Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 05, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Col. H. I". Washburn of the Table
lioek orchard, spent Tuesday in
Med l ord.
Work on llu- now fence tiifloiiii;?
I ho Modoti orchard is Hearing com
plotinu. It will ho the hamlsnmcs'.
fence in the county.
Our coffee, tea and .spices are un
excelled. Southern Oregon Tea and
Coffee Co. Phone :i:lO:i.
Whv pay more, when yon ean got
the same meal for less at the Sp'K
Cafe. Cool, clean ami alt while he!)-..
Dr. K. .1. Header, of Ashland, was
a recent visitor in
Orders for sweet cream or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone thi
Toggery Hill Isaacs returned Wed
nesday evening from San Francisco,
bringing with him T. J. Alexander,
who will hereafter have charge of the
clothing; department.
II. Ii. Montgomery, pruprpietor of
fhe Ladies' Kmporium, has returned
from a visit to the Seattle Fair.
Special Iots, 2i)c Me, 83c in mus
lin underwear, worth twice as mtien
at Van Dvke's Clean-Up Sale.
See Van Dyke's Clean-l'p Sale of
muslin underwear.
F. W. Wait is in Glendale on liusi
uess. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Gamett. wh
have been visiting Shortie and lien
for some days, have left for thei-.-home
in Kansas City.
Don't forget the amateur night at
the Bijou (Friday night). Something
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Fredenburg
have returned from a visit to Seattle.
Kditor S. A. Paltison, of the Cen
tral Point Herald, has returned from
a trip to the Seattle Fair, where he
"saw it all."
Don't forget the fresh fish at the
Eogue River Fish Market. Perch,
salmon trout, and dressed chicken, all
fresh today.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Lambert havo
"returned home from Central Point,'
where Mr. Lambert has been em
ployed for some time. '
Mrs. Charles Prim has left for a
-visit ai the Fair.
See window display of muslin un
derwear at VauDykc's CIcan-ITp Sale. ;
Miss May IUichanan has returned
from an extended visit to Seattle and
the Fair.
Ingles and Darling are certainlv
the whole eandy shop when it come-
to drawing crowded houses. as I- 'i
ideuced bv the crowds at the
last night.
Judge K. !'.. Kclley sH-nt Thursday
in Jacksonville on business.
You have laugh coining belter
cillect it at the lii.jou tonight
Clarence I.. Ueatnos has returned
fin m a trip to Salem, where lie ar
gued Ihe ease of the Slate vs. WaN
vorth, for murder, before tile su
premo court.
Don't fail to see (ho Tea-ant
Prince" at tin' Savoy tonight.
Xo beter place to spend the even
iug than at the Savoy. , yourself at the lii.jou to
night. If it is gaad cooking, lirst-ola
service and reasonable prices you do
sire you need seek no further than
the Louvre Cafe a trial will eoi.
vince the most skeptical. Special
rules to regular patrons
A. C. Allen received a fawn on the
afternoon train, shipped from the
north, which lie wilt raise as a pei
at Hollvwood orchard.
K. P. Hughes, of Cnrio. O., is vis
iting friends in Medford.
tt English WriUr'i RtfUctmni Upon
Public Punishment.
Periling one of tlu few really demo
cratic Institutions ever created wns the
pillory. I do not Bay Unit It was till
innue Institution. Ihniu:li it mis cer
tainly more humane ttuiti our sjstom
of silent Imprisonment. Hut holm; liu
ma in- hin nothing lo tlo willi I -1 14
ileimx-rallo. Yen may have humane
mid Inhumane democracies, iusl iin
you 11111.V line humane and Inhumane
The point Is thai Ihe pillory was a
rent appeal ! Ihe people. II it was
cruel ii was ln-ause Ihe people were
cruel or perhaps Justly liiilignniit. The
people threw ilead o.Hs ilh. i,ss I111
manll.ii'lan, I helieve. threw live i-utsl.
hut they could llirow bouoiti'ls and
row lis of laurel If they liked. Some- :
limes they did. The argument about 1
I lie "lil public punishments ,.its both ,
ways. The piihllelly wan nil aililttlonit!
risk for the uovcrninciit ns well an
additlotnil risk for the prisoner, mid
this Is specially true of the onv iilloiis
for treason. It was no small thing that I
half 11 million men might posnllily treat '
us a martyr n man whom the k liiit ww
(renting a iiiurtleror, that I h prince
hml to eouceilii to every obscure mf
llau exactly what that rulllaii prolmbly
wanteit most fame. -!. K. t'hcHlortou
In Loudon News.
I Hind Log. An a Most Formidable
Pir of W)oni.
The kam.aroo seotus poorly provld
ed l un.ure ulih nM'enslve weap
ons. His p.n,.is of .it tiiLt a re not
foriui l tl.le. and hi- fore paws are ho
weak as to seem almost inillnieiilary
ineml.cis .,!' unto M. S 1,1,,,! ,,KM
are mii-iiilm- ami Ntroin:. hut me up.
pnronily of use only to assist flight
from his enemies. On these hint! leiss
Is found. howcicr. 11 most foriuldiilile
Weapon In Ihe shape of a long claw as
hunt as steel mid sharp 11s a chisel as
terrible to doits as the scythe ehtirlolN
of the undents were to their enemies.
When run down the kangaroo, plac
ing a tree behind him to protect tils
rear, will selxo In his fore paws mucIi
Indiscreet do;-s as rush up to Mm
and, hoMIn- them (Irmly, dlsombowl
them with a sweep of his slckle-lllto
1 law v
KvYll the hoilll.'S theniHullcit tllllH
caught In t!ie vl-ielllio t,i'lj "f tin "old
nian" Kangaroo of I lie Inrg -r breeds
have Houieiliues suli'oreit In ll'te mn 11
11. T and lime now a id lli ' i ini.ea C'elr
own Pirn 111 lic!u- hiiunl 1; . t;n ci
raged iinluials turiieil upon rhciu and
atlnckcil Ihilr hoiM-s with hllud fe
roi liy. si. James' (inzctlc.
Ths Culousus of Fihoc'o.
The Klminl ! I ' of llllodeN
was one of Ihe seven wonders of the
world. It was erected In I r of the
miii by Charles of 1 . 1 in I his. a dl-clple
of l.yslppus, and was thrown down
by 1111 eailhiinike nlioiii It. (',
The lU'.inv slu. nl upon two tnolcH, a
leg cMeiuleil on each hide of the har
bor. A ulmllin- staircase h-il to the
top of ihe Ukui'c, from out of the eyes
of which were visible the coiiHt of
Syria and the ships hiiIIIiik on Hie const
of Egypt. The colossi were the pe
culiar chamclerl-tle of eastern art
anil were of common occurrence, many
of 1 1 it-111 being over sljty foci In
belKht. The most celebrated Is the
statue (if Monition, on the plulu of
TIipIh'm. described by the hlHtorliiti
j Mr, ami Mm. Edgar ICuf.r, Min
1 l''lonneii Kenteld, of Sim Francisco
j who is visiting tbetn, II. 8. Dudley,
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley, returned Than.
day I rotn u hunting and cumpin
trip in Ihe Mt. MeLoughlin country,
Mr. Dudley Hccurml 11 duur. '
James Kershaw, of Antelope, spout
Tlmrsdav in Medford.
Mrs. Artie Happ returned to Talent
Thursday, after a visit with her sis
ter. Mrs. Wes Kennedy.
Work on the new Taylor-Phipps
building is progressing rapidly under
the direct supervision of Con true to
Harper McKechnie. The workmen
have finished laying the stringers for
the second story. The Medford
Hardware company, who have the
contract for the plumbing, have a
force of men 011 the work and it is
expected that by October 20. at 'he
outside, the building will he reaiy
for occupancy.
J. W. Whitney spent Thursday af
ternoon in Jacksonville.
Clarence L. Keauies visited Jack
sonville Thursday.
DIKD At her home, corner Knight
and Woodstiock, at 11:30 p. m..
Miss Sarah J. Johnston, aged 43.
Funeral will be held ntt he First
M. K. Church North Itartlett St.,
at 2 p. m., August 0, 190!).
Of All Summer Goods
Buy your Summer Goods now and save money
Clearance Sale, all Hoe Wash (loods lo close. . 13c
Clearance Sale, 1.1c and 18c Wa.-h Ginghams,
to close l.'l"
Clearance Sale, 3."ic French Zephyr (linghaui,
to close I9u
Clearance Sale. Ladies' 2.1c Kibbeil Vests, to
close I3c
Clearance Sale, 20c Iluck Towels, to close 130
II HI Do.. Children's Uibbed Seamless Hosiery,
2.1c value, to close 4c
2110 Do.. Ladies' SMicial Hrainl. absolulely
fast, ,' values, to close 253
We have a full line of Ladies' and Children's Fancy
Hosiery. Prices ranging from
25c to $2.50 Per Pair.
The Hutchason Co.
Successors to
That is Unsurpassed In America
This is a sporting pmxMtiou for
men of wcnllh- it is uol a larm.
I'niiiitalled Trout Fishing Ji
to November.
Deer Hunting on tint premises,
Aiigiiid 1 Id November 1.
Duck Slnmling superior tu tiny i i
Ihe slule, over thousands of
acres of wild celery and rice,
September 1 to February I.
tirottso and I'licusim! Shooting o 1
Ihe place ( iclober 1.1 to Noveni
her 1.1.
I lost sliirling place in II ouiily
for ii Hour hunt.
The Crater Luke Automobile toad
will run through the place Cor .,
mile and u iiarler.
Navigable water to the proper
ty. niiHiiipasHeil drinking water,
and power to develop the prop,
More bottom laud and Hue gar
den land than nnv place on the
Thousands of Pine and Fir Ir
and thousands of (junking As
pens. More wirietios of wild llowe'.-s
and niilural grasses and vctehei
limn any place in Ihe coiinlv.
If you develop this property us t
can be developed, there is no
resort in the county that ran
compare with il.
No amount of talking will de
scribe il - let us show you.
We have been offered more tliiiu
twice what it cost, but have a
price at which you may take 11
below which wo will keep it.
Klamath Falls. Orcynn.
11 iiiiiir.r iinif WfllifM nu'i
Enjoy Yourself
Enjoy Yourself
self L
1 r
- 1
4 4 K'5
' ' i
:f : .A ... .
Clarice Indies
Ingles and Darling
Comedy Sketch Artists
In Their Mirth-I'rovoking Sketch, entitled
"The Girl and 1 he Reporter"
Come and See how the Cub Reporter steals the thunder of his lady-love's (iiinrdiun
A Hearty Laugh from Start to Finish
Best Picture Program Ever Presented
MASTER AND SERVANT- A Splendid reproduction of life during the reign of
Louis XIV.
THE RUBE AND THE BUNCO MAN -Yon can't help but laugh ut the ink onliue-i
of poor Itiibe while in the clutches of the clever I'linco Man.
THE CHAPER0NE It is really Ion bail to laguli at the poor Chapnroiie, but rcullv
you couldn't help it if you tried -u don't try - just forget your cares and
worries for o time and laugh with ns.
O0NT FORGET THE AMATEUR NIGHT ton.... - . as there will certainly
be something doing.
wi 4
Ififliard Darling
Come Harly and Avoid the Rush
Prices only 10 and 15 Gents