Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 30, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Oreyon Historical Society
City Hall --.ja
Daily Tribune
MICDFOltlX OKKUON, Kill. DAY', JULY 150, 1900.
No. IKJ.
Ex-Mayor of Portland Has Words of
Praise for Medford "Is Best
Small Town on Pacific
Says He Is Nat Thinking of Becom
ing candidate lor. uovernor
Off to Crater Lake.
"Mi-dford is a hustling, thriving,
live mid wido-nwuko oily," said Dr.
Harry Lane before his luiart urn on
his ( rator I.nkf camping trip. "It
is not only tint Iic-hI small town in
Oregon, lint on tho entire, const.
"I urn familiar with tlio Rogue Riv
er valley, having been here itiiiuy
tunes in by gone years, iiii'l oonsidev
il inn; of tlm most lii'iiutil'iil valley
in tlm world. I H-nl cunsidoriilili!
linn' in this vicinity when 11 lmy.
"I it'll glad to Ih- mil ol' Il e may
or's rliaii'. I have liiiiult'il (lie Ictnn'i
In Joe Simon mill Ihc joke in (ill Jon.
Il'- I In- toughest joli in Oregon nml
1 1 us more kinds of hell in il Hum:
Dante ever imagined.
"No, I am nut thinking of doing u
candidate for governor. I'vi' liml pol
itic enough. I mn out lo rest mi'l
'i"iii-rat. Woiilil Iiiim1 gone to
Alaska to look nil it my mining; in
li t'"-l-. lint il is now ton Inle in tlm
season ami I can't go until sprin.;.
1 i htI o spend throe mnntliH i-i
t hti mountains, limit in f, fishing and
having a good tiuin."
Ur. I .line is uooonipuiiiod by his
v ii imil daughter. ,
Tin) work of li'ii riliff nwny the olil
structure of First anil Pine streets,
says tliii (Vntrnl Point lloralil, to
ninki way fur W. J. Frcomnn's now
building, was commenced on Monday
if this week, nml tlm actual con
struction of tlm now odil'ioe will be
ommenood jiiHt us hoom as tbo old
building is romovod.
Tho now building will bo of con
crete blocks, Ti'ixHO foot, mid two
-.tones high. It will li eupied en-
tircly by Frocnmn & Wiley in tboir
hardware and harness business, tho
first floor being nsod for store rooms,
while tho Hooond floor will bo used
for warehouse purposes. Tho build
ing will be of tho latest design mid
over 11,000 eonerolo blocks will bo
used in its construction.
When oomplotcd it will add greatly
to tbo appearance of that portion of
fine street mid will be one of the
most np-to-dnle buildings in south
em Oregon.
11. 0. Shearer and wife have re
turned from a visit nt tho fair.
A. W. Wnlkor bus rntnrnod from ft
trip to Rosoburg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hudson hn-e
In ft for a visit to Crater Lake.
Tho large crowd that gul bored nt
the Owl billiard parlors last evening
to witness tho inalcli games botwoon
locnl colebrilios and llin Pacific, coast
pool champion, ,T. 0. Mills, woro
ngrecbly ontorlninnd. Mr. Mills out
of soven match games of 15 balls
.! no count won every ganio with an
enso that was astonishing, bosides
showing ft number of fancy shots
riovor beforo soon in Modford. Ho
leaves for tho north this afternoon,
where bo bus several matches schml-Jileii.
B. H. Harris Busy With Construction j
of Oam to Supply Irrigation !
Water to Ranchers and
Small Tracts Will Be Supplied With Mis. Kruttschmitt Delighted With Re
Water and Furnished to ception Tender in This City by
New Settlers. Local Residents.
A iliun to supply irrigution water ' Kruttschmitt, director of uiuiu
lo ranchers and orchurdists of the tcnance of the Iiarriman systems, lo
Hig llnlle district is being construct . ' gclber with tt i ; party, was taken on
-d by It. II. Harris of the llutlo Falls Thursday ovenj-g for u twilight ride
Lumber company half u mile down -t hroughout the valley by n number of
si renin from the present power dam the local people. Mr. Kruttschmitt
al Ilulto Falls. The dam will bo !." expressed himself to President Col
fecl high and will mnka xissililc Ibe vig of the Commercial club us lining
watering of many lliousauil acre.-. highly delighted with what be saw.
'"As fasl as the timber land is Mrs. ICrutlsclimitt exjiressed nppro
cluared. which will follow upon tin! ciatiou of the reception given the
completion of a ruilrond into Ibe dis- parly in Medford and greatly enjoyed
trict," stales Mr. Harris, "the bind the ride.
will be cut into small tracts, supplied Among oilier places visited w;is
with irrigation water, mid colonized litnti- Creek orchards, where the pa :--w
ith settlers. We have already so-. i v w,.V iuwu a young peur tree
cured the settlers and as soon us heavily loaded with fruit. Great in
timlier cutting begins in earnest, ho tcrest was taken in the tree by Mrs.
will colonization. ' ! Kruttschmitt, who insisted' on couiu-
"As we cannot market our liuuhct the trees.
nt a prod! without rail transport-!.
lion, we am not cutting liny more
timher, hut cleaning up what has ill- I appreciate very much thn reei-p-rcmly
liecn cut. The advent of a j lion provided. II. proves u very de
rnilroml will witness great a.-tivity ' H-Iitl'iil break in our long trip bv
in the limber holt.
I he. wnler can bo brought to th?
lio;;ui. idver valley it ilesueil, and i
al .1 sufficient elevation to cover the
entire !ig Ilutte and Little Unite;
v""0.vs- '
Fitzgerald of This City Is Grand Rep
resentative to National Council
. of the Order.
With the installation of the newiy
elected officers, the great council of
the Improved Order of Redmen, res
ervation of Oregon, in session i'or i
the last (days at the Hodmen's, wig
wam in th" Selling-Hirseh building in
Portland, closed Wednesday night.
Little of importance was done at thn j
session Wednesday with the excep
tion of the appointment of u commit
tee to select a site for a Hodmen'
homo for the aged mid feeble. The j
building, work upon which will b"
started at once, will probably cost
n'houl, $75,000.
The new officers of Ibe great coun
cil are:
Grout suebeni, W. L. Littlo of Ore
fcon City; great senior sagamore, A.
L. Carrey, Baker City; great .junior
siiginn. Dr. F. IL Vineil, Rosoburg:
great prophet, F. It. Fitzgerald, Mod
ford; great chief of records, F. II.
Saylor,, Portland; great keeper of
wampnni, ,1. A. Devlin, Poiullolon.
Past Great Sachem Fitzgerald of
Ibis oily was elected grand roprosen
Inlivo to the natiounl eounnil of tbo
Hodmen, lo bo held in Detroit, Mich.,
in Soptombor.
Tbo Horuo River Vnlloy Fruit
Growers' union will moot in tho of
fice of ,T. A. Porry Saturday after
noon nt 2:30 o'clock.
,j v
Harriman's Director of Maintenance
and Operation Expresses Himself
a Delighted With the Rogue
River Valley.
"Not nly mn I pleased with your
valley," said Mr. Kruttsebmitt. 'bii
, rj. I SMull remember vour rail. 1
shall remember your valley."
Accomiuinvine Mr. Kruttscbmiti
were General .Manager J. P. 0Briei
and General Superintendent M. 3.
Buckley of the northwest jurisdiction.
New System Is Nearly Ready to Bs
Cut Over Will Give Medford
Good Service.
Medford's new telephone system,
modern and up-to-dnto, will bo com
pleted in n few days and the change
miulo from the old to tho now switch
board on August 7. The now system,
installed by the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraphy oompnny, is a central en
ergy system nnd eliminates the in
dividual batteries. It will not be nec
essary after the ehnnge is made, to
ring two bells for central, but to take
down the receiver will be sufficient.
For six months the work of install
ing tho now systom has proceeded
spasmodically. Wires for the new
phones were put in lust winter. Since
then underground conduits huvo been
constructed, cables strung and new
poles placed throughout the city. At
the same time new systems have been
in the process of construction nt Ash
land, Grants Pass and Roselmrg.
A very pleasant party was given n!
the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. .Ii M. Roi l
Thursday evening, n large numhet
of young people attending ns guesN
of Hoot nnd Weldon Biddle. A
most enjoyuble lime was bad.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Bnruuni left
for Seattle recently for n few weeks'
Comparison of Reports of County
Superintendent for Two Years
Shows Gain Al ong
All Lines.
Number, of School Children Increase
by 13 Per Cent Teachers Re
ceive Higher Wages.
The school population of Jackson
county has increased about 13 per
cent diirinp; the pust year, according
to a comparison of Superintendent,
Wells' report for 1909 compared
with that of u year ago. To be ex
act, the increase has been from 5901
to 0370 or 4ob
During the year 44 more teachers
were given employment,, the total in
the county schools now nunibcrin"
177 as against 133 of a year ago.
The attendance bus grown from 4144
t'i -ICIMi during the year.
According to a comparison of the
ieKrls male teachers nre making an
uvcm.'.e of .70 n month' this year
agaiu-t -G(I of a year ago. Female
tencher.-. puwle better strides towards
higher salaries, as they are now re
ceiving an average of $30, whereas
a year ago they received $43.
It ost 2" per cent more to keep
mi tii schools during 1908-fl than '.a
1907-8. During the year just past
I lie amount expended for school pur-
po.-oiMi'.en'iied to $182,578.30, while
lust rear the amount expended was
$1;'I.lii-.iMi. an increase of $51,
A '-omiuii'ison of the reports show
the in ist gratifying growth on the
p of the county.
Pacific States Will Build From Eu
gene Direct Through to Klam
ath County.
EUGENE, Or., July 30. It is an
nounced by the Pacific States Tele
phone & Telegraph company here that
construction work on a through tele
phone line from Eugene will begir.
within the next 30 days. The proposed
line is to follow the Southern Pa
eifie railway survey from Natron lo
Kl.nnnth Falls. In order to reach
Klamath Falls by phone from thi-s
part of tho state messages nre relay
ed nt Ashland, nud this oeeosioni
considerable delay in transmission.
When the new line is in operntior
mossnges will be transmitted from
'Vrtlnnd nnd other points north and
south of here direct through Eugene
without, relaying them.
E. F. S. Savior of Portland ha:;
just been appointed division supci
intendent of the plants of the coin
puny, embracing n territory south of
Eugene to tho California line nnd m-
cludiilg nil points in that part of th
state. His headquarters will be i;i
Bob Tnvlor is back from u fish
ing trip to Rogue river of several
days' duration.
If vour advertising were somebody
else's nnd yon wore to try to judge
(he advertiser nhd his business sole-
Iv bv it. wouldn't you consider il lo
limited for a live firmf
Celebrated Case of State vs. Wals
worth Will Come Up for Hearing
in the Supreme Court
Next Tuesday.
Were Convicted of Murder in Second
Degree and Sentenced to Ltfe
The ease -of the state vs. Charles
H. Walsworth nnd Norval Wnlswortii
for murder now pending before tbo
supreme court will come up for hear
ing on next Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock. The men were accused of
the murder of James F. Mankih in
this county in December, 1907, and
were convicted in the second degree
in the circuit court. The case was
carried to the supreme court on an
appeal for a new trial.
The case is one of the most cele
brated in the criminal annals oi
Jackson countv. The defendant'
were wood cutters and were occupy
ing a small house upon the Mankiu
place, which is now known as the
Glen Rogue orchards. They were or
dered- to vacate by Mankin, and
through the quarrels which arose the
Walworths shot and killed Mankin
but not until he bad returned their
fire and wounded Norval Walsworth.
At the trial, after being found
guilty of second degree murder, the
defendants were sentenced to life
imprisonment. They are now iii the
state penitentiary pending the np
peal. District Attorney Mulkey and
Clarence L. Re'nmes wilt appear for
the state and Robert G. Smith will
uppear for the defendants.
'The Mikado" Well Presented and
Greatly Enjoyed Mrs. Clayton
Does Splendid Work.
Mr. James Stevens was discussed
over more than one breakfast tabl
in Medford this morning, nud it is
safe venture to assert that the thing:
said of him were most complimentary.
He made his first appearance befor
a Medford audience last evening nn
early captivated his bearers. Throng!
out the entire performance, howevov
he left an impression that he had not
as yet begun to sing. He did not seem
to lot. himself out, nud the nudicne
in a way were a woo bit disappointed,
He has n marvelous voice nnd is
great addition to tho company.
Mrs. Clayton scored a great tri
umph us Kntishn in "The Mikado.1
Hers was a finished bit of acting nnd
much appreciated. Tt would be
rare treat to see her ns the queen in
the "Bohemian Girl." and to hour
Stevens sing "Hearts Bowed Down
ns the count in the same production
"Tho Mikndo scored a distinctiv
hit. All of the old favorites were in
the cost, while the chorus hundleil
themselves splendidly. Mrs. Hazel
rigg ns Yum Yum and Mr. Walters
as Nanki Poo were recalled time nnd
again by n delighted audience. Bur
gess ns Ko Ko furnished the fun of
the evening. The proposal scene be
tween him nnd Mrs. Clayton wns one
of the best bits of noting seen in
many weeks. Quissenbury ns the
Mikado handled a light port well.
Declare Truce in Order to Bury Dear;
as Both Fear Pestilence Mere
Than War Thousands
Were Killed.
Civil War Seems on Verge of Break
ing Forth Mobs in Madrid
Parade the Streets.
GIBRALTAR, July 30. Ad
vices from Melilla say that
30.000 Moors have surround
ed the Spanish troops holding
the city and they are fighting
for their lives with their backs
to the walls.
MELVILLE, Morocco, July 30. -
Declaring a temporary truce, tho.
Moors and Spaniards are both en
gaged today in burying their dead,
fearing a pestilence more than the
Tiar. TIu Spaniards nre piling tho
ictiiEs wdiscri-r inately in trenches
outSKi; of the ci;v. The Moors are
cremating the 40U0 dead which was
the cost oftheir victory.
Unrest in Spain.
MADRID, Juls,30. The situation
throughout Spain today?1! more in
tense than ever. Serious unrest and
small outbursts are reported from nil
parts of the kingdom. Mobs paraded
through the streets of this city this
r.o'ning bearing banners with legends
"Cou with the king." Hundreds
of arrests have been made.. The au
thorities are taking the most strin
gent methods of quelling demonstra
At the Nash Mrs. J. G. Horn
and daughter. North Bend; W. H.
Cleaver, Portland; W. T. Perry, .
W. Neitman, Chicago; G. C. Grism,
Columbus; J. P. Whitmore, Los An
geles; L. H. Steinhnrt, Portlnnd; A.
C. Hughes, Madison: Mrs. E. Mc
Donald, Clear Creek; J. O. Lamb,
Seattle; F. A. Bochert, San Francis
co: A. Morrison, Portland: E.' II.
Raymond, Mansfield; John B. Saw
yer. Victor Oanloff, L. M. Forsythe,
Portlnnd: B. A. Bums, F. M. Burns,
Cincinnati; V. John, San Francisco;
A. L. Peter, Portlnnd; IT. P. Light
and wife,- Red Oak.
while Emil Payette received a great
band from the audience for n elev?r
bit of dancing.
"The Mikndo" is a great favorite
and its handling by the Boston Ideals
has only added to its popularily.
The opera will be presented again
this evening and on Saturday. Tho
The Mikado, emperor of Japan..
W. E. Quissenbury
Nanki Poo, his son . .F. W. Walters
ICoKo. lord high eeeutioner
A. C. Burgess
Pooh Bah. lord high everything else
Jnmes Stevens
Pish Tush, n noble lord :
Ralph Burgees
Nee Ban. Mikado's attendant. . . .
Emil Pnyett,!
Kalisiin. an elderly female
. '. Mrs. Clayton
Ti'li Sin;;. Poop Bo, Yum Yum, ward
of K'oKo, Misses Claromont, Quisscn
hury nnd Mrs. nozclrigg.