I A THE MEDFOUD DAILY TRIBUNE. VJISDFQltD, ORKOON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, VM). What They Make Judgo Out Of. ' Justice David Brewer of the United lutes sunreme court, during ' an ad Iross Uel'ore the atudeutg of , law at Hie ViUTiltjh.p( JVmiaylvanla, told them one of tlie experit'ik-fa of Ids judicial career at bla uwu xi'i:w. - "It .happened I wan aitllng at one time on a iiniiilier of cases in which good friend of mine was interested as counsel, and it also hnpiiem-tl that In many of I hem my divisions were -. Old Whwl of Fortune. . .' tn th village church of Comfort, sear I'ont-Crolx, In .western Itrlttany, M a very K'Hid specimen of I lie now fare "ivlieel.of fortune.". It Is made of ivoml,' with a row of Itflht on its outer ; tin and pivoted between a innple of Mti'li beams, altogether very primitive woiUniansiiip. Hy means of a cord at tached to a cr.itilt the wheels can Ik made to revolve and set all the bells a-Jnnxlinit. I have often heard ttrit the peasauts believe that It has nil- rendered asainst my frleud's clients. racnlnus power ot healing wheu runs One day after the completion or sucn a case we sat together talking, w hen a rery bashful . young man from the rural districts came hi to see mo bear ing a card of Introduction to obtain my iidylce upon the choice .of a pro fession; - 'What do you thluk you want to dot J asked him. - I kind ot thought Td better study law, he replied, "not that I want to very much, but because I guess I'd like to be a judge. They make judge, out of lawyers, ..don't they?' he asked, somewhat hesitat ingly. "Once In awhile,' my legal friend replied before I could answer. 'Once In awhile they do, but not often." " Philadelphia Press. . He Wasn't Fooled. A ones famous publisher was a .man well .acquainted with geueral litera ture, and It was often said of him that he never failed to name the author of any given passage. A would be wit, thlnklr.s to have a Utile fun at this gentleman's expense, told his friends at a dinner party before the said pub lisher's arriviil that he had himself written some verses In imitation of Soutbey and that he Intended to puz le old F. with the question of their authorship. - Accordingly later In the evening the Wag quoted his lines, and, turning to Mr. F., he said:. "I atn.snre they are Souther's from thflr style, but I can not remember where they occur. Of course you can tell us." , "I cannot say I remember them," re plied Mr. jr.. ."but there are only two period In Sou they '8 life when he could have written them.? ... "When were those?",. asked the joker, with a wink at his friends. "Hither In his .infancy or his dotage," waa the quiet reply. over the head it a sunerer who nas placed a sou In the box to which, the rope Is p.ul!oc!;id. I received remark able coullraiallv'ii of this belief, for while milking a photograph a well to do sailor's wife and her husband came into the church and looked round. The woman asked uie If I thought there could be auy truth In this belief, as her child was very backward In learn ing to talk. Her nurse, who came from those parts, had advised her to bring the baby and ring the bells of Comfort over his head, when he would be sure to talk. As she was pausing alio had looked In to see If it was worth trying! London Chronicle. " Tho Creditor's Latter. Hero Is an Interesting letter received hy a well known Kngltsh tailor In re ply to a "llnal" appKcatlou for settle ment of a long outstanding account: "I have much pleasure In Informing yon that I have placed you uu the ll-l of my creditors, your number on the roll being lo.'i. In view of your name ap pealing so far dawn my list and In common falrre-s to my other creditors who liuve been i.n my books now for some considers h!o time, I am afraid 1 cannot hold i.nt tlic slightest hope of the 'early' e!;lo;!'ont which yon ask for. I t hint: It will be well, therefore. If you disci iitinr.e forwarding your frequent 'reminders,' which ran do no possible gocd and which are a con stant source of annoyance to me." London rick Me-l'p. - - Sp!'ah Railroad Trains. , Tbo Spanish train averages possibly twenty miles n feonr to allow one to make, time exposures ot the scenery perhaps. It makes frequent and long waits. At every station the guards rou up and. down.. shunting the name of the town and the number of nilirq ntes for each stop. At every station also the two military guards who ac company each train descend and walk around the nrs,-looking to see that no robbers are concealed. .As ,there Is at least one stop an hour: these guards get some exercise before the day Is over. - They say this custom was adopted to drive away any brigands who might be concealed in or under the train and that it has been success ful. . These military guards are very fine looking men and wear an impress ive uniform. We saw more than one hlsek eyed senorita look approvingly after them ns they passed by. Outing Magazine. Getting at the Truth.' At twei'ly-Irce he thought fate was making a special effort to keep him down. At thirty-five he thought he might have done j;reat tliiuus If his wife bad not been such a handicap. At forty lie lielieved he would have been a great 1:11111 If his hilciien had not liiiidejt mi-canary for him to cling to the wire things. At fifty be was positive that there was a conspiracy against him on the part of his fellow men. At sixty be felt that If he could have . been thlr'y-llve again nothing could have stopped him. At sevenly lie liegnn to believe that he had faihH) biiaiuse of a lack of courage and Inability to make the most of his oppor'unitles. At eighty lie was almost tiure of It. Chicago ICecord-IIerald. The Smooth Way. In the last generation Tyler Cobb, Esq., was a well known citizen of North Hrldgewnter, now Brockton, Mass. He was famous throughout Plymouth county for his witty retorts and dr;.- humor. Never having t.iUen a sea trip. Sir. Cobb one day conceived the hlea of making 11 voyage to New York. Ac cordingly he sailed from Boston In a small schooner. The first day out a storm was encountered and Mr. Cobb becamo violently-, sick, but after sev eral hours he mustered up courage and strength to look out upon the troubled waters. As he looked, from the side of the little ship up 'the trough of the sea It seemed very smooth to him. The cap tain's cutting of the waves was sense less, he told himself. Bat as this mad steering continued the unhappy pas Benger finally crawled out on hands and knees to where the captain stood at the wheel and, raising his voice above the din of waves and wind, shouted : . . - v .''' ' ' "Man. man. keep In the ruts, keep In the rutsr Worked It Off. Just what may. happen to a man who Isn't strictly honest was Illustrated on a street ear a few days ago. A man handed the conductor a dollar and asked JTor a strip of tickets. He re ceived' his five tickets.; and then the conductor fumbled around for change and managed to make a "mistake." He handed tlic man two half dollars Instead'' of 75 cents. The man put awity'" the ' money" without saying a word and in a couple of minutes work ed bis way to the front .of the car and got off. "Say. conductor," said an in terested observer, "did you know you didn't give that man the right change?". The conductor smiled 'com placently. "That's all right." he said. "If he'd been honest and returned that bad half dollar I'd have given him a good quarter for It. I've been trying to get rid of that piece of money for a week. I guess lie deserved to get stung." Philadelphia Kccord. A Doubtful Outlook. A woman In evident distress was standing at her door. , "What's, the matter, Mrs. Brown?" Inquired a neighbor. . . "Oh, I dont know what to do!" was the reply.' "Bill's away at- the foot ball match." . "Well, what about that?" said the other. "Ab," rcspondi-d Mrs. Brown, "you don't know Bill! When hla side wins ho gets on the loose, and when they lose he comes home and whacks me. They've played a draw today, and I'm sure I don't know what he'll do this time!" Iindon !'. :j ress. Orders for sweet cream or butler milk promptly tilled. Phone th reamery. Deceitful Appearances. A remarkable experience once befell Mark Twain In Australia, which, he said, determined him never again to Judge by appearances. He had Just landed at an Australian iort, and, to his chagrin, there was no porter In sight to carry Ills luggage. .Seeing a rough looking, badly dressed old fel low leaning idly against a post with his bands in his pockets, the author beckoned to him and said: "See here. If you'll carry these bags up to the hotel I'll give you half a dollar." The mail scowled darkly, and, tak ing three or four golden sovereigns from his pocket, he delilierately threw thorn Inte the sea. scowled at ,Mark Twain again and walked away with out a word. 3avages. In the New Hebrides are many Is lands whose Interiors have never lieen Visited by Kuropenns. for the simple reason that, to attempt to do so would be to court certain death at the hands of the treacherous and vindictive na tives. A little to the north of Assam, too, almost within sight of the tea gardens and the pretty bungalows of the planters, is the country of the Padnmllen, wherein no white man has dared to set bis foot for at least 500 years past. Punishment and Crim. "She seems to lie having a pretty good time now that she and her hus band are separated," whispered the three girls in the corner as she en tered the room. "I don't bla mo her," mild one. "He beat hr, didn't he?" They looked her over again. "Well; I don't blaino him for beating ber," the third declared, "if she dressed Uke that. That red la awful."-Ex-cbange. Cause For Regret. "I licked (he sluflln' out flmlth this iiiornlrt." Dick Both Tainted. "You are III the employ of that mil lionaire up on the hill, aren't you?" snapped the sharp faced woman who ran the butler and egg shop. "Yes, ma'am." responded the man In the while apron, "and I want two pounds of bulter for my master's ta ble. Ho said he'd send to town after It, only the roads are so bad." "He did. eh? Well, we are not par ticular about his trade. Did you tell him I said Ills money was tainted?" "Indeed, I did." "And what did he say?" "Ha Id so was your blamed old but ter." Chicago News. CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION !e it resolved hy the city council of the city of Medford. Oregon: Whereas, there ha 1 sen filu.' with the city council of the city of Med for.l . petition Ki.'iicJ hy more :ian one-fifth of tho r.ualii'itd electors of naid city, as shown by the vote cast (it the lust municipal election held in said city, petitioning that tho liiumilarie.s of said city of Medford bo altered and new territory included therein as hereinafter set forth, it Ls therefore resolved: That the I'd- j lowing question be submitted to tho , ..... . . , it.. 1 electors ot sum ciiy, and aisn 10 me electors residing in the territory hereinafter set forth : Skull the boundaries of the .city of eeyt judge and A Fixed Law. "You are poslllve Ihls happened on Tuesday?" demanded counsel. "I nm." said the witness. "Mure It was Tuesday?" "Yes.", "Why iiot Thursday or Friday?" "because wo had chicken that day. Chicken day Is Tuesday where I board." Louisville Courier-Journal. ' The Cook's Declension. The cook picked np an egg. looked nt It doubtfully. ' -1 " -- '-' She Mcdford . be altered . by including therein the following described terri tory, to-wit: Commencing al a point on the present boundary line of the city of Medford, in section nineteen (19), township thirty-seven (37), range one (1) west of Willamette meridian, in Jncltson county, Oregon, due west from the" northwest corner of Sun rise Tlome Park addition, in said section, ns laid in the plat thereof, on file in the office of the recorder of conveyances in said county; thence east one thousand fonr hun dred and fifty (1450) feet, more or less, to said northwest corner of said Snnrise Home Park addition; thence euflt on the north line of said addi tion eight hundred and fifty-three (853) feet to the east line of donation claim Np. forty-two (42); thence south on the east line of snid dona tion claim No. 42 five hundred forty-seven and nixteen-hitndrodthH (547,10) feet to tho north line of Queen Anne addition to (he city of Medford; tho snmo being the section lino between sections nineteen (19) thirty (30) of Mid township and range; thence east 011 snid section line two thousand two hundred and east corner at said Queen Anne ad dition to tho city of Medford thence south on the oast line of snid Queon Anne addition and said line extended ten hundred and forty feet to a point one h'.mrircd and thiriy-two root north of the northeast corner ot do nation oloim No. in section twenty- nine of said township and range; thence oast 1541. 4 feet, thenco south 1R09.8 feet; thonoe west 1544.4 fool; thence northerly ten feet more or loan to a point on the east line ot said donation, land No. 44 1037.8 feet south of tho northeast comer of snid donation laud claim No. 44; (hence south sovouty-two degroos and thirty minutes wast five hundred fifty and eight-tenths (550.8) feet to the southeast corner of Imperial addi tion to the city of Medford; thence along' the boundary line of said Im perial addition aonth seventy-two' degrees sixteen minutes west thir teen hundred eighty-two and sovon tenths feet ; thence north thirty-four degrees west one hnndred : thirty- eight and six-tenths feet; thence-! north ' thirty-nine degrees west one hundred seventy-five and five-tenths (175.5) font; thonco north forty-six degrees fifty-seven minutes west thrco hun ed thirty-eight (338) feet: thence norlh nino degrees four minutes west mght hundred wily two and six-tenths (302(1) feet to the northwest comer of said Impe rial addition and to. the presont boundary line of the city limits of snid oily; thenco in a northonstorly direction following the present boun dary line of the city of Medford to the southeast comer of Lindlcy ad dition; thence following said present boundary lines of said city in a gon-, eral northerly and westerly direc tion to the place of commencement. Resolved farther, hat said ques tion be submitted to said electors of Ihe city of Medford and to said cJoo tors of said above described terri tory at a special eleotion to be called for that purpose, said election to be I held on the 23d day of July, 1909. Resolved further, that a special eleotion in and for the city of Mod ford and in and for the territory hereinbefore described, to be held on the 23d day of July, 1900, between the hours of 9 a., m. and 5 o olook p. m., is hereby called for tho pur We of submitting at said election aid question abovo set forth. Tlic ; following are hereby desig nated ns the places in said city at which the polls will be open within snid city : First ward Commercial club rooms. Se.cnud ward Hotel N.ikIi sample room. Third ward City hull. The following is hereby designated ns the place in Ihe territory herein before described at which the poll will be open : Residence of K. E. Kclley. The following are hereby appointed and designated ns judges and clerks of snid election : First wnrd in snid city A. C. Hubbard, .judge: C. W. Davis, judge and clerk; J. K. Aston, judge and clerk. Second wnrd in snid city J. fl. Alwell, judge: Wm. Ulrich, judge and clerk; H. n. Harvey, judge nnd clerk. Third wnid in said city M. F. I .UeOown. judge; R. V. Davis, judge and clerk; H. A. Thiernlf, judge and , clerk. In tho territory hereinbefore do-: scribed fleorge Miller, judge ; K. E. ' clerk ; Cluretiec Pierce, judge nnd clerk. The electors of naid city of Med ford nnd the electors of the territory I hereinbefore described are hereby in - vitnd to vote upon snid proposition f by plncing upon their ballot "For i Annexation, or "Against Annexa-1 lion," or words equivalent thereto, j Resolved further, thnt notice of all ! mnltors herein set forth be given by j publishing this resolution for four i weeks prior to snid election in The ! Medford Daily Tribune, a newHpnper) of general circulation in said city of Medford, and in the territory nhove j described, nnd also by posting fonr 1 copies of this resolution in four pub lic places in snid city and in fonr pub lic plnces in the territory nhove described for four weeks prior to snid election. (The fotogoing resolution was pass ed on the 23d dny of Juno, 1000, by the city council of the city of Med ford by (he following vote: Mer rick, nye; Welch, aye; Emeriok, ifyo; Wortmnn, nye; Eifert, aya; Dem mcr, aye. t - Approvod June 22d, 1009. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: BENJ. M. COLLINS, THE SAVOY THK BOOTS HK COULDN'T I,OSK Coined v) BUY I NT. MANHATTAN (CmiK'dv) C I ( 1 A K I CTT 1 v M A K 1 N ( r (Instructive) OLD SWKKTIIKART.Ol'' MINK ' (Comedy Drama) O110 Dime. ' APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS' OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tbo Pacific North west. Not in the couilnnc. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ORE u O N We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship QUAKER NURSERIES All kinds of high grade nursery stock, including the well known EARLY COLUMBIAN PEACH TREES which we have exclusive control of. . II. 13. Patterson and F. M. Abbott. Office Newtown Sr.. Phone '2100. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. ' t Vmi ciin bil rtnfiaiK'o lo the heat 1 by linving; mi eleetrie fun put in po nitimi. It Jucaii't tout very much, either. If yon haven't one, wa can fix yon up i nn xhnrt time, at the lentit expense. We're general elao trii'inn, and ilo nil rlniwei of work in our lino in tho miml lluirouph tnnnner. Jobbing akillfully and promptly executed at lowent charge. Portable lampa in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. -J. H. F.NYAHT. President .1. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN' S. OI.TII. Cnshier. W, It. JAfKSOX, Ai'l CnKhie'. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes (or rant. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. m M Before You Invest - IN - City .Property Orchards Unimproved Lands or Mining Property VISIT THRIVING AND CONSULT ASHLAND JAMES M. POTTER IMls-McCall Building