THE MEDEORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. AUGUST 3. 1909. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Pdtnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : J month by or carrier. . . . 10.50 One year by mail 15.00 TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. A rare and salubrious climate soil of remarkable fertility bountiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and cold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive people such is 'Jie Rogue River Valley. Average mean temperature 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation ,. ...21 inches SECESSION AND TRADITION. - The Rogue River Courier, alone among the papers of Southeni Oregon, opposes secession and the creation of new state. It says : "We hope that the name of the Royit River Valley, which means Grants Pass, is not claimed h; the secessionists.. This valley is loyal to the whole .state, ami its glorious traditions." The Rogue River Valley is certainly claimed by the se cessionists, and if put to a vote tomorrow, there would bt an overwhelming majority -for secession, not only outside of Josephine County, containing three-quarters of the valley's inhabitants, but in Josephine, and also in the cit of Grants Pass. Prom Ashland to Wedderburn there is a widespread dis gust with barnacle rule, with taxation without represen tation, with the narrow, selfish, hoggish, apathetic char acter of the Willamette Valley dictation. 'What have the " glorious.traditions '.' of Oregon done f o i Southern Oregon ? What have they, done for Grants Pass Has Grants Pass ever been recognized in the slightest de gree, ever been helped in any manner, no matter how small ? . Has a cent of the taxes Josephine County has been paying into the treasury since its' creation ever been spent in the county? Has it ever received recognition of. anv kind ' no: ;' v - . . ; : 1 When it comes to ' ' glorious traditions, "the Rogue River valley furnishes more than "all the rest of Oregon. Here hunted the French and Hudson Bay. trappers. Here were fought the Indian battles, and the aborigines of the Rogue were worth while they; were fighters and killed more o4. the invading whites than all other Indians of the Coast in their struggle for liberty that ended only in extermination. Here came the argonauts and washed out twenty millions of gold many' times more than all the rest of Oregon ever produced. Here the sturdy pioneers laboriously ox-teaniciveloped empire which will furnish unlimited power for nil their way across the continent to lili blood-stained graves And here, in later days, came Uio pioneer commercial orch ardists to show the world how to grow perfect fruit- while the orchards of the rest of the state grew moss to match that on the inhabitants. But "glorious traditions" butter no parsnips. Itjs no what grand-pa did, but what we ourselves do, that counts Grand-p;i was a tine old man, but lie went to bed with a candle, auo our achievements should as far outshine his as the elei .!: light we use does the candle of his time. i .vnino i 'w nfonn.,i ; i. i . 'i r i xintMi.- -it. imnrMS air lUl'IUU'Ul WWW iHOUromS oorn seek ituiest opportunity to develop resources that surpass those of any section of the world, and do not wai:l tlinii ttntl, ..I' I.II...VK,'. ., J ! 11.-1.1. 1.1 i t i""" i" 'sn .-v ruin mutiny niocKeu. ii ov secession and the creation ol a new state, the recognition and atten Hon necessary can be secured, both cities will-vote as a unit ior secession, the Courier included and to make an other "glorious tradition" to "point a moral and adorn tale." DEL NORTE IN LINE. Commenting upon the Tribune's editorial for the new- state of Siskiyou, the Del Norte Record, of Crescent City. says : ' "The foregoing article speaks volumes. Del Xnrte conn ty has also been long neglected, other portions of the state being aided while this eounty is referred to as "being in the northwest part f the state." Some, among the inanagei-s and editors of papers in San Francisco, locating us in Ore gon. haxtov Putnam of the Tribune lias spoken in words'that ring witn a desire to bring before the world the possibilities of a section that has long been neglected .and we welconu such. .Del .Norte County and a great portion of Siskivon County would fit well into the state of Siskiyou, while to the north lies Uurry County, which is dependent on California more than its own state, Oregon. "For many years efforts have been made to secure irov- eminent aid to improve the harbors along the coasts of Del Norte and Curry Counties, but influence has been brouglu to bear to kill such projects. Work has been done to im prove Humboldt Bay bar, 60 miles south of this place, and at the Coquille River, 100 miles north. In the neirlected portion are a numlwr of harbors open ports that are all that can be desired during the summer months, but arc exposed to southerly storms during winter months. Thev require breakwaters, .rr ' : ' From the northern line of Curry County; Orecon. to the southern line of Del Norte County, and inland mam- miles in fact to the Cascade mountains i tlm vi,.Wf " - - -' .1-A1V01'0., Hon of the Pacific Coast. There is no one nroduct to de pend on as is- the case in other localities. We have vast for ests of redwood, fir, sugar pine, cedar, etc. : mammoth lodg es of copper and other minerals, rich fruit, grainl dairv and stock lands; theKlamath, liogue, Smith, Chetco, MiiichucU. Fistol, bixes and other streams flowing through the unde manufacturing plants. One must go over the Held to ap preciate what awaits the railroad that will surely be built, "Such a road will be built from Medford, Oregon, to tide water, and that within a few years. The much talked of Coast road is and will be a long time in reaching Del Nnrl.n County, regardless of the Southern Pacific Company pay ing for rights of way, recently, in Humboldt CountyV' THE TOWN THAT PUSH BUILT V. The Wily Furniture Nan Three Dy. TonrlNt In Ireland (to rural puHliunn) How tunny iiiiiIIh Iiiivu you here In tlm day? "Thrco liriiiikfiiHt, dinner nud tuy." - London Kuu. LTERE la .the furniture dealer who read A clothier'a ad. and by it was lad To apend for clothing tha eilfeame bill That ha got from tha dry gooda mar ohant'a till. Whara it had bean placad whan tha butcher bought And paid with tha bill that ha had got Whan tha grocer with him had eettle man! made With tha money tha honett workman paid. P. S. Tht Itialdtaltrwbt't up t muff Will always advert hi hit fluff. Indian buskutft: I offer for Halo mv cnlirn collection of liuliitn baskets, i. lots to suit purchaser. TIjo collet!- lion consists of some very fine spec imens mndo by tho Pitt Itivar, Modoc, IToopn, Pinto, Klumnlh, Chippewa an- Sioux. This kind of tvork is get- ling to bo harder to nctniiro nncii year, ns tho Indian basket makers oro dying off vory fnst.Thoy make tine hull decorntioiiK, good presents to send to eastern friends, nnd n.- constantly increasing in vnliio. This sale will continue until Wednesday. August only. The prices will lie about 25 per cent less than is or dinarily asked for such baskets, The can he seen nt Dr. (Indie's opticnl parlor on Seventh street. lit Prof, liomiinoff in Violin Solos, ill at the Xash Orill every evening, dur ing tinnier. llli 8tranga Caaa. rirnt 'riiyNlcliiii Any uiiuhuiiI J Dip loma nliout thnt Inst coho of yonrn? Second I'IivhIcIiiii Yea. Ho paid ms $fiO on account yesterday. Wisconsin Sphinx. A Shooting Trip. , lie-Did you shoot anything while you were up lu Cnnndn? Klio Yea. In deed! Wo went out In n boot one day and allot tho loveliest rapid I yon ever aw. H'ic Preferred Stock ('mined Apri cots for .tile (cost), this week ut til" ex Oioeerv. 11(1 Hia Bad Break. "Oil, yea. I av the mini lu the moon when 1 waa a Utile girl," she an Id co quettlKlily. "lie in ii a l bo pretty old by now, don't you think V" he renin rked tliongMIf-ss-ly. Exchange. Indefinite Inatructiona. Ijidy (In clerk In clothing store) I want n pair of trousers for my hus bund. t:ierk Wbnt alxe, madam? l.udy-l don'i know the slxc, but be wears n Ni. m collar. Bmart Set The Anawer. niitl wlndiiw' are ery Widow' .much alike." "Well. iiihI w lint 'a the anawerf "When I ect near either I always look out." Don't forget the unmtciir night at the Bijou (Friday night). Something doing. Fine Crepe. "Do you raliie anything worth while In your garden V mid tha vleitor from the ciiy. "! should any ao." anawvred Mr. CniMlott. "II 'a. the beat plnve for Bah. lug worms In Hie entire vlllaire." Washlngiiiu Hi nr. - , Plain Talk, "I think she's limlilj. fnvct,l 'Oh. don't any Hint: ' One fii.e vi-s l Imil enough!"-t'nnili' Oils. Ilk.-' What is the Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. liohiiiHon of I)rutntiiiii, Onlnriii, has been Irtnibled for vent's with indigestion, and- r imuieinls C'liaiiilierliiin's Stomach and Liv'iv Tablets ns "the best medicine I evi-r used." If troubled with iniligeslinn or conslipiilion give them n triiii. They are ccrliiin to prove heiiefieiiil. They are ciisy lo dike ami pleasant ellecl. Trice 25 cents. Samples c nt I IT'S ON LEGS L O THE A.I Of all Steel Ranges now manufactured is con sidered by the discriminating housewife ,as SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Is plainly evident. Call and let us demonstrate its merits to you. xo. " - 1 K e T Tal ITS ON LEGS Medford ardware Co,