret and Central Avenue, from Eighth to Xinth street; along the en tire length of Hamilton Street; alon Orange Street from Eighth to Tenth: along the alley through block 25, from Second to Third Streets. Ordinances were passed declarin;; the cost of improvement of paving o i Oakdale Avenue. Central Avenue and DeAnjou Street, and declaring smvi assessment and directing the entry thereon in the docket of citv liens. The total assssment for Oaktlnle n! $5.25 per lineal foot is $50, 150, f ir Central Avenue .$7:U l.-IH, (,' IV Anjou $(i,472.S!l. Other routine business was i runs acted. S. Hosmer, of the Hawaiian Conser vation Commission, will ho on the list, and many commercial and civ'c organizations have agreed to supply speakers. In addition, some of the most prominent churchmen of i)r day will participate. Mrs. Kale Vim Winkle Collins, wti ) recently su,t and kille.l her Ijm-.Iu. n.'. r. 1!. M. Collins, at Portland, has been declared sane. The tit'ticsth anivers.iry of the ilis overv of oil in Pennsylvania was celebrated yesterday. IN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT