8 fSOCIAL AND PERS0NAL If you witut iUiili!.v in your ton nii-1 coffee, pun-hnsc of the store th.'.i deals in tiolliiiij; else, ami therefore able to pive you the benefit of their experience. Southern Oregon Tea & Coffee Co. l'hoiie Main XKY.i. Mr. ami Mrs. F. K. Morn ;'c-con-panied by Miss I'mii, an.'. Mis:: Lottie Luke, left MoiHiaj Jar .in a.ilo trip to Crater Lake. Thev i xj e t t: be gone some two weeks. " j Strong comedy bill of pictures at j . the Savoy tonight. Charles Duntford, Jr. ajid Hoy Ul rich, of Jacksonville, loft for Apple- gate Monday for a few days' hunting, Mrs. John Harrington was visiting friends in Jacksonville recently. We have customers who will pay 10 per cent interest for money; goo real estate security. Come in nnu gt particulars. Henson Investment Co Phone your orders for sweet cream or buttermilk to the Creamery. Walter Merrick has ret-nne.1. from an extended outing at Bis Si't'o, Government Aeent Carnahan was at the court house Saturday, looliin iipp homestead records. Don't forgct-the fresh fish nt th Iiosnie River Fish Market. Perch. salmon trout, and dressed chicken, a!i fresh today. Mrs. K. K. Kubli and children, of Portland, are visiting Mrs. Kubli's mother. Mrs. Mary Miller, of Jack- i onvile. J. W. Mclntvre has returned from a two week's 'visit to California. The only way to make money to save it, and the best way to save it is to buv vour teas, 'coffee ana spices of the Southern 'Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. Phone 3303. .' Laugh at Ben's Kid at the Savoy tonight. Misses Laura and Nell Reames vis ited their brotlier at jacKsonvuie oai- ' urday, prior to their leaving for their -home at Berkeley, Cal. Don't fail to see the famous com-' edy sketch artists at the Bijou nil this week. Mrs. Adam Schmidt, of Jackson ville, was a Medford visitor recently. Still another fresh shipment of fish today at the Rogilc River Fish Co. Don't forget, dressed ebeckens every day in the week. R. E. Doan has returied from a short business trip north. Mrs. A. C. notehkiss, of Colorado, who- has been visiting relatives in Medford. has left for home. She w'll visit Salem and Portland on the way. Best show ever seen in Medford nt the Bijou. Have you seen Ben's Kid? The Savoy tonight. . Mrs. W. W. Kifert, of Medford, vis ited her daughter. Mrs. W. H. Bar num. at Jacksonville one day last week. F.ngles & Darling, fresh from th.; Pantages Vaudeville Circuit, at the Biiou all this week. Miss Fannie Haskins has returned from Seattle. Mrs. n. L. Ilinlicr has arrived from Montreal to join Mr. Huillier in this jity. Englcs & Darling at the Bijou to night. J. D. Cook and G. W. Howland, of Grants Pass, were in' Jacksonville Saturday on business. J. A. Moore, of Butte Falls, wa a recent Medford visitor. E. D. Elwood has left for a two week's outing at Big Butte, where he will join his family who have been camping there for several weeks. Ben's Kid is the talk of the towu. The Savoy tonight. Four rebuilt, typewriters, as good as new: two Underwoods, visible, $50 each; two Remingtons, $45 each. Ap ply to C. E. Taylor. Col. J. F. Mundy and Seymour Bell, of Marshflcld. have returned from 'in nnto trip to Crescent City. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kilham and family arrived from Portland one day last week on an extended visit with Mrs. E. J. Kubli, at Jacksonville. Orders for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the itroamer7 L. E. Whiting is spending a few dnys with his family near Eagle Point. Benjamin Plymnle is spending n week in Nowport. C. H. Monson, the genial represen t .;Vp of the P'lcW- Paper Company, delivered over -10,000 pounds of wrap ping paper lo fruit men Saturday. Tj. Tj. Leonard left for Ashlnnd on business Monday, accompanied by I A' -TV If - - -J Us. K'.u "4. ii - A Bijou Theatre lr'V..W All This Week V .'-fl i-.v i.W.sV-'--. Y.-.'S..yv; ; ., ; ''-.- '. . . V-' -i: - x -jT s' ' ;r -, . ry i DRAMATIC SUBJECTS-2 2 COMEDY FILMS 2 Ingles and Darling (Comedy Sketch Artists) Fresh from the Pantages Vaudeville Circuit, In a Mirth-Provoklnij ' Sketch, Entitled. A Husband in Clover" Clarice Ingles Admission Onlv 10c-15c yP-.,.t!i- .. ?.:r.-,r'i.i'i' ;..';,';. 1tK I .-- 'Hf:'r'? - .i-MJ Richard Darling Miss Mary E. Hopper, of Garden City, Kari., who has been visiting the Leonard family and is returning home. Why rush home this hot weather. when y'ou can get best lunch in town at the Spot cafe for 25c? . Mrs. C. F. Cook has left for an ex tended eastern trip. Mrs, F. E. Leismister has left for her old home in Ohio. Miss Florence Clark, of Talent was a recent visitor to aiuaiprn.. TELEPHONE LINE UP MT. ASHLAND IS COMPLETED BUSTLING BUNC0M BUDGET (The Pint) The weather is quite warm hero. J. F. Crump was in Jacksonville one day last week. F. Kleinhammer and M. Goldsby spent several hours in Jacksonville last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Coi'fman rf Buncom are now residing in Jackson ville. Mrs. M. R. Buck was visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Parks near Buiico:n ecently. Mrs. EIIj Parks was visiting friends at Leland, Orcgan recently. The neighbors on Little Applegnl.? are enjoying great picnics on Dim-day. Gage M. Pierce who has lived near Buncom 13 years is enjoying himself tlone same ns ever. A. D. McKee has his new house about competed, we are glad to say. Bryan Johnson of Buncom, was isiting in Jacksonville last Sunday, thegncst of his sister, Mrs. W. If. Brvnn. Clarence Buck of Big Applcgato was visiting relatives relatives near Buncom lart week. Hollis Parks of this place spent several hours in Phoenix last week. Chas. Pursel passed by Buncom, lurt week with a fine milk cow. A. B. Saltmarsh is inmproved 3 little, we are glad to- report,- we wish his speedy recovery. '' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. (10 COO 0 10 10 Telephone eainmunieutioii deliver n Ashland mid the summit of Mt. Ash hind, in the Siskiyous. altitude SO('I) feet, was successfully cstublir-lh-i! i Thursday, and members of the Asli I laud Siskiyou Club, a local urgam ! nation of mountain climbers, sent the first niesnge of greeting over the line, i which is mi extension of thc forest service telephone line, built throni;:i the Ashland forest reserve and con necting with the Simsci telephone ex change in Ashland. The distune; from Ashland to the summit of Mt. Ashland is approximately 12 miles, and the trip is being feutured iis.oiiK of sneeinl attractiveness, on account of the splendid scenic points covered by it' through Ashland Canyon and the Siskiyous. A good (rail has boor, constructed and the summit is, easily reached on horseback- when desired. Mt. Ashland is perpetually covered by snow. Hundreds of people have made the ascent to the snow since the Fourth of July. Celebrated Soprano at Ashland. Music lovers will be offered n rare treat at Ashland Tuesday evening. Aug. 3d, when Mrs. Carrie Roper Von Benzon will be heard in concert. Mrs. Von Benson needs no introduction li any but newcomers in the valley, as her fame as n vocalist has been long established. For the past year Mrs. Von Benson has been singing the title role in the leading "Merry Wid ow company tnrouguoni me iarie eastern cities. At present she is vis iting relatives in the valley and has consented to sing for the benefit of the Ladies Civic Improvement Club of Ashland. In addition to the vocal numbers, there. will be a series of stereopticon views of more than ordinary local interest, among which will he a num ber that will occasion much surprise. The entertainment will be given in Chautauqua Tabernacle and the ad mission has been put nt 25c in order that nil may enjoy the treut. State of Oregon to William Per noll 40 acres in section 16, township 34, range 4 W . . . James Carr to William M. Colvig, 2 acres in D L C 52, township 37, runge 1 W . . . United States to William Per noll 160 acres in section 17, township 38, range 4 W ...patent E. T. Staples to E. V. Carter, trustee, property in Ashland Martin Carlson to George M. Lowe, property in Ashlnnd George M. Lowe to Martin Carlson, 11 Vb acres in sec tion 14, township 30, range IE IT. 0. Mathcs to C. B. Ward, 100 acres in township 38, range 1 W 24000 George W. Stephenson to E. T. Staples, property in Ashlnnd '.10 ! Hal tie D. Ray to H. N. Murcy, property in Burr's nddifion. BROOM HANDLE USE TO AID DIGESTION Col. Ray's Cow Attempted to Swal low Small Pumpkin and Nearly Choked to Death. Walker Huv on It. L. Darling and Y. K. niitdc a flvbig (rip to Hold Tuesday evening, having been called thither by a telephone mosvigc an nouncing that Colonel Hay's cow h:id swallowed a small pumpkin or at tempted lo swallow it, rather and that "bossy" was about to choke t i death, says the Gold Hill News. Th'j trip was made in record time, uu! after ull gentler means had failed u mob bundle was brought into rcqu; -sition and the end of the instrument having been wrapped with cloth und the sume duly lubricated with oil, tin- obstruction was forced down the. bo- vine's throat to the place for which it originally started.' DurliiiL' sas that the expression of relief on the cow's face as the mop handle wis withdrawn and sho found hor breath ing onee more unobstructed, showed the whole gamut of emotions and within u few minutes she was as good as new und looking for another pumpkin. Patent will be applied for to cover the contrivance. ' Snatches Laurels From Toggery Bill by Landing a Steelhead that Weighs 8 Pounds Dressed. Mr. ii i id .Mrt. W. F. Tsancs huve re turned from u week's fishing trip on the 1'pper Hogtie River, during whi';h Mrs. Isaacs snatched the laurels from Toggery Hill's brow ns champion of local anglers, lauding, after three quiii'lcrs of an hour's battle, a steel head that weighed, dressed, over 8 pounds, i-ii light with n No. 0 Hoyid CoucIiiiiuii lly, upon u six-ounce rod. Hut few steelhends were caught din ing the trip, though a large number of cut-throats fell victims to the two champions. Toggery Biil state that there arc but few Htcelheads in the river and that angling is poorer than known for years. The slaughter by seiners at Grunts Puss und ut the month of the river has told on the supply. Mrs. Isaacs brought buck an nlll davit signed by Trail witnesses as to hear foafrn lunding the big Htcelheiid, which is of unusual size for this sea son of the year. As tho fly was u llogue Hivcr Special from the Med ford Hardware Co., Mrs. Isaacs leads in tho contest among anglers for tho $80 outfit oViercd for tho largest trout caught during the season on one of their flies. MEDFORD SPIRIT IS PRAISED BY VISITORS Judge Coke, of Marshfleld, and J. W. Perkins Both Speak Highly of City's Progress. 'MeiU'ord has the right hpiril, I lie go-ahead spirit that makes cities.' said Judge J. S. Coke, of Marshfleld, who is here lo try the condemnation suit brought by the city ugainst Mike llaiilcy.. 'i have heard much of Med lord, mid the facts verify her reputa tion as one of the most progrossio cities in Oregon. Vour pnvod streets, water t-ystem and public improvi- iiienls show the oily to bo alive." "I am glad to get buck lo Medford," id J. W.' Perkins, former owner of the Hillcrest ordcard, and since then creator of the town of Sutherlin. nerir Hosehurg. "Thi! city has greattv im proved in the past year, and is going to be a hummer. I believe that tho fuliir offers even more opportunities than the past few ycurs, and that tho city has just got a good start." lr. Perkins is being renucsfed by his many friends lo remain here. Ho is a live wire, and was one of the first. to start Ihe present progressive move ment. He was the first local fruit grower to receive funcy prices for pours anil introduced many innova tions notylo general use. to Medford Afghan Frontier Tribes. There is an Interesting little story In Dr. T. L. I'entiell's book "Among the Wild Tribes of the ArKlnin Fron tier" which Illustrates the attitude of ! the frontier tribes to their great nelgb ! borg. A political officer wax talking I with the headmen of some Imlepend- I ent tribes, and he asked tbera whati l part tbclr people would take In the event of war between Ilussla and I England. "Do you wish us to tell you what would please you pr to tell you the real truth?" was their nnlve reply. "I adjure you only to tell me what Is the 'white word" (meaning the true statement). "Then," said an old gray beard among them, voicing the feelings of all present, "we would Just sit here upon our mountain tops watching you both fight until we mw one or the other of yon utterly defeated; then we 'would come down and loot the van quished till the last mule! Clod I" great! What n time that would bo for GREATER THAN EVER The I3c Sale .lasts only one day more, Tomorrow Tuesday i - What 13c will Buy Look our tables over, Everything 1 3c 3 yds. Challttv this Sale '. 13 $17r, Jcd Spreads, this Sale. . ! : Pemiles, at this Sale 13c 4,,.,,,, A ,, ..... . ,,7 JJest Red Seal Ginghams, this Sale. 13 H ?Ia,'k Movu l'fttt"-t8f tins All Wash Goods, to 35c, this Sale . 13 haIe ' 91 -Fine Val. Lace, 2 yds. for 13 $1.75 Short Kinionas, this Sale. .$1.13 Ladies 25c Sleeveless Vests, this $1.75 Lace Curtains, this Sale. . .$1.13 Sale 13 $1.75 Cotton Blankets, this sale . .$1.1P; Every 3d yd. Silk ..... . . . ... . . .' . .13 Every 3d yd. "Ores Goods .13 NO MATTER WHAT FORMER 1R I CE. Tuesday, Last Day of 13c Sale. THE HUTCH ASON CO. Successors to Bakers Hutchason Co. Bo on Hand Tuesday Last Oay of 13c Sale. inw