Orenon Historical Wcirty City Hall edford Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEUFUl.'D. ORKdON. FRIDAY, JULY U. VMi. 95 M HOUSE I NSULTED BY SENATE ACTS ON TARIFF BILL Aldrich's. Action In Appointing Con ferees Before Amended Bill Reaches Lower Body Contrary to Precedent. TEN REPUBLICANS VOTE AGAINST BH.L IN SENATE Measure Passes House Lat at Night " Only One Democrat Votes . far High Protection WASHINGTON. July O.J-ConnWI-erablo unfavorable comment .wa heard todiy among members of th' bouse over the action of , the Minute, which, at the instigation of Aldrich, in appointing conferees or the tar iff before the measure had been re tnrned to the house. . The ordinary procedure is to (tend the amended bill to the boose to await it action before appointing conferee. Done to Save Time. Aldrich claimed that hi, courso bad been adopted to hvo tim, bui Homo of the house members feel that they were insulted. The Semite eonfereeK were appoint ed Inst night after the pnssugn of the tariff bill by" the senate. The first conference wit! probably bo held tomorrow. The member are: Senators Ald- rich, Burrow, Penrose, Wale, Cul loro, republicans ; Daniels, Money nnd Tlntler. democrats. - "' - The republican house conferees are Pnyne, Dolwdl, MeColl, Bontelle, and Cnlderbend.( Bill Passed Senate. The bill passed the senate by n voce of 46 to 34. The republicans vot ing in the negative were Reveridge, Bristow. Brown of Nebraska, Bur kett, Clnpp. Crnwford, Cummins, Dol liver. Ln Follette. Nelson, MoEneiY of Louisuna was tho only democrat voiing in the nffmniitivo. At 12:03 o'clock this nftenmon tho secretary of the senate presented the tariff bill to tne Iioiiho ami re quested thnt a conferenee recess b taken. NEW BUGGY AND SHED IS BLOWN TO PIECES About 10 ciVliii'k Tiiesditvnijrhl N. J(c('nne nnd family on Aslilnn l street heard a loud report at their home, hut thinkinjr il was some per son passing that exploded a giant firecracker, slept on until this morn ing, when they discovered tho new $12" dollar rubber tired. buggy blown all to pieces, with (he buggy shed roof blown off nnd tho sides wrecked, says the Vallcv Hoenrd, The barn wn duly slightly damaged. Tho animals nero on tho other side of the bain and uninjured. The job was perform ed with dyuaniili;.-There is no dm. Mr. MeCmin knows of no one wil'i tiny possible grievance or mntivo that would pull off such an 'affair through niplieo. ,t. Further examination indicates, the explosion was made by either nitro glycerine or dynninito. Tracks of one man's shoes were discovered going to nnd from tho placn to tho boulevard. A falsi! alarm of fire was sent in fr'un Wiiiier and Main street firebox at midnight last night, There is. a belief, abroad (hat (he dynamiter and Ihn author of the fire .alarm were the same person, Ihn theory being that il is some half-witted person seekin r excitement There is no, evidence. however, of this. I ROGUE RIVER VALLEY STRAWBERRIES AND ROSES I r : - M "", ':.'' ' )r ' , - ' . ' yy v-v'-v: .'W - -jc..VJ ' - : -''.iW' V.-.':-;; . . ; ''":- & ' : ' K T.": I 'AiiiHBllSiffS i mi -auy-ij - ' ' - ' ALFALFA SELLIKG Entire Crop of Some Farms Contract ed for at Thfs FljuTei-Prospects Are for Record , Returns. Alfalfa promises to reach u recod price this hciikoii, on uccount of tho ran air mr tai mm j nt iur shortage in the huy crop throughout llourish better than in the Rogue Oregon nnd California. Local firms River volley. Not even Portland, the n iv now paying as high' as $14.."0 n i "rose city," can produce fiuer 1'low (on for alfalfa hay delivered. urs. Contractors from other places are Hoses in Med ford' and vicinity ae here and have closed contracts with in full bloom nt least two months be several growers for their entire crops Core the first buds open their fr:,- of alfalfa hay nt $13 a ton f. o. b grant M-tnls in tli state's nietropo cars nt the various sidings. This in- lis, nnd throughout the entire sum eludes not only tho first two crops, mer and until Into in the winter, they which are the best, but the two fol- continue to bloom. A little enre, o lowing crops, which are generally i latter water, and soil and sunshine considered poorer hoy than the enr-jdoes the rest. Nowhere is a little as lier product. ' . I sLstnnce so abundantly rewarded-- The present outlook is that nil the nowhere urn roses more prolific, hay of the valley will be contractedi In two or three years climber fur before cut, ami that a local shor;- 1 reach the top of the porch and adorn age will ensue, which. will send thf with their blooms the second story price skyward. , j windows. Considerable acreage will be cit In color, perfume and size tlu for seed Ihis season, and as (his is roses of the Itogue Kiver valley the only region in Oregon that pro duces good alfalfa seed, the returns run from $ti0 to $fl0 an noro. I SALEM CHERRY FAIR OPENS JVITH PARADE SAI.K.M, Or.. July fl. Weather conditions could not liave been move favorable if made to order than marked ihe opening day of the fourth annual cherry fair, which began on Wednesday wil.li a grand parade through the principal linsiiies street and will continue ihro.iigliout the week. All trains coining into the city this morning, both sleuni and electric born hundreds of visitors from out side points, and it is estimated thnt no less than 1S.0O0 people lined the streets lo witness the partide. , A camping party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Redden, Mrs. J. W. Hodden, Mrs. E. W. -Ciirdor and fam ily and Mrs. Miuniu.Wolf left Fri day on a camping trip in the Dead in dian country. " ROSE CULTURE IN - ROGUE RIVER VALLEY In Color; Size, Perfume and ProUf u Ic 'ness' Southern Oregon ' Beats the Wrld. . In no part of Oregon, n stale fa mous for its bountiful rosos, do roses score the top of the list. returned from a I). vi-it C. Male has to Kentucky. STANDING OF- CONTESTANTS IN THE CONTEST 4- l!eincinber,.you can take the all subscriptions carry votes. Miss Martha Price Miss Hazel Tic'e. ...... Miss Kva Patterson Miss Donna Pell Miss l.ncile Humphrey.'. Miss Klmirn Sharp.... Miss Anna Spicer Miss Cordelia Renter. . . Miss Whine Jones Miss Margaret South.. Mis.- Iliizel Messenger. CONTEST CLOSES CI6 GRANITE QUARRY Fine Duality and Limitless Quantity c44uilding and Uoitumental ve Stone for All Markets. Stilistantial pi-ogress is beiug mnd Much complaint exlts throughout in opening up the - gniuite quarry atjtjie valley on account of poor mail Gold R.-y undcf lha direction of Co'.-' ,.nil.e rt.s.ui,unt ,jie. ,.ilmie ,.f onel frank Kay. A coal bench som 100 feet above lh; railroad has been excavated and a workinsr force on the granite secured 'tloirts. lifts, etc.. arc installed, an.l ; handcar tract' laid to the Southern Pacific si,l- i ing. A bench has been excavated for bunkers adjoining the track and their erection will soon be under way. A rock crushding plant is n-vaitinj; erection. A very fine quality and limitless (i;:nlity of building and mnuument'il granite can be secMi'e l and a mar ket exists .it both San Francisco and Portland for a'l thai ran be supplied. Tn addition crushed rock for paving ami road building will be supplied. See ''Oolnh" at then pcr.i houe tomorrow night. It will be a laic treat, for the costumes and scenery alone will be well worth your while. f f f . trip any time you choose, and that ' Illahe ; . . .:w.:ms . .-.:i2.iso . . .Ki.711 . . . 5.2Mi ... 3.fiP.!l . . . 4.270 . .. I,3fl0 ... 1,407 . . . 5.882 . . . 720 ... 600 .Medford .Medford . liroHiisboro . .Central Point . Ashland . 'acksonville . . .Jacksonville . .(old 1111 .... .Omuls Pass . .Ccn iral Point Jl'I.Y 17, 1009. f Change In T;:;.c of Kerthtwund and i JackMrrriHc-'Maits Causes : ' Great trrconveniertce. i schedules. Train No. 1G, which cur ' ried the northbound mail, no lonsr"r lakes it, but it goes on train No. 14. lu oousefpience. letters mailed i'l Medford, Ashland and other points are not distributed in Portland until the following afternoon, and it is no longer possible to get mail to the peo ple in the valley on the day letters are written. Central Point has the poorest mail serviee in its history virtually only one mail a day. The complaint i loud and universal. There seems :u excuse for switching the mail car ! JCo. 14. which is a fast train, ami as each car added reduces the speed, il prevents another sleeper being car ried to increase accommodation for the traveling public. "'Jacksonville is also bewailing its poor mail service. The I'ariiuin road has switched tho mail f''om the I'', o'clock train to ihc 11:110 and in con sequence most of (ho Medford ma I is received the day after it is written, including the newspapers. OREGON DAY OBSERVED AT. ALASKA-YUKON FAIR SKATTI.i:. Wash.. July O.-rThis is Oregon day at t lie fair, and Oregon biiildiicr is hustling . with activitv. Women who made it possible to en tertain thousands who passed throi'mb Ihe building, predominate. An ad dress was delivered by Archbishop Alexander '"inistie of the Catholic diocese ot Oregon ntid Governor Ben son. If' n t v. five Oregon counties were represented among the hostesses, nearly every owman a member of women's clnbs. ' . . PORTLAND ELKS WELCOMED BY MEDEORD HERD Rousing Deception Accorded Delega tion From Metropolis on Their , Way to National Conven tion at Los Angeles. ' PALATIAL TRAIN ALL MANNED BY BROTHERS Eastern Oregon Special '-Follows a Few Hours Later With Baker; City Crowd. - Portland Elks, lodge, No. 142, 132 strong, passed through Medford Fri day afternoon en route to the na tional conversion at Los Angeles. A ten-minute, stop was . made at Med ford, and local members of the order assembled in number to greet this an tided herd. It was after 2 o'clock. when the Jrain pulled into Medford. ' Among those who joined the excursion here were T. E. Daniels and wife, Roy Sexton, Court Hall nnd Marion Tay lor of Jacksonville. : "' ' - The noon extra of the "Daily" Goat," Monroe ' Goldstein, "editor, owner, circulation manager, reports?,, type-sticker,1 newsboy and office, cat," contains, the following sensa (ionalnews: , v ... , ' 'i Four f Noo orious Gamblers Are Arrest ed in Raid. Chief of Detectives - Cordono i Des- cenas on i;or iso. i. s. Convictions Are Quickly Secure! 4 Through fteney Methods. f One of the most sensational -raids in years was made this- morning, whfi-.i Detective Cordano and a posse of heavily aimed .deputies-broke int vv drawing room A of Cnr2, and ar rested J. J. Jennings, A. K. Jenkin5, "Shorty" Harris and ','Tip" Rowlai.'d on charges of gambling and visiting a gambling house." The prisoners wcv- taken before Judge McKay and speedily convicted. Attorney Moser appearing for the prosecution. F'," turning state's evidence. Jcnniii'js was given an . immunity bath and threats are being made against him. The defendants were sentenced lo Klkesses with liquid refreshments. Calls for Sadie in Hi-, Slumbers, lirothcr Par-on- of Indianapolis V. I.'i. Accused of Alto'iitiog to Steal Handsome Wife of a Prollcr KH- l'n in No. :ur. A most trrave ,iffen-e v.-i.; romicit led during -the night in Car 4. S grave in fact, that I'.i 'l'i-:- Par-o- s of ! mliii mi i mlis was i-ited to apnea l.el'ore a trial board to answer c'mrge of exprc ing a i'e-ire in li -lumbers to acquire a broth-r's wil'i The ncdi-cd was heard to rcpeatediv call for Sadie and also threatened to toss his wife out of the window. Sen sational developments are expected. Here Is the Makeup of the N'e.v Train Crew. , Engineer. T. E. Luster: firem.vi, (Ins McCiiHoiigh: conductor, C. ('. Grimes; lirakenieu, H. E. Allison and Cr. M. Wcilnnd. The special train is a palalial oiH carrying all modern conveniences. daily newspAper is printed aboard, and a mock police court furnished news for the sheet. The engineer and crew are all Elks. While at Los Angeles Portland's headquarters will he in suites 321. 323 and 32.) in the Angolus hnlel, while the delegation will have its quarters at the Heiiute-' man and Tlintonhotels. . (Continued on page 8.)