2 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. NM5DVORI). OHKHOX. MONDAY. AUflUHT 2..ISM9. 31 r Do Not Forget the Date, August 9th and 10th, 1909 DO NOT SAY THAT OPPOTUNITY NEVER KNOCKED AT YOUR DOOR Everybody invited to take an automobile - ride out to the Alfa Addition BUY A LOT IN THE ALFA ADO 20 per cent cash, 10 per cent quarterly ON Ice Cream for everybody Good Mus ic in attendance Realizing a long felt want for the good of Ashland, and to satisfy this want, we have put on the market one of the finest and best located residence additions to be found in Ashland, located near the heart of the city, between Boulevard and Main Streets TheSale of the Lots in the Alfa Addition will take place AUGUST 9th and 10th FOR SALE ( BY C DWIN P. HUG H We also have some very fine orchard tracts for sale ii nrinm,i-'inii RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOGRL38ITE TAILOR . ; NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of (he city council of Medford, Oregon, on August 3, 1909, for license to s'I malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for six months at lot 13, block 20, iu Medford, Oregon; for a period of six months. " H. 6. WILKINSON. . Dated July 21. 1909. ' ; , NOTICE Is 'hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford," Oregon, in August 3, 1909, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for fi months at lot 11. block 20, in Med ford, Oregon, for a period of (5 months. W. M. KENNEDY. Dated .Inly 17, 1909. NOTICE. Water bills for June and prior Thereto, not paid by the 2d of August, will necessitate the shutting off of water without further notice. HENJ. M. COLLINS, City Recorder. 115 By I?. W. T. Butte Falls Notes Ml. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. in charge of the Benedictine Fathers. I'or young men and boys. Term opens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and elassical courses. Writo for catalogue. Surveyor Grizez and his crew ol men together with the appraisers iw viewing the route of the new county road running from Sills Springs to Vestal's which when nnnroveii will bf. granted to run along the line of the road aud connecting Butte Falls with all valley points. John Cadzow has joined the state militia and bas gone to be mustered in at Portland. Refreshing showers fell here on Monday and the air is balmy, while nature has donned her new dress. B. F. Butler and J. Howlnnd of Medford made a pleasant call at the office of Judge I'cntz on Tuesday and reported that the "campers" were ahving a most delightful time fishing and sporting in the woods. Shorty Miles and wife came from the valley on Wednesday to visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douhlu- day. Mr. Jeffreys and family of Central Point passed through town on Tues day on their way to their homestead. Miss Bessie Nutting, the famous homesteader, was visiting our town on Tuesday. She reports thet she has a fine garden, flock of lnyin rcens, besides several head of swine; that she keeps, her trusty rifle and knife ready and that no sense of fear ever troubles her nightly dreams. She is vivacious, quick at repartee and vigorously determined and has gained the good will of nil the settlers by her indomitable pluck, frankness and contented disposition. She shows what woman car. do. Mr. Roy Cobley and sister wl'lu limiting lately mid I lading with the mcrclumts. Mr. Bouncy and wile of Medford luivejoined the colony of campers at Camp Xick. If Medfordites would enjoy cool, invigorating breezes, sparkling with mountain streams of delicious wati'ri Tilled with speckled beauties and un disturbed slumbers, let them hie to Ibis Mecca anil tbev will be loth to lcav. ' ' Kal Reynolds has cast bis lot for . summer vacation with th colony nnv sojourning at Camp Butter. Miss Booth is visiting the "Noc" family at Entrop camp. Quite a party of young men and ladies from Camp Butter and Kntrop started Wednesday morning to view the grand scenery of Blue Canyon. We do not see. why some artist has not taken views of this sublime wort of nature. Engineer when going over the land looking out the Crater Lake Boulevard route, was so impressed with the wicrdncss and the majesty of this sight which inspires and awe-. that he told your scribe that he had witnessed nothing like it and that l was well worth the trip to view this unsurpassed scenery. Blackberry picking is the rage her., among the housewives and they have "jarred" many quarts for the winter season. TABLE ROCK TATTLINGS. and wamily. Glenn May, who has been sick f jr some time, has been taken tc the hos pital at Medford to bo operated on for appendicitis. Hew M. C. Davis and A. ('. Mow let! of the Ciiugrrgntmiiul chiil'-h conducted religious services in our -choolhotisc Sunday morning and at' termini). The ordinance of baptism by im mersion was administered to l. L. Coolcy of Knglc Point, the congre gation going from the schoolhousc to the river for the purpose. The cere mony was largely attended. Deputy Fruit Inspector A it ken in spected orchurds here last week and notified owners of infected trees tin. I they miiet clean up as the law will be strictly iul'orced in the I'm it re and the breeding places of pcxls done awiiv with. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. I. P.. Macdonulil has erected a ucnt, substantial wire ence in front of bis premises, which add much to the appearance of his property. A Cbinnman in the employ of B. Connor bns been wrestling will an attack of the grip all same ns Mcl ienn man. E. S. flitzler sold his 40-acre farm lo D. D. Sage of Medford for $8000. Mr. Sage and family enmo out Inst week and are now occupying (heir new home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ililzler will take a vacation and visit friends in Michigan nnd Ohio before select ing a locution. E. O. Bisscll has contracted bis ranch 'of 40 acres to Mr. Daggett, the parly who purchased the Will Stewart orchard recently. The price was $7250 nnd possession to be given September 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton and Mrs. A. P. Fricrsrm urn visiting iu Klamath county with Clarence Glet'.ii Mrs. E. J. Kublt spent a few hours in Medford Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Bennett of Medfo-d spent Thursday with relatives living here. F.x-Mayor Harry Lane and wife and daughter, who arc on their wny to Crater Lake, spent Thursday uf tenioon in Jacksonville. Mrs. Mundy was the guest of Mrs A. K. Reames Thursday. William Johnson and wife and son of Applcgale left for Seattle Thurs day to take in the fair. Mrs. Charles Prim spent a few hours in Medford Thursday. Judge Ncicl aud Dr. R. T. Burnett are spending n few days fishing near Butte Falls. Mrs. Clara Elmer bas returned from a trip to Seattle and Portland. Ncwsom Harrison of Ashland is spending a few days in town. Mrs. J. H. Fitzgerald and family were the guests of Mrs. Adnm Schmidt; Thursday. You wouldn't go to a hardware store for a hat. Thou why take chances on the average grocery store for your teas and coffoo, whon you can get guaranteed qunlily nnd n largo stock to select from nt Med ford's exclusive Tea nnd Coffoo store? 30 Grape street. Phone Main 3.')03. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better cuffcenot if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folder's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive Guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. 444t 4 I Medford Iron Works J X E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist f I All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-f Jchlnery. Agents in Southern Oregon for i FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. I ytlvs. UrmL Ufamptoit Isaacs liutuctor of "Jllaae, "Tlst 5ttcH)o& Stuiloot 3tl4titc. Tlortb Ornngt Strl