edford Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAE. MEDFORD, OREUON, MONDAY, MAY 24, 1909. No. 56. M A CLEANUP DAY: GET BUSY-YOU Every Resident of City Is Requested to Make His Property More Presentable by Cleaning , Out the Rubbish. WAR TO BITTER END WILL BE WAGED ON ALL FILTH Paved Streets, Green Lawns and Clean Yards All Essential in Progressive Cities. Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25, is clean-up day in Medford. Kvery resident is requested to rake tip his yard, clean up the accumulat ed rubbish and notify the street com missioner or t lie city recorder, and it will be carted away. Some weeks ago May or Tamm an i lit' u need the date, and since then there has been a general cleaning np. "Not once pile of rubbish left" is the may or's request, and every citizen having the community's interest and health at heart is hastening to respond. ' War has been declared upon ash heaps, tin can adornments, filth of ajl Kinds, and miscellaneous rubbish -r-nll must go, in order to. make Med ford attractive to those living here as well asfprospeetivc residents. Paved streets, green lawns afid clean yards arc nil essential in a progressive city and only the uu progressive will fuil to elenn up his home. , POPULAR MED FORD WOMAN NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH What might havu been a fatal ac cident was only averted by great prseence of mind when, on Sundnv, Mrs. Fred Colvig, a popular member of Med ford's social set, while fishing on Rogue river, misled her footing and was precipitated into (he stream. The current at this place was swift ami I In; channel Marrow. Ilnd she endeavored to fight it she would have been exhaused and no doubt swept away. Ueali.iug instantly her posi tion, she allowed the current to enrry her down stream until she found foot ing njHin some rocks, from which vnn tage point she gained the shore. Had she exhausted her strength in a futile effort in the swifter current she would not have lutd the strength which later earned her safely to the hank. She has ipiite reeovered from the .shock and now only laughs at her narrow escape. MISS HALL TEACHING ! IN CITY OF MEXICO The many friends of .Miss Pearl Mali, well known in the fuller, will iuJrVresled in the following news item from ii daily of (lie Citv of Mex- up icy : i"Iunn all or a part of the vaca tion of the American school. Miss Ptlarl Hall, a well known teacher he re. will conduct elasM'r- at the id building on Calle Imliistrin ii,"). b.iitrd of manager- having uiveii peiini i"!t lo ii -c ihe school din',', but h:iiiiir no rc-pim-ibilitv the work. ArranuetiKMit-. lor the entrance of s -ho'iii! Ik- nmde directly- with - Hall, who will be at the school Mi from ! to I' o'clock this mornimr. to morrow ,md Friday. "The fir-l M-iiu .f ihe school will (-pen .Monday. May V Marriaye Licenses. Jcddie Clark to KUie Vamey. The Nah Grill now et a business men's lunch at noon for 3." cents. CRATER LAKE IS THEME AT MERRY BANQUET BOARD Crater Lake Company Gives Elabo rate and Well Appointed Banquet to Its Invited , Guests. WITTY SPEECHES, MUSIC AND FEASTING ENLIVEN EVENING Advantages of Crater Lake as Rev enue Producer Placed Before the Local People. Willi willy speeches, kcmij; anil feasting, llu seventh anniversary of the creation of the Crater Lake nu- I titinal park, the appointment of the ! Crater hake road commission by Qov i ernor Benson and the successful ter ! munition of the campaign for the nee i essary funds with which to build a ! boulevard from Jackson county ; through to Klamath Falls by way "f j fritter Lake, were observed at a bmi ; iptcl given on Saturday evening by the Crater Lake company to their in t vilcd quests. From early in the cve I uinjr unlil the wee sinu' hours a most pleasant time was bed. Crater Lake, 'the I heme of the evening, was dis cussed from every possible point of view, the evening bringing more clear- ly Hum ever lielmc the assembled guests what this greatest of scenic attractions will mean when once properly made accessible. Banquet Elaborate. The huge grill loom of the Nash was especially prepared for the oc casion aud Mine Host Johnson cer- , tniuly did his part in the mosl ac- j ! ccptnble manner. The room was i tastefully decorated, while the long) table round which the merry ban -1 ipictcrs gathered, displayed the at-1 most taste of the caterer's art. An elaborate menu was discussed aud its innay numbers were prepared in j llle most delicious manner. The bun- ! epiel was probably the most elaborate ! and most elegantly appointed of any! Inat has ever been served in Ibis city. Another of Ibe pleasing features of the evening was the music by the ii. .....f..:.... i 'i'i... i ' . , , , . , . ' i 'loudly applauded as thev tied into ' ,. ' 11 , , , . ' , , the room to takel their places audi , , ., , 1 were toasted by the baiiuueters. I hey rendered several numbers in their ex ceptionally clever style. Crater Lake Discussed. The various speakers of the e ve ning spoke ol varied matter nectinn with Crater Luke. in eou- Will 0 I Steel as president of Ihe Crater Lake company presided as toastmaster aud ojicued the evening by telling how he, as a barefoot boy, first heard of n sunken lake in Oregon. Me was on his way to school and in a newspaper in winch was wrapped his lunch lie found a pa raiTaph telling of the sir-i ken lake. The pa rantph had stayed will) hint, and alter he had reached Oregon be he-fan lo look for the lake. For a l"iiu' period he could find no one in Port land who knew of the lake, hut he finally ran across the man who mentioned Crater Lake a- o?-ihly bein it. Mr. Swl t)wn told of hi xi-it 1.. the lake for Ihe fir-1 linte a ml how he had h orked to have it made a national park. lie told nf liniv that wa- nccon pli-h. d and (!' ihe event- that has followed it. An imeie-tiiiL' detail was hmwjM ' out when he exhibited a pen which" ihe president ued to .-ign ihe pnc- , lamalioti creating the par'i and whirh " had been ti-ed lo si-ru the inviiatmn-j fo ihe banne(. ! First Peach Eater Present. fne of the une-t tnlere'-tiiiir of thp I - 1 M'ftiitinuod on nge 8.) NO CANDY BOOTHS ON FAIR GROUNDS ALLOTTED STATES Attorney General Crawford Advises Oregon Commission That Ex- position Authorities Have No Such Rights. WASHINGTON WILL SHUT VENDORS OUT LIKEWISE Meeting to Be Held This Afternoon to Decide Matter Regarding Ap- pearance of State Grounds. SKATTLK Wash., May '24. A con ference will be held this afternoon between the Kxhibitors club, which was organ i.ed yesterday, aud the de partment of public works of the ex position in an effort to adjust the defferenees regarding the placing of selling booths on the ground of the Oregon, California and other build ings. The members of the Washing ton commission today went on record us occupying the same position taken by the Oregon commission by dedar-; ing that no candy booths can be plac ed on the grounds of the Washington state building. The governor aud sec retary of stale have notified (heir1 commission that they luive their sup-' j port in the mailer. Attorney General Crawford of Ore gon arrived here today tmd advised the Oregon commission that the expo sition authorities have no right to erect booths on the grounds assign ed lo the state. CELEBRATED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN MEDF0RO Tfioimis Iliiwkes, n landscape ar chitect of Chiengo, is visiting Mcd ford, Mr. Ilawkes spoke before the Crater Lake road commission Satur day, lie is highly recommended by C. A. McArlhur, secretary to (io cinor Hensnn, speaker of the last leg islature, who writes as follows: "Mr. Ilawkes is a well known land scape architect audis desiiolts of of- i feriii!' his services to l he Cnller Lake i road commission: lie has few equals and no superiors in his chosen pro- fession. Hi; designed the. famous ... , - . , ... , . , Sheridan drive on Lake Michigan lust ,. ,' . north ot the eitv ol Chicago, and his ,. , , n re famous. I ail vocal e lii respect fit! consideration at the hands of the Cintcr Lake road enmmi-sion, and in doing so have only the general wel fare of Ihe Mule at heort. in my de- ,n vl' commission secure the best possible services, mid obtain the best results from the monev invest ed." JUDGE CANON UNITES JACKSONVILLE COUPLE Mayor Canon is coming into de mand as a fasicner of marriage lies'. . "flic I'loMin of the firsl couple he unit ed brought anolhcr happy pair to be I wedded Saturday. May 'JJ. hN own marriage having resulted -4) happily. The bride of Saturday was Mis- Klsie : Yancey, and the t:roora .b'dilie Clark. ' iJolh are from the vieinitv of Jock- LATE LOCAL NEWS. A !nr'.;e. number of local fishermen pe.-t ' und -pei 1 Sunday ON llogiu l-ivr with vnrving luek. ;.-.p;i- iVordcan a- a n the nn- U.i on the Hogne Sunduy. reuniting Mj)h a ji,,,. eatch f fMilllimnN. p. K. ilus-ey and family and J. V. Dressier spent Sundov at On Id linv. j,1 "(,ionci p. L. Ton Veiled "uifif berry U beeomiiiff famous. Snturdnj 's Tnlegram had an extended write up of Ihe local Luther Burbank. HENEY ASKED TO TAKE CHARGE OF HERMANN TRIAL . Wickersham Has Requested the San ! Francisco Prosecutor to Take Up Work Again in Oregon i in Near Future. HENEY HAS NOT AS YET MADE HIS DECISION Wickersham Believes That Heney Is Logical Man to Take Up Work Started Years Ago. SAN KHANCISCO, Oil., Muy 24. It was learned today Unit Attorney General Wickersliain has linked Fran cis J. Heney to again go to Oregon mid take charge of Hie prosecution of Dinger Hermann in the famous land fraud cases. Mr. Heney slated today (hat he was us yet undecided as to whether he would lake the work up or not. . Wickersluim's request is said lo be based upon his belief that Heney in more fully conversaul with the case than any oilier agent in the employ of the government. AUTO PARTY MAKES GOOD TIME, PORTLAND TO FRISCO M. A. Popplclou, secretary of the .. Portland Seed company, in company with .Airs. Poppleton and H. R. Pop pleton and wife, who recently passed through this city on their way from Portland to San Francisco by auto : mobile, have arrived in that city. The jtrip look a week aud the 78. miles j were covered without a mishap of any serious character. The party is now making a tour through the stale ,o' California and is headed toward the border line. This itinerary will lake them into Mexico. ' Leaving Portland, the parly look ihe west side of the Willamette river aud drove to Oregon City. Fairly good roads were encountered through Sa i lem, Fiii iron e and Uoseburg to Myrtle .Creek. From (here lo Grants Pass J they are very rough. The main road ! was traversed three miles west of ;Geudalc. From there to Kdgewood ; via Med ford aud Montague good ! roads were traveled again. Near Sis ; son six or'cighl fords were crossed, bill Ihe party got. through in good , shape. To Shasta and Duusmuir the i roads were reported to be the best on (he trip. From fluusmuir to Iteddiug J flay and heavy mud was encountered : through which il was ahnoM iuipossi- j hie lo (ravel, After leaving Keddhijr ' Ihe pa rly u as favored with irond roads (he remainder id' the disiauee. CAPITALISTS ASK FOR ELECTRIC ROAD FRANCHISE .1. H. Soiiiuiers and Jacob Haas of Marshfield have applied lo Ihe Doug las count v court for a franchise to construct an electric line in Oouglas eounly. The propo-cd Mm U to run from Coos Itay to Ifo-ehurj:. Inking in (he various -mnl! lown- and thickly sellled valleys nn the way. and from Ro-eburg lo ihe Koui-ias eounly line a Diamond Lake. The promoters are siippu-ed to be backed by Portland eapitali-l-. The road is to be of -tandard L'auee. A ii ! t in v hi'ld on ln-l Suliir dny by the Itot'iii- Kimt f "ii n hi utr '. :ii'ir;lti:p foTiipimy. wliirli u;iu ri'-i-ftitly inr-fti ioniti'il with n f;iiital -t.ik of 1 0.(1(1(1. Th.' olTi.'iT cliM-t-'! jh-c : V. ('. U'iton. jirf-idont : Wil limn Fridi'ci', i'i'-ircM'd,iil : h. V. fiziiT, sccHMniy und iminn:.'(;r. mid N. .1. 'il'V. Ircaiirfr. Ij. C. Xiirrpiran of K.ajrlc 1'oint wiim a iTi-pni visitor in Medford. ACTUAL WORK ON P. SE. ROAD HAS STARTED J. G. Rogers and Engineer Beveridge Have Charge of the Work Survey Crew Started and . Grading Under Way. ALLEN WILL SOON VISIT THIS CITY IN PERSON Men in Charge of Work Both Old Hands at Building Railroads Work to Be Hurried. ' 1 Actual construction work on the extension of the Pacific & KuKtorn began at Kagle Point Monday under the direction of J. G, lingers and Kn- iniieer V T tteeuvi.l.n. ...Ill K ; charge of construction and engine.or j ing for the new owner, J. H, Allen, -pending the hitler's arrival. Mr. Rog ers is an old time railroad builder and contractor aud was formerly uh Kociated with Mr. Allen in Northern Pacific construction days. Mr. Rev eridge was engineer on the North Rank line and will have charge of the engineering end until representatives of Mr. Allen nrrire. A Htirvey crew was started Monday to work on construction engineering, the preliminary aud location surveys having already been completed. Grad ers were also put to work upon Ibe extension of the roadbed from the present terminus. EAGLE POINT WINS FROM MEDFORD II., SCORE 7-5 The Med ford second team journey ed to Kagle Point on Sunduy and were defeated by the cose score of 7 lo 5. t'util Ihe fourth inning no scores were made, and llien while Medford was off on a little air -hip jaunt the ICiig lets pal sir run! ers over Ihe plate. Medford decided lo come back, and diil so with four runs. In (he sev en! Ii Kagle Point obtained another run. This was duplicated by Medford in Ihe eighlh. In Ihe ninth inning wild a man on second and one on 1 lii nl, L. Heveridgc hit a liner about . leu feel in the air. AsliHic, itje Fa-' gle Point second-sackcr. stretched , himself aud will his hare hand nailed' Ihe fly that should have won Med-1 ford the game. Itudie SliolU was the star player of (he day. and handled himself in his usual nifty manner. The Imys iave a return game a rianneil for Medford next Sunday, bul Ibis ut'l propably have (o be called off, as Sunday is Decoration day and baseball cannot be played thai day. in this stale. HENEY'S "FRIENDS" WANT HIM OFF U. S. PAYROLL The Washington Tinier rccoutly printed a torv that an cl't'orl is ! in;; inaiti' by ont-mirs of Knincis J. Il-liry lo rhirji him t, fiirthi'r I'oin ponsation from the I'-dcral icovcni ini'iil. 'I'lho s,,ry add- thai it .-nidi pffort he inadr. ii v ill have to he jiiviMl ciiiisidcnition. inasiiiiicli as lie. j ni'V has dcotcd mosi nf ,j. imo lali'ly to ;ui lr;i iu-i-i'.i im-c, in jwhiidi iho itixoriiiii.-nt is not lawfully ililrr.'stcd. Thn Tilnc-s , tal,-s thai ; I li'iiev'.s ciicinirs arc nial.ini: it ap Ipi'iir hi' has Inc" din-iii; pay from ; tin' payroll .,f Spr,- i;, l and oilier ; resilient of Sei f':"' . . eireo. New Cases. J. ft. Wood vs. W. W. fliveoiy: ae tioii to recover money. Porler .. Veff. riltorney for plaintiff. Ifiehard Iteswlek m. M. It. Kiiipw hary: aelioii lo recover money. F. T). Mripiffl, nllorney for plninliff. COMMITTEE HAS PASSED BUCK TO ENTIREjENATE Refuses to Report on Lumber Rates as Passed by the House Senate Will Decide ' the Matter. INDICATIONS FAVOR TARIFF OF $1.50 ON ROUGH LUMBER Committee Was Disposed to Make Concessions Regarding Finished Lumber Considering Matter. WAS1IINOTON, My 24.-Tlio son Hlo (Miiiiiiiitleo loiluv (ImimiIimI mil in "Iuuikc ihu In mli(r niliiH uk pussud u.V win liouKii, bill ilvlunnliiud to kmva lliu iiiallnr Id lln Hi-mild hhii wholu. Tin- wiiiilf will (leciclc uhnlluT it mIiohW bo trve or tuxiul $1, $1.i"i0 or 2 11 llioiiRimd i'eot. lndii-iitioiiH fnvor it tnx of 1.60 on miiBli luinlior. The coniinittoo is dia IiohoiI to iiuike uiiiKifrtsioiis lcnrding I'ini.'-liud luiiibur. BIG TRACT OF LAND IS OPENED TO ENTRY 1'ioMideiil Tuft has iHKiicil n proc lainalimi providing for opiiiiing up for sutllerni'iil and entrv of ala.nl 44H nnn aori'H of land in Ibe Klulbond, Mont.,' JdlMHHI "i Hie Coonr dAlene, lduho, und belwpcn ,ri0,()00 mid 100,000 in the .Spokane, WiihIi., roHerviilioiiH. Iii'i.'isllali..n. which nniHl commniii'u on July l. and How Anjiin l "i, nniHl he pxoeiiled and xworn lo lit cither Kalispell or Miss. iiila. Monl., for the b'lalhead lands; al Spokane for Ihe Spokane bind and at I'oeur d'Alene for Ihe lands in'llie ('. I'Alene res. I'rvation. Appliealions for rofjislrn- tlon nillst lie delivered lliroinih Ihe mails only lo the siinerinleiidenl of Ihe opening al Coenr d'Alene whieh will be llle prineipal in Ihe drnwilij; for all Ihree reservallons. The draw hf! will heein at o , ,. .i,Kiist II mid continue until eoinpleleil. Tile lime for inakinji the dies has I, , lived as April 1(1. 1(110, fr all res ervations in order I-. e inhle llle sue eessfnl applieants to toal.e personal invesiiLr,iii, f . IhikU whieh will he siihjeel lo enl ry. DEATH REAPS HARVEST IN BEVERIDGE FAMILY I'ealb Iris laiil a heavy hand upon icIiiMm s of .Mr. an' Mm. W. 'I'. Itev erid'je. who have lost four relatives in (he pawl four ',.i;s, wilh two more lip. in their death heils. Mrs. liever ide left for Salt l.al.e Siindny. beini; ealled there by Ihe dealh of her llliele, Morgan .Moieao. end I lie pr,, liable fil ial illness of her inoihe". Mrs. Mary Medium, who wns visiiinj! her hrolh er. (Ilher relnlives wlm died reeently wi-re Marry Medium (.f retalnmii. un ci.' of Mi's. I!cveriil.'e ; Cameron 11. Kin of Alameda, former Hondi Kill er mid eaplaiti io the I'htlinoiiies. a eniisin ol feMr. erid.'e, and Lew Itarlon orf Aliii.-i'.la. an.. I Ii.t ensin, killed a t'i.l'lni"ht a'.'.. ll eleel rieily. A H-lcr ol Mr. lieM.r'nle is Ills., se- rion-l.v ill and nol cpc.-i.-.l t.. re duce 1,,'lolc ll.'lllll esi in a In jet" spa. aipeil a har 111111.11 Mr. Heveriih.'e's family. Hi mother's .l"alh Mas followed hy th.,se ..I' two "llier laenJiel's ol' the !; ail . the thi'.c pa-siM.. .mjy v.i'llill llll'ee weeks. .1. W. Wiley has hcen sii,.inr a consideralile iliiioiinf of wool from Medford recently. K. W. ('ardor i in Toi'tlnad on n shorf biiKiiifooi (rip.