Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 07, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    Medford daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
I'ublishfid every evening except Sunday.
Obobqe Putnam, Editor and Mauager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at
Medford, Oregon.
One month by mU or crrier....0.00 One year by mail.
Clear weathfir is promised for today and Thursday.
A rare and salubrious climata soil of remarkable fertility
beatitifnt Roenery mountains sto red witli coal, copier id gold
extensive foresU streams stocks d with speckled beautios game in
abundance a contented, progrea sive people tjuch is '.he Rogue
River Valley.
Average mc?o temperature. 5 J degrees
Average yearly precipitation 21 "'"hes
Out of the celebration of the glorious Fourth has grown
several. societies, which while American in name, arc net
altogether American in spirit, in that they substitute a
mild form of snobocracy for democracy. Reference i
made to those so-called patriotic organizations limited tc
descendants of the patriots who fought in the early wars.
" Of all varieties of pride, the silliest is pride of ances
try, for condition surrounding birth is the one thing in liie
'that the individual is not responsible for. The deeds of
'heroes are the common heritage of the nation and not the
property of those whose sole claim to recognition is the
fact that they are descendants of somone who really did
' something thereby confessing their own incapacity.
In the veins of every true American, of every believer
of democracy flows the warm, red blood of the common peo
ple, and it is the only distinction he can truly brag of in
the line of heritage. Boasts of blue blood in a democracy
reveal the taint of Simian ancestry.
The early settlers ot America were a -iiarayy venuue-
,.some, daring set. There was a large percentage of thieves.
.pickpockets and other criminals, forced! to leave their na
tive land for its good, and bound out to hard labor. There
' were many who came as bondsmen, and were long in becom
ing freedmen. There were the narrow-minded religious
fanatics, the crazy roundheadism of Barebones and Sheep
shanks, those who in their efforts to monopolize the halls
of heaven burnt their broader-minded relatives as witches.
..There were the psalm-singing pharisees, who laid the foun
dation of the fortunes of the first families either by plying
the 'nefarious but profitable institution of slavery or by
sanctimoniously concocting poison sold as rum. When it
came to public administration, these canting-hypocrites
were worse grafters than Tammany braves. Does descent
from .such justify a jK-acock pride? .
Snobbery of uncostly has been smothered in America
by the snobbery of plutocracy perhaps the worst of the
.two, both of them diseases that afflict every nation and
which will be mastered with the development of democracy.
Quite a number of people who witnessed the parade and saw our float did not fullv realize the full siirnifi
cance of the story it so forciby told- .. '
October 1. 1907, this store' was opened under the present management and with onlv one clerk. For almost six
months tins store has employed troin l.l to 22 salespeople being the largest number cmploved by any store in
southern Oregon. The sales are increasing each month, which proves the popularity of the' store, and everyone
knows that the popular store is (In- store that offers ti e best values at the lowest prices.
The Dissolution and Reorganization Sale Closes with Saturday
If you wish to prove conclusively the last statements made above come lo the store soon where you will find
more and better specials than you have ever seen before in a town the size of Medford.
Oily J'ln'-pntci Hurry H. Foster ill i
his report lo tha city council for the j
month ul June stated tjjat he bad
completed for the improvement of
West Main t.lreel 3241 feet in length
mid feet in width. The total cost
of paving' (his street will amount to
f11.M0?7. Of thin amount $34,
!0i.3i is .rpprr'Onlfid by the abut
tir.t; property and $7(T8.92 by the
, The city engineer during the month
'established grades for 2838 feet of
cement sidewalk and 89fi feet of
board walks. Many grades were es
tablished for streets.
Street Commissioner.
The. Hlreet commissioner reported
that fhu streets had been swept and
cleaned 12 times during June; Jack
son street was graded, between -the
Southern Pacific track and River
side avenue; East Tenth street was
filled. Five culverts were put in
and three crosswalks built. Two sew-,
crs wore flushed and repaired. A
sewer main was constructed for a
distance of 282 feet on Oakdale ave
nue. . ,
Treasurer's Report.
The quarterly report of the city
treasurer shows the following; bal
ances : General fund, $5443.0 1 ; light
and water, $1724. dO; street and road,
10.75O.2; 'o'ntinjrent, $32.r..80; park,
.C14.0.".: general sewer. $2600.03; in
tiirest-ftmd, $."71!t.27; Seventh street,
.$682.26; .sewer district No. C,
$64 19,56; sewer district No. -8,
$1302.76; gravity water, $1 19.875.Gr!
0 street, $61.48; improvement bond,
$248.23; improvement bond sinking
fund, $2(i. " Amount on hand, $13').-
WANTED- fiilr for general house
work; must be good cook; woges $30
per month. Apply to D. R. Wood,
Hotel Nash.;.
FOR ItEXT 'Ninth and Woodstock
streets, new five-room bungalow.
Apply lo O. C. Hoggs, over Gar
nett's, or O. Loomis, Tenth st. 94
WANTED I.jidy cook; hotel
ence.. VVrite Hotel, Gold Hill. Steve
jones;;.. . . ' " ; 08
Instead of -three nights of the op
era "Oolah," the company will pre
sent one night only .Saturday. Dont'
forget the date.
' i I
'IV if"riillved by' the ihy coun
cil hi' tin- ciiv of Medford: -
Wherea., ,1. '.. Payette, .Iji'mc- A.
Sioiiih. K. J. MrAndrew and II. -J S.
Kobcrts diii heretofore duly .-petition
the council (but the north. twenty-four
t'ci-t of that portion of Sixth
street. WcM. which lies within l',ry
:u.t .-idilitimi to (he saiil city of Med
foiil, and alio lor the vaealion'of
the !;rt of Miid tulilitioii, now on rec
ord,' in .-o far as ilie same is affect
ed by the vacation of said portion of
said street and. the dedication of the
land hereinafter described ;
And. whereas, ..iiid ctitiovcr
a condition and iiidnceniiii'l .lo lln
rmiitin of said petition for said vn
ca'tion did offer lo can.-e to be !cj
icnled to the jmbli:- i:se h coitcs
ponding amoinil r,f la:.d as shown by
an amended plat of .-aid aiMi(io:i,
which whs Httai'bed to said petition;
Whereas, due .notice of the filing
of said petition was given as requir
ed by law, and there was received by
the. council no objection of protest
to the jrritntiiijr of said petition, snid
petition lid vine been filed for more
than thirty days and said notice hav
ing been given for a period of more
than thirty days; and
Whereas, snid persons linve di.ily
dedicated the land shown in said
amended plat, in accordance with
said petitinn;
Vow, therefore, be it Resolved,
That said North twenty-four feet of
said portion of said street be and
the same is hereby vacated.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed by the city council of the city of
-Medford on July fitli. 1909, hv the
following vote: Merrick aye, Welch
nye. Eifert aye, Kmeriek aye, Wort
nmn aye.
Approved July Olh, 1909. .
H. CANON, Mayor.
Owners of
(KJ00 acres lying on loth sides of Rogue River.)
Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per
petual water rights, ut reasonable prices and upon easy
These lands ronsist of rich river bottom loam and arc
suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter
pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River
Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Oar
den Stuff, Root Crops and flrasftes.
Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue Rirer Valley
or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and
Medford, Oregon.
CRATKil r.AKK--"Tbe Greatest Natural Wondjr of tlt World."
Medford. Orejon.
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