THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OK KOONr. THURSDAY. J IIT A" L'), BROWN ORCHARD PICTURES OFF IMPROVEMENT IS RULE ON OAKDALE HOT WAVE AGAIN LUMBER RATE TO THE FAIR Framed Pictures of Crater Lakr Are Shipped to Exposition Com mittee to Hang Them. HELD TO ANSWER S0LU21.000 Illinois Man Buys 80-Acre Tract. Paying $21,000 for It Syn dicate Made Sale. TO BE $1.25 Many Changes B"lng Made on Popu lar Avenue in West Medford Street of Homes. Gabriel Gunderson, Who Was Arrest ed Charged With Robbery, Bound Over. Two Dead and Scores Prostrated Taft Writes to Conference Commit, tee Inslstini that Rate on Lim ner Not Exceed $1.25. During Past Two Days as Result of Heat. HIGHWAYMAN IS HITS CHICAGO Gabriel Gunderson, who was ar rested on Tuesday evening ami churn ed with holding up Irn Kino and rob bing him, was bound over to the cir cuit court by Justice Canon at a hearing Wednesday afternoon. It is charged that Gunderson mot Kine in the alley back of saloon row and after beating him up took his pocketbook. The pocketbook was subsequently found upon the person of Gunderson. The only denial entcrod by the ac cused man was that he was drunk and did not know what he was doing. Mfr ISOCIAL AHO PERSONAL! f "Mikado" tonight. Price 50c. Hear Professor Bameroff tonigh: between acts of the "Mikado" at the opera house. The verses which appear in another column regarding Jack Withington should have been credited as follows : ' "Adapted from Jame"s J. Montague." geous wonder, a sunset as seen across j the silent waters of the bay. The pho We have customers who will pay j tography is wonderful and the seen 10 per cent interest for money; good; inspiring, and inadequate of deserip real estate security. Come in and get i tiou, for one must see it in order to particulars. Benson Investment Co. j fully appreciate its arti.-tic merits. I "Washington Cnder the British In order to house its enlarged j Flag" is a historical reproduction of enlarged stock of men's furnishing ' Washington's life before the revolu goods, the "Wardrobe" has been com- tionary war. It is cleverly portrny pelled to -add to their floor space. cd and imprints vividly the events of This was accomplished by removing history in our minds. It is of great a partition in the rear o. the old educational value, quarters and installing" new shelv-! "Self Taught Hypnotism" and "A jnp. Determined Wooer" are long, lingering laughs and cause one continuous Call up Main 3303 for your next lot of tea or coffee. Wholesale and retail. Southern Oregon Tea and Cof- j fee House, 30 S.' Grape street. I A. C. Rnmiull of the Mountain champion, will play Georse Barber, a view orchard at Talent spent spent . local player of some repute. Mr. Thursday in Medford. I Mills will play ."i0 to Barber's "'. and ! ; agrees to the l.'i-bulls each run or Orders for sweet erenm or butter- no count. . After the game Mr. Mil's milk prompt! f filled. Phone thfc i will show some entirely new shots. erea-iHi'.i lone stunt wherein he uses two cues. . i "alle same Chinese chop stick," be ll. L. Kelly, Jr., of the bureau of ing especially interesting. As Mr. fisheries at Trail spent Thursday in j Mills has played here before and the Medford. exhibition is fjee, a large crowd is . I assured. Four rebuilt typewriters, as good) as new; two Underwoods, visible, $50 ! Specialties between acts of (lie each; two Remingtons, $45 each. Ap -j "Mikado." ily to C. E. Taylor. i - ! If you are in need of a pumping P. H. Holden is again in the valley I system, gasoline engine or automo- looking after railroad interests. Are you a good shot? If so wc have a for you. The Shooting School. ' V. T. Findlay has returned from a visit to Portland Seaside. He reports ' the weather cold and disagreeable along the coast. Why rush home this hot weather, vvhen you can get best lunch in town at the Spot cafe for 25c? Frank Woodard of the Allen-Lewis e.ompnny and G. H. Fitzgibbons of tho W. P. Fuller company are among the popular commercial travelers now in Medford. Still another fresh shipment of fis':i todav at the TJogue River Fish Ci. Dou't f-vvet. dressed chickens evn-y day jn ill.1 v cck. IT. von der TTellen of Wellen spent Thursday in Medford. Remember the "Mikado" tonight. Price fiOc. The sportloving public of Med-fio-d will he (rente1 to an interesting e.vhil ;tion of fancy pool playing nt the Owl hi when O. J. bird hall this evening, Frederick Trapp of Lincoln, III. father of Mrs. Dr. Walter Stoke-, has purclwo-ed llirouu'li the Oregon Oregon Orchards Syndicate the W. If. Brown orchnpJ ice Hig Sticky road three and one-liaif miles south east of Mcdford for Jf'l.OlM. The orchard consists of SO acre, most of which is planted to commer cial varieties of fruit. There are some bearing trees, but most of the orchard is from :t to (i-year-old np pies and pears. The orchard is op posite that of Tronson & Guthrie nud is one of the finest young groves in tho valley. Dr. and Mrs. Stokes will reside iiHn and manage the orchard after this autumn, it being Dr. stokes in tentiou to eive up his practieo thv fall. Exceptional Pictures at The Savoy Tonight at the Savoy will be shown the best program of pictures witness ed in Medford for some time. "An Inspiring Sunset" is the mol beautiful scenic subject ever portray ed. A picture of this kind is indeed a revelation of the heights that can be obtained in clever photography, for we see reproduced, nature's most gor eruption of mirth. Don't miss these pictures. Enetire change of program Friday night. The Savoy is cool and ! comfortable. One dime. bile, you are requested to look up the announcement of L. A. Wash bume & Son. appearing in this issue. Although these gentlemen have been in Medford but a short time, they have already secured contracts for installing the "Kewanee" in various sections of the county. Phone your orders for sweet cream or buttermilk to the Creamery. Indian baskets : I offer for sale my entire collection of Indian baskets, in lots to suit purchaser. The collec tion consists of some very fine spec imens made by the Pitt River, Modoc. Itoopa, Piute, Klamath. Chippewa and Sioux. This kind of work is go! -ling to be harder to acquire eacii year, as the Indian basket makers arc dying off 'very fast. They make fine hall decorations, good present to send to eastern friends, and nr? constantly increasing in value. This sale will continue until Wednesday. August 4 only. Tl" prices will he about 25 per cent less than is or dinarily asked for such baskets. They can be seen at Dr. Goble's optical parlor on Seventh street. Il l George May. superintendent for Colonel T5. C. Washburn nt the Ta ble Ifock orchard, was successfully operated upon Wednesday for np- The Commercial club .. udicd luday that the view of Crater I .a I; ' by Ki-er for the Seattle fair have been framed and liac been .-hipped. There is a series of six views ar ranged in a naiioramu. There is also a panoramic scerics of a local or chard. Dr. .1. 11. Keene and liconr,. Uotcr of the committee arc in Scuttle an. I will attend to hanging the pictures. Giving tha Brida a Tip. 'Here's a little pointer for you." anlil the bride of last year to the bride of tills year. "I'll tell you uiy own expe rience, and you can Jtulgo for yourself what to do. When we returned from our wedding trip and 1 began to rum make through George's belonging 1 fouud six or seven pulrs of gloves and at least nlue pairs of silk hose, thlngi that he had never had on. They had been tucked away in all sorts of plnces. Most of them I at once recog nized as presents I hud given to lilin from time to .time. Besides them. I found a lot of handkerchiefs still un used, handkerchiefs that I had em broidered his Initial on with my own bauds. "Wlint do you suppose 1 did? Fool ishly 1 gathered them all together. ami spread them out on the bed where he would see them when he came home and feel ashamed of himself for never uiing my presents. Just think what n lack of forethought I showed! Con. sider what a saving of pin uioucy l would have been if I bad put the things away and then doled them out to hltn for Christians presents or birth day presents one by one. It would have served him exactly right too." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ara You a Beggar? All the beggars are not holding our a hand to passersby In the street. You probably know the man who Is ever whining for help. If a farmer, he thinks his neighbors should help him get in his grain or do his plowing. If in business, he is always trying to borrow or wanting some one to boost him or drum u(t customers. He never seems to think- of relying on his own efforts. There is a well known fable about the larks In a gralnPcld. As long as the fanner depended on his neighbors and relations to come and cut his grain the larks felt perfectly safe. When the man determined, to cut the grain himself the larks knew it was time to seek safety elsewhere. There are times when every one ne.ids help, hut help should be asked only when one has made every possi ble effort for himself. Too much help given a man weakens his character. Milwaukee Journal. A Quiet Rebuke. An "object admonition" "like the one described by Warren Lee Goss In bis article. "Campaigning to No Purpose." published in Johnson's "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Is often more efficacious than storms of re proach. One day the colonel of the regiment noticed a soldier onparade wearing a badly soiled pair of gloves. 'Ccrporal." said the officer, "why do you set the men such a bud example as appearing before them In dirty gloves? Why is It?" "I've had no pay. sir. since I entered, the service," returned the corporal. "I can't afford to have them done up." .ho colonel drew from bis pocket a pair of gloves, spotlessly while. Hand- iDg thera to the corporal, he said quiet ly: "Put these on. I washed them my self." It wag an unforgotlen lesson to the whole regiment. . Taunting Him. It was housecleanlng time, and Mr. Stubb was removing the dusty pic tures from the walls. The frames slipped, the stepluddnr creaked omi nously, and the perspliullon rolled from Mr. Htubb's brow. In the humor to bltn a nail in half, he turned and discovered Mrs. Stubb laughing. "That's Itr he roared as the ptep ludder swayed. "Laugh and show your gold teeth." And still she laughed. "Do you think there Is anything funny iu my moving these pictures?" he spluttered In fiery tones. "No, indeed, John," said Mrs. Stubb soothingly; "but, you know, you look so funny it looks like a moving picture show." Then Mr. Stubb swallowed a pint of dust and simply filmed. Chicago News. . Improvement is the order of the day along Oakdale avenue, soulh of the end of the paving, and it is evi dent Hint' Ibis section will soon I.e doited with fine villas. Mr. Brown, who purchased the lioddle orchard, is preparing to build a handsome bungalow ami will make il his future home. Mr. Campbell of Minneapolis, who purchased the Bliis place, is aU planning to erect a costly Imngiilovv for his resilience and to fix up the grounds in keeping with the new home. , Howard A. Hill, who was recently married, is to build a fine home i'l Ihe oak grovo opposite the Root res idence. The grounds will he beautified. John Cox is preparing to park five acres including the oak grove o:i ins place, and will meet n sightly bungalow in the center as his fiiturj home. The city water main is being ex tended to Mr. Roofs "Oak Lodge" and the water will be turned on with in a ilav or two. No Accent. Many stories are told of a former Canadlau bishop who had passed his I youth In Scotland, but llntiered him self that not a hint of his origin could be gained from his speech or uinnuer. One day he met a Scotchman, to whom tie said at Inst abruptly, "Moo long hue ye lieen here';" "Aboot sax years." was the reply. "Hoot, inon!" said the bishop sharp ly. "Why liae yo na lost yer accent, like mysel'?" It Didn't Work, "I haven't anything fit to wear." she said. "Neither have I." he replied. "'s stay at home." Taken up thus, there was nothing for her to do but hurry and get ready. Buffalo Express. The Chump. Miss Gctt-Tlinyer Do you know, Mr. Slowboy, you remind me of the Venus do Milo. Mr. Slowboy But I've got arms. Miss G.-T. Have yon, really? Bos ton Transcript. t , , Time and Life. What we call time Is but a single sun ray tbrowu across the Infinite void of eternity, and life Is' hut a floating flicker or mote that vanishes even as It becomes Tlslble thereon. Exchange. Perhaps. "Who was 4t said that art was long?" "I don't remember now. but I think it must have been ,somcbody who was trying to learn to Add le." Chicago Record-Herald. Half a man's wisdom goes with his courage. Kmerson. 3 The See Tomorrow Night's Tribune for Big Sale Saturday - Monday - Tuesday Never in history of all Medford has there been a sale of it kind never again will there ever lie such a volume of bargains of fered at one sale. . See tomorrow's paper one entire page. Read carefully and see what we offer. If will out-class any sale attempted. We will not lie open until !) a. in. Saturday. Extra salespeople will be on hand to serve you. , c Q. E u c o JC o 3 r H The Baker CHICAGO, Julv 2!l. -Tho arc dead and scores prosl ruled as the result of the heal wave sweeping over Ibis city. Hundreds slept on I lie side walks and in Hie parks last uiglil. No prospect of relief is in bight. It expected to he butter this afternoon, Geographical Knowledge In 1492. Hut very little was known In regard to the extent of the world In ArU- totlc's day. In the fourth century be fore Christ, and Inn very little more was known about It I.SUO years later, In the time of Columbus. In 2.000 years the world hud in reality retro graded rather than udviiuccd, It was tho popular belief In thu time of Co lumbus that the world v.hh tint, though many contemporary scholars thought differently. The grent civilisations of tho world lit that (line were grouped around the Mediterranean sea. al though England was n considerable power and the Scandinavian wore a great maritltuc people, llut Kuropcnn at that time knew but little of Asia and but little of Africa, mid America, of course, was undreamed of. Kvcn after Columbus had discovered the lat ter continent he was perfectly oblivi ous of the fact. It thought Haiti was Clpaiiso or Japan and for a long time regarded Cuba ns a part of the main land of Asia. A Famous All Potato Banquet. One of the most remarkable ineiMis ever drawn up must huvo been that of the feast In I'nrls to which llenjninlii Franklin. Lavoisier, thu founder of modern chemistry, and other dlstln gulslicd men sat down as guests of I'urinentlcr. Kvery dish at this ban quet wits iiinilo of potatoes, and even The brandy and liqueurs were the prod uct of the saiuo vegetable. This was I'nrmeutler'H final proof to his skep tical fellow countrymen that potatoes were nut poison, ns they persisted In believing. Louis XVI. himself wut one of i'armentlcr's curl lest converts, grnntcd him Inud on which to grow his plants and did not dlsdiiln to wear thu potato flower as n buttonhole. Then I'armeiitler cleverly posted guards round his Mtalo fields by day and withdrew thuiu by night, so that peo ple were templed to come then, steal, cut a nil be coiiv'IiicihI. The all potato banquet was the climax of tint grent campaign. -Chicago News. Hones In Pantaloons. "Kqillne suiilioniicts are very well." said n veterinary, "but what would you say to equine trousers? You'll see them In (imtynquil. There t lie mos quitoes mid grceulicud flics nro so thick that horses and donkeys, unless their legs are cased In cloth, become iinuinnugenble with the pain. Guaya quil Is In Ecuador. It Is directly un der the equator. The heat thero is Insufferable. t'p and down Its nar row and foul smelling streets In bluish clouds of buzzing insects wulk horses nnd donkeys In sunbonnets ami panta loons." New Orleans Times-Democrat. Hutchason Company Hutchason Co. Successors to Hutchason Company WASIIIMITUN, duly L'H. I',,.., ilenl Til II loi'liiv ill a ni'illcn column niealioti lo Ihe conference conaiit' lee in-.i-.lnl thai Hie liuiibi r I. ni" llotilil not exceed I -'" per lllmi-.n l fee! and llial llie venule late ,. . gloves and liosierv be retained. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Mrs. I''. Merrick of Medford au-i Mrs, Horace Nicholson are llie chap. eroiiH for llie voung liulie at Catiii Nick, Mr. Ilouncy nuil wife of Medford drove into lowu on Sunday, spendim; Ihe night and part of next day with us. Italic Falls presented quite an an- hunted city appearance on Sunday, visitors from Kutrop, Camp Nick, Itniwiisboro, Dudley, Kaiichurin nud other Hiiiils being on our avenues, . I i, . . . . .... . . ' . , iri . aim nil inieiii upon cujoyiiieni. i iej stores and refreshment parlors vimn well patronized mid many pleasant acipminlaiieim were made between tint city and villugo folk. The sole in quiry under nearly all circiimslanccs is Is the railroad building mid corn ing to Itiille Fulls? We, having jii"l retur I from the valley mid know ing n few things, riiroiirncrd the ieo pie liv telling them llie official of the raili'oail were piir-liiug liiutlcm and that in the near future we would bn blc-scd with the sight nud sound .if the iron hoise. . We lire pained to chronicle thu' I" 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 -1 I'oolc, who 'has been out ii the vjilley under the care of phv-t cuius., uoe not improve riipuuy alio thai his wifi' mid children have goii't to him. We trust there may be a fa vorable change for the heller, us Mr. nnle, alter years of hardship, bus just accumulated a competence and an take life in ease mid comfort the rest of his years, and it would ho sad that ho be (railed nwnv. John Allen of Derby has gone to his niotiiitain ranch with it large force of men mid animals to hay. Mr. Allen as just completed one of Ihe finest burns on lii- ranch near Derby, but says dial crops are not an nvcragi) Ibis year. Quile refreshing showers i-ilcl Itiille Falls and viijiuity on Mondav, whiidi may interfere with haying in Ibis seclion. us crops and harvest come later here than in Hie vntlcy. NOTICK. Wilier bilU for June and prioe thereto, not paid by the '2 of August, will in ssitati- the shutting off of walcr without further notice. IMS.. M. COLLINS. Citv Hecordcr. 11.-) ' By J?. W. T H 3 n 3 c n 3 CO O o 3 a 3 Mills. the Pacific const pcndicitis by Drs. Conroy and Seely. V