B THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 11)1)!). 0 6e KEWANEE System of Water Supply : provides an absolutely safe and satisfac tory water service, equal to that offered by any city water works. An abundant supply of water always available and deliv ered under strong pressure j. throughout the house, barn or grounds. Affords Absolute Fire Protec tion. or With the Kewanee System, an air-tight, steel, pneu- rtv, ' Agents for Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines and Pumping Outfits. WHITE STEAM CARS With ''-.' t'"' ' ! 'I I i n! fill wmmm rLjjm in malic tank, called the Kewanee Pneumatic Tank is placed in the cellar. Water is pumped into this tank and is delivered to the fixtures by air pressure. No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 pet cent better service and will hut a ujetune. Over Nine Thousand Kewanee Outfits in Successful - Operation. E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon SALEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Done. Be Scares of Medford Citizens Say. To cure an aching Kick. The pains of rheumatism, ' The tired-out feeling, You must reach the spit get at the cause. Tn most cases 'tis the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills ore for the kid neys. G. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism when I first began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I did not think they J'O'jld do me any good, but finaiiy poured a box at lir-ikins' drug store. They proved to be the remedy I required My kidneys were restored to their normal condition, and the pains and acbes in my back were removed. Doan's Kidney Pills lived up to their representations in my cass." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Bomember the name Doan's and take no other. ,48 His Nightcap Privilege. Among the many strange privileges granted by English sovereigns to their subjects probably the most remarkable was tbe permission given to the Earl of Sussex by Jueen Mary to wear bis nightcap, or even two nightcaps, if be so wished, in tier royal presence. Tbe earl was u victim of colds In the head, which, like the law. are no respecters of persons, mid as he considered ca tarrh in the Ill-mi too heavy a price to pay fur loyalty he petitioned the queen fur permission to wear his nightcap In her presence.' The patent conceding this unique privilege- is one of tin most amusing in royal annals. It runs thus: "Know ye that we do give to our beloved and trusty cousin and counselor. Henry, earl of Sussex. Viscount Fitzwaltor and lord of Kgremund and Purnell, license ami pardon to wear, his cap or nightcap or any two of them, at bis pleasure, as well In our presence as In tbe presence of any other person or persons within this realm or any other place in our dominions wheresoever, during bis life, and these our letters shall be sufficient warrant In his behalf." P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. .We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. , KcnroBD, oaxooir ff. Stato Depositary Established 1888. Capital and Surplus sU2G,000 Roiourrcs (700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Juckson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your cliiick, with the strongest gunrantce of safely anil efficiency. We offer the highest iiltninmcnt in systematic banking service, which flosurcs the greatest enre in every financial transaction, with this olrfig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G, R. LINDLEY, Cashier. The Man From Home A Novelization of the Play of the Same Name Copyritfhl, 1909. by American Press Association By BOOTH TARK1NGTON and HARRY LEON WILSON CHAPTER VIII. THE AMERICAN. THE clatter without couthmed mi ll bated. and Ethel and thecouut ess walked back to the terrace rampurt to stand looking out over the glorious bay. Horace, still In the seventh heaven of delighted realization, took the Dally Mall from the table on which the carl had throwu it and seated himself to read beside I.udy Creech, who was al ready deep tu the Church Register. The carl had burled himself in the I'ull Mall (Juzelte and was apparently nb Uvious to such minor details as an Italian peasant row. But to Horace 111 his highly simug condition of nerves I lit upinar mi ns gravatlng, and lie called m Mar. aim who was busily netting the inlile again; "Mariano, bow long is this nul-c in continue ?" The ma It re d'liotel shrugged Ids ex pressive shoulders mid replied: "How can J know, m'slcu? We can do nothing." Mlchelc, who was amlstlug bib chief, smiled covertly at tbe young man. "The populace they will not be de part so long ns there shall be the chance once again to observe tbe North American who pulled tbe auto mobile with the donkeys!" "Mercl!" cried Mariano, with vigor. "He have confuse me. He have con fuse everybody. He will not be con tent wltb tbe dejeuner until be have the ham and tbe egg, and he will have the egg cooked upon but one of two sides, and bow In tbe name of the heaven can we tell whleb of these two sides?" Mariano was about to continue his grumbling complaint when from the doorway of the hotel there came an In terruption. Tbe courier who had spo ken wltb him earlier in tbe morning stood there and voiced but one word. "Gareonr be said softly. But It was like the command of a cavalry officer In Its effect for Instcntly tbe ma It re d'hotel and bis aid stood at attention like trained veterans. Tbe earl evi dently was not too deeply Immersed to catch the sudden silence, for he looked np from bis paper and observed: "Upon my soul! Who's this?" Mariano did not turn his head nor relax bis attitude of stiff attention, but answered obsequiously: "It Is the Ilerr von Grollorbageu, a German gentleman, milord." Hawcastle turned wltb an amused smile to Horace. "The mnn who owns the automobile. Probably made a fortune in Bausngc." From within the hotel there came tbe tones of a heavy though cultivated voice declaiming (quietly: "Neln, neln. Itlbierel 'S macbt nlchts!" And Instantly tbere came down tfee steps tbe German gentleman aforesaid. He was tall and of a commanding presence. He wore a grayish beard and an automobile cap that half con cealed the eyes that burned with the authority of generations beueatb. Wltlml It was a kindly face, and, though there was a stern command in tbe figure, there wns genial humor and even tenderness too. Ily no au thority could bo bnve been considered well dressed. His clothes seemed rath er to have been thrown on negligently. The little party at the table regarded blm with hostility, and I.udy Creech turned up her aristocratic nose. "What a dreadful person:" she said and turned again to her paper. The German walked sedately across the terrace to the table where the two servitors still stood at attention and lifted bis bnnd in a curt half military salute lu acknowledgment of their bow. "8eo to my American friend," he said. "What n terrible person;" remarked Lady Creech again, and llawcastlo bent toward lier. "Undoubtedly, but he speaks Eng lish. So be careful." ".So many objectionable people do," commented the crusty dame. Ilerr von Grollerhagen turned smil ingly to Mariano. "My American friend desires his na tional dish." Mariano bowed. "Yes, Ilerr von Grollerhagen," re plied Mariano deferentially. "He will have the eggs on but one of two sides aud tbe bam fried, so he go to cook It himself." Von Grollerhagen smiled, when from wjltiojij; the. a.liaucArnealtoni oj amusement and wild laughter. Mari ano Instantly bowed and ran toward the hotel. - "Ha!" ho suld eagerly. "He return from the kitchen with that national dish." Mlehelo emerged from tho hotel walking backward and carrying a cov ered dish, wbllo Ethel turned with a little shudder of disgust to tho countess. "How horrible!" she said, and tbe frenchwoman patted her shoulder re assuringly. Immediately following the servitor rnme 1'lke, the same self possessed I'lke, clue In a linen duster and a straw lint that was decorated with a bright ribbon. If there was anything distinctive nlsiut blm It was bis scarf, which was of that typo known as Windsor and much n (footed by artists In the enM mid every one In tho west. He carried n towel with him and dropped It In one hand as ho glanced about. "Law!" lie observed, startled, but amused. "I didn't know thero wero folks here. Reckon you'll buvo to ex cuse me. Here, sou!" lie called, toss ing the towel Into Mlehele's hands and walking over to the table. Unwcastlo, Lady Creech and Horace stared unbe lievingly. Ethel bid bcr face, wltb an other little shudder, ns Pike, without removing bis dust coat, sat down oppo site tbe German. "You are a true patriot." laughed Von Grollerhagen. "Yon allow no pro fane hand to cook your national dish. I trust you will be as successful with that wicked motor of mine." Pike Inughed heartily. "Lord bless your soul, doc, I've put a self binder together after a pony en gine bad bucked It halfway through a brick depot." said Pike genially, tacking his napkin Inside tbe collar of his shirt and falling to on tbe ham and eggs. At tbe table where sat the Hawcastle party tbere were expres sions of pained agony. "Too have studied mechanics at the university, then?" went on Von Grol lerhagen. "Is it not so?", "UnlvcrsltyJ" returned Pike. "Not much! On tbe old man's farm." Hawcastle turned at once to Horace. "Without any disrespect to you, my dear fellow, what terrific bounders most of your fellow countrymen arc!" Horace mentally writhed nnder the veiled taunt, but turned quickly with an assent In effect. "Do yon wonder that sis and I have emancipated ourselves?" he naked, and tbe noble earl, with a softened glance as be thought of the dollars, replied blandly, "Not at all, my dear boy," and turned once more to bis paper. Von Grollerhagen glanced at tbe three with slight amusement and held oijjL.the .caviare to PJke, (To be continued.) Summer Rates East During the Season of 190 via the Southern Pacific Go. From MEDFOR1 To OMAHA and neturn $69.90 To KANSAS CITY and Return .- $69.90 To ST. LOUIS and Return $77.10 To CHICAGO and Return $84.40 rind to other principal cities in tho Hast, Middle West und South, Correspondingly low fares. On Sale August II, 12. To DENVER and Return $64.90 iS i On Sale August II. Going transit limit 10 days from dulo of sale, final return limit October 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features iu tho way of stopover privileges, nnd ohoice of ronton ; thereby enabling passen gers to make side trips to many interesting points en route. Routing on the retum trip through CaWomin may be bad at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be bad At The Star Restaurant All wbite belp. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Whips Tents Wagon Saddles Robes Blankets Sheets , Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. tVain APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. . YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E a O N FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS We would like to U Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The iETNA,iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMBS Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. ".Something which is of consider- I known is tho system of prepaid or j able interest to the public generally aud which is nerhnps not generally dors now in effect between stations f of the Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United States. 1 By moans of this system tickets may be purclmsed ot Medford from any plnee in the United States and mail : ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come hero. Sleeper ac ! commodntions nnd small amounts of ; cash in connection with these tickets j may also be forwarded at tbe name I time."' J. R. ENYART, President JOHN S OHTII, Cashier. J. A. PHI5RY, Vii-o-Preside.it. W. R JACKSON, Ass'l Cnshio' THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. Advertise in the Tribune