3 STEELHEADS BARRED A B D THE MRU"1 DAILY TRMUJNE. MEDPORD. ORFJON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1909. E t ; t i Mr Inuaetnr Uiua unit nan iha mridnrn htma tauin rinmo In Iha i space and cost of four rooms; icclcss refrigerator, built-in buffets! and dressers; cabinet kitchen. ' J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Mndford National Bank Tlmldinc. IFYOU INTEND TO BUILD A COMFORTABLE HOME Cool for Summer and warm for winter then build a .good sold comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories and garret; this can be built for the same price as a bungalow come and see WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 years' experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans , and Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected at Residence. 244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St., J. W. DRESSER'S OFFICE. Anijlers Do Not Like Installation of Fish Racks Near the Byhee Bridge. Why Not.Be Comfortable and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or home. locnl nnelers nil' mourning tin: in slnlliilion of fish racks in the Hot'iie river near I lie liyhec bridge. Tli'! nIiiIs an! placed mi inch ami a hall' In two inches apart anil will effee! 1 1 1 1 1 1 V In I bin hIim'IIii'ikIh from tin- up per river. However, it in belter tlian laHl year, when Hie rucks were in Klalli'il at r'inlcy ndily, below Grants I'umh mill lilt removal in due to the vigorous kir-tc made liy the Rojjiib Kiver Protective association at Wash ington! If. M. Conlcy of Sains Valley has Ihe ennti'aet fop catching; the salmon anil ileliveriii( the eyed cues t" 'hi. Iialeliery on YAU creek. As lie ii paid according tu the eff!1 taken, lie naliirally ainiH In head off all sal mon. There is a Male law prohibiting f iliiii'' within two miles of fish racks. As no liif.' stcclhciid. llial is none over three or four pounds in weight, can pass through Hie rucks, only tlionn now in Hie stream can he caught by nnnlcrs. Darin); Jnlv there lias been n heavy run of salmon in the Kotrne, an av erage of two tons a day being ship peel from firanls l'nss. The defec tive fishway at the Anient lam anil the law-breaking, fishermen have reapeil a harvest. Thn closed Ken son begins August 1. About WM.OOOO ..-ggs is the esti in nl cil lake of salmon eggs at the Klk creek rucks for this season, and the taking will begin in n few days. Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with -proper care. Cost of operation only ytz to tc. per hour. I2inch size $15.00; 16-inch size, $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling. $36.00 ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST Summer Rates East During the Season of 1909 via the Southern Pacific (Bo. -. v From ME DF ORD To OMAHA and Return $69.90 To KANSAS CITY and Return. , $69.90 To ST. LOUIS and Return (.... $77.10 ' To CHICAGO and Return , $84.40 ami to olhor principal cities in Ihu liust, Middle West and South, Correspondingly low fares. Orf Sale August II, 12. To DENVER and Return $64.90 On Sale August II. Cluing transit limit 10 days from dnlo of sale, final return limit October 31st. Those tickets present some very attractive fonturcs in the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling' pnsscn gcrs to innko side trips to many interesting points on route. Hooting on tlio return trip through Cufiforuin may be .had at a slight ndvanca over the rntes quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by nny Southern Paoifio local agent, or WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The following letters remain un called for at the Mod ford. Oregon, postoffice July 20, 1'IOlf. A charge of one cent will be made upon the de livery of nny of the letters given be low. In calling ploase. say "adver tised." John H.' Allen. T. J. Anderson, .lohiiie Anderson, K. K. liowcn, Mar tin Hnnvn. Mrs. M. Hrown. Clnrenco ltrookbart. John 1'. Hums, llishop ,r. Co.. Miss Anna Heche, 11. J. Collin . (ay M. Cole. Mrs. Klos-ie Cruse. Pel -cy Daggett, J. S. Davis, Mrs. flcor: It. Davis. NT. H. Donovan. M. J. Dor., oluie, fiekn Duuehy, Krunk Fny, Jo'm Kilze-beiirl. Alfred L. (iilberl CV-. Jack fioolcy (it). Mrs. Kinnia (looley. William (iiil'fclh. Haymoiid Cii-uluim. Jfrs. Kva Hammond, Oeorge Heffer man. Victor Hansen. William Hansen. W. II. Hammond. J. I ladontiildt (i Wall Hood. Mrs. Alma Howe, Addi Holan. T. llogdon. Mrs. C. O. John son, Joseph H. Johnson, C. K. Ker shaw. H. Kilos, Mrs. Mary K. Kini.. Lawrence I.ee, Harry l.ivine, J. I.. I.iii.lley. Clara C. T.uchc. Mrs. Haiti liCinps. Medford Development Ct . John McCnrton, Mrs. J. J. Mei-r'. Arrs. O. T. Murphy. William Perdue. Until Randall, Elizabeth Ttigdoii. Frank C. Riehl, IT. Tt. Kasdcll. Mrs. IT. K. Sinullwood. Charles IT. Sears. Mrs. Francis Stevens, Mrs. F. Smith. Mort West (2), ,T. JT. Williams (2":, W. A. Wheeler. Jirs. F. W. Wilsor. John .. WiluVr. MEDFORD HAS FINEST AIR ON PACIFIC COAST "Medford and the Kogue Hiver vul Icy have Hie finest air of any region on tin const," slates K. Jlills, the Sun Francisco merehnnl tailor, who is visiting JTeilford. ''Seatlle air is cold, foggy and raw. Portland's is also, but Medford's is perfection. I travel up and down the coast from San Diego to Vancouver and think this section has them all heal l-' climate." O. H. Ttrower, one of the owner of Hie fllen Hogue ranch, has arriv ed in JTedford expecting' to locals on (he ranch. ( Jusl say you saw it in The Tribun' and see vour merehnnl smile. 'J. A. Hell and wife of Weed. Cal arc visiting JTr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright. Mr. Hell is manager of I lie Weed Tiimihev company's store. X W u The ABC of Gasoline Engines Alamos gasoline engines belong nl the head of the list in engines us much as A be longs at the head of the alphabet. Because wherever they have been demonstrated they have taken the first prizes ab solutely on their merits. Can you afford to use any but Hie best grade of gasoline engir.es for irrigation or oilier purposes? II -Kit- The Alamo engine has been slectcd by the State University at Kugene, and also by the Oregon Afrioulturul College at Corvallis, as the best engine adapted to demon strate the latest and most approved principles of gas engine practice to the stndent-j. Our3-h.p. Alamo Victor vertical electric lighting outfit was selected by the Southern Pacific Company to light the demonstration train which toured the Willamette val ley last fall under the direction of the Agricultural College, and these people were so well pleased with the Alamo engine that it was again selected by them to light the demonstration train which recently toured Southern Oregon. The Westinghouse Electric Company and the Northern Electric Company, which as you know are the two largest manufacturers of electrical goods in America, have both adopted the Alamo gasoline engine, and now reonimend them and illustrate them in their bulle tins A .complete stock of engines, together with a full fine of extra parts, is always available at Portland. If you will inform us concerning the exact use for which you wish the engine, we will be pleased to furnish you gratis what information we can concerning the necessary horse power. We have had a great deal of experience 'm making installations of all sizes, and no doubt can be of some assistance to you. G H Rogue River Power and Machinery Co. 31 BARTLETT STREET WE DO COMMERCIAL WOOD SAWING K M R Q O N SWEET MUSIC TO ' BE HEARD TONIGHT Band Concert Will Start This Eve ning at 7 o'clock on Account 7 of Opera at the Theater. The regular weekly baud concert will start this evening in the eitv park at 7 o'clock owing to the pre sentation of "The Mikudo" at Hie The program : "Semper Fideli-" "King Dodo' "Jolly Jingles" . . ."(lardcn of Hoses"' .'i. Hag. ."South Carolina Sunshine" (i. Overture ."Chimes of Xormandy" 7. March ..."Dunlnp Conunnndery" opera house. 1. March . . . 2. Selection 3. Xovelctle I. Waltzes . A Bargain The famous- 120-ncre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the prese-it time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE & TROBRIDGE , Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford O. H. Johnson has purchased sev en neves of hind from Mrs. J. D. Whitman, south f Ibis city, paying $:t."i00. You haven't read all I he news un less you have rend the ad-j some in (cresting items for your purse in ev ery issue. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, . Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs