THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1900. UNCLE SAM GOT BUSy HURRY WATER MAINS ALL KINDS BEST DELIVERING THE 'Bedford Will Have Free Delivery In City Council Disposes of Routine Matters New Election Called ' Regarding City Limits. stituted Just 100 Days After Inspection Was Made. GOODS Means This LUMBER fleeting the Prices TliiH store d' livers rlic noods, because it makes tin price:. prices witliin the reach of all find when you buy f;oo is at this store you can depend on getting full value in both war and style. No old floods arc carried hero, and just now we are CLOSING OUT AU, I'l.NJIN OF LINKS AND ALL SU.M.MKK' OOOl'S AT KKSS THAN W1IOLKSALK COST. We Invite YOU to LOOK JAIER-HUTCHASOw CO. 'Largest Exclusive Ladies' Shop BnBwwrr"' M3(L") TIUTI' is il general expression of thankfulness uvt'i' the "city following ilit- announcement thai a free mail t;clicry service has .Veu crdered for f"u -I, the - i'l'vice i. start u:i Sep li nli- r ". It '! yieatly rcliew die cii;osteiI condil ion of the local post.-JTice and Icim! :ui ndnd metro politan air to the city. Tin; .'oven lineal Inst nn time in getting into action and .Med lord holds i he reennl for quick action on I Im part of the postal authorities. This is due no doubt to a-certain ex tent to the efforts of the Oregon delegnl inn in Washington ami also to (he good report made hy Postal ln--peeioi' Morse. It is ha possible to gel a earner semen instimtet! under ill) days from the time of inspection, ami yet the service is ordered for September 15. just 100 days alter inspection, which was made June 7. The dales in the affair are as fol lows; Application was made on April K. Inspector ordered to . Med ford April l.V Inspection made .Ituie 7. Kepnrt made on .Jane 8 and f'or ; warded. Service ordered for Sepiemher 15 on Jniie 21. , ('mess thsil's goiu' smile. The city council met on Tuesday i-vming ami ordered in the wad niMUs. ihere being m prolc-i- on tie- part of the citizens. The re cuidcr un- In.-tnteted to advertise for Iiids up until July b". when the fotnieil will meet to o!tidcr them. The coineil n!.-o ir fixed the da'e of the r-peci.d ylecti-m called for the ptirp '-" " i ecidiic whether certain i.ntMi'-' i'i-i::'t-- -ha1' '-.come an in le;i,( part cf the ci'y or not. The ele- fi'. i wii! he held on .Inly 23. Tie- pri-try -er,ie.- was granted iM-ini!--i'!i. lo ii'inrv' a telephone 'ice onto tie: pre-en! ei!y system at 'lie intnlo ;' the gravity water line. Tl.(. 'e,e 1 the u-ie-lcrs- me to l.iind! he r '.t- in length, and 'U inn to v;,iit.n-. pillions of the h.-.i'emil forest ru-erve. 'I he eoi'tt'-il ' ill p.; et ai-aiii this '::!!'.: it: special si ' iOU. For all dimensions, frnm 2x4 to lUxKi inches. Su ga r and "White Pine. 1 to -Hi indies. A-ll kinds of finish intf hnnln'r. ."W e have special prices on some lines this month- Cull and get them before von linv. TRAIL LUMBER CO. 101 Fir St., Medford, and Jacksonville, Oregon. i !:: I ! DANGER IN DELAY. r A J- 1 ,8 ? ( ' - MlV- 1 - ' Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous Tor" Mcilforil People to Neglect. Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the X T j I 1 t . . .AM..t.. U..1I I.. U..fn X SIUICU illfil UUM Ul IUUI IUIIIM5, lUCICb I I'll lljl'l tllUi . UUIIl-MI IJ1II luia I I nnd ilinssers: r;ihinp! k i 1 c ti n il t ti ! ! I ! I i i ! iiiii m 1 1 ! mii i ! i iiumi a J. A. MoINTOSlI. Architect, Third Moor Med ford National l '.ank Building. RELIABLE The STORE ON THE CORNER MAIN AMD C ST. Money SAVED WHEN BUYING JEWELRY DIAMONDS Tim great ttnger of kM'ioy troubh'H id I hut tliey get a firm lioM before the sufferer recognizes 1 hem. II ealth is gradually undermined. Huckache, heail-fn-ho. nervousiii'.'-'s, 1-t :ii iichh, soreness, hiinbiigo. urinary- trumVis, drMy, din lie tes nml liright ' I'isearo fellow in merciless sm-eessin:.. Pon neglect ynu c kithiev::. (,'ure tin' kidneys with the eertain mid safe remedy, Doau 'h K idnev wlnrh hfi( c urcd people ri gh i here in M ed ford. Mrs. A. Moore, corner F and Elev enth streets, MedfoM, Or., ways: ".My husband suffered dfrnm kidney trou ble for suino time and the eomlaint gradually grew worse, lie had pains in his hack and kidneys and was caused much annoyance on iK-rcniit of the fre quency of the kidney secretions, He tool; many remedien. but did not suc ceed in finding relief until Dean 's K idnev Pills were h.-o.iglit to his at tention and he procured a box at Has kin 's drug store. Tm v helped him from the first. He eoatmued and the pains ceased. Ins ki(ln?y.i were restored to tln-ir normal conditien and lie now feels better in every wr.y. He is gin'! !o reconinieiid this valuable remedy to others." I-r .sale by all dealers. Price So cents. Foster Milburn i'o., Buffalo. N. V.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the nnrni Dean's nnd tnte no other. 45 Med ford Loan Office Money Loaned du.-4 receive.!, a laiv.c sliiniru-nt of Piamonds. W a Mies, ( 'I h!..,. N Mvcil iis, .1 rw t'i iy, Coine in nnd vuiiii'i tMn (.!.; and s-c f..V vi -.ii-u-tl". U. ! HOTEL ARRIVALS A I llic N'm-Ii fipn. Tli.iiiii-"ii n. W. I'.rulii-ll. I ' .1-t :l 1 1 1 1 1 ; I'. A. S'Uill H. S. '.: A. II. Onnlil and if.-. Viilallilo. Wm-Ii: I'.. A. N'i.-I;, iinrl 'wilV. Muvj.M'u' h'amlitvy. Mi-. K. V. lii-xlW.1. r.nklcv: e. Tin-.. Talili- H.miK: O. V. W.-t. I'nvl U. n.l : V. I-',. (i'...,ll'cll,.w. MiniH'ap.ilis. Minn.: ('. ('. WiiiWiniiili'. I 'u"l alml ; WATCHES B i j. ,. i,, . v,: i!,.,uic,. l'.Tllai:il: ('. S. Cfimlncli nml wilV. i -ily; A. .1. Hawkins. S. Fit 1. X. M.-Mlli-ci, I'..i ii' i .l : C. 1!. l!i-ion. ". '. i'iiv. S. A. l.-',.l.'i:- ;.! !.:.! v ii-,. S:,!;:i:in: - II. l.mvcil- '.. -. N. .1. i'. V 1 . . lire A. l.-f :ri-ii. K. V.: S F. Kri.-. T. i.i ...i.-f,,,,. M.v,i,: A. I'. v I... O.'T. I',,',.;. ...! BUTTE FALLS ITEMS ( K. Powers has been visiting Mei'lord nut! .Jack -onviHo dnrirg the pa -I week. We have been blessed with three of jlovlnn-j rain and the coun try is a picture of heaufy. It is a -pleniliil experience to be ib the woods and enjoy the sights and the M'ctie-. of nitt lire as tln-y are pic I urcd in the -l ream-:, penciled upon the mountain top and painted upon (in hillrf and drink in of the balmy breeze: that cool the siui-ki-ed air. Pack to the soil is (he lesson which our age needs to lea rn and which would bring the glow of health to the j many now slowly dying in the tainted ' marls of trade and the frivolities of j a Noeial life supping the vilaliiy and ( making lite one hideous groan that ! never end-. , .re-M--. Mnt lies, Mnhouey and! linker all havo been in tin; valley se eiiring supplies for our merchant''. I.uiher Hughes attended the dance at John 1 ligtfinbothain- ' nn Friday niirhl. Peulah llildreth and wife a.ltende.l I he closing exercise-, at the McKce -idiool houe on Friday afternoon,' and al tei w ards were present at the dance near by. H. H. Harris and wife, with Xur- ; veyor lills and wife of Med ford nr-. rived in town on Friday, and some necessary work vvill be done prepa ratory to installing the water supply -yslem for the Falls. Mr. and two friends of Port land, were visitors to our town on , Saturday. Fred l.'tne.-ie ha reiiuned f rom t -r.Mli'ord ;iml --larl.'d up the mill. Mr. i llein-aLe rep.irts hi-- wife as having' lu'en ipiile . jelc. luitnor ha- it that hewing and Al len have consolidated their railroad intere-ts and that ihe P. " V.. ejeu--ion will be made to a point near the -V 1 1 ii i place from which point an elec tric line will be built to ihe timber. We do not care who builds Hi;1 rail road so one is const rt ict ed, a- the people have become tired of the delay-, and jangling. Wo will welcome the first railroad that comes to our town even tin- the devil hint-elf be the i-on-t motor and operator. We want transportation facilities for our I limber and our count ry opened up to t -el (lenient. ' p-nann:1! Poole ms been cotnplaiu-ii"- of -.(munch troubles and enniem-! i.i;:, '- a .o Ihe valley to eon- ' -nit v'i'.h the p!iv-ie:'n-: aboip In- Pore Distilled Water Ice Delivery wagon will be on the street after June 15. Medford Ice Works Corner 4th and Fir st. Phone 51 North Medford THE SAVOY TONIGHT AN I ) TlIl'KSDAY Ijinw X'ivi.1 Ilan. (A .Siilp-Spliircr I'm' Jlirlh.) The Ilnntur's Grief. (A Film Ode.) . A FhIho Accusation. The Latest Patterns in WALL PAPER Tints to niiitcli ;ill kinds of wondwork and furni ture. Come in and make your selection from our complete and up-to-date lines. Medford Glass House 318 EAST MAIN MEDFORD t. Av i- p'-a v ',1 Get Home-Grown Trees If you want to .sp.fcii.nrd your orchard. .Get them from us it you want to save nionev. UVN ri!..-IKTOK. ! , y.i. ;.!, i';-.. .. . .!!.... ' . ifi.-..rp .r;i : i.i: . i'.iV a i..-..- 1 il- iV Wi'lo i 111.'.! i'i I iiv .! .': .' tarv of ;.Iil!t rt'i'iTili.v ly linK'- . p.-n.'iMu'O ! !' ' : ".v I ' t'l is in In- kixiKii n-i tin' I .:,-i-i.i.- :.-. t'. ; Hi- tV.- . !;.. Si!i-I. ami l'ai-il'i Kailn.-y .mmimiu . l.-.l-.i-l '.;! ' m U Ir.vx.! II is i'aMl.iliz...l fur .fiOll.OlIt). 'hr S!, -!a lr, u, .!. ,i.:-t -il n-i Afe-miing to tlio nrlicl.-s. tli pro- , tin- ShImt lifit'v. ''!.. m i I posml new ninil is t Imilt from ' adjusted by the company, point near Simpson, in Polk county, for n while local people must In to the Pncifio const, llimiigh the by tho other trains. W ivel . r. i 1-1. r. -il.l: f w. nr.... . A. Su. -he. !;. I" .1: Til..-. mt. 1 V.'.-.i i l-e-iswcll. : v. ; lit-1 i . I'll v,:w -l,t at !:.r ,-!v 111- s, !....! at Cole-tin Satur- j av 2lh. "v; ay Tar 1 Ira r. I'll !."..,! !'"-!.'.iU m-iilt-r na.: y. ,v . w'tere it wa,j.l ai; ,!.:.; '-.I h- I.r.-'.e!. .!..".i -ijas at tiie '' ' "iW h ramie. The I pla.-e vlic:e the arehaehi'-'ists were Ii-!.'Bi-i !":! t'i.' iisa.1 rc--.lisdi'ff. The exposition was aban : place of lite Spai.' .,.- v.h.. nwo .lmi.'il.