THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEOQX, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1905). 7 GOLD HILL BREVITIES. (Tim New.) Mi-- Niiwi t ii i-lt-r Iiiih returned ! .it I wmI lo Scuttle Jirnl othci ninth. -in point. JmIiii II. Mi'Cli'iiiloii "nil family ir-rivi-.l in m.I.I Mill Weilncsilny I'min .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 n visit In relatives iiiui'l I'l'i.-inU. SlicrilT Jones anil ' t.V Clfji'l. '.,. inmi with in (Inlil Hill tho firii ill' lli.' week, returning from " buxi- 111... trip In WillHT. Ptol'. A. .1. Iliinliy. i tic ni'ulv elected .riiiriUil nl' lln (i.ilil Hill Kcllool-., it lll'lll looking OVCf t)i 4CI' f ll'lH fllflll'P (Illli.'H. Hoy llnekcll, iiNMihliinl I'll kIi it-r of llin 1'ii'rtt National llanlc of (IriinU I'iihx, spent Siimliiy in ( Sold Hill, vit- t i 1 1 I'rii'MilH. V. A. Curler of I'lirlliiiiil wuh in (Soli) Hill several days IIi'ik week on liuin.'HM anil greeting his I1 friends nl' which hn him mnny here. Andrew Jennings nil f. C. Me CI. mi. I. hi, with their families, left mi Wciliicolny for llni hciulwitnrn of Knui cii'i'U "i mi outing, They will lie com' ten iIii.vk or more. Williiini Pauley, llic jeweler, fcll from llic lop nl lli.' new building h" I having crccicil Tiii'-iliiy evening mill xiiHlni I Mime M'Vern bniiHcs iiinl twin .iiil.' linilly Hlinkeil up. For t itmi '!' no hone were broken nn.l lie i- recovering rapidly. Deputy Fruit liiHiei'lor Aitkmi Iiiih heen ma k ill n thorough ciuiviihh of Hie nr.'liiiiilrt of tint northern end of Hie county lately ami has foiuiil nv cnil of lliein in very hail simps. Mciimiiicm have heen taken.. however, lo ret I.v the evil, although hoiiiii of the ohlcr orcliimly ieay have to ! iii entirely. The (lold Hill Lumber cotiiiauy is pulling a lot of liunher into ill yard in (I. dil 11.11 and have now nearly half a million feel of fine, clear fi' mid .inc liunher ready for llic mar ket. Tllix illclll.ll'K all dllHHCK of linn her from rough iii to Hie high guide. The mill on Sardine dec,; i culling right along and the I"-, ging railway. homclliing uniiue in its way, ii working to the wilisl'uc lion of it s owncfH. The coiiiiany i iiImi supplying cellar piisln for the lo cal demand and Hie denial!'! at Him time is iienrly ciiial to llic miiiiI.V. (lenige MeClcllan and ". M. Ox Icy left thin week for the count coun try, looking tip H few mining pros pect in that section. Puling the piiHt week the (lold Hill hotel kitchen Iiiim heen ircsided over ill person by Mrs. Jones, owing til the'iIilTiculty experienced in Kenurinj reliahle help. The lion nlcix am hop ing that either there will he no now i k, or if there in, the now one cii:i cook like Mix June. Henry Clock, who left her., some I I year ago, mid has had a varied eVicriclicc in several sections of the world Hiiicc, relumed lo (ihl IHI WediicHilay. It's a cinch Hint if :t man Iiiih once experienced the cli mate mill environments of Southern Oregon he never stays away, al though Mr. Clock's absence has ii. tic!) longer than Hie average. An informal farewell party whs held Wednesday evening at the resi dence of Dr. mid Mrs. Kclsny, in honor of Miss Johnson of While. Kock, S. 1 1., and Mi-. Anderson of St. I'anl. Minn. A number of Hie mnny friends the young ladies have maile dining their sojourn here woio prcscul mid an enjoyable lime was had until Hie arrival of the north bound train, upon which the tW'i young ladies look their departure for Seattle and thence home. Miss An derson will return in the fall, how ever, having accepted a position as Icaclicr in one of the Jackson county schools. Y. M. C. A. REPORTS FROM AMERICA THE BEST HAWMKN'-KI.HKIM'KI.T, (icrinmiy. Aug, 'J. The world's conference of Young Men's Christian Associations yesterday wan devoted to reports from all nations. That of the Cnited States envoknd the, greatest enthus iasm, Thcis icpnit shows that there are lill.'l organization. 110,000 mem bers mill $50,000,01111 of Y. M C. A. properly in that country. The fit; u res )..r the entire world are TH'J.'I or gaiiiiilioils, 821,01111 ineiiibcrs and .i0.0lill.000 in property. The Kaiser telegraphed: "The blessings of (iod on Hie conference. Work for the welfare of the rising generation." What'll You Have? Dear Creek Water The. kind you once used Well Water The kind you still use . Rain Water You eateh it in a tub' Watcriirom Fish Lake open ditch or Colestine Mineral Water The only water to be had in Med ford that is absolutely pure is the kind von ought to drink. . Sold Only by- Tobacconlsts RTTTRR & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT PALMER INVESTMENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 acres lyiug on both sides of Rogue River.) Offer for sale smalL tracts of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Medford, Oregon. CHATHII I.AKK "The Qronlost Natural Wombr of the World." , Modford, Oregon. , Wttd All Thr Wiih.i. Ad Irian legend lain It that a good fnlry oii'e v In I ted an old couple and promised them tlmt any three wishes tuny would make would le granted. After racking their liriilim for mine time In mi endeavor to discover what lliey desired most the couple decided to visit the (-.-unity flr to see If some tlilt if there would suggest what they wanted. They did so. and, after ram hllng Iiroiiml ni day find not seeing anything thai exactly suited them, to ward evening th(.y found themselves lieforc n display of kitchen utensils. Among tin-in was n soup Indie, cheap, hut likely to appeal to a woiniin.-so the old uoiiiiiii lu an nlisent moment said. "Oh, 1 f hud one of those." and Immediately she had It. The old man was so enraged because his wife had thoughtlessly thrown away one valua ble wish that he retorted, "I whib that was stuck down your throat," and Im mediately this wag done. Thereupon he was at ouce aorry at what he wished, and the only thing left to do was to wish the ladle out again. So all three wishes went for naught How Snakes Gtt Ovtr Ground. ,' Although the snake appears to have no legs or feet, a may be said tin be practically supplied with upward' of a hundred pairs of them. In fact, each joint of the backbone bears a pair of ribs, which ore mobile and have their points attached lo the inner surface of one of the large transverse, phitelike scales which clothe the nndersurface of the body. Thus b the movements of the ribs attached to It each plate can be drawn forward and Its margin applied to the ground. By the succes sive application of these multitudinous plates the Ixxly can be drawn forwnrd In a straight Hue without Its being thrown into undulations from aide to side. Hut mold movomcn's arc also ef- ! fected j such undulations, and ser pents can by pressure and appropriate muscular action climb trees aud aome. times spring forward. They also swim easily by lateral flexures, but no ser pents advance by vertical bendiugs of the body, though they ,are so olten drawn In such mi attitude. Tho Sevan Wis Mn of Grsoc. The seven wise men of fJreece were Thales of Miletus, I'erlnnder of Cor inth, Clcohulus of Lyndus, Chiton of rjicedaiMiiou. Kolou of Athens, Unix of I'rlcnne and i'lttncits of Mltylene. Some fishermen of Miletus sold a draft of fishes to a bystander. When the net was dm n il In It contained n golden tripod, and the purchaser claimed it win' his, while the fishermen contend ed that they sold only the fish that might be In the net. The dispute wag referred to the oracle of Delphi, who awarded the tripod to the wisest man In (Jrcecc. Thcreii.on it was taken to Thales, who declined it and suggested lie given to Bias. He In turn refused to accept It, mid thus it was successively declined by all the seven, and they were thereafter known as the seven wise men of Greece. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. Th Number 4. Tliero are four cardinal points, four ; winds, four quarters of the moon, four ; aeasons. four rulca of arithmetic, four j "Something which is of coneider- sultg of cards, 1iur quarters to the ' !. ... , , .. hour, four legs for furniture, most anl- i thfe ot prepaid or- mala go on four legs, the dead are J ablf mtenst to the public generelly placed between four planks, the prla- ; aiu which is perhaps not generally oners between four walls. We have ; ders now in effect between stations four Incisor and four canine teeth, and ; of the Southern Pacific company our forks have four prongs. All anl- j an( po;ntg ; tI)e Tjn;te(i states, mals who. butchered are cut Into four , R mcnnB f quarters. The violin, greatest of all i . ' , . ' ' , u"v string Instruments, has but four ; be purchased at Medford from any strings. Four of a kind Is a pretty Pinee in the United States and mail, good hund at iokcr. even If they are ' ed or telegraphed direct to the party only foursExchange. I wishing to come here. Sleeper ac- commodations And small amounts of Dressed For the Part. i cash in connection iritli W tinV-t "Wliat subject have you taken for ; may forwa,.de(J ftt the Bolivia's Electrical Storms. Owing to the peculiar topographical formation of Ilollvla, electric and other phenomena are of constant occurrence, the principal zone where such dis turbances take place being the Altl planlile. or grand plateau. As the at mosphere Is heavily charged with elec tricity both in summer and winter, dry or electric storms ore of frequent occurrence both on the plateau and In the valleys. Before the rainy season sets In electrical accumulation becomes considerable on the plateau reglou. its most violent manifestations taking place toward the eastern section of the tablelands. An electrical storm In these regions is always a most Imposing spectacle, as the tremendous force of the wind, almost equal to a hurricane, and the heavy electrical accumulation in the clouds produce terrible .atmos pheric explosions and violent detona tions, while the surface of the ground sparkles and crackles. 1 time." Attention. Pioneers. i your address at the Civic club? "Woman's moral obligations as citizen." "What a lovely subject: And what ure you going to wear?" "That new gown I brought home with me from I'aris. And just think! ' I had it so cleverly packed in with my i old clothes that the customs house In- j p:r c:(l. ,.e c..,t, n spector never discovered It was there.". , , ... , 8 -Baltimore American. - i will be held at Ashland Or., on I m.iiu.i, me -oin aay oi AUgUrfC, The 33d annual reunion of the An Explanation. 1009.. We hope to have the pleasure "Uow In blazon did the compositor .of greeting you on that occasion, to- bappen to head my foreign travel let- gether with your family and friends, ter with the words 'Foreign Drivel? " ! It is desirable that the annual re "I don't know. Perhaps be read it." j ,mnns nt , h mtt Cleveland Dalu Dealer. -. Professor B. F. Mulkey has agreed Sponges are great germ collectors. to deli'?r tllc address to the pioneers They should be scalded out thoroughly nl,d ,ne'r friends at that time. Come every little while. and bring your badges with you. Re- spectfully yours. The Tiger's Skin. . Whether its color helps the tiger In Its furtive life or not, tt Is n royal llv-1 ery that it wears. The "spoil of lions," : but for their manes, have not much. SILAS J. DAY, Secretary. Vacation by Think. Make a compact with your soul to take a vacation and the wny Is simple. There are portions of your time over which you have control. Probably your evcnlugs ulid your Sundays are your own. Set apart a month or so. Kliiulnntc the self assigned tasks for those hours out of business and give yourself up to the pursuit of pleasure. Get others to join you. Call a vacation club. Adopt n real vacation spirit and go In for a good time. Resolve never to speak of work out of business hours, but to fill to the full that time which is your own with - recreations which ' most appeal to you. Did you ever sing? Sing now. Did you ever paint? Paint now. Itetnetnber nature's gifts to you and find occasion to praise nature within as well ns without. Exchange. Ho Got It Wrong. X lady while going downstairs to dinner laid the misfortune to step slightly on the dress of a lady lu front of her. Ttie man on whose arm the former was leaning said aloud, rudely, so that the couple In front might hear: "Always getting in the way, like Ba laam's ass." Upon which the lady whose gown had been trodden on, turning rouud. replied with n sweet smile: "Pardon me! It was the nngel who stood lu the way and the ass which spoke." Tit-Bits. majesty. A cowhide may be band-1 somer. But a throne can ask no more sumptuous trapping than a tiger's skin, and If a jury were to be lmpan-' eled to select the noblest looking anl-, mal now In the zoological gardens the verdict would nlroost Infallibly be ; unanimous In favor of the Siberian tiger. It Is difficult to Imagine any-1 tiling more beautiful, more full of dignity and of the simple grace of i strength than one of these gorgeous, i deep furred brutes. London Times. I State Depository Established 1888. Capital and Surplus 125,000 Betoarroi 700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER. President. G. R. LTNDLEY, Cashier. . P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of window's. We carry glass of any size on hand. ' Medford Sash & Door Co. Touching. .lack That young Slmperly seems such n fragile fellow l should hesltato 1 to touch him for fear he would break. ! Sum Ilo wouldn't hesitnto about I touching you If he was broke. London j Telegraph. i . Why Women Are Like Tugboats. Biggs Why nrc tho tugs on tho Wis- ! consla river llko the co-eds who walk j up nnd down Stnto street? Muggs I And tho answer Is? Biggs Some toe : out and some toe In. Wisconsin Sphinx. I "- I I THE SAVOY TONIGHT AND SAT U R D A Y IN THE SULTAN'S POWEr Story of Turkish revolution. THE DOG AND THE SAUSAGE A Inughograph. SLEEPING POWDER -A scream. ONE DIME. COOL, COMFORTABLE. &JQSD0Oi