Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 03, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Standard Portland Cement, "Grown" Brand (hair
fibre) Hard Wall Plasters and All Kinds of
Building Felt Always in Stock
jJ wwLIIJkj LLq LyJ iMS0SiUU U5UUd
sttsmbs. Bijou Theatre
V .
All This Week
'-vV-? . 'T . -i. FARTHI V PflRnniCF i .;.i.....i;h.... i,. .1... ,;n; ,
MULTNOMAH FALLS -(A scenic film of great beauty.
ELLEN - (A story of Childhood
JAA--A Iti-nutil'id picture. j
COUNTRY LOVERS A ImiKliojrnph of llic first order.
Ingles and Darling
(Comedy Sketch Artists)
Fresh from the Pantages Vaudeville Circuit, in a Mirth-Provoking
Sketch, Entitled.
"A Husband in Clover"
Admission Onlv 10ol5c .
. v.:- A;.: rd-v;,
.: f a,. w If v
. J
Clarice Ingles
Richard Darling
Attention. Pioneers.
The 33d annual reunion of tho
Pioneer society of Southern Oregon
will be held at Ashland, Or., on
Thursday, the 2G'th day of August,
1909. We hope to have the pleasure
of greeting you on that occasion, to
gether with your family and friends.
It is desirable that the annual re
unions of the society be perpetuated.
Professor B. F. Mulkey has agreed
to deliver the address to the pioneers
and their friends at that time. Como
and bring your badges with you. Re
spectfully vours,
SILAS J. DAY, Secretary.
Still. another fresh shipment of fish
today at the Kogue River Fish Co.
Don't forget, dressed checkens every
day in the week.
What' 11 you have?
Bear Creek Water The kind you ouce used
' 'Well Water The kind you still use
Rain Water You catch it in a tubJ'W!"
Water nom Fish Lake openjditch
Colestine Mineral Water
The only water to bo had in Med ford that is absolutely pure is the kin.
you ought to drink.
-Sold Only by-
Tobacconlsts RTTTRR & DUNLAP Confectioners
The Trm "Copper."
While many police officials beUeT the tenn "coptwr" as applied to
policemen had lta origin In the use of
the copper badges that were formerly
worn, au authority states that the
word may be traced back to the Nor
mans lu the twelfth century and that
it Is a corruption of "catch." The
Normnus not only applied It to the
catchers of crtmltmls. but to the im
plemcuts used In catchiug or holding
them. There were "hand cops," or
bHiidculTE, In the twelfth century,
and the Anglo-Saxons used foot cops.
In the "Yocnbulum, or the Uugues'
Lexicon." written by George W. Ma
ted In 1S50, copped is thus defined:
"Copped Arrested. The knuck was
copper to rights, a skin full of honey
was found in his kicks poke by the
copper when he plucked him. The
pickpocket was arrested, and when
neiiicued by vliu officer a purse full of
money wns found In his pants pocket."
This Is tho derivation of copper.
There ts nn implied compliment In (lie
sobriquet. London Saturday Itevlew.
Tho color iuHlion appears to '.ic
ii vital issue with sonio I'ow people,
in' Modford in fact so vital has it
lieconio that words wore found
ineffectual in voaohing n decision ns
i tin.' nrcppv (onlnient. of llio neu:'
in this set-lion, as compared with the- mid various other thinj;
south, so Hie youngslers who eon
duct ii lioothlnck stand near Ritner
& Diuilnpp's establishment, and mi
nx-oniployi! of tho Nasli Grill nttempi
d, Monday, to settlu tho matter with
bblows, mid for u lime, there, wore
pieces of awning supports, oiiss wards
around, much to llio amiisenienl !
Ilie large crowd Hint quickly gather
ed on llio spot. Tho question at issue
is still undecided, as hostilities weie
suspended until some future time
whim tho police were nol so like'v
In inlnrforo.
Blood Travels Fast.
The speed at which ttie blood circu
lates In the veins and arteries of u
healthy man ts something surprising
All day long, year In and year out.
I lie round trips continue from the
heart to the extremities aud back
again. The red blood corpuscles travel
like boats In a stream, going to this
or that station for such service as they
have to perform, and the white cor
puscles, the phagocytes, dart hither
mill thither like patrol boats, ready to
arrest any contraband cargo of disease
L'crnis. The mileage of the UlouiL cir
culation reveals some astounding facts
In onr personal history. Thus it has
been calculated that, assuming the
heart to beat sixty-nine times a min
ute at ordinary heart pressure, the
blood goeu at the rate of 207 yards tn
the minute, or seven miles per hour,
J.GS miles per day and 6.320 miles per
year. If a man of eighty-four years
of nge could have one single blood
corpuscle floating In his blood nil his
life it would have traveled in that
same time o.loO.SOS miles. Kxchange.
Caught Her,
"l am looking for something nice
for a young man." said the .young and
pretty shopper.
Why don't you look In the mirror?'
naked the gallant clerk.
And she was so flustered that he
managed to sell her four different
things that she did not want before
she knew what she was doing.
" was a very lucid document
vou nrenared." said the friend
"Yes." answered the statesman dubi
ously. "I made It so lucid thnt t am
afraid the public will fall to regard It
ns able and profound."-Washington
A Reminder.
Mrs. R If 1 should die would you
ever forget me? Mr. It. I thluk not.
The ilocior said that I will suffer from
dyspepsia all my life. Kansas City
Refuse to worry and you have nc
coiutilislicd one of the greatest things
in the world - AN hlsoii (llolie.
Mt. Angel College
in charge of the Bcnedictiue Fathers.
For young men aud boys. Term
opens September. 7th.- Preparatory,
commercial, scientific and elassieal
courses. Write for catalogue.
i 1 1 1
We are Growem-nnr direct tram lie
Our Trw an ffrown itriclIT
Write for free eaUlotr. Larae, itock of
Cholct Fruit, Nut ind Oraimmlal Trot, Qnpe
Vines, Small Fruit Flanta in J Shrubbery
Tub Daixeb NtnisnaiKS
Main Office, liij Urund ATe,Fortlaail.O.