7 OPEN SEASON FOR DEER For 1909 begins tonight, August 31t, at 12 o'clock. Your chance for a iuA quota is doubly assured if your outfit contains one of our new No. 4 REMINGTON AUTO-REPEATING RIFLES THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1900. 1 M li i ' 9 i, FAST SHOOTING, HARD HITTING, LARGE ENOUGH FOR ANY GAME. CHAMBERED FOR THE 35, 30-30 AND 32 REMINGTON AUTOLOAD ING SMOKELESS SHELLS. TWENTY-TWO-INCH BARREL ONLY, STRAIGHT GRIP, PLAIN WALNUT STOCK, SHOTGUN BUTT, RUBBER BUTT PLATE, BLUED FINISH. FIVE-SHOT, TAKE-DOWN WEIGHT 73-4 POUNDS. Most complete stock of all makes of firearms and ammunition to be found in Southern Oregon Med for hardware Co, What'U You Have ? Bear Crock Wuter---rf he kind you once used Well WaterThe kind you still use Rain Water You catch it in a tub' Water! from Fish Lake openjditch or Colestine Mineral Water The only water to be had in Hertford that is absolutely pure is the kind vou ought to drink. :Sold Only by- Tobacconlsts RITTER & DUNLAP. Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT TALENT TALES PALMER INVESTMENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 acres lying on both sides of Rogue River.) Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relattng to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Mcdford, Oregon. CHATKR LAKE- "The Greatest Natural Wond?r of tho World." Medford, Oregon. , (Vulley Record) Miss Emeline Caslin of Phoenix war visiting Miss Flo Moore of Tal ent lnrt week. Mrs. Ferns of Fcrndale was in Tal on a business trip lart week. Mr. Jarcd Colbert and family from Oaden City, Kas., arrived in Talent a few days ago. Mr. Colbert has pur chased fume town lots of Sam Xeth erlaud and intends building a black smith shop. 'Mr. Carl Kairs from Honey Lake valh'.v recently passed through Txu ent en route to Coos county. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burnett were visiting relatives in Aahland on Sat urday. Mr. J. 1'. Xornian has been on an outing on Mt. Talent. Mr. I)elbert Goddard, Mr. Herman Summers and Mr. J. C. Caru'uhan. with their teams on Wednesday left for Grant I'ass where they will en gage for the summer in haiilinpr lum bebr. On Saturday Arlie Powers left for Coleftiiie in order to fill up on soda water. V: X. Cunningham and wife on Saturday left for Grants Pass. Mr. Cunningham has engaged a big cou trart of earpenter work in Grants Pass. Andrew Briner who lives near the base of Mt. Talent was doing busi ness in Talent Saturday. .1. L. Hopkins who has been vis iting relatives in Talent returned to Oklahoma a few weeks ngo. He re ports the weather as being very hot and disagreenblo, registering 120 de rives in the shade. Tho McDonald place east of Tal ent, consisting of eight aeres has re cently been sold for $1600. A. C. Hoag negoeiated tho sale. Ou Sunday Guy Snavely returned from a visit to Klamath county. J. N. Manning and fnmily made -i visit fo Jacksonville recently. A few days ago some of the em ployes of the electric light company, in order to completely insulate the wires, cut off several brunches of the fine walnut trees in front of C. W. Walter's residence. This tree is a splendid speeiman of its kind and i admired by everyone in the eommun iily. The electric light people may consider the mutilation a matter of business, but to the people of Talent it seems like an act of vandalism. The gentle old horse which has been used to deliver goods for Peter Ynudorsluis, died last Sunday even ing. He has been very usofu'l and faithful and his soul should be im mediately transported to the horse heaven. The big snow bank ouMt. Talent i plainly visible from Talent. A party consisting of the families of Jess Adams. Andrew Briner and Win, Kirbv nnd Win. Fox. on Sunday.' were having an outing to Gillette So da Springs. Tlenrv Helms has relnrned from San Francisco, where he visited his father who is being treatd by his son, Dr. George Helms. Mr. James Haliusis reported to be von' much better than when he laft Talent. Little Miss Opal Clemcna enter tained a few of her playmtcs on Mon day afternoon. Ice crcarn and cake were served at four and all the little folks rcporte a good time. Miss Clara Terrill returned Wed nesday night from Monmouth, where she has been ..ttendmg summer nor mal. Mrs. ' Buckles and daughter, Helen. of San Francisco, are visitinc Mr. Dodge and his mother in Talent. Henry Helms has sold his share in the meat shop of Phoenix to his part ner. Mr. Shaffer. On Thursday a party was given by Miss Alice Manning. The evening was spent in music andgames. Miss Sophie played some charming pieces on the piano. A few of the intimate friends of Harry Marun surprised him on bis seventeenth birthday, Saturday even ing. The young ladies served the lunch they brought at eleven and the evening was voted a success. Mr. Johnson. Mr. VanDyke and Mr. John Beeson were in Talent Sun day to visit the tennis club and play tennis. Bert Bell and Miss Ora Bouy were in Colestine Sunday. Wilson and Hearings Patent Auto matic Gates are made one and one half miles north of Talent by Wilson and Feebler. Mr. Wilson of Talent is the inventor of this gate and it is considered a success. Mr. Peebler is the salesman and has already sold twenty gates which are to be installed in a few weeks. For further infor mation inquire of C. G. Peebler, Ash land. State Depositary Established 1888. Capital aad Surplus $185,000 Besoarros 1700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. j Medford Sash & Door Co. THE SAVOY TONIGHT AND SATURDAY IN THE SULTAN'S POWEr Story of Turkish revolution. THE DOG AND THE SAUSAGE A laughograph. SLEEPING P0WDER-A scream. . i " COOL, COMFORTABLE. ONE DIME.