Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 04, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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i : ' ' I
Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms In the
space and cost of tour rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets J
t and dressers; cabinet kitchen.
X J. A. MclNTOSH, Architect.
I Third Floor Medford National Bank ISmMing. ;
Cool for Summer and warm for vlntcr then build a .good
solid comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories and garret;
this can bo built for the same price as a bungalow come and see
WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 years'
experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans and
Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected . at Residence.
244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St.,
Why Not Be
and do away with that hot, stuffy
atmosphere In your store, office or
Invest in a G. E. Fan
and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper
care. Cost of operation only Vac to Ic per hour.
I2inch size $15.00; 16-inch size, $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling, $36.00
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
MisM Jcllllil! Wligllt, lf Kedflillg,
''ill,, H rillll two 111" lior I'l'silk")'!!:
lots lor if'JOO In lieu Fricdeuburg.
I'lille Kt I In narrowly escaped n
(li:'m-l i'imih (hi! Saturday morning.
One of 41 1 I'riggs' lit Hi: children (rot
-IPIIlC llllllcllCH, Mlll'tCll 11 fill! ill II licnij
of ni'iir tin! billiard parlor,
mill llii'ii lijililing it handful of excel- I
hior run inln u lent near (In; I'.riggs
rcsidi-nec, mill set llii! inside of (lie
lent on lint mnl but for tin: timely
ii hi nil given by Jack Ooublediiy
who iik unloading liny, tin: flit i if
row of business houses would linvt!
been liiirui'il. As it wiik, the people
rushed to tliii scene and Mr. liriggs
turned on I In: Iioh which was at
tached lo a force pump and soon the
fire wax extinguished with slight Iohh.
Parents cannot bo ton careful about
leaving mutches around where young
children can get them or where mice
can kimw them.
The Hoard of Director have em
ployed I'rof. Wright t'i teach Hie dis
trict school for another school year.
It is reported tlial H. If. I iiinin Inn
i-old out his interest in the Derby
saw mill and that several cluing-:
hereabouts will soon be made.
Many of the campers arc leaving
for valley (mints while others arc
coming in to take their place. The
days have been bright and a little
warm for two or three days, but the
nights and mornings ore pleasantly
cool. ,
'flu: Blue Canoir excursionists
liaxc returned much pleased wilii
I their trip and re)ort the scenery
grand beyond description.
TIk-ic were dances given on Sal
unlay night at the homes of Mr.
Kooutz near Bcnles, and the other
at the Cohley ranch, nenr the middle
bridge, holh of which were well at
tended by the young people of the
neighborhoods. ,
The final finishing touches are be
ing done on our school house.
Messrs. Wheeler and Conely are the
carpenters and Mr. Ed. Wittum the
painter and graincr.
John IOadzon and Will Hughes
have returned from the state militia
encampment held at Clackamas.
John Ohenchain and wife have
taken a trip to Sams Valley, to visit
Mrs. Kincaid, their duughtor, and
vill bring Miss Frankie back witli
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett of Obeu
eli.iiii. were in Itutto Fulls on Satur
day lookiii); to iurchasc building
lots. Miss Harrett will tench the
primary department of our school;
iicv. Mr. (loidder nnd a party of
Si.nday school children are taking
t'leir online tit Hutte Falls.
Skinny liennett and the Merrick
and Cory lads hud the misfortune to
have a wheel of their wapiti ditchc-l
on Saturday while returning from
('amp Nick. They were compelled to
wait ov-r until a conveyance from
Medford could be secured to forinj;
(hem in.
Job Osculate arrived in the Fa ll
on Sunday to take in hand a wnsnn
The roads are lined with visitors
nnd tourists who are. wending their
way to the Crater lake wonder.
Mrs. Officer and a party of friends
from F.nulo Point have been takiu.4
in Crater lake and rejMirt a inns'
pleasant time and many visitors nl
the lako.
" Ij. 1 Carter and wife are visitor
in Mud ford.
IT. L. Doubleduy has about finished
his hay harvest and will have a fair
We would call attention to the. con
dition of the stream on tho road be
tween Kagle Point and Hrownsboro,
near the "Jack'' ranch. It is im
possible for foot travelers to cross
this stream as there is neither bridge
or plank crossing and (he traveler
has to hail; on to a barbed wire
fence lo gel over tin; stream. Tins
is mil right nnd any damage sul'l'ei'. l
by the traveler the county would
have to fool the bill as the road i
uutravelable by pedestrians.
( You can bid defiance, to tho heat
by hnving an electric fun put in po
silion. It doesn't cost very much,
either. If you haven't ono, we enn
fix you tip i mi short time, at tho
least expense. Wo'ro gonoral oloo
triciuns, and do all clauses of work
in our lino in the most thorough
manner. Jobbing skillfully and
promptly executed at lowest charges.
Portnblo lamps in nil varieties.
Frank It. ll.illleld, 17 years old.
and his I'rend Hull Xorcross, holh of
Central I'oinl, were lost in the wood
near Xa I u ra I Hridge for about four
days Insl week. The bowi were on
a caiuping trip, and adventurously
wandered too lar Ironi camp while
hunting. This happened on Sunday,
and the following Wednesday after
noon the somewhat exhausted young
hunters' turned ic nl eanip with ex
cellent appetites for (heir suppe;-,
and the searching parlies wore called
in. . ,
The ABC of Gasoline Engines
Alamos 'gasoline eiigines belong at the head of the list in engines as much as A be
longs at the head of the alphabet.
Because wherever they have been dcirionstraled they have token the first prize ab
solutely on their merits.
Can you afford to use any but the bent grade of gasoline for irrigation or
other purposes?
The Alamo engine has been selected by the State University at Kugene, and also
by the Oregon Africultural College at Corvallis, as the best engine adapted to demon -Ktrate'the
latest and most approved principles of gas engine practice to the students.
Our3-h.p. Alamo Victor vertical electric lighting outfit was selected by the Southern
Pacific Company to light the demonstration train which toured the Willamette val
ley last fall under the direction of the Agricultural College, and these people were so
well pleased with the Alamo engine that it was again selected by them to light the
demonstration train which recently toured Southern Oregon. The Westinghouse
Electric Company and the Northern Electric Company, which as you know are the
two largest manufacturers of electrical goods in America, have both adopted the
Alamo gasoline engine, and now recommend them and illustrate them in their bulle
tins. A complete stock of engines, together with a lull fine of extra parts, is always
available at Portland. If you will inform us concerning the exact use for which you
wish the engine, we will be pleaded to furnish you gratis what information-we can
concerning the necessary horse power. We have had a great deal of experience in
making installations of all sizes, nnd no doubt can be of some assistance to yon.
Rogue River Power and
31 bartlett street Mflrhinprv Pn
Kev. J. I). Hacker, who has just
concluded a scries of successful
mcetinps at the Baptist church of
this eity, returned to his home nt
Adams, Oregon, today. These meet
ings mark an era in the religious life
of the community, inasmuch as theiv
influence has been a benefit to every
church society. In fact. Rev. Hacker
a:.d Ids estimable wife were so well
liked that a unanimous call has been
extended to him, from 1he Baptist
people, which he has accepted, with
the result that be expects to become
the pastor of our local church ubout
October 1st.
W. K. Alexander has just comp'''
eil for his own use, a handsome seven-room
cottage in the center of the
eity. The jnterior is beautifully fin
ished in the natural Oregon fir. finely
selected. IK; expects to re-model and
rent tho house he is now occupying.
Magnificent strawberries have been
on sale in our local markets for the
past week, and evervone has had
strawberry shortcake. Many of
these were grown by M. C. Benls,
just outside of the city, and they
rival in size nnd flavor those grown
earlier in the season.
W. C. I.eever. Ihe hardware man.
returned last night from iiiile an ex
tended trip down in California. San
Francisco being his objective point.
He reports business conditions im
proving all n!onr fun line.
S. A. Paltison of the Herald has
just returned from a two-weeks' visit
to the A-Y--P exposition. Of course
he had n good time, but is glad to re
turn to a place whi'.re one does not
havn to wear his overcoat in July.
.1. H. Wilkinson of Terre Haute.
Iml.. was in town for n few bonis
mi Monday on n prospecting trip,
and wns so delighted with this !o
enlity thai he intends to return in
another month with his wile for a
longer visit and mnv locale here.
K'eeeuf additions to our population j
in the way of arrivals from the east j
! taxed the accomodations of 'he
town lo its uliuosf, and hotels and j
houses are alike full, ll is. in fne'. i
impossible lo find a vacant house in I
(lie eity, and it was said to a reporter j
M'slcrday that a local capitalist is i
ulioiif lo build a number of modern
l"no and six-room eotlivjes for vent-1
al. Houses of thy' ela's would 'm
rented bel'iire finished al a good
F. K. T.owry, representing n board
of eastern capitalists, has been in
the city for the past few days, en
deavoring to urge upon our citizens
the homily and prosperity of allow
ing eastern capital to install and i
control our proposed water system. '
It is understood however, that he '
fail to convince the council of the '
feasibility of such a plan, and Cen- '
tral Point will undoubtedly take car-
of its own water bonds and install
its own water system.
Sunday was a lively day in Talent.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kennedy," of
Medford, were visiting relatives ;i
Talent Sunday.
The Bell brothers are hauling a
lot of line alfalfa hay for Andy Wid
ner. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey spent Sun
day in Talent, as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Jeff Bell.
The new billiard parlor is the
chief attraction for the young meni
of Talent at present.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Oatman wero
in Medford last Wednesday trans- .
acting business.
C. W. Woltcrs, the Talent merch
ant, left Sunday with his family for
Klamath Falls in their outo.
Ernmett Beeson has bought a large
ranch in Klamath County, and will
soon engage in raising slock, hay
id grain.
Jeff Bell, the Ta.'ent hotel man, has
a grape vine growing at the south
side of his hotel that it worth goin
to see. I have seen the grape grow
in California, but never have l seen
a vine as heavily loaded with grapes
as the one at Mr. Bell's.
Savoy Theatre
A Bunch of Joy
Tonight and Thursday ONE DIME
A 'Bargain
The famous l'
8.") acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak timid laurel
grove in the valley, 13 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and
loaded with fruit at the prescit time.
This is tho best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon.
See ' '
Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, otc, at offico,
Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford