oieyon M.sWrio-i :J wj $1,000 REWARD! ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD WILL BE PAID I1Y THE UNDERSIGNED TO ANY PERSON' WHO CAN SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OR TOWN- IN' THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OK THE ROOUE RIVER VLLEV HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT WITHIN A 10-MILE RADIUS, A 20-MILE RADIUS, A 30-MILE RADIUS OR A 40-MILE RADII'S, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MEDFORD, ORECION, HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING RADIUS. MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB MedfoeD' Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OIM-XJOX, TUKSUAY, AUGUST 3, 1909. No. 116. REAMES 66 BODY-BLOW Will Probably Apply Aside All Findings of Court Or Will of Fish Lake Ditch "Why, should" I quibble ovor 15 da;.-- when do hit it will lie a body blow" Such in Attorney A. K. Bennies' deli ti the City of Medford, mid be yond tbnt brief Htatomdiit ho in uon-coiiiiiiittul. It wan inudu after be had onscutcd Monday afternoon to a stipulation regarding the serving of the notice on M. F. Huuley, regarding the sociul tc i of court. Had he not consented to wnivo certain technical mat tern it would have been noo ccHMary to have called another Hjiacinl term, which would have been donj with a loss of 10 or 15 day. ' Hut that he in not yet through flghtiu,; is evidenced by his Htiitoinetit that h j ban yet u body blow to deliver. Two courses are open to Attorney Retimes. One in that bo apply to the circuit court immediately after the special session comes to n close for an injunction to restrain tho city from entering uHn the ff'anloy land on the ground that the culling of the special term is unconstitutional. The other in that ho uttaek tho water right of the Fish Luko Ditch Com pany, and enjoin the city from turning the water of Little Butte Creek into the gravity water system after it is completed. It is evident that if Attorney Kennies persists in his endeavorH to block the city of Modford on behalf of his client M. F. Hanloy. that the city will have gained but little in hav ing the sM'ciul term of court held in this district, llelwcen the courses open to him. it is probable that ho will choose the one which will enjoin the city from entering upon tho Hun ley prumisuH nftor tho damages have been assessed by tho special term of court.' Here then, is the procedure to block the city. As soon ns a judgement U entered by Judge Coko, and the spec ial term iH ended, un injunction will be asked for to enjoin the city from entering upon the Hanloy prem ises upon tho ground thnt the calling and holding of the special term of court was unconstitutional. Then it temporary injunction is issued until the case can bo tried in tho Septem ber torm of court, which will prob ably be reached sometime in October, owing to tha congested condition of (tie calendar. When tho cqso is hoard, if the injunction is disolvcu, well and good, but if it is made per manent, tho case will have to be car ried to tho Supreme Court, which will mean nnothor delay. On tho othor hand, if Attorney Retimes doeiods to fight tho Fish Lokc Ditch Company regarding the water rights, tho city will be ennbled to build tho pipe line, but will probably he enjoined from turning the water into the system until such tiifio as tho ciiro is tried out between TIanlcy and tho Fish Lnko Ditch Company. So no mnltor which particular "body blow" Koamcs cures to uso, it seems that tho city will use time. The fact ' that Attornoy Itenmos would not appcur in tho proceedings in Jacksonville on Monday, oxcopt as an outsido attorney, indicates that he will Book to onjoiu tho city from tak ing advnntngo of tho Bpoeinl torm of court, on tho ground that it was nn-1 K.' B. Wise and C. Tilloti, of Port constitutional, and will bo able to land, are in Modford on business. HAS A 99 N RESERVE for Injunction to Set During Special Term Attack Water Rights Company. ullliin tint t at no time did tbe defend ant acknowledge the legality of the 'pecial term. ' , The jury wan taken Tuesday to the Haniey promises to ussoss the dam ages. They were ordered to repot t in court Wednesday morning nt 10 o'clock. Tho jury is eomprisod of A. L. W'eiiner, J. W. Orover, C. J. Sea man, (leorge Garrett, C. A. Elinson, Fred Minthorii, .William Von der Ilel len, ( 'buries W. Lofland, J. J. Murphy, Isnao A. Merritnnn, T. J. Fish, George V. Weeks. GRASSHOPPERS ARE I y Make Ralls Slippery Coming up Grade . From Jacksonville Threntc:i to Retard Traffic Grasshoppers are threatening to tie up truffle on tho Hoguo River rail road. President Buruum is looking for n remedy, and k pass for life will probably bo given tbe person who solves the problem of keeping the pests off tho rails. For Home time grasshoppers have been bothering tho progress of the Valley Limited. Thoy flock upon the mils in such numbers that the rails become slippery, nnd it is nlmostl im possihlc .to get up tho grndo coming dilcma is a serious problem, and one Dnrniim would like to solvo. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Boll, of Wood, have boon visiting friends in 'Modford who have boon visiting friends in Modford have retumod home. DESERT GUNS TO I Tense Situation In Central Oregon Railroad War Is Relieved by Removal of Armed Camp Followers. THREE MEN ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTING TO BLOCK TW0HY ROAD Disposition Shown to Take the Matter Into Court Dove of Peace Over Camps. THE DALLES, Aug 3. With the removal of the armed camp folowers of the contractors reputedly in the employ of rivnl Hill and Harrimau lines, the tense situation which has existed in the DesChutes canyon dur ing the past few days, was relioved today. ' It is not lokcly that an armed con flict will occur now, as both sides show u dispositon to take the fight into the courts. Three men were arrested yesterday by deputy sheriffs for attempting to block the roadway to tho Twohy Bros. These men have been released .under a bond of $750 each to keep the peace. HERO DOUBLES SIZE OF ORCHARD TRACT Chicago Clubman Buys 20 Acres of Beebe Orchard Adjoining Present Holdings. A. Conro Fiero, who recently pur chased tho J. W. Myers tract cast of Central Point, paying .20,000 for 20 acres of the finest orchard in tho val ley, has doubled the size of his hold ings by purchasing from A. W. Beebe 20 acres adjoining to tho west, pay ing if 11,000, or $550 per aero for the same. Seven noresf this Beeb tract is planted to 3-year-old near and (I acres to 5-year-old Kpifzcn berg apples. Tho remaining 7 acres wii ho planted to" pears this winter. This gives Mr. Fiero one of the be! 10 acres of fruit in tho valley. . PLEASED A GOOD HOUSE. Everyone who snw the Ingles nnd Darling Sketch team at tho Bijoa theatre last night went away highly pleased. They are far tho best vmi devillo peoplo that have played Med ford. The playlet, "A Husband in Clover," given by Ingles nnd Darling is onuo of tho cleanest, brightest and most laughable ovor witnessed horo. Tho Bijou picture program was extra good, nnd wo hope to seo largo hous os so that (his popular playhouse can acts as tho prosont ono. Always boo the Rogno River Fish Co. for fresh fish, drossed chickens, oysters, otc. UPRISING IN MOROCCO SPREADS Spanish Garrison in Mellila Doomed Natives on Verge of Revolt Situation More Serious. IF ALFGNZ0 LOOSES HIS THRONE REPUBLIC SURE TO BE INSTITUTED Government Finds it Impossible to Forward Trustworthy Vroops to Relieve Garrison. LISBON, Portugal. Aug. 3. Fif teen thousand Moors are attacking th teen thousand -Moors are attacking the Spanish troops entrenched in and around Melilln today, according to n mesape received here. The Spapnish situation is desperate, and was made doubly (-o by the fact that the native population, heretofore not participat ing in the war. are reported revolting. From reports of the refugees who ran through the besiegers' lines, if the na tives revolt tho Spanish garrison in Mellila is doomed. Coast ports re port that the uprising is spreading throughout Morocco. Situation Serious. CERBERE, France, Aug. 3. The troops sent from Barcelona to dis lodge the rebels entrenched in the mountains were repulsed with heavy hisses, necoring to messages received here today. The situation in Catalo nia is serious. The followers of eth late Don Carlos, pretender to the throne-of Spain, aro working to ad vance tho cause of his son, Don Jam ie, but it. is thought there is but little chance of bis gaining tho crown. If AJfonzo loses tho throne, a re public will probably be formed. Thnt the revolutionists, nnd by the re verses in Morocco, was shown con clusively today. It was learned today that Captain General Santiago, commanding the Barcelona garrison was notified ' by Madrid that it is imposible to for ward trustworthy reinforcements. Following the defeat of his forces, the army is being disrupted by the this news greatly discouraged the loy ulist lender. VLTERANS TO HOLD REUNION SFPT.13 Jacksonville Members of the G. A. R. Are Planning to Entertain Comrades of District. The Jacksonville members of tiio Grand Army of the Republic ore plan ning a monster reception to their eomrados throughout the Southern Oregon district, to be held on Sep tember 13-14-15-15-17. Tho mer chants of that city are providing lib eral funds for tho occasion and no doubt n splendid time will be had. The occasion is the annual reunirt'i of old soldiers nnd old sailors. SPOKANE MAN BIT BY SHASTA LIMITED New Arrival Carried to Hospital in Pre carious Condit ion W as Crossing Track at Depot when Train Struck HimSaid to Have Been Drunk. R. R. Puge, a recent arrival from Spokane, was struck by the Shasta Limited Tuesday morning while he was attempting- to cross the track near the Southern Pacific depot. He was removed to the hospital in a pre carious condition. It is believed he will recover. Pugh was struck a glancing blow in fthe back by the pilot of tho engine. It hurled him to the ground to one side of the track, skinning his hands T OUT FOR PERKINS Requisition Papers Issued by Gover nor on Request of Dis trict Attorney As an aftermath of the' CosS" casa in this city last year, a warrant has been issued for Fred Perkins upon a complaint filed by H. M. Coss, charg ing adultery- Perkins was recently located in Flagstaff, Ariz., but he is reported to have left there for the East. District Attorney Mulkey request ed requisition pnpers for ,-Perkins, and they were issued. In the mean time he left Flagstaff, and his pres ent whereabouts are unknown to lo cal authorities. Perkins was formerly a civil en gineer in this city. PAYING EOR ANIMAL SCALPS One Lad Brought in Three Panthers and Rueived a Bounty of $30 Nine Coyotes Slain. County Clerk Coleman is proving to be quite a connoisseur in scalps nnd pelts." He has been called upon to pass upon three panthers, a lynx and nine coyotes, upon whose head the re cent legislature placed a price. Pan thers are worth $10, lynx $2 and coy otes $1.50, of which the state pays hnlf nnd the county half. F. L. McKee, a 17-ycar-old hoy. was the first to get a reward upon panthers. He went out recently and brought down three, for which ho re ceived $30. Rnther a good day's work. - .. .: Tho only way to make money is to save it, and tho best , way to save it is to buy your toas, coffoo and spices of the Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co. Phono 3303. and face. Several people endeavored to warn him, but he paid no atten tion to them. It is believed that the man was intoxicated. Dr. Harry Lane,' ex -mayor of Port land, was the first physician to reach the unfortunate man. NHe began an examination when Drs. Conroy and Seely arrived and had the man re moved to the hospital. Little id known of Pugh other than that he arrived Monday from Spokane and registered at the Nash. WHY NOT BEAUTIFY LOCAL CEMETERY? Number of Citizens Wondering Why ) Pipe is Not Laid Into the Ceme tery for Water Service Why is the pipe line not laid into the I. O. O. F. cemetery from tho main in East Medford for which a tap has already been put inf A large number of citizens are ask-, ing that question, especially those who have hauled water there for years in an endeavor to keep plots green. The cemetery could be made a beauty spot with a little care and with water. Many . citizens stand ready to contribute money to the cause. Why is not something done? A slight expense would work a great transformation. ELKS ARE TO MEET HERE NEXT FRIOAY Committee Appointed to Attend to Institution of New Lodge to Report Soon Tho committee appointed by tha temporary orgnnizatiaon of Elks to prepare plans for tho institution of the new lodge for Medford have call ed a meeting at the temporary quar ters for Fridnv evening ut 8 o'clock. Over 30 enthusiastic Elks met last week to discuss the organization pluns and an even larger attendance, is expected Friday evening to listen to the report of the special commit tee. The date of the institution of tho Elks lodgo at Medford will bo a mem orable one and tho committee prom -ises. to make tho event ono that will be second to none ever attempted in a city of this size. Every day is "special duy" for din ncrs at the Spot Cafe. Seo our scores of regulnr patrons for connnntion.