15 ft AILY UNE MEDFORD D Trie FOURTH YEAR. MEDFOBD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, "lm : - ' - 'a 1 1, AUTO RIDE WAS EFFECTIVE BIT OF PROMOTION Rufus P. Jennings Writes President Colvig of the Commercial Club Thanking Local People for Ride Through Valley. SAYS MANY WILL RETURN TO SEEK INVESTMENT HERE Enterprise of the People of Medford Was Matter of General Com ment by Callfornians. That (lie automobile ride tendered the members of the California ex cursion by the Commercial club was a most et't'ortive bit of hoosliug, is attested by the following letter re ceived by President Colvig of the elub from liafns J Jennings, chnir muu of the California promotion com mittee : "Mr. William M. Colvig. President Commercial Club, Medford, Ore. My Dear Mr. Colvig: The enterprise of the poeple of Medford, through the Medford Commercial club, was a matter of general comment by the members of our party during the bisi (lay of their trip homeward from the .A hi ska -Yukon-Pacific exposition. "I am directed by the 10(1 Calil'or nians to thank you and through ynu t lie members of your elub and the people of Medford, for the splendid reception accorded them at Medford. and for the most delightful and in structive automobile drive through me nogue mver vnlicv to vour T ISSUED FOR T Book of Pacific Indians, Crack Marksmen of the West, Issued Calling the Tribe to Meet in Medford. SOLONS TIRE OF ra LAWS During Special Session Bills Will Be Introduced to Repeal Several Laws Passed During the Recent Session. REDDY WILL SUE RECEIVER FOR CONTAINS SPLENDID ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW MEDFORD ADVERTISEMENT MEETS WITH disfavor lu'ilion of Program Is Over 3000 and Will Go to the Best Trap Shooters in America. The book of the 'Taeific Indians,1 rack marksmen of the west, com ileil by Frank C. licihl, herald, by auihority of the Trilir, containing the constitution of ibo order, photo graphs ot the members, all of whom bind themselves to appear at the an nual shoot held on Sept. 7-8-9 at Medford. is out. It is a most attrac tive pamphlet, a credit to the order, ana one ot the best advertisements of Medford yet issacd. The edition is ,'1000, and all go to the crack marksmen of America, among whom Medford is a favorite meeting place. On the back of the pamphlet ap pears liie only nilvcrliscmiint ai it as follows : Medford the Beautiful." Home of the lied and Yellow Apples in the Laud of Milk and Ilonev Where Nature Smiles ami Men are Glad And Life is Worth the Livine- Come stranger and foril yourself see Sunny Southern Oregon or write Medford Commercial Club." The order was organized last vear Working Under Theory That Rules Adopted Were to Blame In surgents' Caucus. OLYMl'lA, June 21. Working un dor the theory that because orgnni zntion was defeated by proceeding under the rales adopted at the last regular session of the legislature, the members of th chouse have decided to rectify matters this session. flie insurgents held a caucus late last night and decided to introduce a bill and attempt to repeal severnl laws passed during the lust session. The nnti-cigaretlc law, which raised a storm of protest, is one of the bills against which an attempt will be made to change it. at the Medford shoalinc tonrnev. i neighbor city. Ashland. The address lu'1" l August. - (, you made from the summit telling lis I The native language or jargon of! BIG MEETING IS SOON TO BE HELD IN BURNS S.M.KM. Jne 2-1. Within a few days delegations will leave for Bums, Oregon, where a meeting of the Oregon-Idaho Development congress is to he hebl on July 1, 2 and 3. Dele gates from Weiscr in Northern Idaho with a proposition to have the pro posed railroad extended to the 'near d'Aleue mining district, will be on hard. Two day. will l, de voted to discussing reports on the bay railroad project. j Soon to Start Second Suit to Force Public Accounting of All Trans actions Regarding the Failed Bank. SERIOUS CHARGES MADE BY REDDY AGAINST DEVLIN Local Man Believes Such an Investi gation Will Unearth Gross Mismanagement. TESTIMONY IS REPLETE WITH ROAD BENEFITS Crater Lake Road Case Brought Out Many Interesting Facts in j Connection With the Nat- ! ural Wonder. I OREGON LINES OF S. P. MAY ABANDON OIL Are to Use Coal Instead, Which Will Make a Home Market for Product of Adjacent Country. SHOWS BENEFITS OF THE ROAD TO ENTIRE STATE INCREASE IN PRICE OF OIL PROBABLE CAUSE Prominent Men From All Sections Rapid Development Work Is Belnf United in Telling of Advantages j Done on the Local Minos Which Would Result. Working Day and Night. Receiver J. F. Ifeddy of the Med ford & Crater Lake railroad has be gun suit against Keeeiver T. C. Devlin of the failed Oregon Trust & Savings bank and the Oermnn-Amoricun bank of Portland, to establish the validity of $81,. rifln certificates of deposit, the proceeds of the sale of the railroad, and is preparing papers for a second nit to compel Receiver Devlin and the banks to make a public accounting of all transactions made in closing up the tailed institution and dispos- ; of its assets. Serious charges arc made by Dr. ddy against Receiver Devlin and Hie ticrmna-Amcricnn bank, who is .. ' . . I , . . I I Hf SIJIIC the Willamelte ot the wonderful productiveness of I ""' humnk iribe of Indian'-, which your valley made a deep impression Wlls ,""sl widely used among tho no on the members of our party, and I ! ,ive tribes on the Northwest Coat, am sure that many ot Iheni and their ! ""' "iiicial source and basis for i-iends will go up seeking input there. "Again thanking vou. Mr. Ohvcll i " the organization. and the others who ciinlrihuled to-i 'he object of the organization is ward making our visit with vou so Sl'' forth as of good-fellowship vest- tribal names, designations and na- ; nc crnnruurr as inuv lie used with- am, feu- rielighttnl in every wnv. I dinlly yours, . "HITCH P. JKNXIXOS. "Chairman."' among Us members and with th world at. large: promoting true sporlmaiiship as directed toward a and the conversation of the natural game and fish resources of the ter- MARRIAGE LICENSE LAW A TERROR TO GROOMS XOKTll YAKIMA. Wash.. June 2:1. On the assumption thai mar riage licenses were g 1 until used. a number of young men wilh matri monial intentions more or less de fined, look 'out licenses I fee ihe new marriage law went into effect. They find themselves no better off than before, however, for while Hu ll nuvinecil i mil u lil i- investigation nil uuearth gens mismanagement and justify Ihe removal of Devlin as receiver. "To begin with." staled Dr. Ileildy, "when the (Icmuin-Amcricnii bank assumed the liabilities of I he Oregon Trust, Ihe directors agreed to in crease the capital s'nek to . 10(1.(1011. by putting in $1 12,11(10 mine. Instead of Ibis, Ihev have decreased Ihe enp ilal stock to $2011.110(1. which alone i arouses suspicion. I "Ihe disposal of the Hoard of Trade building, the (lolden Kagle de partment store. Ihe Storey building . and mlier assets of Ihe failed bank will be publicly probed, and if there ! was a loss to Ihe creditors, it will be brought out. "I am convinced that Mr. Devlin is Hie wrong man to handle hr bank assei,. js aiiorney is also attor ney for the oiher hanks of I'm t In ml In the c.i'ilencc taken in the Cra ter lake )- nil case uimiiv iiilct-csliii.. features wvrc brought out by promi-: '"' ,'"r 1 "" i,K Orcgoa ncnt men limn various localities, lines, is slated in a letter received whose losl'uuilliv showed that the this in, iniimr 1'i'oui , in ,.! 11.. "sin on ol (lie mail was inn a cnniluv of oca an', nut a stale at a r and beneficial not niilv tit (hit iniiuiLi nl' Oregon bin lo the people of Ihe ' "' is the only United Slates. fuel possible lo get at. a nominal fig- Judge John Seoti, lor eight ycu'rs inc. The diminishing output of the county jmige ol .Marion eounly and Calif,, a well known good roads advocate made the follow-inc' nsscrliniiu Help to Farmer probable causes of the change. I I lie proposed (inter lake high-' ""I"" nevelopmenl work is being nay will lie a great beuelactor to dime on I lie Cascade. Si .sol.. .....l o, .organ, n will connect .Western mines near ' ' vaney with the Southern parts of Ihe stale and with the great territory Ivinu- east of llm That the Southern Pacific will 1 slalc railroad etnnmis- This will make n home market fornia wells and the conslanlly reusing price of crudo oil ore 111 Day timet which will he extended a ilis Cascades, and llm ,-.o,l, I.. .1 AI I MU ""I elfare of ,l,e Cited Hi,,.' "1""1"' "'"'I'1 ""' li will draw thousands of .islK ,., 'V " ? '""!. 'nv'n :1 '" '.' "" Oregon each v,.,- ,.,! n i.. in.i tii'iiic, aas neeh iiaincrctl ,i i . .i ' . ... 1 1 "ml I bi'l """"- c siaie will derive SENATOR BAILEY SCORES TRUSTS IN FIERY SPEECH i )ms ('ml holdim? fixed tourneys at : miervals not exceeding twelve moon WAMIIXUTOX. Ji 2-1. ),.. I a pan. anil taking an active interest 'orlland. Ore.: Makst Tyce Sachem, nonneing Ihe doctrine of free admi aion to this country of raw maierial. Senator Hailey. in the senate today, made a savage attack upon the trusts averting that the only means of de stroying them is to send their organ izers and operators to the peniten tiary. "The doctrine of free raw material is iiiipist and undemocratic," he de-! flared. "Instead of being ihe policy! of the Democratic part v. it was never I Accepted until 188(i, when the tariff Sm1 Franc was removed fronj raw material. iCarlon. Portland. Or makes it nece-snrv to increase the tariff on other materials in order to raise revenues. "If T wu- attorney genera I would sue to dissolve the United States Steel corporation." censes are all ll'. il. the law re. Hud should never have bud n v,.;... nuires clergymen and justices per- disposing ,,r rivn j,,! )t m fomiimr tl,,i ,,,.u,,, ,.. .. i. . hsi.Is l- li... I:.. I , ntory which it represents: and to nhvsicmns" ..c i Z ! " ' oro iJed V "l,,, ,, -- I ,,,M in, -II ll'OIIOI- ally of .lil(m for violation of ibis 'tcl them." provision. Ministers here, acconl-: . - iiigly. while deprecating ihe exodus OIIAXI) I.AKK, Colo., June 24. oi would-be brides anil grooms to " mmm .leumngs llryan Jr. and Miss Oregon and Hrilish Columbia cities. 1 '''len lierger of Milwuiikee were mar- aie obliged to refuse to officiate on I"'!'" today. Only the imi these previously oblained licenses. '''"' relatives were present. jin all mailers pertaining to ihe craft within Ihe scope of this declaration. The officers of the Indians ares Tye Sachem. Maurice Abrahams. rival li.'ii.'hl rrom it. Il would be a drawing card lo I is traffic, and i tier tourists once get Into ihe stale 'bey will go through ,, . pails. They will sc.- Ih" nun y resource vc have, invest money anil help i'e. clop Oregon. Il will allracl people able lo di'clt, r ilormaul enler- ;iii-e.-. They arc a class ,,' tl,.,,t,,. lhat bine money anil spend money. "Il'del keeiici-- ,,,,,1 , lfc , ,,.) ; j inipauics would not be th(. niy ni'l iciarics. 'I'hi oole lle.v ,,i'.. drawing i'loin hi ihe con '(rv lui'-t he henelined. Il goes right back lo Ihe fanner, who gets 1 1 1 -upplv ihem anil be will receive ,,, , .1. ,,.,. for his produce." Tourist Transuort.ttion ' j William McMuirnv. (lei ( -cnger Agent of tl. S. P. jas follows; I "Il is the cvperieuce of I'lorlalioii eouipanics ;, lung will do more lo brio cMcndcd. At Ihe West- Ill, a boiler is being nlnccd and preparations made lor a double track tunnel. At all Ihe mines the quality of coal is improving with each foot of tun nel, nnil there never was any doubt of Ihe iliaulily, the vein being 12 feet thick and extending for miles. COLONIZATION AGENT VISITS KLAMATH FALLS r.is- stifles I Kd C. Oarratt. Seattle. Wash.; Klone Tyce Sachem. Jesse K. Knyart, Med ford. Ore.: Tyce Tsum Chickamaii. Herald Custodian. Frank C. licihl. i Tneiuua, Wash. Tilikhum Wawa. - ( 'hicf Advisor-.; K. K. Kllis, Seattle. Wash- C. A. ' Cal.: V. K. ! .: P. J. Hoi,,- : Falls. Ida.: J. T. Ilillis. ; II- C-: K. I.. Ilan Tiic-i OF CONTESMNTS IN THE CONTEST 4 4t ft i t BANKERS BEGIN SESSIONS IN CITY OF SEATTLE SKATTI.F. June 21. Cijikers' i'otienti,ni outer in the Moore :lie:it"r t'ii- m..ru- N'eai'tv Hllll delee.lles from isliington. Oregon and Idaho are present. This is Ih.. first fo,. -, ;,.:( '-sion has been held sli,.o ion". iT.idav's ..-to i .. :.t. ... . i , . , ,.u,, J(I( u. dress on "The l-nnifi, V-.,.!.--.-.,. From nn p-.j.A ?in.,:. k.. f- F. Alien f XewjjYork City. Iiau. I will Vancuux it, son. Ariz. F.lip K'd Kok imel Mia ml. ...s,. lllihe : Kulla knl.-i; iir-t ai'iiual gathering; ami slaughter of clay birds, to be1 held at Medford. Oregon. September 7-M-ll. lnilll. Open to the World llie call "1 'he I yhee Sachem. Teh Tri-State 1 ''" "" preceding page, is here was called to ' l,v cnliinie,. I ii" I ociiic li.ili.nis tn,s auuoi c their fii-s great anniinl conclave.', ac.l'evtenil a m.ist torilial-invilalion to all lovers ot the sport of shooting 1 at the trais, to join them on this ni casiou. j The tournament will be open to the ! world, and is duly registered by the I (Continued on nape 8.) f li'emember. you can take the trip any time y.,n choose, and t, all subscriptions carry votes. Miss Hazel Ti.e. Miss l-iva Patterson . . Mi-s Mabel Carter. . . Miss Knla Jacob.- Miss I.ee Williams. . . Miss Haxel Me-scnger Miss .tieile !l,.,;,,,ev Miss Anna Spicer. . . . Miss Cordelia Renter. Mis. Martha Price. . . Miss Winne Jones. . . Miss Martina Thiol . . Mi-s May .Mitchell. . . Miss Pearl llollenbeck Mi-s Mabel Parsons . t onte-tai.ls arc not limited ( tb,, entered, but are allowed to secure county or slate. COXTFST CI.OSKS JI I.V 17. lildfl. .Medford .Medford -Medford .Medford Central Point Central Point, K. F. D. .Central Point Jncksom ill,. . .Jaoksonillc l'li" i... cw riiii .(i.-id inn .Orant', Pass .Prospect .Ashland ! Ii-trie:s in k ii ii-Ii tcs from miv oihe ..'I1.8HII .lfi..j!i:i . SI 1 . H.onti . :i.H2.'i . .'ll.-l . .'l.ti.'l!) . i.:tti(i . l.riiiti . i.ti'i . 600 7ii; .Mill . nor, . 2.-.20 triius one ; slate KI.A.MA Til FAI.I.S, J,. ;.', J. '' Waile it . i i t i i i agent for ihe C"1:,!. t:;io:: ,-et",icc, is in . eily i r un Chicago, where he has his head cpiurlers. Mr. Waill is visiting ' lecliininiiou projecis ol the we-t and is very much impressed with II i- diiions here lie will make a thor ough invcsligali f cery seeliou of llii' proieel while be,,., 'so (,s o become perfectly neniniiiileil wiih Ihe eoitililions. Mr. Wnilc slates tlisit he is i-eeiv-illg Iboilsaiids of jo, .nil-lev t ... .... imcseekers about ihe different gv- woii- ernmenl projects, and lhat lie will inilelhe able lo send a large timelier f ' Is ot I fa I'lnei's t,, il.: I....' ., pie visit I a lil vaile.v anuuallv who ! sot fi..;. l.: ..:'-. i. o, ."' there originall .' and I belli.e i.. I i... i ; i .wot un- ci.iss ot peo- "iiiite who olh-ii.le most needed here, and he is of . and the elass 'ibe onlnion tl.ei r . ' I ' r in I lie Allitdle West would be better satisfied wilh Ibis section than Ihose of Ihe southern stulco or farther east. nolle of-ho or 'egioii lo Ihe fnvorahl . i. . , uc niniii Mian a great seel dor. Take for example iiilcy ui ( ahlornia. Thousand- oil farmer it 1 1 r.-i 1 1 i ll uiiiia rily by Ihe Vm rwisc would not ei -- "'i in- , mi -to-ie.i in,, i-i, ,-.. , llo have means ' revel, mid ihev pend their money freely and llieir ;.ilgriinage becomes a source of prosperity to Ihe stales in v,l,;.-h and Ihr.uigb which ihev travel. I'lii oii..ii!,.iali,in mi ner nn circiun-t.'ini'es j.. a and il- is becoming morn n nil ncr ih,. v,i, ,1,1 i,, ,. lite degree ,,f easy ,-,i Inuv noiiilclfnl eeessil,iji,'y ed more s, '.porli.iM I, i e portal inn difficult ..I Incl, V 4- t I cess. -Imply stri,.;,.M Ii'oin ,l li -I :' for'. I, ,,,l I,;.,,. 1,V,.' c fin" turnpike was built ; ,, Vosemite. (ravel theleU- vwls multi plied a lliou-anil lolil. Von- (I,,,, inilfoail has linen cnsl rucled lo ils ier line-hold, it is iliMicull al tunes i one Ilia! all inlcrcsleil in good, clean, lo afford accomrriodii linn far the ui-lo-ilale aioung pictures should crowds (hat apply. j no) mis. Tie Smnv lias irood ven- (imioii nod i tin, coolest place in Circuit .udgv lr. K. Hnnnn unit I town. ftofire change of program Savoy Theater. Tonight. "The Mauler's driet." ' "Dime Novel Dan." "False Acciisalion." The alioic is the piogi.iin at Me.l- f..r.,"s popular luoi i,n; pieiu,,. ihcu- ler. ;e ,. ,,, ,,, ,,),.,,,.. j, (l bcsl ,. il - ,i,l j Hie liliu market ' ' ; 1 ' - --l lite sioiies are strong, clear ill ccr rlelail. The pholog ; raph.v i.s snp. ili and neiing coin-isl-;enl. Thus die eiiiei'laiumcnt is one I thai etiu'd no! be iuiliro-, cd linen, mid t5