r 1 1 1 1 MMLY TKIIUJNK. MKDKOltl). OUKiiON, TJIUJiSDAY, AUUUST 5, JJ()fi. HISTORIC WEAPONS. f I 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 t t J Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in thel space ant! cost ot four rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets? t and dresiers; cabinet kitchen. t I J. A. McINTOSH, Architect. Third Floor Mod ford National Bank lliiildin-. t . . C U;, vi.::j "i I : .. .',,..; .-1'v..-:-!:;i , -'-. . r- . ...,...,'v,...i 1FY0U INTEND TO BUILD A COMFORTABLE HOME Cool for Summer and warm for winter then build a pood solid comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories and ".arret; this can he built for the same price as a bungalow come and see WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 years' experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans and Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected at Residence. 244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St., J. W. DRESSER'S OFFICE. frophiis Wralttd From the Crusaders Found In ths 8udnn. Among tin trophies of iiriim display- I'd mi 1 1 If Willis lit Windsor CIIHtle in.' at tin- iiiiihI Interesting u! tliu long scries Ih ii group of weapons and armor; Mi nt In (jiiccu Victoria hy Lord Kltclt i'iH'1' after tin' I'ougola campaign on I In ii jit Mli- In I Mil;. Tlif trophy consists of n coal of rliiiln mull, a iniiiiliri' of xpcarK null II Iuiii: ci-mm hilled dwnril. On tin.' straight Mec litaili of ilii' sword there Ih mi Iiihi'iIi!iiii In niM f; i v 1 1 1 ji; '- I Irt; fen: "No im H!iiiii'H mJ ii nron. No nie I'litnilni'H hIii lionor." 'J'lii' words lire Kpunhih, hut tin.- khiik- j IllOltO HUH lllHi'l'llH'd on xworil blades j In tin ilny k of chivalry In most of I lie iiingungcM of Knropc. Hh uieiinhsg h tin1 knightly mli- for nil who bear the ! sword: I'n no) draw mi' without rcn-j mm. Io not sheathe tin- without honor. I Tin- wi'iiiou was taken from the j nliMiiiloiii'il -n in of Wad Hlshiirn. the j (Ici-vIhIi general, after the lint lie of! Ilnflr (Kept. !!.'!. IttWI. How came 0 j blade with such a motto to be found ' In n Moslem lilvoiinc In the heart of j the Sudan? I The presence of these cniHilder ( sword In the Sudan Ih not so difficult to cxphiln. In the thirteenth ccutury the Mohammedan caliphs of ligypt not only carried on successful wars against the crusaders In Syria, de stroying the hint vestiges of the iJitln kingdom of Jernsnli'iii. Imt uIho de feated two titteuiptH of the KuropeanH to Invade Kgypt Itself, one of them led ly St. I.ouIh of Krance. Knonnous iimiit It Icfi of weHtern nrniH null warlike eiilpuieni: must have thiiH passed Into the possession of the Mohauimeilun conipjcrore. Chanilii th' Journal. B D X The ABC of Gasoline Engines AIiiiiior casolinc ftriKiiies lielon at the lieml ul Ku; li-t in engines hi niiieb as A Ix.' lon'H at the head of the alpliHliet. Because wherever they have been demonstrated' they have taken the first prizes ah Holiitcly on their merits. Can you afford to use any hut the best frraile of gasoline engii.es for irrigation or other purposes? U BABY TALK. Why Not Be Comfortable and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or home. ft 1 l',.,'' Invest in a 'QSl. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only c to Ic per hour. I2inch size $15.00: 16-inch size, $20.00: 4 Bid. Ceiling. $36.00"" ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Suofossnrs to Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You en n bid (ieliaiiee to the. heat hy having an elei trie fan put in po sition, it doesn't eost very much, either. II' you haven't one, we enn fix yon up i mi short time, at the least expense. We're general oloo Irieiiins, and do nil elnsses of work in our linn in (lie most thorough ' innnner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly oxeeuled nt lowest ehnrRns. Porinhle lnmps in nil vnrielies. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. An Infmtile Habit That Sometimes Sticks and Breeds Trouble. Once In awhile a rare stammering ease romcH to the luhoratory where there's nothing the matter with the chlld-tlic matter Is witli his dear i iiiaininn. In r.m.l Dr. Wltnicr exaniln-' nl ti luiv of lu'i'lvp ivhn tulkt! hflhv ' talk a lirllit. nlert youuexter, to all nppearuuees normal. Hut nobody could understand n word he uttered except mamma; slie underHtiKMl It all per fectly. "I ii w ow ny" wbb to her ear "I want to ko out to piny" as plain as anything could he. It was her tender custom to reply likewise, and she took pride In the thought tuat she hnd never allowed her Willie to asso ciate wlih the children on the block. She had cneoui'AKed him to be her hnhy and "kept hiui from crowing up too soon" by prattling to him. Kxcept for his unintelligible lau guni;c, the I'xnuilnation did not reveal a defect, physical or mental. In the hoy, ami Dr. Wltnicr was forced to the conclusion Unit the trouble lay in the persistence of an Infantile habit "f articulation for which the mother w.ih solely responsible. Through senti mentality and nvcrindulKciice "she u id almost ruined his chances for a use ful and possibly successful life." (I'sycholiiKirnl clinic. .March. 1W7.) Mouths of painstaking, expert labor had to be expended upon him to break up the habit his mother had carefully developed before he could even begin to iiinke himself understood by any one else. Dr. Winner of Vale In Mc t'lure's Magaxiue. Almost Disbelieved Her Eyes. "Among i he memories of n:y boy hood, " said a New York 111:111. "there Is one odd episode that Is partiiiiinrly vivid. It Is a conversation that I over heard one morning as 1 walked toward the Boston high school between two women. ' "The women were talking about ba bies their size, weight, health, and so forth. '"Why, w hen I was 11 week old,' said the first woman, 'I was such a little baby that they put me In a ipiart pot and put the lid on over me.' "The other woman was amazed aud horrified. 'And did you live? she asked. "'They say I did." her friend an swered. "Well, well, wellf exclaimed the second woman. And she glanced nt the other almost doubtfully." About Matches. John Walker, an English chemist, was experimenting In IS'.'" w it li an In flammable mixture for use on ship board. One day Walker luippened to rub a stick dipped in this mixture across n table. There was a report the stlc'k tool; lire, and because .lohn Walker was no fool the inat'h w-is born. The match's Inventor put his wonderful invention on the market In April. lS'.'T. The Walker match was as big as a lead pencil, and it cost a shilling a box. Itecause It could only be lighted by drawing II through a piece of sandpaper folded In two the lloldeu match supplanted it la IK'.:! The lloldeu was a Inciter. It Ignited more easily than the Walker, so it put the Walker out of business. Sweden Is today the hoinu of the match In dustry. Sweden exports annually nbout 2.000,000.0(10 boxes of Incompar able matches, lint there Is no statue to John Wnlkcr. Kxchnngu. s C T 1 sTi.?. E.i It T'IT - r-rf.. 'ZX "WMT i ..Ti The Alamo engine has been selected hy the State University at Kugene, ami nlsu by the Oregon At'rictiltural College nt Corvnllis, as the best engine adapted to demou Ktratc the latest and most approved principles of gas engine practice to the student!,. Otir3-h.p. Alamo Victor vertical electric lighting outfit was selected by the Southern Pacific Company to light the demonstration train which toured the Willamette val ley last full under the direction of the Agricultural College, and these people were so well pleased with the Alamo engine that it was again selected hy them to light the demonstration train which recently tonred Southern Oregon. The Westinghouse Electric Company anu the Northern Electric Company, which as you know are the two largest manufacturers of electrical goods in America, have both adopted the Alamo gasoline engine, and now recommend them ayrl illustrate them in their bulle tins. A complete stock of engines, together with n lull fine of extra parts, is always available nt Portland. If you will inform us concerning the exact use for which you wish the engine, we will be pleased to furnish you gratis what information we can concerning the necessary horse power. We have had a great deal of experience in making installations of all sizes, nuil no doubt can be of some assistance: to you. Rogue River Power and Machinery Co. G H 31 BARTLETT STREET WE DO COMMERCIAL WOOD SAWING K M R Q O N "ON TO NATRON" IS CRY IN KLAMATH COUNTY "On to Natron" is the signal thai flies over the office of Engineer lloev in this city. , Mr. Hoey has been ad vised that the contract for the con struction of the 25 miles of road on this end has been awarded to Krick son & Petersen, and in accordance with this information he is pinking preparations to push the line on. This contract will bring the terminus of the line near the head of Sprague River. No limit has been set for it completion, but no time is to he los. in carrying on the work. It will tn" nbont another week for Kiik-ou, & Peterson to complete their work h the yards, and ns soon as this is done they will move their entire force onto the new portion of thr line. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler For Watches, Diamonds and all the latest things in Jewelry Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing A Specialty. Neu1" Postoffice Women In Trousers. In the nretty Alnine village of Cham pery, In the canton of Valois. Swltzer- land, the peasant women wear trousers and waistcoats in place of skirts aud boleros, and the only distinguishing badge of their sex is a scarf knotted around their hair, the bright red ends of which float cotpiettishly over their shoulders. The women vf Chninpery work In the opeu air. performing the same kinds of labor as the men, and long ago their ancestors found that they could work more easily In trou sers than In skirts. Line of Least Resistance. "A man will scrutinize the menu card for half nn hour and then order a steuk." "Or examine a bushel of summer re sort folders and then go to his usual place." Kiinsns City Journal. Savoy Theatre A Bunch of Joy THE PEASANT PRINCE MIXED IN HIS DINNER DATES HUNTING HIS UMBRELLA Tonight and Thursday 0NE DIME ssssMssssjMMisssssasssBsssssssi Mystified Mabel. Mother (at lunclii Yes, darling, these little sardines are sometimes eaten by the larger fish. Mabel (aired live) But, nianima. how do they get the cans openV ISosloti Tl'iiusrvipt. Spontaneous Combustion. Spontaneous combust ion can only oc cur when oxidation causes the temper ature to rise to the Ignition point of the material Spontaneous combustion of the human body Is impossible on ac count of the heat regulating effect of the To or S11 per cent of water contain ed. The enormous heat necessary to dry Hie tissues snlliciently would de stroy life long before ignition could take place. An old idea was that the alcohol in a conlirmed drunkard might promote combustion, but I.leblg show ed that even if the body could give off Intlnmmnhle. vapor ami this could be come Ignited ttie body itself would uol be set on tire A Bargain The famous 120-acie I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 8:. acres of alfalfa garden. 20 acres of the prettiest oak auad laurel grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the present time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE & TR0BR1DGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, nt office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford