THE AIEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, BEDFORD. OREGON, TUKSBAV, .J I'N E 22. 1U09. MARSHALL ELECTED I Bud: "Say, Annie, give me another cup of Coffee." Annie: "No Bud, your mother doesn't want you to drink more than one cup." Bud: "But, Annie, mother is now using Folger's Golden Gate, and it's so good I am sure another cup wouldn't do any harm." Folger's Golden Gate is the purest and best Coffee we know of. We- sell it absolutely u:i merit. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES. CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. APPLES AND. PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. - ' YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Compotes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD 0 R E Cr O N State i).'i"3it::ry KnUtiiinhrd 1SSS. nr..l Surplus tlSS.OOO RnnuBrr-31 J700.000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject In your cheek, with tho strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking; service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER. President. 0. h r.lXDl.KV: Cashier. Medford Iron Works G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. rJrumrfrv and Machinist. M. M M - M J - " m All kinds of Engines, Sprayimj Outfits, Pumps, Boilers am chinery. Agenls in Southern Oregon fur ri i n n :i m 1 o m rnn t d r n T (icovfjc K. Marshall was elected scliool riireetur al; M.eiday's election, receiving til! Mites. YV. 'I'. York stood sei-oad, with -42 voles. Charles Strang retires from the board and .1. It. Cochran succeeds lo his place as . chairman. The board is now composed of If. C. Kciilner, 1.. U. I'orler, J. E. Watt. J. If. Cochran ami G. K. Marshall. The annual report of the district clerk to Ihe comity superintendent follows: To the County Superintendent, t Jackson County, State of Oregon Sir: I herewith transmit tot you, as required by law,' the annual report of the schools in district No. 49, in your county, for the year ending the 'iird Monday in Jane, 1909: General Statistics Census. Number of persons between 4 and 20 years of age residing in the dis trict November 25, 1(108, G08 mnle, 634 female Total, 1242. Teachers. Number of teachers employed dar ing the year, 4 male, 23 female Total, 27. Number holding state certificates or diplomas, 16. Number holding first grade certif icates, 1. Miscellaneous. Number of seholnhouses in district, 3: number of schoolhouses built dur ing tho year, 1 ; number of months public school taught during the year, 9. Private Schools. Number of teachers employed, fe male. 5: nmnlier pupils enrolled, 115 ; number of immtlis orivefe school, 9. Financial Statement. Cash on hand at lime of making last annua) report. $31,031.28. Receipts. Received from county treasurer from district tax. $18,107.92; re ceived from county treasurer from county school fund, $7,113.36; re ceived from county treasurer from slalc school fund, $1700..".; received from rate bills and tuition, $183.25; ivceiwd from all other sources rent in. tc,. i i.-u.-i .r:i.s.-. Toiai. il.S79..!'i. Disbursements. I'.'lii! lor lonelier' wanes. 7l'!.!!U: i:liil tor tvht ul mums and -; ..-.: ::: Itlel slHO.7.".. ,,., ,., Mioi.;-- : 7 !' .,(iM7: paid for repairs and improving gniiinds .1"44.76, and janitor work 1 1 til. oil, .:.'7m;.-..'ii: paid tor new -.rlioolliolls;.. !! -ils. j).:!-.o.-.7lj mid on interest of bonds and war rants.' ifli'J't. Ill : paid tor iii-omniee, $1.00: paid for clerk's salary. $i:i7.."i(l: paid. for lilinirv hooks. H'.ifl.l'J. To tal. ."i7.7!l.1". C:i-ll i?-IH7.3(i. I cIki1 iutr expense, -sit I ing bonds, .flitr. ali-iini'i. t ion linn I'd. "rti : !'cal aih if 2 I: drava c ifll) : " ON THE Tonight the Boston Ideals will open their eighth week at the Medford . thea'.er with a produclion of Klotow's great rumuntic opera, "Martha," in a prologue and four acts. This is the most ambitious offering that Manager 1 Walters has attempted, but a glano at the cast, shows that thoro is uoth-: ing to fear but that it will bo given a splendid production. The big feature of tonight's per-; formnnce will be the appearance of 1 Ed Andrews in the role of Pluikeu, this being the last part in which Mr. Andrews appeared professionally be fore becoming a resident of Medford. Mrs. Hazelrigg has a magnificent part in Lady Harriett (Martha), and Miss Palmer will make an admirable foil in the opposite part, Nancy. Mr. Walters will have the first real opportunity for his big tenor as Li onel, while Messrs. Burgess and Quisenbury have congenial roles. The following is the cast : Lady Harriett (Martha), Mrs. Hazelrigg; Nancy (Julia), Miss Palmer; Lionel, afterward Earl of Derby, P. W. Wal ters; Plunkett, a rich farmer, Ed An drews; Sir Tristan, Lady Harriett's cousin, A. C. Burgess; Sheriff, W. E. Quisenbury. Change In Trains : NORTH BOUND -Hoseburg Passenger, 7:41 No. 20 a. m. No. 12 Shasta Limited, 9:25 a.m. No. 10 Oregon Express, 5 :24 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express, 8:39 p.m. SOUTH BOUND No. 11 Shasta Limited 5 :50 a.m. No. 15 California. Express 10:35 am. No. 13 San Frnnoisco Express 3:32 p.m. Note carefully, No. 20 docs uot connect nt Rosehurg with trains for points north, and No. 19 runs only to Ashland, hut leaves Port land ut 8:13 a.m. Shasta Limited, Nos. 11 and 12 are not intended for local travel and parties hoarding same must apply for reservation in advance if same is avai'alli' party may board train. Il is no: tin intent to carry nincli hag ;;..:' oa ilii-. train: ImvL'.-i,"., .-.ill pil-low. m a tv rw ineuauy iriounerop; Voting Contest at- Fill in the name of the young woman yuJENEI vote for and the district in which she lives bi mail to Manager Contest Department, care ofl Tril nine, Medford, Oregon. , W . . " I; ) the S This Coupon Counts as One Vote for, i scho -r. ';. Wa M,RB nds o District No ..- ;. (This Coupon is not good after June 29.) . :1 ,he . Cut this out and vote for favorite. jfn,( the P. C. Hansen. Torn e wake any kind and stvle of windows. W glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co.) spOR rfor 'i 'a's'.aSly a 9 to n WPsfcmi Urn U f I UiTW. V'.JfS .vf HERE'S OUR RttLEw ' ' 98ld Tonlnive Quality and pd jn evenly blended that yoifliol find it both Drofitttlilelail pleasurable to have us dP1" tailoring work. Drop hi th see our new string fnhrfejee Don't buv a hand mo, do when vou can irct a tailor iy& suit at the same prioo. , .' W. W. EIFER1 THE PEOQBIiBSIVE TAl In, HO IF IT'S IN THE ELECTHiCAt I'"im ihuiiI-- i;i-t'iit;iM' sluuilii l:i!;t li-nins I!) n nil J0 nnd 15 mul Hi.) (Itiiiiir iKirth hv. Pojtliuid cxpn-sa t clll v liwtkes I he llirticr t: sni. N". Ill, ho wove r, makes nlinnt rtiimv ns lininci-ly. K'ir lulditionul iiirii'iiiiilioii ;is l vvlnil ti'.-iin slops al iliriVivnl point ciill ul in- ph Hie I 1m (l'Ht. Till' I'Ofiell Ilfivhll'in' r;n:i;.! ll ; Nil 'J'J" if- ili-rnpiiiiii.-d. t freights wil pn tliionh M,-m Knl . u:t Iiaml, 'Iiii'injr llu dtiv inu;u ot nilit , lion It) lore. Tht1 above the In--! uiait r.": (triiit-i tr ice ami li-iiin -ervi-'e Hoy in $10: eloc- j liivor valley ever iind. Lotttirs nuiihid .f.j ; eeti- "i romanu ueiore o:ju p.m. funiitnre, I'c-iteh .M.'tli.n.l m i Im Train- 11, 1'J. l.'t :m1 11 abrnt.' ill. w.wi iii'-r "IT'S HERE." So waste no more time us. We liavo tho most complii ' of electricul sundries and equij' in electric lamps, bell buttons,0 'phones ill short, it would hef lo mention what we havon'U.J' prices thuy are always beyond1 petition. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO. , I rao intend ro buiCD a comfortable hqm Coul for Summer and warm for winter then build a .got solid comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories and garre this can be built for the same price as a bungalow come and s WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 year experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans ai Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected at Resident 244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main S J. W. DRESSER'S OFFICE. Timber and Coal Land KXOINKKIMNO AND SUUV EY1XO Of TK'ACT.S TAKKX AND ESTIMATES FUnXISUEl). B. if. Harris & Co. MlrDFOlU), . OREG( Office iii Jackson County Bank Upstai;. i Uencral. j nam- u, 1J. I.l aail II a 'oik.' ca r- g tttiii i m mbbmiiii iim iim miiiiii i ii i u 1 Kslimaled value of ''.V I mlcl Males mail. V E V 7S Tk TTTS TT. and .unds. f ,,,,, c-tiaiatc, $ ZZIZTZZ" .1 Vw l IV M EO, KJ value ot sciinot litrmiiire ana appn-j " ' i"'"' '' a rains, .f.'idllll: amount oi: . insurance on w-eck only, clnsinjr next ,,n sell,,,, II ses ii ml oilier property. I urilay niyht. This should lie your -B .-.mi- .,.,,,. mlilv salRw of i banner week in uiillit-riiiir i,i yintr I 11, ale I ('.'O'lli'l's. average niolil ll- l" ' ' . - y llllll IIW1I IMI llimim III III Milium imm I Hill. Will ll ll I I ' lv salnry ol female t,ai'hers, $.'.!). 13. ' n"l be linhll.v o erlnoked. . pff ' I SUMMER TIME if r '-'.' ': :- I '' ;:. 0. ,-.: .;. .u'io", .i..y : I "T ' I ..". ' S i.-v .vill lit :.! biren -lyle nml go i iuaUuctoc c iitmto. ' .... ),,,. tin.,,, to:, dc I I New 1909 f ; . m ... n,'.. k,-,. .;.v. v-.. j jZ!:'" 0"':"L1 i NOV !).UU ? ' 5-i! U' --v I .,!! H. o;rni. r-,,-.,:,., W JACK-f', f u .v ....t. it-... iw .-...i.ort !)( ' p ,; : . .. ;" ' Imrort'-.."r -r.'f";ar'.oi'-5 : 1 'Th'' 7 "!tfTri'- 1 t'li 'ir:i's in tlii'i'f v. iinii'V 'i'1 '' ; " it CJ - -crtci Llji'-taits. Palm &!!., Ketlford. Or. i' ,tI ..n . v t -nii-i ,.o .'Ivtritrhts iro., . W Ml uiJi NilfUIAL a, i ! The Medford Pharmacy j J ft) iriLri We will send you-an Iron FREE on ten days' friiil Write, teli-phone or fall at our offii.-o. 'JOf! V.' Sovonth street, opposite the Big Eleetrie Sifjn. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. SiieceRorji to Condor Water & Po-wer Co. The Store with the Yellow Front 'f - ... y 4 J u. nB ,i, "ij . lu- i city yvstflhyx hnl th." .. one time I filled three outomobiJc,.Thay Jir sneaker or ihe house or renreBcnia- rnKinir n lone inn inn pari CAPITAL ." $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxet fir rmXJ A ufnwal Banking Business transa , - . Ve solicit your pakrir- " ; " g'( mumrvm A party which HtirKinn. Office, 133 W. . x : , f : ' t'hvfliei