THE M1CDF0RD DAILY TRIBUNE, MKDFORP, OUKfiOX, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1000, 7 A: FULL LINE OF Standard Portland Cement, Mikado Rubber Roofing and all kinds of Building Felt Always In Stock ju Uf wLhJej What'll You Have? Dear ('reck Water The kind you once used Well Water The kind you still use Rain "Water You catch it in a tub" Watcri from Fish Lake open ditch - or Colestine Mineral Water The only water to be had in Medford that is absolutely pure is the kind you ought to drink. Only by t CENTRAL POINT BREVITIES. Tobacconists RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT PALMER INVESTMENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 acres lying on both sides of Rogue River.) Offer fov sale small tracts of Irrigated land, with per: petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist oi' rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous.. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Medford, Oregon. : CKATKIi LAKK "Tho Grcntost Natural Wonder of the World." ) Medford, Oregon, j (The Herald.) Chalina- (iilmori) was at Medford Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. I'.akcr of Ashland is visiting Mrs. L. I,. Love this week. Mrs. Drake and two daughters of Meadows precinct were shopping !u nir city Monday. J. Ii. Weleli. the well known hini heiirnn of Asbestos, was in our city Monday. Merrit lirown. one of Kngle Poim's best known jnerehnnts, was in town the first of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Boswell have re turned from Hutte Falls, where they have been camping for several week... Miner nnd Floyd Kyle left Sunday evening for Lebanon. Or., where they wil' visit witU--fricnds nnd relutivos fur a eouple of- weeks. Jneob Jones left Monday evening fur an ctended trip through Minno--ula and oilier northern states. Dm ing his ab-ctice of three jnonths he will visit bis old home at Crystal Luke, Minn. Henry Clock, who has been gone from here 17 years, enme in the firs! f the wcekf lie was renewing nc iHiiintnnces with old time friends, and sees great changes in our valley sine? leaving here. l'rofessor 1. J. O'C.ura. the gov ernment fruit expert, has been called to Washington upon some business connected with his department. Tie expects to return to the Kogue Kiver valley about September 1. Will Mueller and L. V. Gregory of Medford were in town Tuesday. Mr. Mueller is engaged extensively in boo culture and his business in this city wiis In di-pose of some of his proli ne I to the local merchants. Mark Welch drove his White Slmnn cr over the Siskiyou mountains la -t week, going as far south as Hilt. 0 i his return trip he was less than two hours making tbo trip from Coles, Cal.. to Ashland. He reports som; very had roads in that section. A fire alarm was turned in yestcr day afternoon about 1 :'M) on account of a blaze on the roof of Mr.. Mann's residence in the northern part of town. Citizens soon had the blaze exliuguished nnd the only damage done was from tearing the roof off iu order lo get at the fire. Tom Hoss received n badly sprain ed nukle as the result of his wago:i gelling away from him on a sleep .Tittle out on Lanes creek on Mondnv of this week. He was engaged in hauling lumber and while going down cue of the innumerable steep grades in tlirt locality the brake on his wag on gave way and the heavy load plunged down the hill, throwing him out and badly bruising him. The physicians da not think that nnv hones are broken, but from the se vere tint ave of the spring he will be confined lo .bjs room for some tini". Tho bull game helweon Grant Puss and Hill, at Hill last Sunday, result- It Is Comfortable To Be Stylish If you wear DOROTHY & DODD SHOES They are comfortable when new and stylish when old. $3.50 and $4.00 , We are Sole Agents Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. THE SAVOY TONIGHT AND SATURDAY 1 OS Vl!V " " ' IN THE SULTAN'S POWEr Story of Turkish revolution. THE DOG AND THE SAUSAGE A laugbograph. SLEEPING P0WDER-A serenra. COOL, COMFORTABLE. ONE DIME. ed in a 12-inuing game with a scoro "f 5-3 in favor of the boys from Jo sephino county. Bridane Snndersoii ilayed' with tho Pass, holding down short, nnd from tho report that wo get of tho gamo wo are led to believe that Sandy was there with tho bolls all of the time. Two spectacular doubles wcro credited to him as well as being responsible fitr two runs iu tho 12lh by a littlo clever head work. "Who'd thunk itT"