Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 28, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Are 60x125 feet in size. They are situated high and dry and have a beautiful location. The growth of the city westward
the owner of an inside lot in a year or two if you buy in this addition. The price is $250. All the
required is $25 down and payments are at the rate of $10 a month
Selling Agents
V. J. i'orli. ut ffoHebur n vii
tr in thi city.
Frank Milton w-nt to A "bland
(hi- morning1.
The Nah Cnfe will wrve ait elab
orate table d'hol dinner Hunduy eve.
nifitf. Herial inuic ha been ar- j
j ranged, 'ii
J W. Y. Fuller and wife of Kilver-
Ion are visiting friend in thin city.
' Khtale O. Karewxki ; order mude
cm finning of real property.
H Rfriimtijff Saturday, the Nali fnt
will bp oen dv end ni(fhl. A firt-
e)an wrn ire in every reert i
promised. A I
.finite and Mr. I'urdin have taken
ihe II. K. Itoydeu milage on North
Vol ml iii ciitif for the summer.
The Nab Cafe will wrve mi elaborate-
I, -dill' d'hote dinner Sunday eve
M"tf. SM-enil music hu been ar
! ranged. fil
H. K. Hoyden ha let tin' contract
for a new bnncnloH on North Cen
tral aw'iiue to t'diiliaeior I. von-. The
contract price U 4 VMMI.
The Mrdtord U t hi- Mm!.ir place,
and I he only place, h her e ou run
ii l your pack n ye uf iauuhs drliv
, rrrd o,ni' k. lift
t'lunle- O Kitrj ha relumed tmin
a hrtet bflnlneo ttii to Portland.
When in doubt. H" lo the Medtord
theater ,i,t '( a riamp put in your
fj wide with lirntrhini. tfl
Ml Join, II. O'hVilly of ltiK Butte -i.
Hiiilinu u lew dii in Mnllnrd with
ft leinlx.
The Na-h fate n-IU -ene an enh.
H orate table tt'hote dinner Siiiidnv re-
ini'tf Special mu-ie tin - I i ar
ranged. (1)
C. A. Wil-m of the W.mhIh ,iii
ber enmpan y ha relumed from ti
hIioH hniiiiM trii to f ilenditle, wlit-rc
I the null- ut In- l ontjtiniv ure lM-nld.
TlH' Cnf mil sent- jut ehdt
I nratt' Inhle d'lmte dinner Snndny ee
mil ninif. Speei;tl inu-ie lm Ikmmi ttf
. raniied. (il
I Joltii II. W.'-l I nll.'ii .t KneiiM i- in
Meiltord loilintf imt lh alley with
n itw of location.
Viloii ( do 1 1 of I ioi nli rook,
Tnl., in in Med ford mieiididtf it few
day- with I'iumhU.
V havf ju--t rn'eietl n fn-h 'hip.
Ilirilt of the siiendid t're-ti llauinnili
piiifiiiile-. i rv one. l hey ;i re
''Miki N'li' n Iho nntixeM . Kx
& fiioceiy Coinjiiinv, AfisKinn hlnek. tilt
'C KenrcHiMilativo Tihhnl t( iho 1Uaki
MrKall Pjifinr rornjMinv of I 'm t IiiihI
i ratlin n viillrv riHtompr-.
Iwipuhoehoo - tuist yoitr toiitfiir and
tuiy tha(- it im Hawaiian for "they
have tt fresh lot of Ifawoiintt pinrp
pl nt th Ko flrurflry, in the Mis ,
nion blopfc." AO
Bejciiiijiujf Saturday, the Nakh Cat
will b open day and nipht. A firt-
chkh Mnire in every revpet i
promised. " 61
Frank Wilson of Central Point i
in th ily on biiMfje.
Howard S. Dudley w spending a
week in i'ortlaiid and Seattle.
John Wat kin of Grant f'a ent
friday in Medford.
Tb Kaab Grill now sets a busineM
men's laneh at noon for 35 cents.
A. ii. (.'oniell of OrautH Pan
rlendiii)f a few day in Medford
Iia Clark i -ndinif a few day
in Medford.
Ibone jour orders for sweet eram
or buttermilk to the creanery
Mr. mid Mr-. Ilerfiert Ifrown of
Central Point were in Medford 01
Im-inehw Friday.
lHii C Mefiee of Portland i vU
itii j jf friends in Medford for u few
The Nasb Grill now cetH a buine
Men's Inneh at noon for 35 cents.
lr. J. M. Keene i pliinnin to visit
Klam.-ilh KnlN on railroiifl day. The
Crater Lake road coinmi-sion will
meet in thai eitv n June
flniller ol the finn of Coii-
rail a Ituiller, ml writer. 1- rou
tined lo hi home by the efforts of
NM-on oak.
He'innintf Salurday. the Nash Cafe
will Uf open day and niifht. A firt-
sen ire in p erv re -pert I
pnnniHeiJ, f
li. Conner of Table (fork wa- a
i-ilor in Medtord on Friday.
II. S, Move tif San Fiam i-rti is in
Medlord on bn-ine-.
I.. A. Whilter of Chiro i upending
few iliiv in Medfortl.
J II. Panm has rei nrned from a
-hurt ItuMinesu trip,
The Nash Grill now sett u buine
mim' Itiheh at mioti for H't efntn.
It. L. Wall of lt.H-h.-ler. N. V.. w
in Medlord on hn-inet..
The rerepiion of (he t re-linnin ehiH
of Ihe hii;h rhool will he held tmiiirht.
niiii or Khiiie. at the MniMiall rei-den.-e
on Oakdnle avenue.
The Indies ,,f the cuild of St.
Mark's .hui.h were entertained nt
the I, .ii,. nf Mis. F. H, Iliipkiim at
C.m,i,h( P.iint tm Thiu'-.lav afier
noon. A very plea-ant time ,. u,,,
Citv lieeorder Ileniamin M. Collins
ref nrned rt'nlny inorniiitf from a trip
to fotllaml.
Freil M. 'iiimiiiiii:". the eh it en--iiM'er.
h.t- returned t'i"in if hu-ines-.
trip to Spokane.
IteyinnittL' Satttrdav. Ihe Na-h Cafe
nil! he open dav unci niuht. A first-
eliis efv ire in eX'ery re -pert U
promised. (
Marriage Licenses.
Krnesf A Jtnrnr and Rsn A. Sty
John Vfiminttn and Martha Slunk-nrd.
XKW VOKK. May M. Kiehard A.
Balliiiger, feeretary of the interior,
wat the priuripal speaker before a
fathering of in em be r of the Zeta
Pm frateniity at the Hotel Ator.
Mr. fialliner said:
The growth of government njen
ties is euornjouK. The appropriation,
of my own department amount to
more than $180,000,000 a year and
there ore 4000 employee nea tiered
throuiout the eountry.
It ih entirely beyond the power of
one individual to oversee all the de
tail of the work. In the course of
itn develoment every department
ha taken ufon itelf a tremendous
etetn whirh in beeorniiiff more and
more diffieult lo eoutrol. Ageiieies
are firowiiig extremely bmad and viiHt
in extent, not alone in the federal
government, but alo in late and
mimiripa) govern men t.
There in today a eleaner and i
healthier eivie sentiment throughout j
the Tinted State than ever before.!
mil I think that there is nobodv who
s more reMinsiihe lor it than Then-
lore r(.osevelt."
NKW YOKK. May JH. -lin k .John
u. the colored hea yw-eight cham
pion pugilist, mane this aiinnunee-
itienl from a box in n local theater
last night :
The public nor anybody in this
hou-c will live to see .lames J. Jef-
s and .lark John -on fight. .Tef
- is n pretty old man- Ion old to
gel into condition. He carries too
miirh tai. I am comment ami posi
tive (hat Ihe public will never ee
ohiisou and Jeffries fight. I am
ing to California to fight At Kauf
NKW YOHK. May 28. The will of
H. 11. Uogeis, dismiug of heiwccn'
s.-.n.ttuO.Onn ami $75,0011.0011 has been -filed
here in the probate court, F.
eeptinu' a Im-,,ih--I of ilnil.iuni for a
permmietit -rhool fund for his home
town. Fairhaven, Mn the entire!
esiale y.n to relative. To the w dow ,
ihe will uives the New Ynrk ti'idence.
sable. iintoniobiles. and trust fund
i hat will not be below two million
am! a bull', tn.r aboe three million.
Trust funds ntrirrturiitine f .'i.'iO.OOO
were created for the benefit of rel
.itie to bn piiid to betiefteia lie dur
ing I heir lie and ieert to the e--lute
lifter their death. I
For Phoenix town pmrty, both'
irnpmved and unimproved and three
tfnod orchardu, nee Matt Calhoun.
Pboenix, JackntHi county, Orefon. j
75c Table d'Hote Dinnenr 75c.
Sunday, May 30.
Oyster CoektaU
Olive Kadi-he-i Salted Peeans
Consomme aux Alphabet
Hroited Chinook Salmon, Maitre
Chip Potatoes
Salad a la Paysienue
Sprint; Lamb a la Turque
F're.-b String Beans
Crater Lake Waferw
Stuffed Youn Turkey
Cranberry Sanre
Garden Pens Mashed Potatoes
Nut Salad
Mararoon Ire Cream
Assorted Cake
Kotpiefort Cheese
lientV Water Craekers
Demmi Tase
Peler M. Kershaw, general sales
manai'er of the Oregon Grauite emn
pany. has relumed from an extend
ed biiiui'-s trip to California.
Readers of the Tribune
Do you know as you read this announcement that the
Goods and women's ready-to-wear apparel is oinn on at
tlie store of Raker & Iliitchason. redford. Oregon i Such
a slaughter sale of merchandise has never heeii attempted
I y any merchant in this section of the state. This sale
conies at an opportune time for those who are in need of
anything in the way of dry goods, ladies' apparel, sireh as
Suits. Skirts and Hats. They are the creations for this
season's selling, up-to-date in style and newest models.
The slaughter extends all" through the house, not an ar
ticle or garment has escaped the knife, more especially on
ladies' suits and skirts and hats: there the cut has heen
deepest. We want you to attend this sale. 1 f there's anv
thing of the "Doiihting Thomas" in vour make-up, to von
SPECIALLY is this invitation extended.
"We propose to stick to the truth, and under no cir
cumstances will we advertise an article that we haven't
got. A large force of salespeople'has been added for this
sale. You will he waited on promptly.
Baker-Hutchason Co.
Central Avenue, Medford, Oregon.
Thursday's Scores.
National league Philadelphia-Cin-einiiati.
rain; Hrooklyn-Chieago, rain
New York-St. Ijiiis, rain : Boston
. Pittsburg 7.
American league Boston -Detroit,
rain; Chicago 2, New York 2 (game
ealled in lenth to cateh a train); St.
Jxiuiii 2. Cleveland 5.
(oabt league San Francisco 3,
Portland 0; Vernon 0. Los Angeles
2: Oakland 1. Saeranimlo 11.
Northwest league Portland 3.
Spokane 0; Seattle 4. Aberdeen 0;
Vancouver 2. Tacoma .".
At the Nah II. S. Hove. San
Fratiri-o; W. A. Corge?hall, O. S.
lAigsdnti. i'ortland: W. C. ('limn. Ixu-
iKville; Geo. Sexton. Boston ; L. A.
Whitten, Chieo; V. C Barrett and
wife. Sun Francisco: Boiidinot Con
ner. Table Hock: Coniud Fiew. f'hi-
iis:o: Mrs. B. I., l'ettviiirill. Eureka;
l(. S. Wall. Hoche-tcr: K. II. Lynch.
V. K. Ga.p:trd. ChicaL'o; A. I.. Arnes.
Rogue Rivep Valley
Taeoma: J. H. Baum, city; H. Hall
The following letters remain tin
called lor ut the Medford. Oregon
posloffice :
W. C. Alexander, J. A. Bonser, W
S. Brij;ht. Horace Childers. E. J
Clark. Lillian Kisnar CJ), Uonalc
M. MeDunald, K. Lee Frank, A. B
Gale. V. Harrett, C. R. Hepler, Jail
Heath. E. L. Jones, Heath Lyon
Andy Mnniah, M. H. l'ettitt (2). "Ed
ward K. Preston. A. S. M. Randall
Miss C P. Sheffield. Harrv Simlci
(2), W. E. Slurati. K. M. Wilson
Aseel B. I'njter, Xeal Vndum.
Special Dinners.
The Kash Grill now makes a spe
cialty of banauets. weddini?. h reak
fasts and dinners, and special feast
of all kinds. Private dinine room-
for special occasions. Vo hftttor
service between Portland and San