Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 03, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Hear Iho Orfcat Austruliuii Violin
ist Komnnoi'f. at Iho Xnsh Orill, ev
ery evening, (luring dinner. 1 Hi
Mr. mid Mrs. K. B. Watson, Mrs.
' Knt'us Huliniin nixl daughter, iirrireii
from Portland Monday, nnil will visit
Mrs. E. J. Kulili for tlio next few
weeks in Jacksonville.
Attorneys J. P. Xeff and C. I..
Heames were attending the special
tenu of court Monday.
Miss M. IS. Towiie, of Juckson
ville, spent Sunday at her home in
Miss' Hazel Davis is visiting her
father G. L. Davis, of the Bauk of
Prefered Stork canned goods at tlu
Hex Grocery this week at greatly re
duced prices. 116
Mrs. Rader and Miss .Clara R'ader,
spent the day with Miss Issie MeCul
ly, at Jacksonville, Monday.
W. II. Cannon, Mayor of Medford,
-was a business caller in Jacksonville
If you want quality in your tea and
coffee, purchase of the store thai
-deals in nothing else, pud therefore
ble to give you the benefit of their
experience. Southern Oregon Tea &
Coffee Co. Phone Main 3303. "
-Mrs. Chas Prim, Mrs. Pauline
Hines, Mrs. W. Finney, Mrs. T. J.
Keuuey and Miss Olive Crump, of
Jacksonville spent Sunday at Rogue
W. P. Towno, of Phoenix, was a
Jfacksonviller caller Monday.
Preferred Stock Extra Select Caii
lied Salmon reduced from 33c to 25c
per can this week at the Rex Grocery.
Mrs. Yockey returned to Medford
'Tuesday, after a few days visit with
Mrs. Chas. Xickell, at 'Fairview"
'ranch near' Sterling.
A party composed of N. Kilhara
md C.'B. Watson of Portland. James
Watsou, of Roseburg, and Henry ;
Kubli, of Applegate, left for Squaw!
Lake on Monday 'for jt few weeks' :
"bunting and fishing.
Phone your orders'for sweet cream
or buttermilk to the Creamery.
2c Preferred - Stock Green Gage
Plums for 20c this week at the Rex
Grocery. 116
Mrs. James D. Buckley and daugh
ter. Rose, of Ruch, spent Monday in
J. H. Barney, of Chicago, is in
Medford on business.
Don't forget the fresh fish at the
Rogue River Fish Market. Perch, j
salmon trout, and dressed chicken, ;ili
fresh today.
Come and see how funny yourj
friends can be at the Bijou Friday
II. T. Finluy, of Table Rock, spent
Tuesduy in Medford.
Mrs. W. W. Eifert is making an ex
tended visit with her daughter in
C. M. Lambert, of Sacramento, ih
'visiting in Medford.
E. T. Taylor, of Eugene, is spend
ing a few days in this city.
30c Preferred Stock Canned Bart-
lett Pears, 'i7w at the Rex Grocery
this week. 116
P. C. Dempsey, of Trenton,4 is a
recent Medford arrival.
D. W. Charles, of Tonapah,
spending a few in Medford.
Seel ' Hall returned to Medford
Monday with two' deer killed in one
J. W. Whitney spent Saturday and
Sunday on the Rogue fishing.
R. J. Cole, of Cole Station, is in
Medford on a short business trip.
Dr. and Mrs. Fitzsifnmons, of Ohi
owa, Nob., are among those recently
arrived from the East.
Four rebuilt typewriters, as good
us new; two Underwoods, visible, $50
each ; two Remingtons, $45 each. Ap
ply to C. E. Taylor.
Prof. Rcnanoff in Violin Solos, at
at the Nash Grill every evening, dur
ing dinner. 116
Arthur Brown spent Monday in
Woodville on a short business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Faucett are
veiling friends in Medford.
Benj. Colins expects to leave in the
near future for Portland.
30c Preferred Stock Canned Red
Raspberries for 25c, at the Rex Groc
ery this week. 11(5.
Medford Comoiit Company has ivt
wold out, as rumored, but has only
changed management. The company
will continue to do business as here
tofore. Now and better machinery
will be installed. I
Remnants of Percales, to
, Close
Remnants of Red Seal 1 0
Ginghams, to close IJv
Remnants of 17-Inch Em
broideries, to close. . . . . 01
Remnants of Bed
Spreads, to close
Remnants of Wash Goods,
to close '
Special Brand Ladies Hos- 'iZe
Ladies' Tailored Suits
Silk and Net Waists, Reduced
.Silk Dresses and Costumes at.
Nearly Cost.
Ladies' Wash Dresses at Cost.
All Ladies' Vests Reduced, 1
..25c kind.. 101
$1.75 Lace Curtains..
10c Ladies' Sample Hand- OCp
kerchiefs. 4 for w Jv
25c and 35c Wash Belts. .
Remnant Ends of everything o:i
Dry Goods side, consisting of
Ginghams, calicos, Wash Goods.
etc., etc., all at Actual Cost. .
We Thank You
For your patience in waiting iar
be served during the rush of our
13c Sale.
Successors to
P. 1 1. Bluckduu, of Ashlnud, spent
Tuesday in Mcuford.
Judge Peutz, of Butto Fulls, is
spending a tew days in Medford oa
V.. I). Briscoe, of Trail, was a visit
or in Medford on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Wright are
spei ding a lew days in Portland.
Jim Wood is hack from a bu.-iness
trip In Montana.
liomanoff at the Xnsh Grill in vio
lin solos. 110
Whv rush homo this hot wealhev.
when you can get best lunch in town
at the Spot cafe for 25c?
Mis H. C. Kentner and duughtcr,
Miss Bessie, have returned from an
outing at Newport.
A. t Allen and family have re.
turned from a visit to Crater Lake.
Mrs. Evelyn Maple, of Central
Point, was a recent Medford visitor.
J. B. Buck, of Grants Pass, is
sending a few days in Medford.
Koinaiioft' at the Xnsh Grill in vio
lin solos. 110
V. J. Emeriek will leave in the ncsr
future for an extended hunting trip
into the interior of British Columbia.
Ho will go as far us possible by rail,
200 miles by stage mid then another
100 miles bv eiinoe. His brother will
accompany him.
William C. Stone was a visitor in
Medford Tuesday on business.
The county court will meet in reg
ular session Wednesday. Nothin-;
other than routine matters is before
the court.
The city council will meet in regu
lar session this evening.
Mayor II. W. Cannon expects to
leave in the near future for nn ex
tended visit with his sister in Seattle.
Ho will also visit other Xorthwe-t
Hear the Grfent Australian Violin
ist Uomanoff. at the Nash Grill, ei
ery evening, during dinner. Vl(i
C. B. Morris, of Portlnnd, is making
a business visit to Medford. ,
C. E. Klise, of Belmont, Mass., is
a recent Medford arrival.
i C. E. Johnson, of Eagle Point, has
returned from a trip to the Fair.
The following party are visitinir
Portland. Tacoma and Seattle: Mr-t.
J. G. VauDyke, Miss Sadie VanDyke,
Ruth VanDyke, Margaret Williams,
Estclle Mcchling and Laura Mulcn-
iiuer. The latter three, who have been
visiting J. G. VanDyke and family
will return from Seattle East. Their
homo is in Pennsylvania.
The deer season opened Sunday
and a large number of local sports
men were out in the hills awaiting the
opportunity for the annual slaughter.
Deer are plentiful this year and suc
cessful huntsmen arc already dis
tributing venison among their friends.
At the same time the deer shooting
began, seine-slaughter of fish ended
in the Rogue, it beihg closed season
until November.
Second sections of north bound
trains are being stopped south o?
Main street, where baggage and cs-
pprcss shipments of fruit are loaded.
This saves the blockade of Main
street for a quarter of an hour at a
time by the trains.
The Showman Aiwy on the Alert
For an f Adver'.n.enint.
Ouu morning the uewt-papers an
nounced that em re fears ivcri; enter
tained for the safety of an agent of
Biiruum's blg.sliow who hm! ,,1,1. in
Africa to neck attraction. Tor It in
their native lairs. News hml eniiic il
was said, that lie IimiI last li-en heard
from in a predlea nt from v. hi ! es
cape was practically iinpnilile. II
wan a very sail piece of laHine alto
gether. Mr. Bnfnum was ill n hotel In New
Vork city ot the time, unci there
a relative of the unfortunate agent
found him entertaining 11 kijiiiiiI 0f re
porters with a most Interesting version
of the African tragedy. The callei
knew his man and wailed patiently
until the .Interviewers IimiI ih.purtcii
Then he anxiously asked for news, ;
"Oh. don't bp worried." miIiI Hie
showman. "I've Juki got Intelligence
that he's safe and sonnil nail will he
bnck here In a few weeks."
"But he has a great many friend
here," objected the visitor, "anil this
report of bis death will ennse them
much sorrow."
Mr. Barnuru looked solemn for an
Instant, anil then ha chuckled. "Well."
be exclaimed cheerfully, "jmf- think
of thls-they'll be all the hnppier when
be gets back here alive."
Remained Four Hours Alone With
Dead Husband in Marble
iiiAXTs pass, Aug. :: (s,
inly- Frank lli and bride of two
mouths niid Arthur Vineyard ami
bride of a week, went to the Oregon
t !'.. w . I'..(v ,,iv,, ',,,. .... nnli,,,.
In exploring the eaves Sundry
Ellis was in the lead, and 011 going
up tin incline passage frt'om No. 2 I 1
No. M ehoiuber, he slipped, discharg
ing an automatic revolver which
t ruck bin in the eve. diseliurgiii!:
struck him in the eye, spattering hi
brain against the wall.
Vineyard mid wife left Mrs. Kllis
with the dead, body of her husband
for four hours, while they went to
secure assistance and telephone hero
for the coronorer nnil a physieeiui'.
Some blame is attached to Vineyard
for having left the wife alone at hiicIi
a' time, but the real motive has no)
been learned.
The remains and the rest of the
party was brought back here today.
The w idow Is iialiirally grief -si ricki'v,
bordering oil hysteria.
Ellis has been a popular clerk in
the National Drug Store. Vineyard
i- connecled with the Souther Ore-
foil Supply Co.
. It is reported that both Ellis mid
Vineyard bar heard stories of lher-
being some bad men in the vicinity
of the caves, and prepared them
selves with revolvers in ease they
.should verify this on going in. Tli' i
would account for Vineyard's hasty
exit, and the lone vigil of Mrs. Ellis
with her dead husband in the dnr't
ness of the caves for so long.
Drayaue and Transfer.
Adams & Moore, general draying
nutl transfer, will call nnywhero in
city. Phone Main iifll. Stand at S.
P. depot.
'Mine at Last" nnil '"Waory Bonos
Seeks lies!.'' are pictures coiilaiuui'f
much amusement and many laughs.
Entire "hange of program Wednesday
night. v Remember the Savoy is cool
mil comfortable. No wails or de
lays. No old liilins rim before in the
citv nre shown. One dime.
Intorestiny Experiences of Medford
Anders Chas. Young's Sunday .
Clothes Stay in Brush
Over Night.
Medford iinglei'x arc telling iutee.
cling features connecled with Sun
day ll-hiug excursions, Joe Whitney
and parly had a busy day with his
auto, which persisted in beroiiiing ex
cited at Jon's catching a six-pound
sleclhead, and blowing off sleani cv
cry few moments, necessitating fre
quent halls and liberal use of cold
water to calm it. While the anglers
were whipping the stream, a cow
climbed into the itulo, badly 'scratch
ing it willi her horns, ate all the luiicn
ami one of the rod case covers, uu I
when caught was rolling a bottle o!"
Ilsh-bait 11 round on the ground, Iryiia
to get at it.
Charles Voung und Count Hall ra:;
into 11 hoodoo streak when neariiv
the stream, a tire hurst, Mr. Youiiit
put on his tlshing togs to do the re
pair work in, carefully secreting liU
Sunday clothes in the brush to lie
culled for on the return trip. It win
late when they tluished fishing and
they couldn't Hud the clothes, having
forgotten the place of concealment.
After an hour's search, they left thei i
to be hunted for Monday. In the
meantime all of the liquid refresh
ments had been broken by accident.
$1500 IN FROM
Talk of the Town.
"Good morning, have you seem
'lien's Kid'?" Many a greeting like
ihe above was exchanged this morn
ing, all bceaiise "Ben's Kid" is at the
Savoy. Let me tell you. tln Kid is
the center of iittraetion, too. He will
iniike you laugh until your sides ache,
for he plays the principal part in 1
breezy western comedy drama, brist
ling with humor, thrills and lictio:.
"Ben's Kid" should not be missed by
anyone. Vmi cannot conceive of the
funny situation "the kid" causes, mi
les yott son. him.
County Clerk Kept Busy Issuing Li
censes to Hunters and Fish
ermen Will Brcitk Rtu:ord.
Over ifl'dMI lias been ciillei'led so
fur Ihi- year by the enmity clerk for
-liiug mid hunting lii'iu,es, and the
ilcuinml for hiiiilini: licenses linx
baldly Vet began. Nearly 700 flshiiiK
licenses were taken out and over 100
ci , 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 11 1 it 1 1 hunting and Ashing. Ow
ing to Ihe 'fact that 11 large number
of licenses have .licnil issaeil by thn
game wardens anil deputies of Mr.
('olcmiiu which have not yet bi'e'i
reported to that olllcial, il is dilll
cult to determine the exact amount.
The clerk took in during 1II0K thn
sum of $ Itil I for hunting liccnsiM
alone, and this mark will probably
be passed this year. So far (IH!
lishiiig licenses have been issued, fiVM
hunting licenses and 1.13 combination
licenses, During tho past few day-i
the demand has been heavy for hunt
ing permits.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bones, of Mud-
ford, spent a few hours ntt he county
scat Monday afternoon.
Il stands In reason that the South
ern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. can
give betlcr grtidcs-aiid prices on lei
and coffee than others, owing to their
buying in bulk, direct, instead of in
small lots from the wholesale Iioiihim.
Phone 3303.
George Phevers, Wanted In Medford,
Nabbed Back East
Will Be Brought Back
Sheriff Wilbur Jones has been ad
vised by the nheriff of While county,
Indiana, that he has in custody Geo.
PheviiH, wanted in this county on 11
cliurgo of grand larceny. District
Al-orncy Mulkey has applied to the
governor for requisition papers and
it is probable that Phuvus will be
brought back.
Phcvns stole a traction engine be
longing to D. P. Nosey, of Ashland,
and sold il to Daniel llilkcy, who re
sides in Northwest Medford, on June
21. The engine had been rented, by
Dr. J. V. Ucddy for grading purposes
on the Pacific & Eastern road. Phc
vns was employed as engineer. After
working a few days he drove the en
gine to Medford and sold it, an 1
skipped out. Ho has been arrested
in Montecollo, Indiana.
Owners of ' .
(1300 acres lying on both sides of Rogue RiYGp.)
Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per
petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon-easy
These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are
suitable in the highest degree for the cultura of Winter
pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River
Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar
den Stuff, Hoot Crops and Grasses.
Inquiries relating to the re sources of Rogue River Valley
or of Western Oregon wiR be answered cheerfully and
Medford, Oregon. )
CMATKK LAKE "The Orcatcst Mutunil Wondar of tho World."
Medford, Oregon.
Willi Mil 1 1 11 mi -ajwi