Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 27, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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I Positively (ho best show of the
scumou nt the opera house this week.
George li. Alonsou ijI' ,Mirrdccil,
Wash., is in .Medford on business.
I'. Shcrdl III'
tiny in this oil
fluid Hill spent
Hcgiuuiiig Saturday. I lie Nash Cafe
will be upon tlay and night, A lirst
oluss service in every respect is
prnmiscd. til
A. K. Kingman nf Kncriiiiiouln is in
Medfnrd lor a short visit.
Artbnr Lewis is a reeenl arrival
from Furgn. X. I).f He mnv locale
ill this eilv.
Klla Gannyaw, public stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
('. I,. Minikin nf IWflnnil
ing his regular rail on valh
('. II. fursou of Hed Hluff is visit
iii!f in Medford.
The. Nash flrill now sets a business
men's Inneh at noon for 35 cents.
II. II. wnilelienil ot Asllliiml was a
Medford visitor Thursday.
I ho roinmereial elnb met last eve
ning nnd discussed the band situa
tion at. length. A eonimillee consist
ing of A. 8. Knscnbn tun, F. Osen
brnggo and A. A. Davis was appoint
ed In eonfer with the bund boys to
see what ennld be done in the matter
of gelling a leader for the band.
Hoginuiug Saturday, the Nash Talc
will be open day and night. A first
elnss service in every respeel is
promised. 01
The Methodist Ilrolherhood gave a
very enjoyable entertainment last
evening, a well iirrmigcd program lie.
iiiLT rendered. '
Mrs. .7. if. Klownrl bus r,.Mr 1,
from an extended visit in California.1
Judge (Iporun T. Unlilwin and 1,. T. I
Willells of K l.lli.ll I II Falls left for!
their la inies mi Wednesday after n i
after attending the session of Ihn
Craler Lake mad eoiintiission. !
Beginning Saturday, 1 1 1 . - ush Car,.'
ill I pen day and nighl. A first -
clii-'S service in every respect is
promised. (it
. Carter of Ashland drove hi,
new Chalmei's-Deli'oit ".'In" to Med
ford Weil day. lie reports the
roads in fairly irood condition for
machines between Medl'ord nnd Ash
land. I''. M. Adams, the well known
rancher nf Willnw Springs, was in
Medford Wednesday on business.
The N'ash drill nnw sets u business
fcieu's lunch at noun for 35 cents.
.Mr.' and .Mrs. W. K. flnrle arc
spending some lime in Portland with
Mr. and Mrs. l. . Harris hve
reliirned from an extended wedding1
trip to the east.
Ilcginning Saturday, the Nash Cafe
will be open day and night. A first
class service in every respect is
promised. lit
On and be convinced. 50
Ilolbronk W'ithingtnii visited the
thriving little city of fluid Hill
The. Nash Grill now sets a business
men's lunch at noon for 35 cents.
Properly owners ure warned bv
the police department Ui keep a strict
watch of their propcrtv, as several
burglaries have been at tempted with
in the past fciv days. Night Watch
man (trophy got four shots at a man
Wednesday evening', but did not land
Phone your orders for sweet cream
or buttermilk to the creamery.
Superintendent Chipman of the
Warren Construction company, who
has superintended the paving work in
ibis city, has been ordered to the
Willamette valley again. His
friends regret bis departure.
Don't lot the cloudy weather make
yon have tho blues, Cheer up mid go
to hear the "Chimes of Nnrmandv"
tonight at the npern house. nil
William MeMurray, general pus
sender agent nf the Southern Pacific.
accompanied by William D. Wells.
Pacific northwest niiinnger of the
Sunset Magazine, passed north last
night on No. Hi, slopping long
enough, however, to iiinuire of Med-
The Nash Grill now sets a business
men's lunch at noon for 35 cents.
T. K. O'Hri lately of Ohio, is
working oi f the telegraph tricks
at the Southern Pacific depot. Mr.
O'Hrien succeeds Mcrdcl Law, who
has been assigned to a northern sta
Don't allow yourself to slight the
chance of a lifetime in hearing the
"Cliiines nf N'oriaatidy" at Hie opera
house tonight.
lomes In From Roseburo and Un
burdens Himself Regarding the
Situation There.
At the X.i -,h C. I,. Moi,sUI,
Willi i; ardy, Portland: II. .1.
S.-llacllcr. Seattle; M. P. Colli ,
San Francisco: C. IT. Carson. ,-ed
lilul't'; I!. II. Whitehead. Ashland: F.
I.'. Williams. Xew York.
At the Moore -tieorire II. Mnrri-
- Aberdeen: T. Irvine, Portland:
-''li' C. Iladhini, San Francisco ; It.
I. Mulders, city: 'I'honias Hawkes,
Portland; Frank Suialilon, Seattle;.!.
I.. Vclsnn. Colorado Springs; (ienrge
Portland: Flii
: I.. II. Miiianl. i
, fluid Hill: .1 C.
Te-ter. Itoslon:
ity; W.
A. Wall
(rants Pas
P. Weshwcll
Chicago; .1.
C. Lewis. Fa run; W. ,f. Pnrlcrfiebl.
r'nrgo; Arthur F. Siugninu. Snern
inento; W. II. I lamnmiid. Sail Frnii-
Prol'it from experience of others
and see the "Chimes of Norma inly"
at the opera house toninht. ."it)
Marriage Licenses.
Karl li. Ho
el (oiliiard.
-lor and Laura Margar-
A weary. bedraggled druiinner with i
chastened expression was assisted
If the southbound passenger train
this morning by a porter with a eom-
lexion like the leg of n grand piano.
Instead of jauntily throwing his
grips into the languid hands of a ho
tel runner, and then asking where
the mayor took lunch, the drummer
staggered with bis grips to the shel
ler of the eaves of the depot, and
then teetered back nnd forth on his
feet as one about to take flight to
the giddy heights of the realms of the
whichless whence.
'Smaltcr?" asked an alert news
The drummer w inced, as though be
expected a blow or u telegram from
I he house asking what he did with
that last $100 expense, nnd then he
showed a disposition to grab the
Jacksonville "express" which was
trying to sneak out of town with its'
tail between it's loirs.
The local, however, divined bis in
tention, and. laying its ears against
its neck, beat him to it. j
Then the drummer replied, with a
builder': "Koseburg!"
"Wliiil nils Koseburg?" was ile
um nded.
Clutching the reporter by the coat '
Inpcl a la ancient Mariner, and de
manding if he was "a friend." the
drummer delivered his sorrows thus:
"Tlin'."i that town. why. man. It's
uncanny. There's a Sabbath kiiiiel j
pervades the place that makes it look
like the graveyard just after the
wreaths have been hung on the b M,l.
-' f Willie's berth. Why they
don't yet up there until ! a. n, and
in a barber shop I saw a sign Walk
in': then just beside it was another.
Open at 11 ::
"The business men open sessions
for :c-, ni i-in-r a I b of chewing
:nin with prayer; the autos won't
spark alter four miles an hour: Hie
women with red hair wear yellows
veils: the hotel clerks hop bells and
help the Chinese i k with Hie dinner '.
order: the road engines don't whistle
within a mile of town: the switch
men don't swear; the cigars won't
burn: there's moss growing on the !
steps of t.he jail: the newspaper re
prints from i he last semi-weekly edi
tion of the Oregoiiian.
"(Mi. 's awful," and the drummer
wept a, moment while the news sleuth
held his head.
An' then." he continued, "I u't a
man I thought was u hostler to carrv
my grips back to the station, an"
I nearly got :I0 days. He was the
tusiicc of the pence. The only thing
n li vo ihere are the roses. Thev are
Invest ?" Suburban
$10 a month will secure you ONE
of the lots in Walnut Park Addition
These lots are located on West Seventh street
just beyond a point where proposed paving and
cement sidewalks will end.
1 hey are very large in size, being 60x125 feet,
with 60-foot street and 20foot alley.
The price is only $250. a lot, at the rate of
$4.1 1 a front foot, 35c a square foot, which you
realize is very cheap for such property.
The terms are $25 down and $10 a month.
The future value of these lots is apparent.
4 O'CLOCK. '
Selling Agents
s synoica
Rogue River Valley
win on the graves of a bunch
bunch uf white-whiskered old
wrecks laid away like faded lives
iu entier. vv y, aim acre lie gave
way to emotion and spirits frumcn
li again. "I ordered ham and, and
the waiter gave me back 10 cents
change. I ran for the depot for fear
I might lose my mind and buy the
town with the other dollar 1 had.
"Itoseburg is the pcaccfullcsl town
south of heaven,'' and the drummer
was assisted to a sent where he i Id
ponder upon the monumental folly
of trying In peddle "gnods" to a
coi-pse. lie looked like a bright drlm
tncr. Inn.
Special Dinners.
The Nnsh Grill now makes a spe
cialty of banquets, wedding break
fusts and dinners, and special feasts
of all kinds. Private dining rooms
for special occasions. No better
service between Portland nnd San
('.'out iiiue I frcui page 1.)
dune any work and yet fulfilling
Road Should Be Natural.
The rnadwny should appear as
easiest and most natural
i ii-
pioiica in uie puini to lie arrived at
nnd showing as little evidence us pos
sible of grading and embankments,
its graceful curves .should result
j from the necessity of avoiding some
liieguiarny oi ground, water or trees,
mid over iis entire length it should
afford varied and interesting views
for those who traverse it.
"I'rom what T have stated it would
appear that if the best possible re
sult is desired to be obtained for the
mnking of this ('niter f.ake road, the
work of the 'scenic engineer' should
precede thnl of the construction en
gineer, anil that after the selection
of the route, thev should collaborate
i no ueiaus 01 colistruelloii.'
nit- .
Building 6 General Hardware MSBST J
" Standard Makes at the Right Prices.
Plumbing' 6 Sheet Metal Work SrirJt
be Satisfactory
SlimiTIPr NpPPtfiPC Refrigerators, Gasoline Stoves, and up-to-date Ranges
JUiiiml nCbEaaiUCa The Very Best Manufactured and Most Popular. Every-
thing in the Hardware Line