!.1 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1?)0!). 4 Si1! if 1 1 1 1 Sfc KEWANEE System of Water Supply provides an absolutely safe and salisfac- Vjf , tory water service, equal to that ':-'t offered by any city water works. the An abundant supply of water a Kewanee !wa-$ available and deliv- 'jf System, ered under strong pressure yr anair-tight.steel.pueu-throughout the house, barn malic tank, called the or grounds. Affords Absolute Fire Protec tion. Kewanee Pneumatic Tank J is placed in the cellar. ater & ic nnmnfvl intn this tank and is delivered to the fixtures by air pressure. No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 per cent better service and will hut a ajelime. Over Nine Thousand Kewanee Outfit! in Succeuful Operation. Agents for Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines and Pumping Outfits. WHITE STEAM CARS '-i4feWltf'J II ' ' E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon DUTCH Collar Pins, Ladies Waist Sets, Monogram Pins, Cuff Buttons, Beauty Pins, Latest Styles. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Near Postoffioe. THE... NASH LIVERY GO. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You are treated right, 'the price is right, the team Is right in fact; 'everything is right. Come and see. THE NASH LIVERY CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axie Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C Smith 314 E. Main The son of Gus Newbury, who has been very ill with typhoid fever in the Medford hospital, ia much improved in health. The Man From Home A ?:-v V.-dlldn of thef'ljy i f ('; Saino Name By BOOi:: TARKINGTON and HARRY H ON WILSON Copyrijht. by Amrrtctn Press Aftauciatiori JIM MAY BE NO ANGLER, BUT HIS HARPOON HITS HOME Oregon Observer: 11 is to be hoped that when the new fishwny being pu in nt the Anient diiin is completed that the papers up the river will giv this pliiec 11 rest on the matter. Jin Kay. formerly of Medford, but no of the Gold Hill News, is the lutes to take up the cudgel against fishinu near tins eitv it ml stales that the lish enncn hold all the fish right hero and yet when anyone wants a gooii day's fishing they go above Gok Mill, as it is better there than it is down here. The commercial fisher man here only takes salmon from th river and no true sportsman ' want to catch salmon with a hook and line Jim's a good fellow, and is one o the best baseball writers in southern Oregon, but he isn't much of a fish erman. I'll APTKIt VI. :asy imiky.- VSUALI.Y when u until through Inclination or environment de rides that the ilinuuers of Ills people will not xcrve for liliu and unit the customs of ttio land of bis adoption are more applicable to bis purpose be outdoes even tbo natives In bis conformation to the existing modes. Horace Granger Simpson the Gran ger was but u recent Innovation dun to the belief that Simpson by Itself wus altogether too hopelessly plebeian to attract even n modicum of attention bad consorted with the gilded youth of several capitals, and .his education hud progressed to such mi extent tli.ic the youth of Kolionio would liav stoned blin Instantly upon bis arrival , at the town depot. He ambled wllb a rocking cult. I drawn from tliu Kuardsmen he li:ul so carefully watched, down the steps or the hotel on to the terrace, and bis attire would have attrai-Ust notice from i Hindoo Idol. He wore spotlessly white flannels, white shoes pipeclayed j to a dazzling degree, a thoroughly British straw hut, chamois gloves and a pale blue scarf held together with a i massive pearl. I For an Instant Mine, la (.'omtesse I looked at him and then, with a little j cry of greeting, rushed toward tbo j steps and took both bis startled bauds. I Ab. my dear Horace Granger- Seeinpson!" she said excitedly. "Has your sister told yonf Horace swallowed once or twice savagely and then made a heroic ef fort to keep down the radiance that was choking bliu, made two effectual dabs at bis eyes with tbe handkerchief be took from bis sleeve and responded Joyfully, tbougb brokenly: She bas. Indeed. 1 assure you I am quite overcome, my dear friends. Keally, 1 assure you." With a silvery laugh Mine, de Cham- plgny stepped backward from blm, making a little courtesy as she did so. The earl came forward with out stretched bands and grasped one of Horace's between both his own. My dear young friend," be said. "Not at all not at all." As tbe remark seemed a trifle am biguous, Horace looked at blm Inquir ingly, but, reading reassurance In his face, replied Instantly: 1 assure you lam. I assure you I , am. It's quite overpowering. Isn't It?" j With a look of commiseration the countess regarded him and said softly: "Ah, poor M. Horace!" From his sprawled attitude In the chair the honorable Almerlc drawled a protest. "1 say! Don't take It that way, you know. She's very happy." Horace recovered himself Instantly and crossed the terrace quickly to grasp tbe hand of the bridegroom to be. Tbe fact tbat It was as limp as a mackerel did not Worry blm an Instant. "She's worthy of It she's worthy of it! I know she is I And when will It be, St,Aubyn?" he said. "Enchanting!" cried the countess en thusiastically. "So clear Is bis grasp of tbe case, eh?" Hnweustle flashed her a glance and turned to Horace. "Oh, the date?" he said doubtfully. "I dare say within a year two years" There was another little cry of pro test from tbe countess, and the eari glnred at her menacingly. ' Horace started, too, and seemed to be about to enter a positive objection, but he contented himself with saying: "Oh, but I say, you know, Isn't tbat putting It Jolly far off? The thing's settled, Isn't It? Why not say a mouth instead of a year?" "Ha-hum!" said the earl. "Oh, If you like! I don't know that thcro Is I any real objection." "I do, Indeed," returned Horace. "See here! Why not let them mnrry hero in Italy?" JIawcastle could scarcely conceal bis satisfaction, while Mine, de Cliain plgny executed a bit of a pas soul be hind Horace's back. "Ah, the daHhing methods of you Americans!" returned the earl smil ingly. "You carry things on so! .Next you'll be saying. 'Why not hero at Sor rento?' " "Well, and why not, Indeed?" asked Horace Instantly. "And then," went on Hawcastle, smiling, "and then It will be, 'Why not wJUUn-a fortntghiZ.!! (To be continued.) 53 -CD H CD CD CD CD . .SO t cd g H a p. 8 p. CD pu gc O O- go h h. CO br S 2- O . r m Pi M CfQ 3 CD r" CD O d-O Bijou Theatre Stalling Thursday, ol'(crs the Ihcnlcioiug public of Modioli! m," the most uttraclivo proriiins of ihn hciimoii. Illustrated Songs ry ! DRAMATIC SUBJECTS-2 ry 2-COMEDY FILMS-2 " Billy E. Van Tim K''l souk and danm arlist and iiiotlulKiHl, in hirt IiU.-nI liit. Carver & Oliver PresonlH nnother of thuir high-class specialties entitled The Night Raiders "F.uugli and tho world lauglis with yon; weep, and yon sleep ulone Coino nnd laugh with us. Admission Only 10c-15c The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $6.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tbe Pacific North west. Not in tbe combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. ) L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, , OREGON We would like, to U Ik with you about (ire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The JETNA.iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S ORTII, Cnshior. J. A. PKllRY, Vice-Preside.il. W. R JACKSOJI, Ass't CnshieT. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. Bad Drinking Water a Common Cause of Sickness. One of tho most common causes of sickness is bad drinking water. Tn some parts of the country when! shallow wolls are thu principal soitrce of supply, diavrhocn is iiile common and ('hiimherlaiii's Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoea Hemedy in demand. One or two doses of this remedy will check the attack and prevent nny se rious eoliHoqiionces. This remedy is for snle by Leon R. ITnskins' Phar