i. THE MEDFOltD DAILY TRIDlB, AIKPFORI), PRMNtj;KnA NOP CROP OVER STATE PERHAPS 50,000 BALES GERVA1S, Or., July 8. There is a noticeable improvement in tlio hop rnp throughout this so-lion. not that there will be more than was estimat ed, but the crop that whs out is doiug better 1 1 in it was anticipated. The in crease in price has had the effect ti spur the planters to better rare of their yards, and where there Jivas any npepnranee of the vine it has been assisted, not for this year's results, but for the future. It is acknowledg ed that the missing hills are gone an I that new plants must be set if t!u yards are to be continued. There are indications of lod age as well as pes, many holding that all this loss is at tributable to cutworms. Others, how ever, hold the belief that it was the severe winter of last' year. All these conditions no doubt, contributed to the' cause of the missing hop hill There ii lib' reason to" count on trior than two bales rr ilcr? BS, state cveragej or ohe-'rialf a norma) crop, say 45,000 to $fl,QO0 bale .The qual ity remains to be ?eon, but indica tions are it will Im better than usua'. because of the lightness of the crop and chances for all the sunshine pos sible : ' i1 v.' : PITTSBURG OFFERS $4500 FOR PfTCHEfl RUBE GREGG SPOKANE, Wasli., July "There is no doubt that a deal will be ar ranged soon to sell Pitcher RinV Gregg to a big league team, for de livery al the tlose of our season." stated Manager Bob Brown Of the Spokane baseball team to the Chron ic I e today. "Pittsburg fhaa offered WOO cash for him;i bnf we want either "Hiiiiky" Shaw or Pitcher Adams thrown in.Two other clubs bae made the same cash "rtfferTh other bidders are stated to be Cleve land and Chicago. '' ' '''. : , CLOSING OUT SALE Now is youv time 'for bargains. We are closing wit f '.( "i . ) . regardless of cost all odds and ends and overstocked lines at just about one-half the regular price. If you want bargains, wat-;h our windows. ' .' SATURDAY'S SPECIAL 15c Table Regular 20c, 25c and 35 values here tomorrow in fancy plates, fancy sugar and creamer, Tape olive dishes, fancy cups and saucers. Choice of Mens Ladies and Boys and 25c Hosiery tomorrow, and it is the best valae in town Saturday Price, 5 pair for $1.00 10 dozen ladies' 2-elasp silk Gloves, -'black or white, 50 pair. nr!LIil(ii(!S' ro'ular $1-r)0 to $2-5( Rags and Purses, $1.00 each. 50 dozen ladies full bleached Jei-sev ribbed vests 10 and 15 each. " JO dozen ladies' union Suits, summer weight. 40 and 65 each. We carry the largest line of plain aiul fancv Glas warein the ( ity ; also of plain and fane- Table fumble and our pri-es arr right as well as llic'stvle mid yualitv ti U S 3 E Y 9 S THE BUSY STORE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to Eliza L. Pal mer, 160 acres in section 11, township 34, rauge 3 E ..patent United fitates to Frederick V. Mcdynski, 1U0 acres in sec tion "J8, township 34, range n E patent Robert Joune to Mrs. J. .1. Hcr- township :6, range 4 V... l.Vl-1 V. E. Jlavison to Forrest "Mil ler et al., 30.20 acres in 1 I. C 45, torlhip. 37, range 2 V : 8000 C. Cunningham to Ed A. Ba tes, property in Woolen ad dition to Ashland 800 A. M. Lr-;2 t Ed A. Estos, property in Woolen addi tion to Asmand 7 2000 J. C. Brnwu ct til. to Charles II. Litt e. tO 83 acres in Or chard Home' Fruit tract ... 10 J. D. Heard to Jessie L. Foster, 73 acros iii U L C 42, town ship 37, range I W ..... . 600 W. B. Pennington to Pacific Granite" company, land in section' 33; " township' 3d, range t B1'.' .... 1 . . V.'. Adoniram J. Stewart to J. &L Schmidt land in D L C 74, townshiji 3i range 2 W. . . 5000 State of Oregon to P. D. Black den, 640 acre's in section 34,' township 40, range 1 E . . . 8303 A. Moore' to F.'E. STartin, 80 acre? in township 38, range 1 WT 1000fl' WOMAN STONED TO DEATH AND ROBBED OF MONEY WILKESOX, .Wnshv July S, Ei) ticed from home at midnight by an unknown' man who urged her to nc couinaiiy. him to Black Diamond, where he 'said her brother. Gus, had been killed, Mrs. George Bronso, wife of the Black Diamond coal mine,.', was stoned to death within half mile of her home this morning. Rob bery wart the motive bs $600, Bron so's savings, are missing. USONA WAR E Regular $1.00, $1.25. $1.50 and $2.00 values in fancy vases, jugs, rose jars etc. This is the line we have been selling at $1.00 to $2.00 each. We close them out tomorrow at vour ch'ce 50c Each Better hurry if you want them. A Disappointment. "Ye." nay a the lady aftor an v I quiiliitance of too or fifteen year he ron Una neon renewed, "l reinenilKT you perfectly." "Indeed?" niiirnuira the grutilirit man. "I am ghnl to know that." "Yes; at one time I thought of mar rylin you." "Oh," lie replica dejectedly. "I thought for I lie moment thai there might have lni-n something that made me lUTcrcut from all the other men you ever Uncw."- I.lfe. A Strangor to Hit Way. A distinguished bishop (,f tin, Kjils copal cliutvli. arriving lale at a munll town one night, found the hotel closed, nnd. h.niiinering at the door for ad in I hIoii, n nelglilmr ntuck his head out of uu adjiiluiiig window with. "Say. stranger, knock like the devil!" to which tlie bishop replied, "I don't know howj Hit Hem. Tommy Paw. what U three card moutef Mr. Tucker V a the meet dl.t bollcnt. Infernal awtadle that ever any body erer-eb. it s Rome tort of raniblla game with carda, I belle. Tommy. Chicago Tribune! ; Mot Toe' Oft on. ; "They tell me NW (SBgUnd ll full of pit) maids." anld the Pultudetphia girl. "Now, I tuppoie yoa Boston girta don't often marry V " "No; only once, ail' a rule." rupltctl the Boeto girl. Philadelphia Record, r - I'-'.Vf; . Orders for sweet areata or butter milk aroinntlV fillod'." Phone th reamery. CITY NOTICES. '' -f -f -f .t ... RESOLUTION. Ce il resolved !y the city ouunoUl of the city of Medford. Gregon: Wiercas, there h:t i ien file.' with the city council of the city of Med ford u petition Kilned hy more lan one-fifth . nf the (,tiii!iritd eli:tor.-! of said city, as .shown hy the vote cast at the lust municipal election held in said city, petitioning that the boundaries of said city of Medford be altered and new territory included (heroin ns hereinafter set forth, il is therefore resolved: That the i'ol- j lowing question be submitted to the electors of said city, and nisi, to the, electors residing in the territory j hereinafter set forth : ' j Shall the boundurir of the city of J Medford be altered by including therein- Jlie following described terri tory, to-wit: Commencing al a point on the present boundary line of the oity of Medford, in section nineteen (19), lownship thirty-seven (37), range one (1) west of Willumette meridian, in Jackson county, Oregon, due west from the northwest corner of Sun rise Home Park addition, in said section, as laid in the plat thereof, on file in the office of tho recorder of conveyances in said county; thence cast one thousand four hun dred and fifty (1450) feet, more or less, to said northwest corner of said Sunrise Home Park addition; thence east on the north line of said addi tion eight hundred and fifty-three (853) feet to the east line of donation claim No. forty-two (42); thence south on the east line of said dona tion claim No. 42 five hundred forty-seven and sixtcen-hundredths (547.16) feet to the north line of Queen Anne addition to the city of Medford; tho name being the section line between flections nineteen (19) thirty (30) of laid township and range; thence cast on said section line two thousand two hundred and fifty-three (2253) feot to the north vTrtn ruTTL rr--1 tr.f r east corner of said Queen Anne ad dition to tho oity of Medford thonoe south oil tho oast line of said Queen Anna addition and said lino exteuded ton hundred and forty foot to a point one hundred and thirty-two foot north of the northeast corner of do nation claim No. t l in suction Iweniy iiine of siiid township and run CO', thence east 1M I.4 feel, thonco south lGGO.S feet; thonco west 151-1.4 feot; thence northerly ton foot more or lo to a point on tho cast line of said donation land No, 44 1537.8 fool south of tho northeast comer of said donation land oluita No. 44; thence south seventy-two degreea and thirty minutea west five hundred fifty and eight-tenth (5G0.8) feet to the southeast coraer of Imperial addi tion to the otty of Medford; thence along the boundary line of said Im perial addition , south ' sweaty-two degreea sixteen minatos west thir teen hundred eighty-two (Kid seren tenths feet; thence north Adrty-fonr degrees west one hundred thirty eight ana' eK-tentfce feet; tfceaoe' north thirty-nine degreea west: one Ihnndred sevenrjr-tht end fiTS-tenthn (175.5 feet; thonoe north frt-eijt degrees fitty-seTeti nrinates went three hundred thirty-eijrht (838) feel s thence north nine degree) four (innate west eurht hnnitmt till. !wa knA ifv.lntttha (t9 ft Vut t. i bo north went corner of uid Imoe- i-ial eddltjotf' wt ,U the ; present boundary laie o the oily Ihnittf of "Hid liy; thence, in' a. northeasterly direction' following the present boun dary liue of tlie city of, Melford to Hm goutheaiit corner ' of Lindicy ad- dition ; thenee following said present boundary linos of said city1 fit ft' gl ernl northerly slid westerly dtree Uoi to the place of coWnchVeraettt' Uesolveil further, that anid qhea- tion be stibniilted to said electors of the city of Medford and' to said eln tts of said above doaorihed terri tory at a special, election 'to be called for that purpose, said election to be held on the 23d day ef July, 1909. . Resolved further, that a special ejection in nnd for the oity ef , Medr ford I. find in and for the 'territory hcreiubcfnro doorilied, to be held on the 23d day of July, 1909, between j the hours of A. i. mi and 5 o'olock rn..-H's hereby called for the por- ve ot stihmittins' at 'said elect ton I o4 qucti(iii iibore pel fori. t ; Tlii following art' liciithy jdo'iiig- tiiitd as. the "blrtecs iu said uitv uc. which the polls will be opeu within ' KMtdeity:- ! Fiust mm:. 'Com iii of iu I club' rooms. - ' ' ' . Second ward - Holej .Nash sample room. , . u.i . i ..' . '-Third ward City hall'. '' ! The following is hereby riesignitied as the place in the territory hovain-! Iinfore-dencribed at.. which the poll -.vill bo open : j Residence of R.'Ei Kellny. ' :.-Tbe 'foljiiwiug arejinrehy appointed ! and designated as judges nnd clerks, of said election : ' Virst wnrd in said city A. .C. , Uubbard, judge: C. W; Davis, judge mid clerk; J. K.Aston, juil?p nnd! clerk. Second wnrd in snid city J. IT. Atwell, juden: Win. Ulrich, judge and clerk; II. H. Hiirvey, judge. ond clerk. Third wntd in snid city M.. F. MeC'own, .jinltie; S. V. Davis, .jmlgo and elerk: II. A. Thiemlf, jud','e nnd lerk. ; III Iho territory hereinbefore de-! .'nbed Oeorge Miller, judge; K. F,. relley, judge and clerk; Clarence Pierce, judge and clerk. ' The electors of said city of Med ford and the electors of tho territory hereinbefore described are hereby in vited to rote upon snid proposition by placing upon their ballots "For Annexation," or "Against Annexa tion," or words equivalent thereto. Resolved further, that notice of all matters herein set forth be given by ublishing this resolution for fonr weeks prior to said election in The Medford Daily Tribune, a newspaper of geneva I circulation in said oily of Medford, nn? in the territory above described, nnd also by posting four copies of this resolution in four nub-. Ilic places in said city and in fonr pub lic places in the territory above described for four weeks prior to ! said election. ' The foiegoing resolution was pass ed on the 23d day of June, 1909, by the city council of the city of Med ford by Iho following vote: Mer rick, nye; Welch, aye; Emeriek, aye; Wortman, aye; Eifert, aye; Deb ater, aye. . i i Approved June 22d, 1909. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: BEN.T. M. COLLINS, Recorder, SALEM BEER SALEM Is the mist popular beer In Nerthern California and South ern Orenon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are ted, but some boers are liked better than others. Tho proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Dopot: Medford let & Storage Co. Get To the quality and prifw of our Shoes for all the family. Alao Hosiery, Men's Furnishings, Suite, etc. Lion, Brand Vnvfa, all ntnw, $1.75 to $.59, Best Panto made for the moner. 1 WARDROBE j THE SAVOY j A MEXICAN'S GRATITUDE Thrilling western romance. PROTECTOR OF ANIMALS Comic! A GAMBLER'S HONOR Com mly drama. A SOLDIER'S HEAT IiHughngnipb. Cooletftt coziest' p&ee la itoir-. ' , r, ' ' 'i "' ' .' ONE DIME . ., ': TCMICI .fitl DSATUJICAY ' . -i r ' ' ' i ... . ,1 ;. AJPPLES AND PEARS A.P ALT; KfNDS dF i, . fRUIT, AN0 ORNAMENTAL TREES. 1 ' i YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tho' Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first " "-'V " ' -class nnneries. ( L. E. HOOVERj Agent MEDFORD, We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship J. E. ENYART. President " J. A. PERRY, Viee'-PreeMent ' JOHN S. ORTH. Canhisr. W. . JACKSON, Wt Cashier. THE BEDFORD NATIONAL BANIi CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. Next OREGON GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SCAS0N. Vim can hid daliunce to the heat hy having nn olectric fun put in po sition. It (Joenn't ooat very much, either. If yeu havou't one, we can l'ix you up i na nhort time, at the leant expanse. We're general alee IrinianH, and do all cliiHRen of work in our lino in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at loweHt ohnrgiis. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO.