THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1909. Medeord daily Tribune WE ARE CLOSING OUT Hundreds of Ends oi Lines and Odd Lois at Less Than Eastern Wholesale Cost Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published even cvenine except Sundav. MED FORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geohqe Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Portof fiee at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: il nr earner. .. $0.51) Olii) year by nail.. One moutb by m- TODAY'S WEATH! R PREDICTION. f f Fair today and tomorrow; warmer. A rare and salubrious climate i i of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored witb coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties gutue in abundance a coutontod, progressive people such is '.he Rogue River Valley. Avorngo nieun tomporature 55 degrees Averuge yearly precipitation 21 inches . ! ' f - AMERICAN MADE GOODS POPULAR. In seventy countries of the world during the last year plows and cultivators hearing the mark "Made in Amer ica" turned the ground for foreign crops; 75 nations har vested that crop with American manufactured mowers and reapers and bound it with $5,000,000 worth of binder twine from the United States. All of which serves to illustrate the striking popularity of American made goods throughout the world. The fig ures are from the detailed export tables of the Bureau of Statistics, just made public. The statement shows further, for instance, that Amer- ' icn: stove polish during 1908 contributed to the happiness of housewives in the United Kingdom alone to the extent of about $10;000 worth not to 8eak of Canada, with $14,- (XK); and Australia, New Zealand, Ilayti' and dozens of other countries. American candles light homes in 40 countries of the world. Cuba bought $188,000 worth ofl them in 1908. Fifty nations use American made street cav arid people in 60 ride bicycles' made in the United States. It may seem like carrying coal to Newcastle to invade Fiench markets with American automobiles, but neverthe less motor (tars made in the United States speed over roads there anil in 49 other countries as well. Cooks in two score 'countries use American baking soda to raise their dough. American watches mark time in pnciically all of the nations in North and South America and in most of those of Europe, to say nothing of China, British India and Asia. American cotton clothes go to 70 nations milady wears them in I'airope, and the savage of Asia, Siam, Liberia, Oceania, covers his nakedness with the same stuff. st. We invite you t visil tlii held in the Northwest more I .clow we show a few of tlie hundreds of trrand cli re now at tin windintr ui ot the most i lentm .-llv sin...fiil uol,. money taken in in 14 days than was ever taken in in twh months hofnm llllll) SDCClals. !l VOU neerl Ginn-hama Afual nia TT crwear, Staples, Hosiery or any of the many things carried in a firsr-cla'ss dry goods store we can' save vou inonev. col a unsiy full bruised iiIhiiiI I"" wns badly mil bunds. and h Miss Clara Kstcp. who h tree" attending tin- Cllcyiale seined ' in Angeles for tin' past year. r rived Iikmu- Monday evening. Mr-. W. II. Humphrey is from a isil of some fornin. M, Marshall Clark "f 'liii-aao hns nureliascd 111 acre J 11. Iliillini-ll. Tin- wax fjnno. Wallace Woods nml Hen bridge nri' in Pendleton as to tin ".mud Indue "I III' of I'ythins. W. S. Cnnu-ll nf tin' I'ii-I Nnli'iniil bank has left I" at lend a session of the Tri-State Bankers' association in Seattle. n V Unller lias relumed I nun Ibis month, ran aim ft- 50c CORSET COVERS, ETC., 33c. A new lot of Corset Covers and Drawers regular "llc values, now going at 33c A lot of 7.rni ami 85c Drawers, Corset Covers, etc., now only 49c Many other special lots of Muslinwear to close out. L.D!F.S 25c VESTS. 17c. A big I"t nf 2"o Sleeveless Vests, our best 25e values, to elose at 7c A lot nf 10c Vests fur Ladies at 5c A lot of 20c Vests for Ladies at lie $2 TAILORED WAISTS, 98c. There is a- lot of new, stylish Lawn' Waists, all plain tailored styles, regular $2 values, for. .98c A lot of mid Wni.sts for. 69c A lot of $2.-10 anil 2.-.-. Waists for $1.38 A lot of .iano iiud 3.f)0 Waists for $1.88 A lot of 5.1)0 Net Waists ne.v. $2.69 $10 WASH DRESSES, $3.69. A lot of fine Wash Dresses) our regular $8 to $10 sellers, to clean up at .this sale, your choice for ' ....$3.69 $5.00 WASH DRESSES, $2.19. Thinking of buying 'a neat Wash Dress regular l to $5 sellers, at lliih sule, your choice. . .$2.19 Sonic $3.00 presses for ', $1.19 $20 SUITS FOR $4.98. Any Suit in the store, worth from $12.50 to $20.00; all this season's stvles. to close out at $4 98 $35 SUITS FOR $12.69. A lot of $20 to $35 Suits, this sea son s newest styles, to mlose at this sole $12.69 $50 SUITS FOR $19.98. AH oilier Suits worth from 35 to 5n. nil this Reason's styles must go at the closing price of. . .$19.98 $7 SILK SKIRTS, $3.69. ' Never have you seen such a bar gain in Silk Petticoats regular $6.50 and $7 sellers, now only $3.69 aii omer siik starts cut deep. "SNAPS" IN MUSLINWEAR. A big new line of regular $1.33 and $l.o0 Muslui Gowns, to clean up nt, choice 98c V new lot of Corset Covers; regular vta values, for .21c $10 DRESS SKIRTS, $4.98. f A lot of some 125 fine wool Panama Skirts, in black, grey, tan and brown all new styles, reg ular $7 to 10 sellers, at !...$4.98 $5 SKIRTS FOR $2.19. About ill tine Panama and Mohair Skirts, regular $4 and $5 Skirts, to clean up in double quick me ai $2,g aii SKirts Marked Away Down. INFANTS' HEADWEAR, ONE-HALF PRICE. All nf our entire stock of swell Milan Straw Bon nets to go at exactly half the original price. MISCELLANEOUS "SNAPS." Regulur 7c quality Brown Muslin 5c American Prints, 10 yards for 35c $1.50 fled Spreads for "!98c .$1.25 Dress Goods, special 79c 50c Silks, all colors 395 5o House Linings, 6000 yards in this lot at the price of 35 MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE. 25c HOSIERY FOR 19c. Children's and Lnilies' fine best 25c1 sellers to go still at ... 9c 50c HOSIERY FOR 33c. Ask for a Fan Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue, Jusi North of the Jackson County Bank MEDFORD'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE LADIES' STORE. A Fan Free ago. is soon to be put in operation :iaiu by its old superintendent, Cary W. Thompson, who has taken a boud work it with a large force as soon as I In, mine can be relinibereil nml TRAIL LP Me.l'ord. mil leases on the property nnd will somc dead work done. There is a . 1 line lll-stniu) mill on the property and a first-class cyanide plant. This j KAISER TALKS ENGLISH properly has paid to the sharchold- TO BRITISH CLERGYMAN ers $1,200,000 and has paid a gross I revenue ot nearly $3,000,000. B 101 Kir St., Inline r Call- " " " " of laud of collsitlernlii'il Trow - dclejinlcs Kniulii The Latest Pattern; Tims to nuii'li nil kind lure. Ci'ine in and make .mnplete and np-tn-dale lim Medford G 318 EAST MAI1T Peter Finley Dnnne.i n a recent "Donley" article, deals the vile sint'llinu; eigareUe a body hlow thus wise: "What ar-re these Turkish athroeities 1 've lieen re-readin' almnt ?" said Mr, Ilennessy. " I dnn 't know, " said Mr. Pimley. "I don't.t keep thim. Have a eijar." RECORD KILLING OF BEAR MADE NEAR SOUTH FORK brown bear and eeeded in killing , two eubs. ' ' YeMrrilnv a party ot Mr. and Mr-. j Lawrence's friends drove out to the M. O. Lawrence, an eaateni man. ' springs and eujoycil the hospitalii v , , 1 1 .1 r 1 I"' 'heir pleasant and arlislie home. last year pnn'ba-ed the ' ' ' ; li'L'i'ther witli 11 veritable barbecue , Springs properly southeast ol Ash- wilh bear mMlt u tte pimt laud and turned the place into 11 ri-1 ,),. r,.,Utan t the menu. In the vn In lodge, where with his wife he in -'party wereMr. and Mis. I". S. l'ro nnjoying mountuin life amid allrac- 1 ,si. Mr. anil Mrs. .1. II. I'ntvnst. tive siiriniiudings in Southern tire- ! Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Daun. Mr. and gun, says the Tidings. Itoth lire de- M,s. C. . pierce and Dr. .1. Fn voleH of fishing and hunting and ' delman. in their now home indulge themselves I iii the sport. : REPORT STARTED THAT Last week. Afonday and Tuesday.,' GREENBACK MAY START UP Mr. Lawrence made a record killing! of bear in the South Pork region. I Th (Irants Pass Courier says: Monday ho secured n fine big black j We learn from reliable sources that hear, which measured 8 feet 10 inches j ihe Oreimbaek mine. 20 miles north from tip to tip and rolling in fat, and 1 of Grunts Pass, which .has been one wearing a fine ooat of fur. Tuesdayof (lie great producer of the conn he was on the chase again and no- try, but which waa shut down a yean PALMER INVESTMENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 acres lying on both sides of Rogue River.) Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per letnal water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom Joani and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. 'Also for the production Of Alfalfa. Gar den .Shif f, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries rein hug to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER- INVESTMENT CO. Medford, Oregon. CUATUU I.AKK "The Greatest Xatmnl W uiil-'r of ihe World." Medford. Orccon. I IIEItUN. June 22. The emperor j received in Ibo palace at Potsdam j today sixty Knglish clergymen. He juuide 11 brief speech in Knglish, say jing that it gave him real pleasure to I see Ihe representatives of the English I Christian churches in Germany. He i hoped .the visit would promote good j feeling heiweeu two great kindred j nations. In introducing the deputation Brit ish Ambassador:. Oosohen snid they came in the interests of peace and good will and were deeply touched at the heartiness nf their reception at Hamburg and Berliu. His majesty had twenty of the most prominent clergymen personal ly introduced to him and engaged thi-ni in conversation. HEADQUARTERS FQR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Blankets ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK. J. C. Smith East Main. Het Rex Gror.wy Ct EVERYBODY'S the big, strong Mag azine fur red-blooded men and women. JULY OUT TO-DAY On Display by Medford Book Store, Kasseira Store and Hotel Nash N 1 Btoi