Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 07, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Stop to TMnk
how yaur money is working for you if you buy a Crestbrook Orchard Tract.
A conservative estimate of the increment in value of planted land U $50 per acre
The terms on Crestbrook are one-fifth -$45 per acre annually in quarterly pay
ments of $1 1.25 each
At any tima your profit is about 100 per cent on the money .invested to date.
You pay $225 for the land per acre and $65 for planting and cultivation for 5 years
...$290 For a Five-year-old Orchard
Phone your orders for sweet cream
or buttermilk to the ereamery. V
L. L. Mulit of Ashland and Dr. K.
T. Burnett of Jacksonville ; spent
Sunday and Monday fishing at Elk
Notice I wish to offer investors
for Medford business or residence
property money making values in any
property I own, for quick sales. T.
H. Moore. Apply Hotel Moore.
George Carter of the Medford Cold
Storage company was in the county
seat a few hours Tuesday.
Fred and Louis Kipple of Salt
Lake City arrived in Jacksonville
one day this week on a visit to their
The Boston Ideals will play "Oo
lah" at the opera house on Satur
day night.
Attorney P. J. Neff was at the
county seat on business Tuesday. "Oolah" Saturday night
only. Get your seals reserved early.
Deputy Sheriff Davidson of Sac
Tamento was in Jacksonville on Tues
day, having a warrant for the arrest
of John Odem of that place, who was
apprehended at Talent.
John Orth and family of Medford
uiJ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reames are
spending a few days fishing on Ap
plegate. "j arJtB." 1 3 ; ,
A picnic party composed of the
following Jacksonville people spent
Sunday at Applegatc: Mr. and Mrs.
B. B". Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Luy and children. Mrs. Ella Cook,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prim, Miss
Flossie La Vere, Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. Taylor.
Mrs. Ella Conk of Jacksonville is
spending the week at Medford, the
guest of Mrs. Blaine Klum.
O. G. Steel of Yrckn is spending
fl few days in Medford.
G. E. Hamilton of Rosebuvg is in
Medford on business.
Social and dance at the Bungalow
Saturday night, the finest dnnce floor
in tho state. .
Some jewelers sell the people who
buy of them and forever lose their
trade. ' We Rell honest jewelry at
honest prices and have hundreds of
satisfied customers, who are our
best advertisements. Medford Loan
Office, eornor Main and C streets. 87
EmI Maki, Ntxt Rex Onevy Ot
E. H. Cranston of Baker City is
registered at the Hotel Moore.
. All good people of Medford are
cordially invited to attend the social
dance at -the Bungalow Saturday
night - '
H. M. Shaver of Ashland was trans
acting business in Medford Wednes
day. ,
Private dancing lessons at the Bun
galow afternoon and evenings by ap
pointment. Telephone 584..
A- M. Aztell of Grants Pass was
a recent Medford visitor.
Don't forget the dance at the Bun
galow Saturday night.
. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stennett of
Ashland are visiting in Medford.
J. C. Miller of Portland is in Med
ford on a short business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Perry have
returned from an extended visit north
P. T. O'Brien visited in Ashland
on Wednesdaj.
Mrs. James Riley of Ashland has
returned home after a visit of some
weeks in Medford with friends.
Miss Mabel Mickey has returned
from Salem, where she has been
teaching to spend the summer with
her parents in this city.
Miss Annie Harvey, Millicent Pot-:
ter. Mar-rnrst Ewbank and May!
1'hipps have left for a visit in Seat
tle They will attend the interna
tional lpworth League convention
before rett'rning home.
Walter Pollurd of Tnyo, Cal., with
bis wife and child, has arrived in'
MetlJ'ji'd where he will locate if he
can find a suitable opening.
John C. King of San Diego is vis
iting in the valley with friends.
'the city public library will he clos
ed Aiisrus! 1 to August 11 fur the
summer. There will he no books is
sued nfter July 14.
It. C Williamson of Butte Falls
district wis in Medford on business
John Moloney of Trail Creek spent
Tuedny in McdfoTd.
Willinm Duncan, who resides on the
west side, of (he' valley, near Jack
sonville, was a recent Medford vis
itor. . ; '
gressman Ralph Cole of Ohio is tell
ing on Vice-President Sherman, who
is a baseball enthusiast.
He wetnt to the game between Bos
ton and Washington. The hard hit
tins Gessler of the Red Sox swatted
a hard one to Outfielder Milan of , the
I Washingtons.
(Continued from Pace 1.) "
the present season, and said commu
nity be deprived until some time next
year of a pure water supply.
. "That the preseut water supply of
said city, while bad at all seasons of
the year, is far worse during the win
ter season than during any other time
of the year.
"That said defendant Hanley will
in no wise be injured in his rights by
a speedy determination of said ac
tion; is objecting to siiid
city passing over his land because he
believes that said city, by reason of
its great and rugent necessity, may
be induced to pay him a large und
exorbitant sum of money
when in tiuh and in fact the value
of this easement does not in the ag
gregate exceed $2000."
The petition was based upon the
affidavits of W. H. Canon, mayor
of Medford; W. J. Roberts, consult
ing engineer; I. L. Hamilton for the
contractors; Dr. F. G. Thayer, city
health officer, and Dr. H. P. Hnr
grcive,, city physician.
Tim fire dcpnilinenl made n rec
'ord run-on the evening of July .5 in
exhibition. They were at ' rest in
the department when they got tho
gong. They hitched up, ran three
blocks, laid in 3(10 feet of Inwe and
had water in 54 seconds. The course
down Front street was lined with
thousands of people who witnessed
the exhibition. Skinny mid Rastus
took the pole like' veterans, without
even a misstep and got out in splen
did shape.
I It Can Be Done. Bo Scores of Medford
j Cltizeni Spy
To cure an aching back.
I The pains of rhcumutium,
Tho tired-out feelings,
' You must reach tho tnit get at the
1 cause. - ' '
Tn most cases' !tis the kidneys,
i Bonn's Kidney Pills ore for the kid-
O. li. Boone, corner Ninth and C
streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was
trouble with rheumatism when I first
; began using Ponn N Kidney Pills. I
;did nut think they would do me any
! good', but finaiiy procured a bin at
Hacking' drug Btore. They proved to be
the remedy I required My kidneys
' were restored to tholr normal condition,
l unit the pnins and acnes in my back
were removed. Doau's Kidney Pills
' lived up to their representations in my
! For sale by all dealers. Prico 50 cents.
FoBter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
j ugents for the United Btctes,
Romember the namo Uoan's and
take no otkn. 4g
The Reasons Why
You Should Buy Our
BECAUSE we absolutely guarantee all stock sold.
BECAUSE we are not in the trust
BECAUSE we make a specialty of budded stock.
BECAUSE our method of packing and shipping gets the
stocK to you in good condition.
BECAUSK our stocK is not irrigated. .
Here, are some of the reasons. ThinK them over.
Quaker Nurseries
. M' ''
' ' Residence, 26 Newton Street '
Phone Hotel Nash, 2499 Main .
General Office in Hotel Nash Office '
II. B. PATTERSON and V. M. ABBOTT, Special Selling Agents, So. Orego