ji ' s a - fln Hstorical so" AviSi '- . City Hall -- Medford Daily tribune MEDFOIil). OJtKHCW, MONDAY, AUUUST 2, 1909. FOURTH YE Alt. No. 115. seam VALIDITY OF SPECIAL SESSION IS UPHELD BY JUDGE COKE CONDEMNATION TRIAL OF SUIT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ON I HANLEY RANCH NOW UNDERWAY, Reames Makes Lengthy Argument Alleging Special. Session is Unconstitutional and Attacking Validity of Proceedings May Apply to Hanna for Injunction to Declare Special Proceedings Invalid Reames Says , Is not Representing Hanley ani does not "Want Name in Proceedings ARMED DENY ENTRANCE TO HARRimAN AGREEMEN IT IS SIGNED FOR NEW ANIENT FISHWAY Governor Benson and Treasurer Steel Affix Signatures to Contract With Golden Drift Mining Company for New Fish Ladder Over Dam. Seventy-five Employes .of .Porte. Brothers, Contractors, Alleged . . To Be Representing Hill, Re sist Rival Builders. Circuit Judge ''"I"' Coke, .Murslillcld, Monday uflornoon upheld till OOllhtitlltiolllllity f till' special term of court, culled to try the con demnation proceedings brought by the oily of Medford imaliiKt M. .'. Hanley to secure u right of way through tlio hitter's Bulo Crook farm for tin- gravity water iniiin. Sflnfli.m if a jury begun ut ones. Raises Constitutionality. Fur two hours Monday tit ii attorneys in the enso of tho city nf Medford vu. M. F. lluiiloy, for u right of way across tho Hanley prom ises on LYitllo Butte Crock, nrguod lint constitutionality of the statuto uiiflcr whii'h Governor Benson order ml Jnhn S. Coke, Judge of thu Seooud .1 it tl it-i ii 1 District to proceed to this district mid ciinvcnc u special tokui of court for tho hearing of the case. The Judgo took the inutter under nd visommit until - o'clock. Grent interest is pxhihitud in the c.use, the courtroom being crowded when Judirn Coko convened court. Thirty-nno jurymen were on hum!, hut wcic excused until the ul'leniouM tluit lime, thinking tlmt they would he iillnwed to tile a bond nnd cuter upon the lluiilcy premises. TIuh, ho uxpluiucd, would Imvo ft bearing upon tlie contract which Hmiley hns with the city, providing for tho payment of .'J,ri.l)G0 for :(()() inches of wnter I'rnm Wnsscn Canon. Neff Defends Proceedure. City Attorney Xoff replied to Mr. Kennies in full, oiling many eases liaviiiLT ii hearing upon the sitting of ! Jnilirn Coke in tins district. Mr. .V morning Clash Between Workmen and Legal Aid Sought. HnShlOll. At tlm onenimr of I hi' court At torney A. K, Kennies, who hns up poured for M. F. Uiinloy throughout, Htotod that ho hud no authority to appear for Hanley at this Hpcoiul tonn of court, nnd that ho did not wish it to appear in tho reoord Unit ho hud updated. Ho Hum raised tho question as to the constitutionality of tho proceedings, stating that it wuh in conflict with Section 1, Article of the Constitution, whicho pro vides, three departments tho judicial, executive and administrative for the carving on of tho government of the state. He stated that the oxecutive department could in no way inter I'ern with tho duties and powers f tho judiciary depai'linont. Now In Contempt. Mr. Koames went on to review the case und charged that tho city ofll ciuls had been guilty of e.nutonipt of court, to rounest n second court to make tlm Hume order which was do niod bv Judge Ilimnn. Ho claimed that inasmuch as tho city had asked Judgo Coke, through tho Governor, to call a siioeial session ut tlio court after this had boon denied by Judgo ITunna in this district, that tho re onost was clearly a case of contempt. Attorney lioainos also charged the citv officials with being "yery smooth" in aplying for a hoaring of tho enso one dnv after the March torm una an journed, charging them with kuiwins .t. stated that thu only way in which the in:-tier could be assailed would bo by direct proceeding. He wont on to r view the Hanley cui. stating that lluough dilatory methods, the de- livii'ant strove to force the oity into complying with the original Wassnn Ciinon contract. In reirurd to the constitutionality of ih action of the Governor in o deriiiL' Judgo Coke to call a special torm of court in this district, Sir. iNo'i stated that tho act was not judicial for if it was, the legislature could not fix terms of court, which it has ilmir. in miinv instances. Ho stated tluil .IuiIl'c Coke wuh a defacto judg und that his right to call o term of fWtllvt 111 this district could not be piostionnd. jurymen summoned. The following jurymen were sum moned bv the court: John Anion. C. A. Socman. G. W. Weeks, K. Hip ginbothnni, C. W. I.uiighlin. K. I' N'eil. V. K. Deuel, V. It. eiiernni. r V.. Twvill. S. II. Moore. G. W Onrver. 1 ' lerrimnii. T. J. Fish, i W. Froih. A. Ii. Wionier. J. It. Jone J. K. Dnv. C. A. Klalini. S. P. Hunter, .1. G. Grover. Will von .dor Heller. rinrrelt. .1. .1. Murnliv nii.l Fred Minthoro. GUERTZ RANCH GUARDED 4 ESPEE TO SEEK COURTS Ooven'or uson . au Trea9urf George ntcel have signed, as memb- . crs of the State Board of Fisheries, .... uirHnm.!.! ...:il, UA fAn f f Race for Central Oregon Develops Mimilg Coiiipmiy for a new fish .mddr I over the Anient dam near Grants I Pass, which flshway is now in course of construction. The agreement was necessitated, states Attorney Hough, of Grants Pass, who represented the dam own ers, because of an option to pur chase tlie dam nnd plant given to the promoters of the new irrigating sys tem, which uses the dum to generate power for pumping water, and insure? the irrigalionists that their pipe and ditflf-Jines will not be interfered with by the new fishway. Tlio fi.-lnvay ies being built at the eiiiense of the state, the j.revioiri muster ll.-h wardon, Van Dozen, hav ing accepted the present defective fish ladder as satisfactory to the state. hence the state could not forec the building of the new fishway, which crosses the irrigation conduits OK ASS VALLEY, Or.. Aug. 2. - - Seventy-five untied employes of Por- r Bros, contractors, reputedly rep- esentiug the Hill railroad, are guard - g the Guerlz liunch. near here, nnd resisting passage of the Ilarrunan builders, Twohy Bros., in the race to build the first line tapping Central Oregon. The Hnrrininii force hns appealed o the courts. MEANS TO CROSS OCEAN IN STEERABLE BALLOON I'liANKKOHT- ON- MAIN. Gei i.innv. Alltr. 13. .IOS011I1 DlTOMl Now Work proposes to cross the At nntic in a dirriL'iblo balloon, tin liu . . . 1.!.. .,1...... arrived Hero to cnnipieio inn mur. li,,ui,lu hoinir a daring anronuul Mr. Brucker is prosidenl oL tho l',uv ope-Amoricn Navigation Society, nn feels assured that lie Knows me vn ., tT.. i..... i:..... irnries ol tno sen. im nun out how ho can make tho trip safely When tho northeast tradewmds s in tinvf vnnr ho will onibiuk from Lisbon or Cadiz, heading for Port ltico via Madeira. Thence his enur will be to Havana and Now Orleans. "I have selected a season," ho sa todnv. "froo nliko from hurnennes tho West Indies nnd from the north west winds which frequent the Spnn ish Const in winter." NECESSARY TO PREVENT i INJUBY TO WATER DITCHES STRIKE ORDER LIKE TO DETHRONE KING Spanish King Determined to Adhere to Course in Morocco Against Ad vice Republic Bound to Follow Irrigationists Feared Pipe and Con- duits Would be Damaged by i New Construction Work. MADRID, Aug. 2. King Alfonso, after a conference with the ministers todny, ignored the advice of his min isters and military advisors, and de- ided to support the policies of Pre mier Maura. The military advisors told the king that the Morroecan war was a cer tain repetition of the Cuban war. Tin king announced that he would up- old Maura with all pocsible strength. It is officially stated that 119 Bar- elona insurgents were court martial- od nnd shot vesterdav at Fortress HARRIMAN AND TAFT TO MEET AT LODGE Colonel Holabird On His Way to New York to Make Arrangements to Visit Lake. HUNDRED HUNTERS READY TO KILL KLAMATH DEER KLAMATH FALLS, OK., Aug.2,-- About 100 of the local Nimrods have cither already gone to the mountains or else will go for tho opening of th-? :ier season. Beginning August 1. it will he legal to kill deer in Klamatli count v. Reports from all sections stale that deer are more plentiful than thov have been for several oars. In addition to the local pur lins that will bo in quest ol venison, there will bo a large parly of non residents who have come here to join the local forces. During tho part month several bene have bveii killed. They are however growing scarce and it is seldom that one is bagged. Oiime wardens are enforcing tho aw and very litlo illegal hunting is. cing done this year. Thnre hn been but one prosecution for killins deer out of season. This served as warning and it is safe to presume that there have been few violations. Ducks nnd geese are plentiful in the .marshes. Tho springivas not the best for brooding, but still tho shoot ing will be good. The season for aquatic birds will .lot open m:til Sep t ember 15. Indian haskots: I offer for sale my entire collection of Indian bnskets, in lots to suit purchaser. The collec tion consists of somo very fine spec imens niado by tho Pitt River, Modoc, Hoopn, Pinto, Klamath, Chippewa and Sioux. This kind of work is cei ling to bo harder to acquire eti-'ti year, os tho Indian basket makers aro dying off vory fast. Thoy make fine hall decorations, good present to send to onstern friends, and aw constantly increasing in vnluo. Thi snlo will continue until Wednesday. August 4 only. Tho prices will be about 2f per cent less than is or dinarily askod for such baskets. They can bo seen nt Dr. Goble's optical narlor on Seventh street. Ill . Christian Church News. Sunday was a good day at the Christian Church. Services were well attended both morning and ev ening. , Rev. R. R. Burnett preachei a thoughtful discourse at 11 o'clock Uro. Burnett bus done much to build up the cause of Christ in . Oregoi Hiblo School attendance was abovo 100. This is remarkable for the mid dimmer. At 8 o 'clock p. in. tne pas tor preached on the subject. '"What Will It Cost?" Ladies' Aid meets Wednesday af ternoon nt 2:30, in the chnrch par. lors. Itcfreshnients will be served, All are invited. Prayer meeting Wednesday nig1! nt 8 p. m. Kvcrv member and fnenn invited. ' Teacher's meeting aft" prayer meeting. All come. Choir practice -Thursday night 7:30. Note the chniiL'e from Frida to Thursday evening. Snoeial services next Sunday, both morning and evening. Morning sub iect. "Doubling a Preacher's and Church's Power." n great theme, Kvening subject. "What the Christian Church Stands lor." Many do m understand tho ploa of the disciples of Christ. Come and bear this th course. Morto Juicbv LONDON. Aug. 1. Unless the leaders of th estrige movement 'n Spain weaken a general industrial strike throughoutSpairi will be forced within 48 hours. The strike will in clude water and lighting plants, and street curs. Today's news reports say that laborers at Bilbao, Saragas sa. Velentia and Palamos wil obey the strike order, and that not a wheel will turn in any of these cities. It is possible that it will result in the establishment of a republic if the plans vf the revolutionists succeed CITY WELL PROTECTED FROM CONFLAGRATION Presure Rips Shingles Off of Build ing like a Buzz Saw Two Fires in Two Days. Information from inside sources i3 to the ecct that Harriman and Taf'. will meet nt Pelican Bay this fall. All details of the meetings have not been arranged, but they are far enough along to warrant the prediction that. unless iinforsoen obstacles preveot Klamath County will sec the world's greatest executive and its greatest railway magnate greet each other at Pelican Bay lodge. When Taft stepped into the While House he by no means carried on hi shoulders the load of antagonism ere - nted bv his predecessor. He is a man brainy enough to think nnd act for himself, and whatever he. does it will be a Taft policy out and out. This characteristic was never more prom, neatly brought out than in the Presi-; dent's attitude towards the "malefac tors of great -wealth" and other mom-1 hers of the Ananias club. His regard j Fire in the roof of the building on Front street which houses the Ivy Leaf restaurant Monday morning, af forded the first chance the fire boy have had to try out the new pressure on the water mains from the gravity system. Medford need have no fear of a serious conflagration if the fira can be reached in time, for the pres sure could not be better. - As soon i.s the stream of water stmck the xooi of the building Monday morning the shingles begun to fly in all directions. The blaze was not a serious one. ami the department responded in fast shape. A small fire in the basement of the telephone ofllce Sunday afternoon twilled out the department. No seri ous damage was done. PANTAGES VAUDEVILLE ALL WEEK AT THE BIJOU Pyx. tr Tlqrrimnn 1in3 lllwUVS bfOll i most cordial, and unless affairs of At Inst Medford is to get a rare great moment demand it..he will not treat m the vaudcv.llo Ime-the well- pass bv the door of the great railway m,w" " JP'r magnate without lifting the latch- artists Ingles and Darling, d.rert , . . ' from a long nnd successful engage- S Holabird to New York. ! mcllt in tlie Phages Circuit, como to Col W II. Holabird is now on his the Bijou theatre for one week, com wav to Xow York to receive final in- nicucing tonight. Their acts are str'uetions. Incidentally, he may So' strictly high-class and. moral, and to Washington. Whether ho does or of bright, sparkling humor. no one will know what he is go-1 tnlc hns introduction as nicy nine mnujn Medford Cement Company has not sold out, as rumored, but has only changed management. The company will continue to do business os here tofore. Xew and better machinery will ho installed. Mrs. M. K. Yockey spent the week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cluirle Nickoll on Sterling. Mr. und Mrs. H. enmped nt Coleatin. E. Boyden ar' not. inir to do until after the been completed, for the Colonel is noted for his remarkable ability to keep his mouth shut. He, neverthe less, is pretty certain to be muster of ceremonies at an event that will af- tract world-wide attention nno uie chief magistrate of the nation will come under his sway for. the brie? proven a feature on any bill and como extra-well endorsed by tho manage ment of the theatres in Sacramento, San Diego and Ashland, where they played to pocked houses all last week nt the Star theatre. Tonight thoy will appear in the celebrated Knglish play let. 'A Husband in Clover." Thi.i sketch is too well known to need any .1 1 : t l...1,rn penoii e u.m .... ..... -- I .MiArA nno of the The visit of the ITosulent to i-rnin v...... .... .. - ".- - - lake will bring prominently to the at-! funniest and best sketches written- -tontion of the nation the necesity f -r.has been P ayod .U over the Moss Us reservation nnd development and , Stall Circuit in Kngland nnd tho Pan will result in the appropriation ot tages Circuit by Tngles & Darling ... uch monev ns may bo necessary H America. make tho northern half of Klamath Tho p.cturo program ms one of the m ..... ,a,.. nf world-wide best in a long time. The ndmiss.on iv-inmih Herald. I remains the same as usual. IIWll'. tb"l the case conlil not ne tienra in