nn 1RIBXJNE MEDFORD. OltEUOX, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1J0!. NO. 69. FOURTH YEAR. Daily MEDFORD TO BLOCK ROAD IS AMENDED Mossback WIcMahan Files Hew Charges In Effort to Restrain Construction of Crater Lake Highway. ATTORNEYS WORK TO SUSTAIN APPROPRIATION Fenton, Webster, Colvig and Reames Preparing Answer Speedy Action Assured. "4 SCENES OF COUNTRY LIFE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY PORTLAND! ..limp 8. (Spfininl.) Attorney Geiim.il ("run -ford, Judge W. D. Fenton, Judge Lionol Wolistor of Piirljaml arid Colvig mid Ronracs of Modfont are represcntiiiB Hie t'ni ter lake road commission in the suit brought hy Attorney MeMahun for J. K. Sears to declare the Crater lnke mud state approrialion uneonsti- tutional. An amended complaint has been filed bv Mi-Miihim which makes the secretary of state a co-defondnnt. In addition to this, the plaintiff alleges thai Ihe legislature passed (he hill setting it out in detail. Ihe same charges are made as in Ihe original complaint, and in addition thereto the plaintiff alleges the appointment of the Crater lake road commission. .Und that the hill is void because it contravenes article 11 of the state constitution, which, it is alleged, pro hibils the legislature from passing any law that shall loan the credit of the slate, or create any liabilities which shall make the state debt ex ceed the sum of $50,000 except in case of war or to repel invasion. I The case was set for tomorrow Lr morning upon demurrer before Judge j Cialloway. but in consultation hern toilav with Judge Fenton. the Med ford attorneys are of the opinion; that the matter should be met by an i answer. Thw method will permit j them to bring before tl ourt the j nalural wonders of Crater lake, and the advisability and necessity of j connecting eastern and western Die- j gon. If the defense should stand nn ; demurrer, it would have to ask the j court to take .judicial knowledge of nil those things, and as they are all f capable of proof. Ihe attorneys are proceeding along Ihe lines ,,f safety., although it will probably delay mnt-j tors slightly. Hefendants will file nn answer to- I morrow and will get eac up for trial ; Monic day this week. One of the features in the am led complaint, necessitating nn answer., that was not in the first complaint, j is the allegation that there is a good i road already, and that the new mad' will benefit only those persons living along its routes. I Will II II I IIHIIIIII lllll I II HUM 1 MB MB II '1 1MB NUB WPP1 IIWWiWM. I'll Will i I 1tm:-lCWTrxttHrA IwHtMrf1" fRww ft-ortisji n-rfjX WW i l ' ( V , x '!r--- I f v. J 1 f 'M .'lO? f .ti '-' If w . ; ..: wl. -.4-, i V VSk. Am z ;j-Vm. a.! -re iff 7rjei II cs of (lrcliardists in the Vicinity of Mcdl'md. Cnurle Southern I'aeit'ic Company. MAYORALTY OF PORTLAND Machine Candidate Swept Into Of lice By Majority of All Ballots Cast Small Vote Shown and Little Interest. REPUBLICANS ELECTED TO CITY COUNCIL New Charter, Excise Board Amend ment and Gothenburg System Are Defeated. PUPILS MAKE L High School Graduating Class Sign Round Robin Against Instructor Alleging Favoritism and Incompetency. RESIGNATIONS OF SEVERAL INSTRUCTORS ARE ASKED PORTLAND, June H. With half a dozen precincts still winning, the count at '2 o'clock this uL'tnrnuon shows that Joseph Simon has been elected mayor by a majority of nil votes cast. The count is approxi- Scholars Claim Member Was Flunked Despite Excellent Record by Unfriendly Teacher. As a result of a clash between school authorities and the gradu ating class of the Med lord high school, some of Ihe graduates refused to appear al the commencement ex ercises, and have preferred charge mutely: Simon, H000; Miinly, 4000; ; ag,ih,!.t (leorge Merrill, one of the Allien, 'J'200. All the Hepublienn man- instructors in the high school. The iuecs for the council are elected. pupil referred to is Cnrl Glasgow, The new charter was defeated, the: K (' y. w, Glasgow, a well known excise board ainondineiit was de- , ,,ivlmrdKt. The cluiiges are as fol featcd, as was the proposed Oothon-( Imvs; burg plan. The Mroadway si reel , The Round Rnllin. bridge earned, and (lie Madison' . , . , , ., .., c, the members ot the senior street bridge will remain nt Its ires- . , ., ,. i , . ; , i Hu.-s ol Mcdlnml high so inn I, in cut site, the proposal to remove it lo i i , , , , ... , ,. , , ,,,, , chilling IIiom.' who decliueil o appear Market street being dclculeil. Ihe; . ,, , 1 ' , . Llt , , . , , , in i in cnmiuc iicuiuciii exorcises m- Sherman sli t bridge was also tie- . . , i day evening anil those who appeared feated. i . , , , , ; in accordance with their parents de- EUGENE PAVING PLANT ' reHl'"',"'"",v 'l,sim ,'" "s',lui" DESTROYED BY BLAZE. jhihih i'ic rcnsuiiH lor uur at- thuHo in thtH nintlor. Part of the mixing plaid of lliej, .",AI1 Vl,"r lh n,",",1"'rK "f 11,0 Wurreu (;onHtruetio cn,any, sit - 1 h" "' " elasHcs nuted back of Skinner's Unite, near1 wl " "''.V "..irnrod in.,,.s- the river, at Kugene. was destroyed ; 1 vv '" ,h'' ll',."'l! " ''' r i;iuinnirr iim'mii hi rill , jimi win mi NEW PARK FOR CITYJPLANNED Ladies of Greater Medford Club to Begin Work at Once Beauti fying Grounds Where Old Tank Stands. LIFE ON A ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD --1ST ALLURING AND ATTRACTIVE Stately Mansions Occupied by Cultii red People Adorn the Sightly Hills Surrounded by Endless Rows of Record Crop Producing Fruit Trees An Out-of-Door and Ideal Life, "Far From the Maddening Crowd's Ignoble Strife." by fire Sunday, the fire starling about lOtfO. It is not known just how the fire origiualed. bill there was file uiidernenlll the vats which c.onta'u.i'd Ihe liilulilhic preparation used to hind the crushed lock, and it is thought the liiiuid spilled over in some inunncr. The entire plant was abhue before the alarm could be turned in. The fire dcpartuu'iil reached tin place in time to save the engine and a pari oT the mixer. Iml the vats and the i i j i 1 1 1 1 1 ' v ami pail of the plant used to lioi-il the cru--lieil rock i- a lolul loss. The plant would have been taken to 1,'o-i-lnug within a few davs. CENTRAL POINT WILL FLOAT WATER BONDS fREAT REVIVAL AT THE TABERNACLE !iniin'iijtto improvement of the va cant ipuin. ,int west of the present eitv iwrk. on which the oM water tmver slnixU as a reriiimlcr of villa days, was niulertakei. hy the lathe ! of the OivaliT MiMlfi.nl Huh at their! monthly meetintr Monday. The irmniuls will he heautifiel atnl uu'ile a part of th (in-sent pnrk. The holier of the Hah met nt Ihe Cmnmctvinl eluh rooms and tran acled tniich hiisiiiesi-. They epei-lr(i it to he their last meeting for the summer, hut owinjr 1 tlie jtn'-s of hnsiness. will hold another meeting Xo more delightful or fasfinaliti lile can he imagined than that of ihe lli-irue river orehtirdist. A tour throtiLrh the "real fruit region irihn lary lo Medforrl will convince any one of the truth of (his ii-sertinii. I'eaulil'ul li'iitii's. iews ,.f (he valh-y. - i.f The prent ineetinir nt the rhristian , tahenuiele continues with tmahated ' interest. T.ast ninht the service-;; -wore well attended, the dmri2 was rrand ami ihe intnnrest irreat. I'rof. Sluiff-'f sntstj a heantifnl olo enii- i th-d '-Wi 'ie T- y WnnderinL' Oirl To; i"1!! ?" This s,ji' uiis written hy , nr- ". ."r uirl. The 'S;nile Ch-iru-" ; W;1P ni-L'iini.cd. IV-ys a-d i'rU from 8 to 1.1 v.-ar- of a if fire to ht ad-j niittr.l. ',:IV- ,l!,'v U: ready for -w.o -yovUi '- P'-j prtv in th hir-jp ehonw Sunday nidit: want 100 hy next Sunday. at'ieel tonit'ht. "The Havprdy Vision." A L'l-eaf Ilifiae. Tonic, ymt are wanted. A was , lo li the lasf Monday of thi month. Committee Is Named. w a vs and me-ms ct.inni'l ice ihted to ra:-c t.M ii nrdor uflfv the new pail: iu-t west of itte prfsoT.t oTiC Vr. H. t Ke"f- ner wa- 1 1 i -.i- 1 .-.T oh with j r. Vmi'p". Vr. Vrl-o :v d Mr-. ! Alff-H M-:-l;oit. The rich hwcmI to assist th" fireiren in their nreoa I r;,i;An, 7,v the 1-Voo-il, of ,T-,lv ce'e ; hrai..n. atM-ointii'-; the foll-.l.:? I committee to as-ist :lh s h.".''1"' ' for rpjimtiriate dc'nrattnn. and. in j short., to aid in n-v wnv that they can :x ( hatnnan. Mr- ' ano i ; a--frontintied nn pnee R. onimamlin'j fine ct ahont hv end laden t'ruil tree-, can e -ecu on '(.ry hand, ami the oc- ; cnpanl1- emac I rum every scciiun oi Ihe connlry - a coltiuvd. intelligent ! class itiat would i'I-mcc any region. Tin- ideal home and ideal life i j iluit ol tl rehardisi the niait who make- a L""'d !ivinLr a-uid a little I imiiv i h;- own huss, fi-1M. and i'ule 1 pendent, with oppoi l unity for fnl!e-t lev eoi?Tie) t. Hvii'L his !iti- m (tod -nice sini-hine. Life Most Alluring. ioieh' t d i- inost at - turiti" As Heurv II. e rotary of the tae .n.mi-ioti. has writ -iHohaiis no irore fas. el;;tiii.-.- or f l ohlipe; pnrs'iit in I i tlrin hoi-ti.'uii ure, ant! nos-ihlv none more profilahle than th" 'jTmvinir of jipples and (war'-. The Hiet who vi-atchcd and raved fiver the develop- l.ilV .-eh. nit-if 'The d ,1 maiden and ullimalu wumaidiood will lind its eoiinlcrpai'l in an Oregon or- 1 ehaid. To lninl and watch in early, -piine. the niticlifiiinp of the tree, the LTiidua! dev fhipincnl of leaf and hud, ' and (he i-nlle. itmid openiiif; of its, lieu ilcliinir hlo-soam, filling the air il !i iiiio ical n i t'rane-ninec, and finally the frnitai of the manjfi-e-!it applet and pears for which Or-ej-.ii ha- heroine famous, is a poem m itself. "f hae tisudicd tlie era of ci tifie niaMJi'jcmeut of the orchard A ot' i-i'inmn-rative prices for the f.duct.M e and hraitiK aru needed rd. It is not a vodel's etit of a hefintiful hahy eirl into Inteifi-.-ii. M tlie ondi ecu)UltlOU. A Brainy Occupation. The he-i ihoii"ht of (he hra'micsl i', .ii iti Soiiihei!! Oregon ha heon L'i.en to horticulture since the posHi 'i i' i'- of Ihe loi-iuc-s have heen fipp.-ii'eiit. .In the lit.dit 'if acquired pi-rience. there need not lie a sin- ) futlurc atMuf -j those win" now en?- 'ark Hi this hu-iue-,s. J( j not an ; occupation especially adapted to the wnnls ()f a lazy man. for it requires f'KNTHAL I'OINT. June K. The city ciuncil at it- regular meeiin last niL'tit decided to float the water works lionds in an amount of .,Jo.ttOII as soon as possible, and ordered the necessary puhlienliou. Il i the in tention to issue the hoods for a pe- riod of Mfl years with interest al f per cent, It is expected that they ! will he taken hy local investor. At torney Wilhintrtofi of Medford ad vised the enimc.il in connection with the ir-Huaiici of the hands, Tt will decided to mispend opera tions in the tunnel now heinp driven in iht: well, which is to he the city source of water supply, as the pres ent flow of '.?00 gallons n minute if deemed sufficient. One of the tun nels is 7x7x12 1-2 feet in dimen sions and the nfhr i 7v7H 1 1 -2. we helieve not only failed in his t tetichinn, hul graded his pupils nc j cording to his own ptu'sonal preju j dices; and who now, in our opinion, has perpetuated his last tun! fjrent 1 c- injustice hy rel'tisiny; to pass, hy a v cry nn rrmv ma reju, one of (ho hesi and hardest working ntcndtei s of our class; and thai with no pre vious vwmiiiitf and after In- had heeii authorized lit scud out his cummeiic-'-inent cards und to h"irn 'his Mici ;e. The said tiicmlier. : ti'rii;- tiom .;' . oilier si'hool only In -I year, ha- la en a hie tiy Intra e( I ort s hi inn ke eiul of the required sivicen credits with in the pa-t year, and only failing by Put poinls in one-half credit nf mak if "jr ihe jias-.in?.' jninle, and we are convinced llnit his failure was duo cutirelv to ihe teacher's prejudice. "Also, we arc entirely dissatisfied with the treatment the class has re ceived, by bcinij; allowed no voice whatever in any of the arrangements for commencement. "CliA ItKNCK (IOKK.. "KKUN1CK ('Oltl)KK. "ST A It MAI'SHAMj. "CI V LKOXAKI). "(II'Y HISIIOP." V.. (ioodpa ure. who hn trnnni ed all over California and Southern OreL'on. seeking truce of hi mi-sine uncle, V. T- Knus-her. the Afedford imr-ery man v ho mysteriously di---.ini.ejired last autumn, ret anted Mon- j day from San FYnncicn, TTisr search the closest attention at nil times; hut f Continued on pflpe. 8.) j was i find . i terv. faihit-. ns he was unable to Hue that would solve tlie mys- Resiynattnn Asked. The Hioid hoard has not vet nn- , iiouuccd appointments for the coiu injr year, but it is understood that: -nvcpjil Ii Hiool instructors have been dropped, nmnne; them (teniae Aferritt and Miss Walton. Miss Vn lah Wnrner. Ihe principal of Ihe 'vs school, it is rcforlcd. has nNo 1 emi ): -I f'd lo re-i-.'U. rJGLEY Tflnir rv HOSIERY I rc.rjCTCD WAsrnvcrov. e s n,.. t. ton "Hiedcle w-; rMiuinletcd at tin1 niirhf spsion. The inny rates were restored on bo'.ierv, rnakini? tlie reduction of about 20 cents n doen pair from the rale of the house hill. Tomorrow the woolen sche tlali- will lie fakrn up.