In li ill 3! 8 T1IK MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. ME 1) FORD, ORK(U)N. HATUKDAY. AtlfllJST 1. !!)()!). iSQClAL AND PERSONAL! "Miktido" tonight. Price "0c. Wesley Green hus begun the. ereo lioii ol' a new buiipilow. using the foundation und plans of the one De cently destroyed by fire in limigalov addition. Ibiiiuelfs former home itijlnrt;.. Mock to select from nt Medl Mrs. Mury K. I'uymi, . Mi June, Why i-unIi homo (liih hot vu'tillior, visit Mr Siiokane mid also other cities, iuelud- ford's exclusive Ten iiig Seattle, where they will visit the More III! drupe street exiHisition. This is Frank' firM v:i- I :t:io:i. ealion in two years and he plans i Thev will bo and Coff'io I'hone Main iniike up for lost time. absent about two weeks. O. Burnett has returned from an extended oiinipinR trip m the ntMRlt borhond of Wig ltutte. He having n splendid time. - The best show of the season, the "Mikado," price "0c. Kdwnrd Judy of (tiil'I'ili Crock was A iv you a have a .it 'h School. good sholT If so we fcr ou. The Shooting Wilson and Miss Agnes I'uo loiivo when you can gel bent lunch in town .,, ... NIX weens puiasuro trip , ,,, K,0, ,.,. for o:,T Sitka, Alaska. J. M. KiliMlii' is showinir it ti.-n L- suiiiiniii' miiiiiiwIi fni.i.l 'lett Mr. nud Mr Fred Cnlvig, F. I.. Washburn und Miss Kcu ratlersoti Saturday luoiiiing for mi in- II another fresh shipment of l'i-h "i which the vine bus become attach-J definite outing al Cralei' Lake mi l tmlav in the liogue Hiver l'i-li ('.' to the squash. The rapid growth other points of interest. "i""" imn inisi'i. uii'm'u niiTM'n vii'ij "' -iiiii'-ii hut me vine in iwn; ii. ii. .loiiuson, who recently pill' day in the week. "lid it continued to grow, drawing it chased laud in tha vallev, lias luft l.asl appeal nnec of the opera Mlsleiiance tiniu the sipiush, iift'ofd- for his old lloinii in Washiiigtou anil "Mikado" tonight. Don't fail to so iK n rate iusiance of reproduction will return aeconipiuiicd by his fam it. Kciueniber the price "0c. ; through the fruit. jy. Colonel J. I'. Mundv on a bnsi- "MBBaaBBBaBBaBaBaaBaBaBaBBaBaaaBaBaBaBBaaaaaBaBaaaaaBaaaBaBBBBBBBBBBBaaai At tho low mice, of 50e everyone i should see thfi Hoston Ideals present a recent visitor in Medtord. the "Mikado." It is surely well worth I y-, s. Kedfield of I'hoenix trans your time and money. acted business in Med ford Friday. Mrs. D. F. Bnrnird, the milliner, ! Dick Stinger of ltutte creek spent left for Eugene FridAv to visit friends i Saturday in Medford. William Fnllisoii of Denver, Co1 , is visiting friends in Medford. Homy Cute Is n Medford visitor from A -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . ' The grfnt Austrian liuliui., Ho. inanoff, will tender cc. ml solos ,n Ihe iiiusictil prognuu ,,l I lie Nit-h grill Sunday evening. M. CiiIIioiiii of I'lnnmix spiiut Sat urday in Medford on hiiiiic. The county coiui will liiect m tit ular sosinu in .l.ii-li-i.iu illn m( W'edneMday. 1L L. Helms and family of Lelnnd are Medford visitors. Orders for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled.- Phone the oreamery. Frank Mayficld of JJeagle was a recent visitor in Medford. He came in to receive medical attention, hav ing run a huge splinter into his arm near the elbow, causing a very pain ful wound. Elmer A. Hicks, Charles Carney, J. A. Torney of the Oregon Or chards Syndicate loaves Saturday on a business trip to Scuttle. E. P. Hughes of Ashland sont Friday in Medford. Four rebuilt typewriters, as good as new; two Underwoods, visible. $.") each; two Remingtons, .4." each. Ap ply to C. E. Taylor. Many campers will leave during fh next few days for the mountains. Trips thave been deferred during this Richard Calder. William Duncan and ! month that the campers might take a few others plan to leave at the first advantage of the opening of the deer of the week for an extended hunting-! season. trip on Elk creek and kill a few deerj - j,ff Heard spent Saturday out near as- the season opens on August 1. j Kagle Point on the Big Sticky. Father J. J. Carr of St. Mary's ! Will Stewart has decided to remove church. New York city, and Father T. j to Medford. He will reside on Mis J. Wilson of Old Point Comfort, Va.. tletoe street. are visiting Father von Clarenbeck. County Assessor Grieve was a vis Hear, Romanoff play at. the Xash j Jtor in Medford ou Saturday. grill Sunday dinner. 1 jr, w. W. Eifert is planning an Table d'hote dinner at the Xash extended visit in Roseburg with rel- grill Sunday evening. Special mu-1 atives. sic. i Table d'hote dinner at ihe Xash Remember the '"Mikado" tonight I grill Sunday evening. Special mil I ne-s trip to Crescent City, Cal. lie j is still endeavoring to promote the building ol' a railroad from Mcilfin-d . to the coast. Captain Jack Aslhury of t!o!-l Hill. Como Fiero of Central Point, Ik Connor of Table Rock and Erurt-f Webb were Saturday visitors in Med ford. Dr. George Hill, a missionary :j Japan, is visiting his cousin, Mrs. Wr. I 1. Vawlcr. He will speak Sundavj evening on Japan at the Itaplist I churvh. . Don'i miss hearing the great vio- j linist. Ikomanoff, at the Xash grill's 7."i-ccnt table d'hote dinner Sunday ! evening. . .. j Tho Ashworth place, consisting of 2, 'i acres of alfalfa land near Tolo. has been purchased by Xrr. Hoover of Phoenix for $H.r00. ' J. W. Perkins is expected Satur-! dav evening from Roseburg. for the last time. Price 50c. sic. Fred Champlin of Gold Ilill spent i Last chance to see' "Mikado." Price Saturday in Medford. . . y. . '. j "'0c. . Colonel George P. Itims, of Tolo Mi-s. J. G. How and Miss Edith and Commodore J. W. Hicks of Cer.-; How of Xorth Bend are recent Med tral Point were Medford visitors Sat- j ford arrivals. nrday. R. M. Hutchiiisoii of Pierson. Idaho V. C. McCray returned from Ksli'and J. M. Hut?.,Mnon of Delinout, S. lake Saturday. - j D., are visitors in Medford. Jason Hartman, the bridge builder, 1 You wouldn't go to a hardware spent Saturday in 3IedforL-:. . store for a hat. Then why take Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett leave chances on the average grocery store Saturday. evening for an extended -vour ieas ail(1 coffee, when you trip through the northwest. They will can get guaranteed quality and o NASH GRILL Table d'Hhoo Dinner, Sunday, Aug. I. Ripe Olives Celery Salted Xuls Consomme Prineiuiro Royal Green Turtle . Broiled White Fi.-h, Sauce Tartar Saratoga Chips Salad Wuldo'rf Sweet Bread Patties a In Tunpie Petit Pois Maraschino Punch Fista Wafers. Roast Young Turkey with Dressing Striiigloss Beans Xew Pot a toe- in Cream French Ice Cream Assorted Fnncy Cake Keufchntel Cheese Bent's Water Cracker Demini Tasse Every third yard Dross (jixni I3c yard. 'Take your choice of any woolen dress material in this store, no mailer what tin' former selling price has been. It will pay you to lay in your supply at these prices. .'I yards Cotton Challies, ibis ile Ho Best red seal Gingham, this Slll' I3c Best :S( -iiit-li Percales, this ""I" 1 3c 'J-'io l.iidics' Sleeveless Vest i, rliis sale t3c What l:io will buy in notions: Darning Cotton, black or white, li f..r 3c Be-I American Pins. ,i (r I3C ."c Kid Curlers, .'I for 130 :i cards Pearl lltiltous for 13c 1.")c r-iiibroiderv hoops, ca.l3c ti rolls Cotton Tape, black or while 3c '.I packages Xeeillcs, this sale I3C Ladies' mid Sails I3() Nn matter what the price three ladies clubbing together - Ihe third gels her suit for 1 3c Only 2 days left mm Everything in store re duced during this 13c sale. MONDAY and TUESDAY THE HUTCHASON Successor of I II BAKER HUTCHASON C().jVF Dasl iug Sil'i Special - Every third yard ni fancy Silks, 13c yaiil. This iiicliiilci till our siiiiniicr silks, fancy silks, tul'l'ctri. c.-. ii mill I. t what former price, h does in. I include blnck. Wide Embroideries, ono bal!' Mi ril 1 3C .'illc fancy Taffeta Kibhoiis. this sale 3c 'd"iv Ladies Hosiery, every thini lair . . I3c L'.'i diixon Children's Hosiery. this sale -pair 3c Il.'ic viiIiich in Itucklcs, llariells. Buck Cmiibs; this salt 13c l.7."i Itodsprciids, this miIi $1.13 ."i0 hentberbli.oin Petti- coiits, this sale $2.13 $'J.OO Muliii I'tidcrweiir, this sale ...$1.13 .'1.1c 1'illow Cases, this salo.23c fl.tHt Sheets (7l!xll(l), Ibis "'lie 83c 1.7.1 Cotlon Blankets, this $1.13 iM.t'li Ian Capo Oluves, this "le $1.33 1.7"i Lace Curlains, llii. $1.13 All our Lawn Waists up t.i f'l.Od go at this sale $.3 We aim to give our customers bargains Plenty of extra sales people to Horvo your needs during, thin VJa sale p AN C To the ragtime music of the LANDLORD and investigate our plan to help you OWN YOUR OWN HOME We will loan you any amount desired and you can pay us back at Jhe rate of $1.25 per month on each $100 borrowed which will pay the entire amount of loan and interest In 108 Months If you desire to continue the loan that long, but you can take it up at any time, Interest charged only for time retained. Three per cent interest on all advance payments. THIS IS BETTER THAN PAY ING RBN1 BESIDES BEING CHEAPER. Special privileges granted in case of misfortune or sickness preventing you from making regular payments HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS and JACKSON BANK are references not to be lightly considered. . For full information call on or write WHITE & TROWBRIDE Resident Agents DANIEL WALKER Home Office Jackson, Miss.