THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORKCON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 'a, 1000. 2 Do Not Forget the Date, August 9th and 10th, 1909 DO NOT SAY THAT OPPOTUNITY NEVER KNOCKED AT YOUR DOOR Li Everybody invited to take an automobile ride out to the Alfa Addition BUY A LOT IN THE ALFA ADD ON 20 per cent cash, 10 per cent quarterly Ice Cream for everybody Good Music in attendance Realizing a long felt want for the good of Ashland, and to satisfy this want, vc have put on the market one of 'the finest and best located residence additions to be found in Ashland, located near the heart of the city, between Boulevard and Main Streets N ' TheSale of the Lots in the Alfa Addition will take place AUGUST 9th and 10th FOR SALE BY We also have some very b fine orchard tracts for sale ji'iliiwiarfl n'r it1 . 'I UlU. JMMllljm RESOLVED The best' resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, if yoa want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE FBOGRfcSSIVE TAILOB BUSINESS METHODS. For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying fo yuui mime lor yourseiT ana lamny. ' Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. . We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg WHY COOK These hot days! When you can get anything you desire in the line of BREAD, PIES or CAKB,. i:i addition to. everything usually found in a first-class DELICATESSEN. . MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY, Corum & Wetzel. Proprietors. . The Tribune is Up-To-Date Tho Necessity of Advertising and the Efficiency of Salesmen. A man limy Imvr several carloads of ability. He may have l.iuiiis and Ideas and other desirable tilings. Hut all the ideas ever Ideated" will not avail to i raise a man who neglects that all lni- j portant item of advertising." You sim ply must get attention.' Of course you can get attention by firing off a re volver during office hours or you can do it by wearing loud clothes and pro claiming your kinship lit the sporting fraternity. Hut most men who have risen from the ranks have carefully neglected to use methods of this kind. Every otnee man must net as his own salesman. He must flint prepare himself by increasing his clliclcncy. He must lie able to do the work for which he is hired. Not only should he do that for which he is hired, but he must do that work better than It ever was done before. When that Item has been attended to It Is then time to look about for more wvirk. The wise employee will keep his cyo on the Job "ahead or. better still, will look at a Job which does not exist, but which should exist for the good of tho business. The next step in to think out a selling talk that will get the at-. tention, arouse the interest, create a: desire and bring about in the mind of the employer a desire to do what the ( live employee desires him to do. Book keeper. ! ( FORGOT HIS OWN LINES, j A Quotation That the Poet Campbell Failed to Recognize. That poets, like Other folks, some times forget their own ereiillong Is shown by an incident related by Sir Frederick Pollock. At n dinner where Thomas Campbell and Lord Nugcut ! were present the conversation drifted ; from the use of Luliu words In English to monosyllabic verse. Some ono ox-, ; pressed tf.'doubt whether two consecu- i tire lines composed of words of ono j syllable could be found n our ' language. Lord Nugent at once quoted: "By that dread name we wave the sword' on high, i And swear for her to live- with her to : die." i Campbell said he did not believe In ' the lines and asked where they came i from. Lord Nugent said, "Kroni your t own 'Pleasures of Hope.' " "How do j you know that?" asked the poet. ' "I know It all by heart," replied Nugent, i "I'll bet you a guinea you can't repeat j It," said Campbell. The bet was taken ' and Nugent started declaiming. The j poet soon got tired. nmL sold: "I see ' you know the ;ioem. Iion't go any ! further." The other Insisted upon re- : pealing tlie whole poem or claiming double stakes, ami Campbell paid tho ' extra guinea in order to U spared the J recital of the poem which had made i hint famous which he bad forgotten. - ' New York Mall. I How to Patch a Canoe. There are several different "home made" methods by which Jo repair a crack or leak in n canoe. Perhaps the most permanent Is varnish or shellac and silk. I'ut a little varnish over the crack, place a smal! sill: patch over the varnish, letting It dry. then varnish or shellac over the silk. Two coals will be sutlicient. If It Is a varnished ca noe, use wlille silk, ami the patch can hardly be delected. ' the silk being transparent. This may be put on both Inside and outside if necessary. White lead and varnish mixed well and put In the crack is also a good permanent repair. If on a cruise in the woods nnd without the necessary articles to make a permanent repair, get a little spruce gum off the trees, heat and add a little grease and put over the crack. The grease has a tendency to keep the gum from .getting very hard, and It will not break so easily. The silk and shellac repair Is the usual remedy for a puncture In a canvas covered canoe. Recreation. I Von Holstein's Dress Coat, I'rinee fSulow once Invited Hcrr voii Holstcln to dinner, telling him that It was to meet tho emperor. "But," re plied Holslein. "I don't believe that I have a dress coat at present. 1 will try, however, to get one mnde In time, anil if I can't perhaps the emperor will take me as I am." This, the Times says, was rerted to his majesty, who said that Hcrr von Holstcln was to ap pear In any garb he pleased. When the meeting took place Hol stcln was in his usual frock coat, and the emperor laughingly tupped hltn on the shoulder and said: "1 sec that dress coat wasn't ready. It doesn't matter." London Standard. ."For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, wo recommend Folgers Golden Gate ' .Coffee." . 1 It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee riot if we paid $1 a pound for it. Everythinf,' about Toller's Golden Gad- Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan- OROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Cheering Him Up. "Kill," said tin; Invalid's friend, "I've come to cheer yer tip a bit like. I've brought yer a few flalirs, Bill. I thought If I was too late they'd come In "andy for a wreaf. yer know. No. don't get down'enrted. Bill. Lummy, don't yer look gashly! But, there, keep up yer spirits, olo sport; I've come to see yer an' cheer yer up a bit. Nice little room yer 'ave 'ere; but, as I says to meself when I was a'comln' up, wot a nrkard staircase to get coffin dahnl" London Globe. t Medford Iron Works f E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. J Foundry and Machinist I t All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-f Tchlnery. Agents In Southern Oregon for t FAIRBANKS. MOPSE A r.fl 2 ' . yUrs. Until Ufamptott Isaacs Instuctor cf "piano. lgt 5ttN)oo Studio at Atilitnct. ttorH) Orange Street -