1 in t! Iii i hi Si) THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKOON, FRIDAY, J U I A' 30, 190!). The Hutchason Co. The Hutchason Co, The Hutchason Co. The Hutchason Co. X3 BS CD CO to CO ra 3 THIS STORK AVILL NOT UK OPkN I'XTI 1. ! O'CLOCK SA'ITUDAY MORXIXC Mm. mk. mmi n MM MSI KWfl SW IPT! I You Will Be Compelled To Buy Here Saturday, Monday and Tuesday in Self Defense "' 1 i 1 IN READING OVER THIS AD YOU CANNOT HELP BK1NC IVPRKKSr.i WITH '.'..' I K I'ACTTHAT WK AUK OFFER IN(J THK LA HO- 8 EST VALUES EVER ADVERTISED IN MKDFORD. THIS IS MKD FORD'S OH 11 AT SA VINO STOHi:. Til Kit B IS XOXK KQUAL TO IT THE LEADERSHIP OF THIS STORK 1 1 AS NEVER IJKKN OC KSTION KD, NOR Al.'E WK D1STUKBKD B YOCOASIOXAL HALF J. HEARTED ATTEMPTS TO ECONOM1ZK ELSEWHERE IN THIS COMMUNITY. THIS SALK LASTS TIIK'KK DAYS SATURDAY, . MONDAY AND TUESDAY. . ' g 1 3 c () L cu c- o 3 CD SB ri CD v CD m x r- I CU c CD . nvi M Three yards Cotton Challies 13c Best Burinah Cnallies in an i-iui and designs, just the thing for com forts or kimonas; this sale, o yards m Percales, per yard .... - on jnnHs fold Percales, m liglu llU-JXU.-Ll iniojiv. 1-1 i the 1re and loe Kind: ana uai. - ,9 this sale Best red seal Dress Ginghams. 13c and 18c grade, yard ----- -- Good styles Dress and Apron Gnu; hams, this sale - - M' 2-yard wide Sheeting; every one hair yard ..: - - v1 -Rnct PctitiPivll Sheetmir: 2-inelis wide; the 32c kind; this sale, every half yard - -- 13' Wide Embroideries, half yard ....13?'' Wide Swiss and Cambric Embroider ies; values to 50 yard; this sale: every half yard - -- - loC $1.73 Bed Spreads $l.ll Marseilles Spreads; full size and heavy weight; the $1.75 kind; this sale - SJl.io Don't miss laying in your supply. What 13c will do in Wash Goods : ' All grades entire stock to 35c; this sale - This includes all new colored French Batistes, Lawns, Dimities ; this sale. per yard 3c 50c Fancv Taffeta Ribbon ; every halt yard Z. - 13 This includes the. Dresden patterns, moires, fancy stripes; Nos. 60 to 150; this sale; every half yard 13? 25c. si w.ial brand ladies black. Ho siery; every third pair ...13 None better made to sell for 25c; this sale, every third pair for : 13 25 dozen children's ribbed Hose. 13c All sizes, 5 to 9 1-2; this sale 13c This store will be open 9 a. m. Saturday I n mm L-J If iilyJliD t Ladies Suits, 13c. Who ever heard of buying a suit for 13 cents? Does this sound reasonable? Nevertheless, it is true, but to take advantage of this three ladies must club together and buy three suits, the third one gets hers for 13, no matter what the former selling price may have been. This includes our entire stock, all our new and latest Spring Suits. ' restrictions. 13 per cent off on all Suits, wash suits included. Every third yard of dress goods 13c a yard Take your choice of any Woolen Dress material in this store, every third yard at 13", no matter what the former selling price may have been, your unrestricted choice of any piece in the store at this price. It will pay you to lay in your fall supply of press' Goods. This offer will never, be made again this coming season. Black Sateen Petticoats $113 Black sateen and wash Petticoats; former price $1.75; heavy weight; this sale $1.13 $2.50 heatherbloom Petticoats .$2.13 Black and colors ; this sale $2.13 $2.00 Muslin Underwear $1.13 Fine muslin and cambric Petticoats, Corset Covers, Drawers and Chemise; values to $2.00; this sale $1.13 This sale lasts three days Saturday Monday Tuesday Extra Dashing Silk Special. LISTEN! Every third yard of Fancy Silks, 13 yard. This includes all our spring and sunt nr silks, no t natter what the former nrice niav have been. Thin does vol include black silks. Buv a silk waist or dress now. This sale, every third yard for 13, This store will be open to customers 9 a. m. Saturday. Extra salespeople will be on hand to serve you. . : - ' THE HUTCHASON CO. Successor to BAKER HUTCHASON COMPANY This store will be open customers 9 a. m. Saturday sales people will be on hand to serve you. 1.75 long and short Kimonas $1.1 Ladies' long challie and crese K Ki. inonas, in oriental and convenf i.nm! ,1... signs; large, full garments; $1.75 kind; this sale SI. 13 White Wash Belts 13- Dell Hucklrs, Hair Barretts, Bad; Combs, etc.; values np to :!."),.; 1 1 1 i sa.le iar Font- spools 0. X. T 137 Best Clark's O. N. T.'j cotton. U.-.,.!.- and white limited I snools for 13r M m i ' - Ifl io ne on nrst day ot sale only. Ij -c j -mow i uses 1'Jc Best Pacific brand Pillow :... i x3(i: everv third nill.uv i ' -. uu-, nan: tor ....i $1.75 Tai,le iTaniask . 'S.ZlZl7l3 This is heavv. Hum, ,i. i. -r.i . . , . ' iiiiiiuimv, inches wide; this sale Sl.1'1 $Ly Cotton Blankets $1.13 "iMenton" coUon flunni.l ni,.,o.-... ;,. gray and white; regular size; this sal.- ior i n $200 Tmi "(ape (I wZZIZ$T&i fadies' eaiM Ldnvr-s in lirriif tans; value to $2.00; this sale 81.33 $1.75 Lace Curtains, $1.13 Your choice of all onr Lace Curtutiw up to $1.75; this sale $1.13 Vai. Laces, 3 yards for .I....13c lreneli mid !...,,,.,,, I'.i t values to 15c; this splo, 3 yards for 13 20c, Iluek. Towels Hemstitched and plain; extra heavv cotton buck Towel; this sale 13.- 13c Ladies' Sleeveless Vests 13f Ladies' fine lisle jersey ribbed sleeve loss Vf-sts; the I'm kind rthjg sale....l3 A sensation in Waists for this 13" sale: Lingerie Lawn Waists,' long sleeves; tucked; plain tailored; fancies, etc.; our entire stock up to $:?.00; this sale Sizes 38, 40, 42 only. for - $1.13 What 13 will buy in Notions: Darning Cotton, black and white, (i for i3f Best American brand Pins, 3 for 13c 2 pairs Corset Stays, white, for 13f 5c Kid Curlers, 15 for 13 5c Kid Curlers, 3 for 13 'Half doz. pairs Shoestrings for....l3 Half doz. Collar Buttons for 13c- 3 yards Collar bone for 13c 15c Embb. Hoops for 13tf 20e Kubbcr Dressing Combs 13 6 rolls Cotton Tape, black or white, for 3 packages Needles for 13c 13c 1L UWTIill&1fcfi,