Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 04, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Mrs. 1). 11. Kussell has returned
from Newport.
Prcfercd Stock ennneil goods tit tlu-
Hex Grocery this week nt greatly ro
dueed prices. 110
Mrs. W. W. Hates has returned
from Ft. Jones, Cal.
Dr. J. V. Keddv and V. A. Sumner
visited mines near Kirby Wednesday,
Hear the Grfeat Australian Violin
ist Romanoff, at the Nash Grill, ev
ery evening, during dinner. 118
W. F. Isaacs is on a business tnr
to California.
Preferred Stock Extra Select Cun
ned Salmon reduced from 35o to 25c
per can this week at the Rex Grocery.
C. L. Retimes has returned from a
business trip to Salem,
See Van Dyke's Clean-Up Sale of
muslin underwear.
M. F. Jncoby, tMs Tolo merchant,
spent Wednesday in Medford.
Spend an hour at the Savoy this
evening and forget your worries,
W. F. Towue, of Phoenix, was a
Medford visitor todav. Mr. Towtie
will shortly leave for Portland, Se
attle and other northern points to be
pine for some months.
L. E. Wakeman spent Sunday in
Medford on business.
Charles Carney, Elmer A. nicks
and Richard Colder left Wednesday
morning for an extended hunting trip
: in the vicinity of Trail.
25c Preferred Stock Green Gasjo
Plums for 20c this week at the Re"
Grocery. 116
A. C. Allen and family have feturn--ed
from Klamath Lake, where they
have a summer home, and a motor
: boat. The run from Stel's Camp,
near Crater Lake to Medford wa-3
' made in seven hours by auto.
The Bijou management will havo
'to enlarge their building if the crowds
keep coming as they did last night.
Ingles & Darling are the attraction
, Mayor Cannon. Councilman Emef -lek
and Judge Coke, of Marsheld,
visited Ashland Tuesday.
Why pay more,' when you can get
"the same meal for less at the Spo:
Cafe. Cool, clean and all white help.
E. V. Carter.' the Ashland banker,
visited Modfcvrd Tuesday.
Our coffee, tea and spices are un
excelled. Southern Oregon Tea and
Coffee Co. Phone 3303.
Mrs. Ella Perdue, of Grants Pass,
has returned home after visiting in
Medford with friends.
All grades of summer hats and
men's linen dusters greatly reduced
at the Wardrobe.
Mrs. I. Ij. Hamiltouand daughters
have left for nn outing at Colestin.
30c Preferred Siock Canned Bart
lett Pears, 2-"ic at the 'Rex Grocery
this weclj. 116
Mr. and Mrs. Stow, of Hilt, Cal.,
has left for home after a visit in Med
ford. Orders for sweet cream or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone th
G. H. Scotl, of Council Blus, Ta..
is spending a few days in Medford
.looking over the valley.
30c Preferred Stock Canned Red
Raspberries for 25c at the Rex Groc
ery this week. 116
Elder S. E. Decker, of Ashland,
will hold religious services in Smith's
hall on Sunday.
Romanoff nt the Nash Grill in vio-
Hn soios. 116
C. E. Blake, who has been visiting
with C. D. Woolverton, of this city,
has left for his home in Chicago.
Little boys' Khaki summer suits
below price at the Wardrobe.
W. B. Sherman and daughter. Miss
Mabel, of Grants Pass, spent Tues
day in Medford.
Did yon see Ingles & Darling it
the Bijou? Sure cure for tho blues,
fjren't they?
Committees Are Appointed to Enter
tain Jackson County Pioneers .
When They Meet in Ashland.
It has been definitely decided !o
hold the annual reunion of Jacksi-n
county's pioneers at Ashland, Thurs
day, August 211. The Tabernacle- will
be used for the tuiuual gtUherini:,
and the new Grand Armv building
will be utilized as a dining hall, wlier.
a substantial meal will be served, the
"first call for dinner" to be an
nounced for ll:;0 a.m. Variou
committees have been apMinted, and
the exercises proper will be held i'
the Tabernacle at 2:00 p.m., inelud
ing an address with other features
to be announced later.
Several committees on necrology
have been appointed, which are ex
pected to report resolutions of re
spect to the memory of the following
members :
Mary' A. Berry Misses Alice
Klippel, Issie McCully, Carrie Boek-
J. D. Buckley Clarence Reames,
Tod Cameron. C. C. Beekman.
S. P. Jones J. S. Howard. T. W.
Berry, R. V. Beall.
Wm.'Bybee J. R. Neil. D. I.inn.
E. K. Anderson.
Mrs. Abbi C. Foudray Mrs. Ann
Russell. Mrs. Rebecca Moore, Mrs.
If. F. Barron.
Committees on general entertain
ment are classified as follows:
On Address C. II. Gillette.
Decorating Mabel Russell. Belle
Music Mrs. John Churchman.
Will Mitchell.
Program C,
Reception Mrs. Lottie ' Paulson.
Irs. 5Iabel Kinney. Mrs. Bertha
Winter, Mrs. Eila Watson.- George
Dunn, F. D. Wagner, G. W. Bar
ron. .
To Mrs. Elizabeth Van Snnt. Miss
Julia True and Will Myer have bees:
delegated the arrangements connect
ed wit lithe general supervision of the
dining features of the occasion, and
the inner pioneer will be abundantly
refreshed with a menu, the substan
tials and dainties of which will be
provided by respective committees,
viz :
Hams and chicken Will Myer.
Mrs. E. B. Barron. "
Salad Mrs. I.eander Neil, Mrs.
Frances Billings.
Bread and cakes Mrs. Mabel
Kinney, Mrs. Lottie Paulson.
Ice cream and fruits Mrs. Ber
tha Winter, Miss Lydia McCall.
Tabic Committee Anna Wagner,
Luella Schaumloeffel, Gertrude Mil
lit, Elizabeth Gillette, Blanch Mitch
ell, Anna Walker, Anna Myer, J. M.
Wagner. Ralph Billings, Homer Bill
ings, G. M. Grainger.
B. Watson. F. D.
SK-eial Lots. 29c 53c, 83e in mus
lin underwear, worth twice as mucn
at Van Dyke's Clean-Up Sale.
TWhat is the Best for Indigestion?
Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin,
Ontario, has been troubled for years
with indigestion, and recommends
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livjr
T ablets us "the best medicine I ever
used." If troubled with indigestion
nr constipation give them a trini.
They are certain to prove beneficial.
Tboy nre easy to take and pleasant
in effect. Price 25 cents. Samples
ree at Leon B. Hnskins' Phnrmncy.
LOST A locket and chain ; locket is
set with diamond. Initial on back,
"L. B." Finder return to Tribune,
and receive reward.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Aug. 4.--The
one subject for discussion among
the taxpayers and residents general
ly of this city is the disposition of
the sewage when the proposed sys
tem is built. A canvas of the citv
shows that the sentiment is strongly
against dumping into Lake Euwann.
Already J. G. Pierce, one of the.
heavy taxpayers, ' has announced
that in case the council should per
sist in using the lake as a cesspool
he would take Hip rw- ;
steps to get a retsraining order. Pub
lic sentiment is with Pierce and in
case of legal uclion he will not be
compelled to bear the burden of the
litigntion alone.
Since the public has had time to
give the matter consideration and
has placed itself on record as being
opposed to using the lake for a
dumping place it is believed that the
council will change its plans and in
stall septic tanks. ,
S. S. Pugh, of Spokane, who was
struck by the engine on the Shasta
Limited Tuesday, in in a fair wav I"
recover. Beyond bud bruises, he is
r.ol much injured ni:d expe'.s fo !a
out in a few days.
Dr. Wheat Spends Night Amid Wilds
of Mt. Ashland Suffered Con
siderably from Thirst.
Dr. .1. (i. Wheat, physician, tirlisl.
lecturer and traveler, who bus been
camping in these purls since April,
essaved the sealing of ( Punk
last Thursday afternoon, savs the
Tidings. Armed with nothing but u
kodak and a couple of sandwiche
he was ferried across Bear creek nt
the Oak street terminal at 1 o'clocii
sharp, and struck out for the sunt'
mil, without companion or guide,
where he arrived at 7:30. But lie had
forsaken the wuler wagon and here
the pangs of thirst overtook him, for
on the summit there lire none of
those bright, sparkling springs you
read about. Hearing the tinkling of
a bell, he undertook to round up n
milch cow on tho reservation and as
suage his thirst on lacteal fluid, but
bossy took fright at tho doctor's ap
parition and plunged into the jungle.
However, it was a milk or waler al
ternative, and the doctor followed the
sounding bell uud tinkling aymbul in
the darkness, amid hostile imiiiznnit.i
and oisou oak urush, until he prov
identially run amuck of a spring.
Here be drunk his fill, lit ti fire and
pitched his tent for the night, re
traced his footsteps to the siuiuui;
the next morning, snapped a kodak or
two of tho surroundings, leaving at
about 8 a.m., and arriving in town nt
noon, Friday, after a strenuous out
ing that would have taxed the endur
ance of a much younger man.
Anton Romanoff, tho Great Violinist
Wil Play Solos, in Addition to
tho Regular Orchestra.
See window display of muslin un
derwear at VauDyke's Cleiui-l'p Sale.
There will be music til dinner ev
cry evening until further notice, from
(1 to 7::i( o'clock, at the Hotel Nu-di
Anton Itomiiuoff, court violinist i
Emperor Kranx Josef of Austria, one
of the great violinists of the aj;c, will
give violin solos every evening. This
will be in addition to the music fur
nished by the regular orchestra.
The Nash dinners are becoming a
feature of the social life of Medford.
and making the city famous among
the traveling public, and the manage
ment is receiving congratulations i
on its enterprise.
McCLOl'D. (Siskiyou Co.). Aug (.
The two young men, Herbert Game
ami. Carl Jones, who were reported
lost on Mt. Shasta, returned safely
to McCloud Friday night. The
searching pnrtics did not iiumeiliiit.i
ly receive word of their return mid
were still out on the mountain Sat
urday. Their camp fires were plain
ly seen a short distance above the
limber line Friday tiiirlit . Game and
lies report having reached the sum. and they spent the rest of the"l
five days' absence himlili!;. Thev
lid not sec tiny of the searching
parties and were ignorant that they
bail caused nnv uneasiness.
This is the worst season for climb
ing .Mount Nuista, as the snow is suit
and melting.
Coinmisloner of General Land OfflreCrcw of Mon With Teams and Scrap
Discusses Abuses of Regula
tiun Recently Made.
crs Will Bo Placed at Woik
During Next Few Days.
Commissioner of the General Land
Olllce Fred Dennett, who is in Port
land, admits lliut a mistake bus boon
made in changing of thu iiiauuer
made in the changing of the manner
of- disposing of tho timber claims.
'Flint the sale of the chiiinn undr
the appraisement program in n fail
ure is admitted, but Mr. Dennett does
not state whether the Interior De
partment will reeedo from its posi
tion. "Kelntive to the regulation im
posed by the General Land Ofllco, 1
short time ago, to sell the timber
lands through an appraised valua
tion." he said, "I must admit that it
bus not operated to my entire satis
faction, although at tho time the or
der was pmuiiilgnlcd it was consider
ed to be the most feasible solution of
the problem of the disposition of
lands of this character. There is no
question bul that tho act of June 3.
187S, commonly known as the timber
and stone law, lias outlived its use
fulness, and there ought to be a new
piissed . to meet present condi
tions. Those who drafted the old
law were doubtless sincere in their in
tentions to protect the forests from
lire uud devastation, because the de
bates on the measure indicate Ilia!
one of the principal purposes was to
place the lands in individual ownci-
bip with the idea that the entrymcn
would lake an interest in protecting
ltbeir holdings from forest tiros; but
Mrs. George Morse has returned
to her home in Phoenix.
J. McPhcrson and wife left Tues
day to camp with the Boyden's at
Ladies' high-top summer outing
shoes: also men's and boys' summer
weight Elk sole shoes below price nt
the Wardrobe.
Mrs. H. L. "Wither, of Portland,
left for her home Tuesday, after a
visit with the Rosenbaums.
Mrs. Clius. Duffield and son Ralph,
accompanied by Mrs. C. G. Seaman,
of Woodvillc. "left Tuesday to visit
relatives in Kansas.
That is Unsurpassed in America
This is a sporting proposition for
men of wealth it is not a farm.
Unequulled Trout . Fishing June
to Xovembcr..
Deer Hunting on the premises,
August 1 to November 1.
Duck Shooting superior to any i-i
the state, over thousands of
acres of wild celery and rice,
September 1 to February 1.
Grouse and Pheasant Shooting o i
the place October 1" to Novem
ber 15.
Best starting place in the county
. for u Bear hunt.
The Crater Luke Automobile road
will run through the place for a
mile and a quarter.
Navigable water to the proper
ty, unsurpassed drinking w titer,
and power to develop Ihe prop
erty. More bottom land and flue gar
den lund than any place on the
Thousands of Pine and Fir trees
and thousands of Quaking As
pens. More varieties of wild flowers
and natural grasses und vctcho.
than any place in the county.
If you develop this property as it
can be developed, there is no
resort in tho county that can
compare with it.
No amount of talking will de
scribe it let us show you.
We have been offered more (linn
twico what it eost, but hnve a
price nt which you may take it
below which we will keep it.
Klamsth Falls. Oregon.
it niiiicttrs that those who were thus
Don't forget the amateur night at actuated bv honest motives, never
nio'lijou (rrnlay night). Something ; took into ( Hidcrntion the multi
doing. 'Holes of abuses (hut have been benp-
, SISSON', (Siskiyou Co.), Aiigu.t
I I.--The survey of the aiiloiuobiln
. road up the eastern slope of .Mount
.-"iiiimiu in uie .vtciiuiuncss rnucii
tibovo the limber linn was coinplelcd
; lust week. A crew of men with tcnim
and scrapers will be set to work be
fore the close of this week' and tho
rond will be completed by the cIumi
of the season. Work would have
been begun much earlier, but n delay
was caused in uncaring the right of
way. Nine miles of the new road will
be built, A part of the present wagon
road is good enough for automobiles.
The mountain climbing season u
now at its best. Several pnrtie'
have already made the ascent of
.Mount Shasta mid from now until
lute in September not a day will pas
without some one making the big
climb. The famous mountain is a
valuable asset of Sisson and is the
en use of many tourists coming her.
The number of tourists this Miuiincr
is greater than wns ever known, f -Ids
and Summer resorts are filled
to their capacity.
ed upon the law through the medium
of speculators and fraudulent entrie-.
At the time the present appraisement
sysjem wa adopted, Ibis step was
(nkeii iil'lcr a careful ciiiiviihs of the
situation by the best legal advice nt
our command, and I understand Ilia:
an effort is nlioul to be made hern
Oregon to lest the mutter in the fed-,
ernl courts. I hope sincerely thnt
this will be done, as it may result in
solving many intricate problems in
cident thereto." i
At The
Hutchason Co. Store
Clearance alc now on till Wash
Cloods to "')(-, now 13o
Clearance Sale now on all Oinjj
hains to 18c now, r. ISf1
Clearance Sale now on all French
Oinghams to :., now 19c
Clearance Sale on all Hosiery, '.Vu
value, now ' 25
Clearance Sale on Ladies' Vests,
2oc kind now 13
Clearance Sale on Ladies Hand
kerchiefs, 10c 4 for 25c4
( 'LEA R A X C M SAL M O I'1 LA 1 ) I MS '
Dress Skirts all K educed 23 per cent.
Silk Gowns all Reduced 25 per cent.
Children's Dresses, all Onc-JIalf Price
and Less.
We have a new
Line Ladies'
Fancy Dutch
Successors to
Bakers Hutchason Co.
Our Corset Line
Is Complete
Look. the Line
Never need threaten the growth of those who buy
Crestbrook Orchard , Tracts
You see we do the work and do it well, arid we do it for
less money than it would cost you to tnke cure of a small
You will he surprised that you have not bought one of
these tracts sooner when you come to think of the excellence,
of the soil and location, and the very reasonable price and
terms. ' .
Oregon Orchards Syndicate
Selling Agents - Rogue River Valley