rr M edford Daily UNE FOURTH YEAR. CRATER LAKE BILL I FREE X . . . m kA'flY r . : i llll I III D LL i Galloway Also Raises Point That Stale Mas No Jurisdiction Within the Boundaries of Crater Lake National Park. MONEY MUST BE RAISED ' AT ONCE TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSES OF AN APPEAL Case Is Not as Yet Lost, as Supreme ' Tnurt M.iv Reverse Decision " ' of Galloway. SAI.HM. June 2i (Special.) Judge Galloway this inmiiiuj; hel the ("niter bake mud bill uuoouBtitn tioiiul. His decision rends us fol lows: "In ihe .Tillamook uct $10,000 was appropriated to aid the eouuty in cnnstnicliiie; a public highway along the coast tor probably Ml miles or more, $1000. of which was to be used for a branch road leading from Xe tart't bay to" near Tillamook City. This section of Tillamook county was sparsely settled, though possessing great scenic beauty and wonderful natural attractions, inducing tourist travel. The present net appropriates $.100,000, conditional upon Jackson couutv raising a like sum In aid said county 10 build a public highway from the city of Medford to the west boundary of the ('ruler Lake National park, anil not to Crater Lake, as some imagine: also $."ifl,0(IO condi tional i Khnuath county contrib uting n like sum. lo aid said county to build a comity r 1 from Klaiualh Falls to the eastern boundary of said national park and not to the lake within said park, for our stale i without jurisdiction, and can do no work or exercise any authority with in the national park, including Crater lake. Continuous Highway. "The present act now here pro vides for aiding in the construction ,.t l,il,v l',., U.l- ford in Jackson county to Klamath Falls in Klamath county, as there is an intervening segment of more than IS 1-2 miles which is to be made, if at all, by the national government. Jackson nty ha raised or ap propriated the amount required, hence under tho provisions of chapter 191 f the laws of 10(1(1. $.0,000 be comes available for u-e in Jackson county only and upon a certain spe cified county road heading from Mcdford in said county to the west ern boundary of Crater Lake National park. The court is not informed that Klamath county lias made any ap propriation as required by the act, hence the $.,(Unui .-lppropriiiled ex clusively for Klamath county is not available and may never become n. Act Is Local. "The present act is clearly local, llll DELIVERY WH l nil i rxm ma TRIPS TO TIE Each Day New Contestants Enter Field and Try to Secure Needed Thirty Subscribers. Kach day brings forth new candi dates who, having tried for a few days securing subscriptions for the lair trips, fed positive that they can now go ahead and secure the roij'iired number entitling them to the vaca tion trip. Thirty yearly subscriptions are not hard to secure if you go nbout it in the right way. (Set . among your friends and with the united efforts of all, one will be able In easily se cure the trip to (he fair, und have a good opportunity of, securing a trip to Vcllowstono Park. There is a lot of good territory iu and around Medford, where candi dates can go and secure good returns for their trip. Candidates sli.mld not overlook the excellent upporl liniry offered for this week's work, and it will be instru mental in giving. nil a big increase in voles for the final counting. Big Week Ahead. To the contestant securing the best, results this ioming week is the one that will add materially to her vote 'list, and stand the best opportunity of securing the chaperon trip to Yel lowstone Park. Yearly Subscriptions. A big opportunity is today given the young ladies competing for the prize trips offered by The Tribune to secure tho benefit and credit of five yearly subscriptions. To the i young lady securing the most busi- ness between now and next Saturday night Will be given credit for five i yearly subscriptions. This is a good I chanoe for some one to lessen their stipulated 30 yearlies by five, thus i having to only secure 25 subscrip tions iu order to secure, the A.-Y.-P. I fair trip. 15.000 Free Votes. j To the one securing the most busi- ness between now and next Saturday ! night, besides securing the credit for ' five yearly subscriptions, will be given a bonus ballot good for 15.000 voles. This makes it possible for any contestant to get out among her friends, and by united efforts se cure these 15,000 free votes, also j credit for five yearly subscriptions, thus pnttiuc herself at the head of jibe list and having a lead for the ichapelim honors. ! j).- it applies to only two counties; it is aNti 3MfiaI. heeanse it lim ; ited to a specified section and fr Uovoral purposes onl,y( that is, tho ; proposed appropriation enn hp n-ed (inly in the enntie of Jackson and ' Klamath and for a ppeeinel pnrpoee. I viz.. (he luiiMiriu of a eertain pfH ( "imI highway in atd counties. The jaer U therefne !or:il and special and ; come clearly within the inhihitinn placed upon such measures by sec tion L?-1 . article 4. of our constitution. Therefore, the enmphijnt will he sus tained and injunction made per petual." (CoDttntml on paf 8.) MEDFORD, OREGON, GRACE BEDFORD TAKES POISON BY MISTAKE Young Woman of This City While a tWork in 6rants Pass Hospital is Accidentally Poisoned and Dies Before Aid Could Be Sum monedRelatives Live in Medford Was to Have Been Married Next Week. Miss Grace Bedford of this city, who during (ho pat six months has been at work in a hospital in Grants Puhb, accidentally poisoned herself last evening, and when found at 0 o'clock Tuesday morning was so far rone that she could not he revived and passed away. Her relatives in1 (his city were notified and a sister took the morninqr flyer for Grants I'ass, them to take charge of the re mains. The ene was purely accidental, as the yonnir lady was in the host of spirits. She had been worked down during tin1 pust tew months and was taking a mild stimulant in order to leep. Tn some manner she took poi on Moiidiiv cveiiiiitr by tnitalce. The saddest part of the uiifortn nate a f fair was the fact that some where on the railroads from the east COMMERCIAL CLUB A meeting of the Medford Cora- j ineivial club is called for tonight at i H p. m .at the club rooms to consider the decision again.-t the Crater Luke j road and provide ways and means j for an appeal. A full attendance ia : desired. ! VM. M. COKVIG, President, j Though generally expected, much indignation is expressed iu Medford over the decision of Circuit Judge Galloway at Salem holding the Crater Luke road appropriation unconstitu tional. The case will 'be appealed at once to the supreme court and the commercial (dub will discuss ways and means tonight. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS IN THE CONTEST lli'iiii iiilii'i'. vim run lake the nil !-nlsiTiitiini!- carry vuls. Mi-v ;ii. Tire Mis Kvn I'nttcison Mis M.-ihi'l CnriiT. . . . .Nfiss Knla .Ja'r.liii Miss le WillianiB. . . . Mi.-s Mni'l .Mi"-spnpor. Mi-. I. in-ill' lliiniihi'rv Mi-s Anna Spii-pi- Mi- rurdt'lia Rcntt-r. . Mi-.- Miii-lhn l'iii-i'. . . . Mi W'iniie Junes .... Mi-- Manna Tliii-I. . . Miiy Mii.-I,. li. . . . Mi- IVnrl ir.illcnlici-k. Mis- M.-ihel I'liv-niw. . . . . I 'iinii-stanis nr not limited to i-tiieri-d. hill ni-e allowed to eimiitv or stnte. TONTKST f'IX)SKS t4MMfMf TUKSDAV, .IUNK 22, I'JO!). SEPTEM a young dootor is speeding westward to make her his bride. A house had been fitted up in this city and the ceremony was to have taken place the first of the week. Miss Bedford's mother and step father. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coop, of this city, reside in North Medford. They were (tailed this morning and Mrs: Coup is prostrated. A sister of Miss Bedford. Miss Hughes, left for Grants Pass. , The nurse iu charge of the Grants I'hsw hospital stated over the tele phone l hi- morning that she knew pothiii-r of tin nl'fjiir until after Mi lii'dford had tailed to respond lo her hell ;il ( o'clock this morning, when .-he went 10 her room and found her nearly dead. kv. Klattniau war- .sum moned, hut he could do nothing. Th" remain- will be brunch I lo ihi- citv for interment. MEETING CALLED It is generally regarded that the court wont out of its way iu hunt ing up objections to' the appropriation discovering some not touched upon law by Attorney AleMiihon. and that an extremely narrow view of the ease was taken typical of the moss backism that has so long retarded the development of the state. ( 'on fide) ice is expressed I hut the supreme court will take , a broader view of the situation, and if not, an initiative petition will be circulated and submitted to the voters at the next general election for an amend ment to the constitution permitting -tale constructed highways. trii nnv time vui i-huip. mid llml Midlord :tl.SJ(i Hi - dfurd 1(1.184 M. - dfi.rd son I.'idd I :t8:t 0.0(18 4.-i:t 600 71 (i .'i(l(l '():, 2.117 . .M.'dford . .t'i'iiti-nl IViint . . Vntrnl INiint, . .1 Vntial I'nint. . .Jarksonvillp . . ..Irieksmivilli; . . .Illnlio ..Oiil.l Hill .... ..fi.dil Hill . . (i'-ants Pass , . . IVrispect . .A-lilaml .... K. 1). y. n. 2. the ili-ti iets in whieli ihev vnies IV. .in any other disiriet. .II7.V 17. 1009. BER TO ESTABLISH VALIDITY OF CERTIFICATES Receiver Reddy of Medford and Cra ter Lake Road Starts Suit in Circuit Court. ' Iteeeivcr J. F. Kcddy of tho Med ford uud Crater Luke railroad, through his attorney, Hubert G. Smith, has begun an action in the circuit t;o uit of Multnomah county I to establish the validity of eertil'i 'e.ates of deposit amounting to $81, r00 on the failed Oregon Trnst & Suvings bank, which Receiver T. C. Devlin and the. German-American bank, which assumed the liabilities of Hid failed bank, have rvidentl repudiated, though I hey bad roeog ni"d them as legitimate liabilities , 'or neai ly two years. Following this -ail "vill come a mm' for an account ing ol l be asseth ol the Oregon Trust v Savings hark Mid a public si lung of the miniteti.a s l. v l"--b the brink'' i"--el- h.lie I ecu di-pned of. Sl.TiOII c- I i' ica le- ot deposit s-.'til the p-itehase price pa il fur ill- MimIJ'ihiI mill i l.iicr lake niiii-imd ul receiver s si it-sciale tw moi'c.v, ')(i H Mil' Lp-i-ai-v;; , . ' al f" -M. d urd tail' night a?, ill" be-l niiiil gor-e Kiltie . Tht'i's mailed J Ifep.m. wiJJ Ma- loll-,-, icy Kaj j Sy Geo'ge K-les lmd y-ars ago, find the ' ' - v can be built WILLIAM WlMirr. "lj AlljP.vl, Snt- I (-I ' 1C Vim I-' I in i,i VI,.,,-1 )iirx -Ii.hiiiI l'X(; un-'" tin-r 1 iL7 I . - ii-miiiiiIi.iii of (In- linl. ill y Ihe eer- lilieales of dei.osit : in other words, sell the Imiids for the 8I, "1(1(1 due on ilm eeriiiieaie, of de,osii. when, however, the Allen interests agreed lo this, l)evliii and Ihe (Icrtnnn- Aineriean hank reln-eil in earrv it . out, and now demand par value for lie bondB and repudiate the rartifi- eates of deposit entirely. If the repudiation of ihe rertil'i- enles or deposit is sustained, it will iinnul the sale of the Medford and Crmer Lake railroad to the Pacific & r.nstern an iltlu-ow it liaek into pus- session ot die receiver for a new snle and Ihe I ds will he tvorllilc . So n is iiurii 10 uuoersiiMHI wluil anie Receiver rteviin and the German- Aineriean hank are playinc. unless it is to hold up M. Allen. Receiver Reddy i- C.i 1 , loii.M the suit in order to protect the inter- estn of the .10 odd creditors of Hie .Medford and Cralcr I.nke rail'ond w illi claims nuainst Ihe 81.."()0 pur- ehnse price. There is no other re- course left. Pending the settlement of the mud- die. il is entirely proliahle that Mr. I Allen will stop construction of tho C Finw of Table Rock was a ro I railroad. cent visitor in Ifedford. NO. 81. 15th Two Carriers Ordered for This City and One Substitute Govern . . nient Gets Into Action in Quick Time. WILL GREATLY RELIEVE CONGESTED CONDITION IN THE LOCAL P0ST0FFICE With New Train Service and Carriers Portland Mail Will Be Delivered Before 9 A. M. WASHINGTON, June 22. Med- ford Daily Tribune, Medford, Ore. Free mail delivery for Medford, effec- VA Spntemher IR. Twn carriers and nnft substitute ordered. fSianed I0D NEWS COMES ey WIRE " " VMVinU L L it VPI bu.,d 73 for h i 21H","?!r w. stor and fla?rej i v Lflllll t I liiiir hi. IM .-. ""vo us a """Oaiow-come and v. UHESSER'S OFFICE. 'nasasnaauui.auatwt WTlNTEn ...... 1.1 (i.-niiic into Ht'lion litter tho in,.,.,,. i,ide his rejwrt, whieb. wan ,1,,,,,. tl. fim) f (hiH month, MALTREATED GIRL: GETS LIFE TERM ,(tS ANdKI.KS, .lune'J l.('on- visied of eonliiiunlly mistreiititiK his 12-yeiii-nld si. i-dai:);l,ler.. Dr. A. Duneansim. a well-ediienieil physi- 1-11111 of middle iijje, was toilay Ben- leneed hv .ludjie Ituvis iu the Super- inr rourt lo lite iuipris entt in Sun (uenlin. Tile rourt delivered a sralhuiff denuneinllou of Ihe prisnner ! pa-sin' sentence. Dnitciinson ( i-cniiiiti-ly ilcnicil In- uuil'. Great Rallies at Tabernacle. V.-M I...11IV dnv several sp,..i nillii- will he held. A ureal llilile .chool rally will lie held at !) :4." a. in. Aim. ",".n ii-i--i-nl. .-mil every inciiilier of Hie church In (he llilile school." Church rally at 11 a. m. l-et every meiaher of (lie church lie on Imnd. Y. P. S. C. K rally at 7 -p. m. Final rally at H p. in. Kvnryhody . come.