THE MKDfOftD DAILY TRIBUNE, HEDPOBD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1900. NOTHER Bl DEAL A 1 No. Nftt in real estate this time, but lath, which is more important if you are building. We bought and have on hand a carload of tandard Size Pine Lath that we are selling for $3.00one-half dollar lower than the regular price while they la st Don't miss it they are strictly O.K. n I I I I I I I If II fill Mil 111 fro ROSEBURG'S STREETS TO BE WELL LI6HTED ROSEBURG, Ore., July 2 Rosa burg is going to have her business streets lighted in an up-to-date man ner hereafter, according to the plans now being carried out by the Com mercial club. There will be 68 orna mental lamp posts, each containing five opalescent globes, one to be 16 cajidlepower. The posts are to be placed on the curbing and there will be three or four to the block. ' Kuch post is to be donated by some resi dent, lodge or club of this city and is to have the name of the donor inscribed upon it on a brass plate. The street paving is well under way and it is the intention of the club to place the posts before it is finished so ' that the wires can be placed underground. ' Eighteen blocks are being paved, but it is the intention of the club to light only nine blocks iu this manner fur the present. DOUGLAS PIONEER COMMITS SUICIDE KOSEHUKO, Ore.. July 2. .John Strader, 83 ycurs old, one of Doug las county's oldest pioneers, com mitted suicide Wednesday evening by hanging. His daughter returned from town about 5 o'clock and missed him. She went in search and found him bunging in the bam with a chain and rope around hisn cck. He had been dend nbout two hours. Strader came to Douglas county in 1853. He leaves two sons and throe daughter. He had been sick for several years 'id that is supposed to have caused him to take his life. STATE SEEKS TO RECOVER TAXES SALKM, Ore., July 2. Suit was started in the circuit court for Ma rion county yesterday oftcmoon to enforce the collection of nearly ncurly $30,000 corporation taxes from Wells Fargo & Co. and the Standurd Oil Co. A. M. Crawford, attorney general, filed the papers in the case. The tax is thut imposed by an act of initiative being tested by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., and now pendins in the United Stutes ipremo court. The amount is uni.:i..l tux of the corporations numed for about three years. AT AGE OF 105 STICKS TO WHISKY AND TOBACCO NKW YOHK, July 2. Joshua Zoil- loin, living in Jtruoklyn, is ilrepar ing to celebrate his 10.1th birtbdu; annivcrsury July 4. He is in goo! health and says he will live to b 120. Ho docs not attribute hi longevity to abstaining from liquor nud tobacco, us many centenarian do, but on the contrary, drink hnl u pint of whisky duily and six kIiihhi of beer and smokes u pipe regulnrl; He has one son, who is 7.1 years i nge. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEW! P tomorrow b the Last Day YOU CAN BUY THOSE ELEGANT ODD SUITS AT THOSE MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 $5.00 $7.75 $9.75 $11.75 We will still give you 25 per cent off from all furnishings, also 25 per cent off from all odd Pants 50 PER CT. OFF from all STRAW HATS 33 1-2 PER CT. off all PANAMAS Let us see your face among ihose here tomorrow-You will never regret answering this advertisement in person and taking advantage of the bargains we are offering tomorrow, for remember it is the LAST DAY On the Corner LOTHING VL W mm . Seventh andA