THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TIIUKSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1909. Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published everv evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .month by mail or cmrrier.... 10.80 One year by mail 9&-00 4 TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. A rare and Balubnous climate soil of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive people such is the Rogue Rivnr Vnllev. Average mean temperature 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation 21 inches GRANTS PASS TO VOTE ON BASEBALL Referendum Petition Filed With the Auditor and the Police Judge Again-? New Ordinance. THE TIAXLET CASE Now that an impartial jury has awarded damages to Mr. Hanley fov right-of-way for the city's gravity pipe line through his farm, it is hoped that efforts to hold up the city will cease If Mr. Hanley has a grievance against the city on ae him fight it out in the courts and secure damages, if he can, count of rejection of the Wasson Canyon agreement, let without trying to block further construction of the present system. Mr. Hanley would have done better to have accepted the city's offer, which was a fair one, permitted the construe tion of the pipe line across his farm and fought for dam ages on the old contract separately. HUNTING A TRIED CHEEK. "What favors can Sou-rhern Oregon expect to get from the state government if the members of the legislature believe that such rot is advocated and believed by the resi dents of Southern Oregon?" exclaims a bilious joke mas querading as a newspaper that has awakened from its habitual lethargy long enough to put somethings beside clippings in its editorial column.' The "rot" referred to. is the talk of secession and the creation of a new state. What favors has Southern Oregon ever received fror.: the state legislature, or from the rest of Oregon ? Southern Oregon has been smashed on both cheeks, why should it hunt a third ? ' i Southern Oregon has the privilege of paying taxes, and that is all the benefit it receives from the State of Oregon that and being hampered in every possible way in its de velopment by obsolete laws uncjer the dictation of reac tionaries. Southern Oregon is going to have the recognition it de serves, if it has to secede to get it. ' The bilious joke is another member o fthe "Can't do it" Club and should move to Salem where it would be appreciated. (,il A NTS I Auk. " A ref cromluin pot it "i has Iii'imi led will' the City Audiim- ;nul Police Judge relative to the ln-clull ordinance re cently passed by the City Council on mi emergency clause. The petition is signed liy the required number f legal voters (if the city and will he submitted to the council nt the next meeting. 1 lit! baseball ordinance lias mut with disfavor ever since it was pass cd, not only by lovers of the national game hut by others who thought that the license was carried to the ex treme. The license fee for the game of baseball where ndmision is charg ed was placed at $75 a game, whict owing to the fact that that was rniir? than was taken in at the avenue game, made the well-known sport prohibitive, which was probably the intention of the ordinance. Now that he referendum petition has been tiled leaving the matter to the people to vote on nt the next city election next December, the ordi nance is tied up and ine'ectivc and baseball can he carried on as thong1: there had been no ordinance passed. NOTED DOG SHOWN j AT EXPOSITION RED! EXPERIMENT. Traveled All Over World Was Dec orated by Mikado Now at Seattle Fair. A CLEVER COMEDV AT THE SAVOY CALIFORNIA AND OREGON Under date of August 4, the Press Association carried, the following dispatch from San Diego : "By an approximate vote of four to one, the bond elec tion to appropriate $1,250,000 for the construction of u system of high ways in San Diego county wax carried at the polls yesterday.. With the completion of this system, San Diego county will be in the possession of a network of road ways second to none in the West." Think of it ! A single county, and not a rich one, either, appropriating a million and a quarter dollars for public highways! And only one of several ronnf making simi lar appropriation. That's the way things are done in California. In Oregon the mossbacks have a fit when the state ap propriates a hundred thousand dollars for a highway to make accessible the world's greatest natural wonder, and so secure the expenditure of millions in 'a. great national park, and invoke the aid of the courts to prevent t lie ex penditure. A milion and a quarter for local roads in one county is not too much in California ! A hundred thousand for a state and national highway too much for the mossbacks of Oregon ! Could anything illustrate better the difference between the two states ? Is it any wonder the progressive people of both Southern and Eastern Oregon want to secede and leave the Silurian section to vegetate by itself in peace? Follow the crowd ! Kvervbodv .- going to the Savoy tonight to laugh at the clever comedies ".Mixed in Mis Dinner Dates." and "Looking for Mis Umbrella."' They are both breezy, spicy, sparkling comedies of real life bubbling with mirth. "The Peasant Prince" is one of the neatest romatic dramas shown in the city. The natural scenery is very beautiful, the ejects beyond belief. The story is clearly told by the ue lors, rounding out a finished woik of art. The management of the Savoy nrc running nothing but the latest nnd best from the world's output of pic tures. No old pictures are shown that have been run before in the city. They have passed the experimental stage in the moving picture business, have no breakdowns during the per formance, and are giving, their pat rons a good, wholesome entertain ment. Entire change of program Friday night, which is "dish night."' The Savoy cool, cozy one dime. CITY COUNCIL DISPOSES OF MUCH BUSINESS The City Council met Weduedn evening and disposed of consider able business, wlncli included paying of regular monthly bills and ordering in of water and sewer mains, a complaint from J. Filer regurd'ni'; lonflng on the streets was the only matter which enlivened the evening. The recorder was instructed to ad vertise for hidH for the paving of one block of South Grnpe street. The council will meet this evening to consider a number of resolution and ordinances. PROMINENT DOCTOR PRAISES LOCAL FRUIT After sampling some liogue Kiver apricots shiped to Tncoma by T). Fehl, of this city, Dr. Balnhanoi', one of the most prominent eye spec ialists of the northwest, pronounced the fruit the best that he has tasted since' he left his home in Bulgaria, 33 years ago. "Too much cannot be said as to the fine ipialily of the fruit, says the doctor. He evi dently knows a good thing when he tastes it. NOTICE. To all fruit growers, that Oeor-e ln iinins, i mm ine i ny 01 i,os An geles, will make a demonstration of heat, and smudge fuel in Medford Sat urday, I :.'(() p. tn., August 7. Dcin oonslrittion will be made on Die rail road tract, west of the Fruit K change. In digging a well on the Scott place, near Curry tiffin, a vein of good cm I was struck at ti depth of 20 feel, showing that cool underlays the en tire region. SKATTI.F, Wash.. Aug. 5.- An or dinary cur cringed into the post of lice at Albany, New York, one eve. niug in INSti. was the most ,lo Mm!ent little dog that ever lived anil hiil himself nwav underneath one of the cables to avoid a possible kick. His pitiful upturned face touched the heart of one of the clerks and ho was fed and given a bed. "Owney" he was culled and his history and trav els began from that moment. Never before had he been humored by hav ing a name, and when he was given a bright collar and niuneplate ho felt so proud that he followed a mad cart on its trip to the depot. fA.sfG n.-fowxxdtz y-ntan ETAO The railwav mail car was new and Owney proceeded to investigate ir. The mail racks and clerks looked fa miliar so he lay down on a bundle of sacks and went to sleep. Me was discovered nt New York City an 1 sent hack to Albany. Jiiil having learned the trick Owney began trav- ling all over the United States and Canada and was given medals and badges in every dace he lauded. To the inscription on his collar had been added the v. rds "Albany. New York." and he nl ays arrived hack in that city after is long trips. Me traveled abroad a 1 the Mikado of Japan decorated urn with n silver medal and the Mali nnl coat of arms. Owney met an ntiirely fate in 1S1I7 at Toledo, ( io. Me wus tied in the post office t ere iwniting the photographer, who rcn to take his picture; he becan . i ttrted and when a clerk tried o i iff him, bit the clerk, and on t e r. that he was mad a poliecn fn's nil his career. The body of Owt y v s taxerdimistdcnhtisci K'l taxidermist and is i -w . in the post office s ici eminent building at ho kon-Pncific Exposit ., t many o fthe hiednl an honor which he rece ed. Out of It Grew th. Groat Fabrlo of trui Qerm Theory. 11 wits u fixed belief of llie undent that many living creatures could come Into existence In n spniitiuicniiH fasti. Ion, to which hIIunIoii Iiiih often been niaile. The line beginning of the germ theory arose out of a ludicrously slin pie observation niaile by Itedl, a I'lnr entlne physician, iiIumii llie middle of llie Ncveuleenili century. debuted Willi tils confreres n Kloivucn the ipiosllnn of the i i i 1 1 1 of I he uuigKots appearing la decomposing meal. The old view belli, of course, I lull I lie lung- guts were hied wllliln ilead and poire fj lug siilislaiiceH. Itedl, taking u piece of meal, covered I he iiiouili of Ihn Jar in wuicn It was contained wltb a piece of tine gauze, lie l.ehchl llie llcsli tiles. nttracted by the Niiiell of llie decaying meat, coming In deposit llielr eggs, aft er Die manlier of I heir kind, In I he do composing MuliNlaiicp. The gauze, how ever, kept (hem from effecting (bin iinturiil object, w ltb the result thai Ihn eggs were laid on the surface of the gauze and the maggots there hatched out, while the decay of the incut went on uninterruptedly without a single maggot appearing n py nubMance. On this childishly simple experiment the great fabric of the germ theory of today wob founded, for If the liiw of universal pun-mage applied lo the case of maggots an, ,.nt It wna clear, ar gued Itedl, thnt It must upply univer sally. Subsequent experimentation proved the words to le true, uud so to day, when our attcntloii Is focused upon germs or microbe u mlnuto that wo might UC 'in:iiodiile many hundreds of thousand of them on the surface of a postage stamp, we again come faco lo face with Hcdl' llrst prlnclplo that each genu could only have sprung from n preceding and parental organism.- IJrooklyn Kugle. abroad again,' lr.iiiiilrcr. she lghrt.-!iiclunit Amlsblo. "They nay Thclmn'a husband I a very ji in In 1 lit mini." "A tillable! 1 should nay so! I hnvu known Dial man lo lunch al n Joku when he wH talcing down llie stove pipe."- Hallliuore American. II Is Impossible to tiiiike your con duct pi rlivl. Inn It k easy to iiiiiko It belter limn It has hecfi. .Mchlnnn ih. I.e. Th. Fool, lie wus n imhlf lord, and he wm In nil awful rage with one of his foot men. "It Is Intolerable!" be exclaimed. "Are you a fool, or urn IT "Ob. my lord." replied James, wltb humility, uiixIoiih to appease the great man. "I am sure you would not keep servant who was a fool." TKe Groateit Inventor. Teacher-Who Is the greatest In ventor? Hhiiggy Haired Pupil--Tut Ponding, I sue. ee hi name on more Inventions limn I do any other aian'r-ehlctiKo Tribune, A person who (nlks wltb i-pial t. racily on every subject -ncllin no la lerest In tit-Mmlltt. Ho Know All About Spelllna. ended it to n ?A01 ihitior gov-a-Tn- c; r with tokens of That S.Uled It. The coniiulKHlniicrs In lunacy were nonplused. The man on whose mental condition the courts had apMilutec' them to puss seemed xw-fiH-l)y snne li pile of all testimony to the contrary Ills every action, bis every re. mirk wn8 rational. They were about io glv up in despair when mutters took an unexectcl turn. "Ob, doctor, pern. '. me to return the umbrella I borrowed from you hint week," said the patl And then, at the thought of our 1 !. rJLfl I their fees with no quiilma of ,-on. ' -uoneyT science, llie learned men iN-cldcd :' any one who would Toluntarlly liver a borrowed umbrella abou'd I I - - under restraint. Thin simply proves bow inTt v. I "tor mold our n Yo: Times. Clerk There's Nome new people or dered flsb. Do I leave It without tbo Write f O. I). AGRICULTURAL Ci LLI 5E ' PRESIDENTS ,0t If iG. 20 An id o, St n s 0 . thi lie. ( gri Th. train aim u;: vn,- CORVALLIS, Or.. eastern delegation i Collpgo Presidents will visit Corvallis at cultural College, Ac presidents will come oi from Portland, and here over night, leavin list 2. The honor co,.,e lis as the result of li.e Aurieimnnii College being located here, also through the invitation of President W. J. Kerr, who is vice-president -f the National Association, und who influenced the association to cross the continent (o hold its annual conven tion in Portland and supplemental ones. There are about 2.ri0 members in the delegation for tho annual con vention of the Association of Agri cultural Colleges and Experiment Stations of the United States. Corvalis will prepare to entertain the visitors, and extend them every courtesy. Ho Followed Dircctier.e. lied tupc lends c ie to i u: I -. lengths. A writer in llie (!.: . u Dispatch tells of a r"vc ruli'n n- . a that picked nji a .vnu.,j l:i Ifcr on I: lender and aii i. ; !t ... ; .: 'Iirongh the street. j In making out r.-oi;! :.! r.-;.:i: . j be nr erlntctit!' ' f the i-.n;,: wr..i ( u ii!iver to the i.ucrv on the I ' .i ' -n.l. " !iMt i I f e . ', i : ... - : -Th ru ultnni' j -si,,, was is "iatc j mil t lit :i oi gri- '-vI.:io'..i s: arricil . :'f 'i '! i "I-:, " " o'l llie li HUGHES AND JOHNSON . SAIL TO VICTORIA, B. C. SKATTLK, Wash., Aug. .r.--0ov-einor Cliarlcs F. Hughes, of New York, and his secretary; John A. Johnson, of Minnesota, and slu";,, and Governor Marion F. Tlay, "f Washington, sailed for Victoria, I!. C. at 0 o'clock this morning. Aflnr seeing the sights of the P.rilisli Co lumbia fii pi t ti I, the three governors u'il lake a steamer lo Vancouver, where Governors Hughes and John son Kill begin their journey hutm! wnril over the Canadian Pacific, flov-crimi- I f ii y returning tn Seattle. II i. way ' iobs.a Mutt i!:r I l!--i (: 'Well nl'(.i;t i:'. !'roirletor No. .be bill. Clerk -Wufi the use if that wfce ll'i anlmonT No Buiinon Good Ouilnooa. "Tex." Haul the quiet man. "buslMwo baa been goisl wllb I this week or bad I don't know iilch you woold call It. I hove beu busier than tit company liken to bnvn me." "What do yon mean by Ibatt la there an employer who does not Ilk to have bin cmployi-e wort? Con Id I get a Job there? It see ma to me that aucb a position would suit wy tem perament exactlr." "The compniiy doesn't care to hare anything doing In my department. It would lie glad lo pay me my salary and never have ine do a stroke of I work." i "What an Ideal Job! What kind of ! a plnee is It V "I am an ndjiistcr of death clulius , for a life Insurance coiniianv."-New i York I'rcis. I hoiemad: i: i' r i:i!m1. ici cream! Freeze It at Lc.ict a Cey Before It l to Bo Utd. "Tile be.-t ice , rciiiil is stale Ice cream." mid the I. c cr. aiu iiiaiiufac turcr. "Von ucicr hear of colic from Ice cream among children who have never met the luinicniailc nrlicU". II Is a queer thing liiui II would ruin a iiianiifacturci- to sell fresh goods, whereas If you ktimy 11 Is IiouiciumiIc and Just out of the freezer yon will praise It lo the skies as being the su perior of an.tihing manufactured any where. "If you waul your home iiiiulc ereiiiu to be really good und healthy inn lie it at least a day before you use It. chum it bard, but not loo hard, and llien puck it away in sailed Ice iiiilll m ii are ready to serve It. In Ibis way all the little parllcles of he which nial.e homemade cream so grllly and really harmful will have disappeared. The cream will sort of uhsorh the waler that forms the Ice, so to speak; conse quently your 'Team will ho frozen, not frupped. II Is a daring nuiiiiifactiiier wlio risks his trade by shipping cream less than a week old. Somel hues I store my goods in he us much as two weeks. That Isn't a hit loo long, either, although It takes a heap of lee." New York Press. I. I'. Applcgnte, a pioneer of Soul hern Oregon, who is now living in Oakland, is in Lnkeview. nfler n trip inspecting tho lava hods. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frapp, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Waller S(oes. hove left for home. Caught. She Did you hear they were going lo lux linehehirs? He Yes, but they'll never get It cut of me. She-It Is nice of you to pul It. that way, but I must speak lo mother first. Illustrated Rita. What Is not Mcetwary is dear at penny .OttOk,. DF0RD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound. No. 'JOjlloschurg Pass... 7:41a.m. No. 12siiasta Limited... 0:2.ia.m. No. ltjJOregon Fxpross.. 5:24 p. in. No. 1 Portland Fxpross. 8:.1flp. m. Southbound. No. 1 1 Shasta Limited... .0 :50 a. in. No. irk'aliforni:i Express 10 uJ!j a. m. No. 13fi. F. Express 3:32 p. m. Medford to Jacksonville. Motor cur leaves Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves Motor car leaves . 8:00 a. m. 10:15 o. in. 3 :35 p. m. 0:00 p. m. 51:30 p. in. Jacksonville to Medford. Motor imives Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves Motor car leaves No motor car service July 'JO. No. 1 1 Leaves Medford . . No. 3Lcavcs Medford. , No. 2Arrivcs Medford.. No. -I A rrives Medford . , No. 1 'Arrive Fugle Pt . . No. 'jl,eaves F.ngln Pt. . No. IllArrives Fnglo Pt.. No. 'llLfiavec, Fnglo PI.. . MAIL CLOSES. 7:00 a. m. 8:45 a. in. 2 :30 p. m 4 :30 p. m. V :30 p. m. until about 8 :00 n. in. 2 :20 p. tn. 10:10 n. m ri:00 p. m. fi:4" n. in. 51 :()") a. in 3 :0,ri p. m. 4:15 p. m. Northbound . . . 8:fi0 n. i Southbound ... 4 :20 ti. i Fagln Point,.. 7:20 a. i Jacksonville . . M):2P n. i