THE MF.nVOttn DAILY TRIBUNE. MKDFORD, OltKUON. THUKSPAY. A IK ill ST .', li)0!. H P( D np hfj I i ma so j pai nor 4 J lot A too 0 Jeav if, Running Water in Yoiir House and Barn tveiy Day m the Year Al ihr etir.vwl nc .ir.d m:;; rts of ht iy v j.t.- rvtcui, enn now K- :iiit lien. Yo'i P..11 hav an t f wmvi d !ivoiv.t mi.U-r Moti prvtwiiv. lo ull tixnm faun hdru:iis. No walor bni. hiiii rt raii't: r.ul ih- piant ia ulniuat evorhiatint:, 1 -tr Ki-nmio Nyw'em is ii;at:i1!--l nt tv:r ruk, not your. T uvoul unsm-peifij v.i:r liytrm-. itw 't loo i tho a.'nn;no l.o v:ms pm-uini: h- tank anti ?'tm mmm fuel urn! ( y r L k foro tr tr ii.n it it-ii im::; iM'non tw-k anJ pumping mucht.icry, tict iho ITi'..ui .e u .ti yon will take i o chi:.. Wo i;uu:.;ntco li.I. The best and most efficient water supply will bo your if you inttnll the Kewanee System No Merc n-v:.!::! cr Attic Tanks With th Ki-MMiiro Svstfin, the tank la IfH-aU'il in tho cellar, or hut led Hi the trnutn1. This tuiltt H nm.lo of BlPoi pinion uml will List itliut iiuiptiultely. '1'lttt Kewmu'O tank rests an solid iciiHind, aril i protected front nil extretut In weather; will mit leak, rtu ovpriUiw or coIl:ip!M. lntlit Kinaii(i S tvui, pouipirttf the wnti-rcmttes Uie air pre puio. For pumping the water any kind i( pourmay b used with, the Kwimt tern windmilla, Rnanlio encine,olectrtrity, biiu, hot air, or any other kind ol suitable potter. im-mv Puoynnf tk Every Kwnn SyKtora li cruarnntetsl to lttT". V-fUr UUdrttaiCC Kiveuflit.cIaMnaterupplyttndudomery. . j- ft thltitr we rlaim (or I r exieno a mi- v i . 'i l tn . . : i - . "tars i WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or eble interest to the public generally and which is nrhaps not generally ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at' Medford from any place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also he forwarded at the same time." TAFT TELLS IRGINIAKS TO BUILD feOOD RAILROADS WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Presi dent Taft has again indicated his in terest in good roads, his latest ex pression being elicited in connection with a movement for better highways in Virginia, this taking shape in an immediate plan for a road from the Nntionnl capital to Richmond. In a letter on the subject the Presi dent says:: "I regard this as a part of the gen eral roads imprevement in the coun try, and I have pleasure in saying that there is no movement that I know of that will have more direct effert to alleviate the difficulties and bur dens of the farmer's life, will stimu late traffic and add to the general happiness of the people, than the es tnblishment of good roads through- P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. State Depositary Established 1888. Capital and Surplus 1125,000 RcsoBrros 700,000 , of Water Suppiy Engineering Service FREE rot mrrelv itmnmut'tim' w;iipruii 7 plant. WfMihovkiilorMii't i-vob!oiii I Mi r. in tho Ittttt ton ;t'.ir. wo huve wioi-ooimillv'd vr ftVU water tip'y intV:n. I ho ItlWt bunding, in wi'U lUtlhtfHimlh'tft hiMlU's arw csiuiptKst with Kewanre Wtitrr Supply outtlta. Weai-experif. and h.tvo Mtttem ho the Kuwnitut timh murk tapJ a:id mut cme up t tuo hfwiiiife Undard, and ha thKM iuim;;u ir- I antPot satlfui'ttn U-hlnd It. tr water svueu ire oi ciuirtcv 4-- li, tr it mil u lit 77(73 ;l I ' ir money n il) be refunded, f l jj'y' Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog I et us almw you how ynu rn hive a Kr wntte.eWntr Supply Sylm in viur iv)itfe. (ir cjuIi is beautifully i llu i ried. and shows the many advanuccs t the Kewmtea Syttm over ihe tld tleatcd tnks. Cct our r tule ln-m our dealer and ink him which Kewanee System Also Agents for J) out the country. "I do not thing that because this may have been stimulated by pcoplo using automobiles it is to be frowned upon, for while persons using auto mobiles are by no means the mo;t important in the community, the fact that their sharp interest has focused the attention of the public on the movement entitles them to credit." PROHIBITION HURTS UNCLE SAM S POCKET WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. The fed eral treasury suffered a shrinkage because of the prohibition wave en- I during the fiscal year ending June 30. j During this time there was a decrease I of $5,200,773 in whisky tax receipts ' as shown by the preliminary report j of the internal revenue bureau mad; I public toi.iv. Whisky tax collections last year were $134,868,034, as against $140, 158.807 for the preceding year. The rcecipts of beer and other fermented liquors amounted to $57,456,411, a decrease of $2,351,205, compared with 1908. The nation's tobacco bill, however, showed an increase. The govern ment tax on all sorts o ftobacco ag gregated $51,887,178, an increase of $2,024,423 over the previous year. The oleomargarine tax collection were $002,197. a falling off of $5'.!,-107. HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County P.ank respect fully solicits your nccount, subject to your cheek, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which nurcs tho grcutcst care in every financial transaction, with this oMig ing institution. W. I. VAWTEK, President. G. R. MOTLEY, Cashier. The Mae Fr am Home A Novtflizution of tho Play of the S;;me Name Copyritllil. 1909, by Amrricin Press Association "Can 1 persuade you to try one of my national dishes," he asked "ca viare?" "Caviare?" replied Tike. "I've heard of It. but I thouclit It was Russian." "It Is also German," answered the other, recovering himself from the start he had Rlveo. "Will jou not?" Daulel looked him straight In tht eye quizzically. "I'd never Ret Into the ICRlsIature again If any of the boys heard of It," be remarked, "but 1 guess I'm far enough from home to take a few chances." Quite slowly and In'sliallnly he placed some of the rnvl:in In his mouth and then turned n viu-ant :inil pained look upon the German. Tin- latter Rmlled and observed iii!, !;!v- "You do not like It? I aai rry. Here! A taste of the veil': i will de stroy the caviare." Mariano quickly tilled a c!as and passed it to Daniel, who Hci;..d it ea gerly. This time he sat bolt upright In the chair and exhibited real dis tress. Then he quickly seized another forkful of the caviare and nte It hur riedly. "But I thought you did not like the j caviare?" said the German. j Daniel breathed quickly for on In- i stant. and the flush died from his face. I "That was to take away the taste of j the vodka," he said weakly, and Von I Grollerhagcn lifted bis bead and j laughed heartily. "I lift my hat to you, my frleud," he i said, and Pike looked at blm genially. I Tou never worked on a farm, did ! you, doc?" be asked, and the German j admitted that such a pleasure bad j been denied blm. "I guess that's right," went on Dan- lei reflectively. "Talk about things to j drink! Harvest tiuic ami the women folks coming out from the bouse with ! a two gallon Jug of Ice cold butter- j milk." ' Horace shuddered convulsively, and ' Von Grollerbugen asked: "You still enjoy those delights'" "Not since I moved up to our county seat and begun to practice law. ten : years ago." Pike answered. "Things don't taste tltc same In the city." "Then you do not like your city?" "Like it! Why, sir, for public build- , ings and architecture 1 wouldn't trade our state Insane asylum for the worst ruined ruin in Kuropu Dot for hygiene and real comfort." "And your people?" "The best on earth. Why, out my way folks are neighbors:" Horace rattled his paper sharply and glanced angrily at the disturber of bis harmony. Tlc German went on. "But you have no leisure class." he objected, and Daniel smiled. "We've got a pretty good sized col ored population," he replied. The German lifted his hand protest Ingly. "1 mean no a ristocraey no great old families such as we have, that go back to the middle ages." Pike laughed seriously. If one might Imagiue such a thing, and returned In stantly: "Well. I expect If they go back that far they might Just as well sit down and stay there. No, sir; the poor mnn in my country don't have to pay any taxes to keep up a lot of useless kings and earls and lirst grooms of the bed ebflmber and second ladies lu waiting and I don't know what all. If anybody wants our money for nothing, he's got to show energy enough to steal It Doc, I wonder a man like you doesn't emigrate." "Uravo!" cried Von Grollcrhagen, with keen delight, while Ilawcastle turned with an angry gesture to Hor ace. "Your countryman does seem to be rather down on us!" Horace Hushed with mortification and returned: "This fellow is distinctly of the lower orders. We should cut him ns completely In the States as here." CHAPTER IX. JiKCOOMZKO. THE German was frankly enjoy ing his guest's conversation and quaint, mannerisms and went on: "I wonder you make this long Jour- j ncy, my friend, Instead of spending I your holiday at home." 1-iko iookcu up in astonishment. "Holiday! Why, I never even bad time to go to Nlngnrn falls. I'm here oaJiusliiim". By BOOTH TARKINGTON and HARRY LEON WILSON Ethel, who was still standing by the countess, looked nt her friend with pained entreaty, and Horace, catching Ijuly Creech's basilisk eye fixed on him. reddened with mortlllcation. Daniel carefully folded bis nnpkln and sul back.. "I expect It's about time for me to go and find the two young folks 1'ts come to look after," he suld. "You are here for a duty, then?" asked the German quietly. "I shouldn't be surprised If that was the name for It." answered I'lko, ris ing. "Yes. sir; all the way from in dluua!" Both Ktliel and Horace started iu horrilled amazement and looked at each other with stricken terror on their faces, if this should "I I enn't stand this. I shall go for a stroll." said Horace hysterically and rose from the table, while Hnw castle looked at 1'IUe fixedly. "By Jove!" he said slowly. "I expect, doc." went on l'lke calmly, "that I won't 1h able to cat with you this evening. You see you see I've come a mighty long way to look after V "Rauonl Why, yes. I'mhtrguardlanl her, and she that Is, they will prob ably want me to have supper with them." The horror was closing fast around the other party, and they simply stared. "Do not trouble for mo," observed the German. "Your young people they have a villa?" I "No," answered Tike, with a smile. I "They're right here Iu this hotel." Horace, with fear lending wings to his scattered senses, sprang to his feet ' and began to walk toward the grove. Pike looked up. "I'd better ask," he suld, 'und then, observing Horace, went on addressing him: "Hey, there! Can you" ne stared as the young man, paying no attention, proceeded on bis way. l'lke raised his voice. "Excuse me, son, ain't you au Amer ican?" As Horace paid no more otteu tlon be turned to Mariano, "Here, waiter! Tell that gentleman I want to speak to him!" Mariano sprang after the retreating Horace. (To be continued.) Intense Colicky Pains Relieved "Tor some years I suffered from I intense colicky pains which wouU i come on at times und from which I ; could find no relief," says I. S. Mas on, of Penver Dam, Ky. "Chamber .Iain's Colic, mid Diarrhoea Kcmcdv i was recommended to me by u friend. ' Al ter Inking a fc wdoscs of tho rem edy I was entirely relieved. That : uns four yen i'h ago and there, litis lion no-return of Hie symptoms since. ' Ihnl time." This remedy is for sain bv l.oon I'. Husk-ins' I'liiiimncv. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Tents Robes Blankets Sheets Wagon 0e Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main Summer Rates East During the Season of 1000 via tho Southern Pacific Go. From MEDF ORD To OMAHA and Return $69.90 To KANSAS CITY and Return $69.90 To ST. LOUIS and Return $77.10 To CHICAGO and Return $84.40 nod to otliur principal cities in Ihe East, Middle WohI mul South, Correspondingly low faros. On Salo August II, 12. To DENVER and Return $64.90 ,u On Salo August II. Going transit limit 10 dny from dale of sale, final return limit October 31sL Those tickets present Rome very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and choice of ronlos; tharoby enabling passen gers to make sido trips to many interesting points en route. Routing on the retuni trip through Cafifoniia may be had at a slight advance over the ratos run particulars, aieoping car reservations and tickets win ue nir nished by nny Southern Pacific local agent, or WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all firfct class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent JlEDPORl), FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS We would like to U We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The t2ETNA,iROYAL, QJJEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. .7. R. ENYART, President JOHN 8 OrtTII. Cashier. THE MEDFORD CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety boxes for rent. A We solicit Advertise in quoted. ORE 0 O X TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS Ik with you about fire Insurance. J. A. PKKRY, W. I!. JACKSON, Ass't Cushic NATIONAL BANK $50,000 $10,000 general Banking Rusiness transacted. your patronauo. v tlte Tribune