TH R M Kl ' DAT LY TR f B U X E. AlEDVORD. OREGON, M ON DAY, AUGUST 2, 1909, 3 44 ORDINANCE 212. rat FA Mc J Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the space and cost ot four rooms; iceless refrinnrator, built-in buffets! 1 T and dressers; cabinet kitchen. i I ' J." A. MelNTOSII, Architect, Third Floor Modford National Bank HnildiiiK. f 1FY0U1NTENDTO BUILD A COMFORTABLE HOME Cool for Summer and warm for winter then build a .good solid comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories and garret; this can be built for the same price as a bungalow come and see WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 years' experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans and Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected at Residence. 244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St., J. W. DRESSER'S OFFICE. Why Not Be Comfortable - - - j : .- . and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or home. Invest in a G. . Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 'jc to Ic per hour. - I2inch size $15.00; 16-Inch size, $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling, $36.00 ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEfDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You din bid (lefinnee to tlio heal by liming nn electric fun put in po sitioi.. it. doesn't cost very much, either. JC yon haven't one, wo ciui fix yon up i nn short lime, nt the least, expense. We're gonorn) oloo tricinnH, nml do nil classes of work in our lino in tlio most thorough tnannor. Jobbing skillfully mid promptly executed nt lowest charges. Pnrtnble InmpH in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. An ordinance providing for tbn ex ecution nt' a contract with Vincent & linker for cxcavntinir and Imckfill iiiL' Ircnclii'H and furnishing and lay intr iiic and plncim: hydrants and oilier cituiiniicnt in u construction of wnlcr niniiiH nlonir and in it nuiii licr of Hie streets of tlic city of Mcd- I mi I imrl iciilarlv enumerated and in Hiiid ordinance and providing the j tcrniH of haul contract. 'file city of .Medl'oid dolli iinlai.i an follows; j Section 1. 'flint tlie proposition ol Vincent & linker, a co-iailn.!r-sbii, lor liiv.iiL' wnlcr iiiiiiii-t on tin streets in I lie citv of Medlord bcre innl'tcr Mieoil'icil. includiiiL' cxciiva'.- inir iind hue kfillintr trcnclnH, fiirniHli-! intr. Iiaulini! and InviiiL' ic, and lilicintr bvdrniils, nate valven, tees, elbows and crosses be and the name is hereby accented, and the mayor mid recorder are hereby authorized and ins'tructed to enter into and h'icii h contract in the form and manner hereinafter set forth, and Kiich ac tion bv such mayor and recorder is hereby expressly authorized, ratified and con t inned. 'I'liis nirrecmcnl. ninde and enter yl into (bis 2111 h duv of July. l!JD!t. by, mid between Vincent & linker, a eo linrluersbii), hereinatlcr iiumnd as tlio contractor, and the city of Medlord, u municipal corporation, hereinafter! called the eitv, Witnessetb: That in i-oiiMilcrntipu of tlio covenants' hereinafter sol forth, the contractor hereby under takes and covenants to furnish ad necessary materials and laiior una do nil work of e.venvuliiiL' mid bnck- lillinir ditches. Iiaulini; and laying nine and tiliiciui; hydrants, l'h'.c valves, crosses, tees and elbows on the fidlowinir streets and avenues ') the citv of .Medlord, Oregon, to-wit: A 4-inch main cm West Elevent'i street, between Onkdale avenue, South, and South Laurel street. A tl-iueh main on Dakota avenue from Mistletoe to Onkdule avenue. South. A 4-inch main on Mistletoe from Eleventh street west to Dakota ave nue A 4-inch main on Kiuir street froti Eleventh street west to Dukotu ave nue. A 4-inch main on Laurel street south from West Eleventh street to Twelfth. A 'l-inch main west on Twelfth street on Laurel street south to Soutu Mistletoe. A (i-incli main on South Oranuo street from West Main to West Ele enth street. A -1-inch Main on Newtown street from West Main to West Eiululi street. A 4-ineb main on Mistletoe strevt from West Main to West Tenth strcc An n-ineli main on West .Main street from Laurel street. South to west corporation boundary. A 4 -inch main on West Fourth street from North Orance street to west corporation lauindarv. A 4-inch main on Summit avenue between West Main and West Eourt'i streets. A 4-inch main on Hoss court be tween West Main and West Fourth streets. A 4-inch main on Hose avenue be tween West Main and West Fourth strc;-is. A 4-inch main on North l'cac'u street between West Main and West Fourth streets. A U-ineh main on West Second street from North Oakdale avenue to west corporation boundary. A 4-inch main on Olson street be tween West Fourth and West Second street. A U-ineh main on Grape street from West Main north to Jackson street. A li-iiich main on Jackson street west from Gritpe street north to west corporation boundary. "A ti-iuch main on west corporation boundary, between Fourth and Jack son streets West. A U-ineh main from southeast cor ner of Gray's addition north to ('lark street.- A tt-inch main on Clark street west to west corporation boundary soutli to cit v limits. A (1-inch main from intersection of Clark street. West and corporation boundary south to- Jackson street West. A ti-incli main on Central avenue North between Second street and coi poralion boundary. A (i-ineh main on Court street be tween Central avenue North and cor poration boundary, A (i-incb inn in on Uiverside avenii'. front Jackson street Fast (o uorlli corporation boundary. A li-tncli main on north corporation boinidnrv between Uiverside avenue and Court street. A (1-inch inn i u on liooscveK nvenn.' from East Main street to corporation bnundury. A (1-inch main on Central avenue South from end ol' present main to south boundary. A 4-inch main on Fir street South from Twelfth si wet to corporation B D W U The A B C of Gasoline Engines Alamos gasoline engines belong at the head of the list in engines as much as A be longs at. Hie head of the alphabet. Because wherever they have been demonstrated they have taken the first prizes ab solutely on their merits. Caii you afford to use any but the best grade of giinoliae for irrigation or other purposes? H - ""vr . r - i LijLiP .i !. JUT!. "ft.- 1 The Alamo engine has been selected by tbe State University at Eugene, and also by the Oregon Africultural College at Corvallis, as the best engine adapted to demon strate the latest and most approved principles of gas engine practice to the students. Our3-b.p. Alamo Victor vertical electric lighting outfit was selected by the Southern I'acifio Company to light the demonstration train which toured the Willamette val ley last fall under the direction of tbe Agricultural College, and these people were so well pleased with the Alamo engine that it was again selected by them to light the demonstration train which recently toured Southern Oregon. The Wcstinghouse Electric Company and the Northern Electric Company, which as you know are the two largest manufacturers of electrical goods in America, have both adopted the Alamo gasoline engine, and now 'recommend them nnd illustrate them in their bulle tins. A complete stock of engines, together with a full fine of extra parts, is always available at Portland. If you will inform ns concerning' the e.x.act use for which you wish the engine, i)l be rilcised to furnish you gratis what information we can concerning the necessary horse power. We have had a great deal of experience in making installations of all sizes, and no doubt can be of some assistance to you. Rogue River Power and Machinery Co. K 31 BARTLETT STREET WE DO COMMERCIAL WOOD SAWING. M R Q o N boundary. Said contractor ugrees to place all hydrants and gate valves und nil crosses, tees and elbows at the points indicated on the plans and specifica tions for said work on file at the office of the city recorder of said ci'.v. and to perform all of said work in a first-class substantial and work manlike manner in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the city re corder, which plans and specifica tions have been ndopted by the city council for such work and upon the terms nud conditions in said plans and specifications set forth, which said plans and siiecifications are hereby expressly referred to an-1 made a part of this agreement. And in consideration therefor the said citv nirrees to pay said contrac tor at the following. rates: For 4-inch water main, per lineal foot. 81 cents. For (i-ineh water main, per lineal foot. $1.18. For 8-inch water main, per lineal foot. $1.0."). For hydrants, each (Corey). $61.00 Heducors. G to 4. $7. For cate valves, each, 4-inch, $11.40; 0-inch. $ 1 8.'-." : 8-inc'i. $L!7.7. For crosses, each. 4-ineh.4-inch, $9.80; 4-inehxO-iiich. $12: 0-incbx (i-itich, $14.10; (i-inclix8-iiicli, $22.4(1. For tees, each, 4x4x4, $7.00: 4x0.4. $8.10; Gx4x(i. $10.:t.": 0x0x0. $11; 8x-!x8. $10.40: 8x0x8. $17.7."). l'lnsrs, 4-iui-h. 80 cents; (i-ineh $1 ; S-inch, $5. It is further nuiced that pavinen's provided for on the estimates men tinned in the plans and specifications shall be made bv said cilv at the time and in the amount named in said specifications in lawful money or its iMiitivnlont. pavable in the following ninnnor. to-wit: I'iuhtv per cent (80 per cent) of nil material furnished and labor per formed accordim:' to estimates I'ur-ni-liod bv contractor and npprov'il In city engineer, 'which said eiejitv per cent shall become due und paya ble from said citv to said contractor on (he 10th duv of each and every l alcndttr month, l'.alanec to be paid as per specifications. II is further mireed that the sai.l parlv of the first part, the contractor named above, shall furnish a bond fur the faithful performance of this contract to be approved bv the mayor ol said iMtv lor the sum ol ifl.i.inio, having as surely thereon some '.velv' company authorized to do business in the slate of Oreiron muiranteetng the faithful performance of this" con tract anil further prnvidinir for the indemnifying of said city against any claims or liens for labor, work or materials on account, of all sub-con tractors, material men, laborers and others furnishine labor or material on this contract. It is further agreed that said work shall be commenced and prosecuted with all reasonable diligence and dis ixitch and that all of said work shall be completed on or before December 0th. 1909. In testimony whereof the parties have caused these presents to be ex ecuted on their behalf respectively on the day and year above written. VINCENT & BAKER, by SHIRLEY BAKER, by C. D. VINCENT, by W. I. VAWTEH. Attorney in Fact. Contractor. CITV OF MEDFORD, Bv .W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest: I'.ENJ. M. COLLINS. City Recorder. The foresnin ordinance was pass ed bv the. citv council of the city of Med ford. Oregon, this 20th day of Jul v. 1009. by the following vote, to wit: Welch ave. Merrick aye. Emer-ii-k ave. Wortman nye, Eifcrt aye and 1 lemnier uve. Approved July 20th, 1909. W. II. CANON, Mavor. Attest: BENJ. M. COLLINS. City Recorder. OFFICIAL SAYS TRAFFIC Why is the Spot cafe crowded to the limit of its seating capacity ev ery day? Try their Sunday dinner and vou will know the reason. TO FAIR NOT STARTED YET. SEATTLE, Ang. 2. "Travel l the Alaska-Yukon -Pacific Expposl tion hasn't really begun yet. Euro peans are yet to come, and the farm -ers tf the west, and all those whose un&.'ness depends directly or indi rectly upon the crops, have not start- . ed. Here in Seattle this is not re alized, but Tailroad men are working overtime in planning for the care of the thousands that arc yet to come. And let me say that when they Jo c"..-r..e Seattle will realize what splen dii' work has been done by the rail roads and the Expposition's Division of Exploitation in advertising t'.io Exposition. Every Western state, and I mean all west of the Mississip pi, will have to concede that they ar.! greatly benefited by the travel to and from the Exposition." G. A. Mitchell, assistant general passenger agent of the Northern Pa cific, made this statement just prior to his departure from Seattle with a party of tourists bound for Yel lowstone Park. From the very be ginning the Publicity Department of the Exposition has cooperated with the pasenger departments of all the western lines in exploiting the Ex position and the Northwest in gen eral and the results arc just as the representative of the Northern Pa cific has stated. A Bargain The famous 120-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM So acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak unad laurel yxovo in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the present time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE & TROBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, ut office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford